name: UltraChat version: 2.3.2 main: me.ryandw11.ultrachat.UltraChat author: Ryandw11 description: A chat formatting plugin. depend: [Vault, PlaceholderAPI] softdepend: [AdvancedBan, Essentials] api-version: 1.13 commands: chat: description: The main command for the plugin. aliases: [UltraChat, uchat, ultrac, uc] sc: description: The staff chat command. aliases: [Staffchat, schat, staffc] sctoggle: description: Toggle the staff chat from showing up. aliases: [StaffchatToggle, schattoggle, staffct, sct] spy: description: See commands that other players type. aliases: [spycmd, cmds, uspy, ucspy] color: description: Change your chat color. aliases: [ccolor, chatcolor, uchatcolor, uccolor, chat color] channel: description: Change the channel you are using or display the help. aliases: [chan, cn, ch] global: description: Used when using range chat! aliases: [g, gl, ug] world: description: Used when using range chat! aliases: [w, wo, uw]