#---------------------------------------------------------------------# # UltraChat # # Channels # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# # #Channel name {Note: it is better pratice to use lowercase} # #Notice: Turn the server off then edit ths config! # global: #Channel prefix. prefix: '&a[Global]&r' #Channel permission, Use none for no permission. permission: 'none' #Messages from this channel will always appear no matter what channel the player is in. always_appear: false #This is the chat format ***Note the channel prefix is added by default. #The format support components from the config.yml. See the Normal Chat for an example. format: '%prefix% %player% %suffix%&7>> ' #Example Channel: vip: prefix: '&a[&6VIP&a]&r' permission: 'channel.vip' always_appear: false format: '%prefix% %player% %suffix%&7>> '