VIAaaS --- VIAaaS - ViaVersion ~~acetylsalicylic acid~~ as a Service - Standalone ViaVersion proxy How to use: (similar to tor to web proxies) Parts: - ``````: backend server address - ```_p```: backend port - ```_v```: backend version (protocol id or name with underline instead of dots) - ```_o```: true to force online mode in frontend, false to disable online mode in frontend. if not set, it will be based on backend online mode. - ```_u```: username to use in backend connection - ``````: hostname suffix (defined in config) Default Minecraft: viaaas.localhost with port 25565 Default WS URL: wss://localhost:25543/ws - VIAaaS auth page is designed for storing accounts in the player's browser local storage. It requires a CORS Proxy for calling Mojang APIs, which may make Mojang see that as suspicious and reset/block your account password if the IP address is suspect. - There are some information about Mojang password resetting: and - VIAaaS may have security vulnerabilities, make sure to block the ports in firewall and take care of browser local storage. Download: (needs to be logged into GitHub) Requires Java 11 How to start VIAaaS server: - ```java -jar VIAaaS-all.jar``` Usage for offline mode: - Connect to Usage for online mode: - You can use two accounts (avoids Bad Login error), the same account for front-end and back-end connections or use ```_ofalse``` (offline mode in frontend, not encrypted). - You should set up a CORS Proxy (something like, ```git clone && cd cors-anywhere && npm install && node server.js```) on the machine you are using the VIAaaS authenticator webpage. - Go to VIAaaS auth webpage (https://localhost:25543/), configure the CORS Proxy URL (something like http://localhost:8080/, note the ending slash) and listen to the username A that you're using to connect to the proxy. - Add the account B you'll use in ```_u``` parameter to browser auth page. - Connect to ``` B).viaaas.localhost``` (```_u(account B)``` parameter can be removed if you are using the same account) - Approve the login in auth webpage - Minecraft client will give Bad Login after you approve the login in your browser if you are using the same account. You can use for reauthenticate the client. ## WARNING VIAaaS may trigger anti-cheats, due to block, item, movement and other differences between versions. USE AT OWN RISK ## FAQ VIAaaS is stuck when connecting with online mode: - Your system may have low entropy, see