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2019-03-26 03:40:37 +01:00
package me.ryandw11.ultrachat.api;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor;
* Language file
public enum Lang {
NO_PERM("no-perm", "&cYou do not have permission for this command!"),
ERROR_CHANNEL_ENABLED("error-channel-enabled", "&cError: Chat channels are not enabled on this server!"),
ERROR_CHANNEL_USAGE("error-channel-usage", "&cError: Use /channel {channel}!"),
CHANNEL_JSON_HOVER("channel-json-hover", "&5Click to join the channel!"),
CHAT_STOP_OFF("chat-stop-off", "&eThe chat has been &2Enabled &eby:&5 %p&e!"),
CHAT_STOP_ON("chat-stop-on", "&eThe chat has been &4disabled &eby:&5 %p&e!"),
BROADCAST_PREFIX("broadcast-prefix", "&7[&4UltraChat&7] "),
CHAT_CLEAR("chat-clear", "&3The chat has been cleared by &9%p&3!"),
CONFIG_RELOAD("config-reload", "&aThe config has been reloaded!"),
CHAT_CMD_NOT_VALID("chat-cmd-not-valid", "&cThat is not a valid command. Do /chat help for help!"),
CMD_SPY_ON("cmd-spy-on", "&bCommand Spy Enabled!"),
CMD_SPY_OFF("cmd-spy-off", "&bCommand Spy Disabled!"),
OTH_CMD_SPY_ON("oth-cmd-spy-on", "&a%p&b''s command spy has been enabled!"),
OTH_CMD_SPY_OFF("oth-cmd-spy-off", "&a%p&b''s command spy has ben disabled!"),
STAFF_CHAT_ON("staff-chat-on", "&dStaff chat has been enabled!"),
STAFF_CHAT_OFF("staff-chat-off", "&dStaff chat has been disabled!"),
STAFF_CHAT_FORMAT("staff-chat-format", "&7[&dStaff Chat&7] &9%p: &3%s"),
COLOR_GUI("color-gui", "&aChat Color"),
SILENT_JOIN_MESSAGE("silent-join-message", "%p &7has joined the game silently!"),
SILENT_LEAVE_MESSAGE("silent-leave-message", "%p &7has left the game silently!"),
NO_SWEAR("no-swear", "&cSwearing is not allowed on this server!"),
MENTION("mention", "&aSomeone has mentioned you!"),
CMD_SPY_FORMAT("cmd-spy-format", "&3[&6CommandSpy&3]&b %p: &3%s"),
STOP_CHAT_MESSAGE("stop-chat-message", "&cThe chat is currently not active."),
CONSOLE_CHAT_LOG("console-chat-log", "%p: %s"),
CHAT_UNSTOP_PERSONAL("chat-unstop-personal", "&2Chat Unstopped"),
CHAT_STOP_PERSONAL("chat-stop-personal", "&2Chat Stopped"),
SJOIN_SHOWN("sjoin-shown", "&bYour Join/Leave message will now be shown!"),
SJOIN_HIDE("sjoin-hide", "&bYour Join/Leave message will no longer be shown!"),
SJOIN_OTHER_SHOW("sjoin-other-show", "&b%p Join/Leave message will now be shown!"),
SJOIN_OTHER_HIDE("sjoin-other-hide", "&b%p Join/Leave message will no longer be shown!"),
HELP_PAGE_ERROR("help-page-error", "&cThere are only two help pages!");
2019-03-26 03:40:37 +01:00
private String path;
private String def;
private static YamlConfiguration LANG;
* Lang enum constructor.
* @param path The string path.
* @param start The default string.
Lang(String path, String start) {
this.path = path;
this.def = start;
* @param config The config to set.
public static void setFile(YamlConfiguration config) {
LANG = config;
public String toString() {
return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', LANG.getString(this.path, def));
public String toDefaultString(){
return LANG.getString(this.path, def);
* Get the default value of the path.
* @return The default value of the path.
public String getDefault() {
return this.def;
* Get the path to the string.
* @return The path to the string.
public String getPath() {
return this.path;