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synced 2025-02-06 23:41:29 +01:00
Merge pull request #342 from Marenwynn/master
Update lib and economy plugin class for full bank support.
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -31,264 +31,327 @@ import org.bukkit.event.server.PluginDisableEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.server.PluginEnableEvent;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import com.gmail.mirelatrue.xpbank.API;
import com.gmail.mirelatrue.xpbank.Account;
import com.gmail.mirelatrue.xpbank.GroupBank;
import com.gmail.mirelatrue.xpbank.XPBank;
public class Economy_XPBank implements Economy {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
private final String name = "XPBank";
private Plugin plugin = null;
private XPBank XPB = null;
private final String name = "XPBank";
private Plugin plugin = null;
private XPBank XPB = null;
private API api = null;
public Economy_XPBank(Plugin plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new EconomyServerListener(this), plugin);
// Load Plugin in case it was loaded before
if (XPB == null) {
Plugin economy = plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("XPBank");
if (economy != null && economy.isEnabled()) {
XPB = (XPBank) economy;
log.info(String.format("[%s][Economy] %s hooked.", plugin.getDescription().getName(), name));
public Economy_XPBank (Plugin plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new EconomyServerListener(this), plugin);
public class EconomyServerListener implements Listener {
Economy_XPBank economy = null;
// Load Plugin in case it was loaded before
if (XPB == null) {
Plugin economy = plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("XPBank");
if (economy != null && economy.isEnabled()) {
XPB = (XPBank) economy;
api = XPB.getAPI();
log.info(String.format("[%s][Economy] %s hooked.", plugin.getDescription().getName(), name));
public EconomyServerListener(Economy_XPBank economy_XPBank) {
this.economy = economy_XPBank;
public class EconomyServerListener implements Listener {
Economy_XPBank economy = null;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPluginEnable(PluginEnableEvent event) {
if (economy.XPB == null) {
Plugin eco = plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("XPBank");
public EconomyServerListener (Economy_XPBank economy_XPBank) {
this.economy = economy_XPBank;
if (eco != null && eco.isEnabled()) {
economy.XPB = (XPBank) eco;
log.info(String.format("[%s][Economy] %s hooked.", plugin.getDescription().getName(), economy.name));
@EventHandler (priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPluginEnable (PluginEnableEvent event) {
if (economy.XPB == null) {
Plugin eco = plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("XPBank");
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPluginDisable(PluginDisableEvent event) {
if (economy.XPB != null) {
if (event.getPlugin().getDescription().getName().equals("XPBank")) {
economy.XPB = null;
log.info(String.format("[%s][Economy] %s unhooked.", plugin.getDescription().getName(), economy.name));
if (eco != null && eco.isEnabled()) {
economy.XPB = (XPBank) eco;
api = XPB.getAPI();
log.info(String.format("[%s][Economy] %s hooked.", plugin.getDescription().getName(), economy.name));
public boolean isEnabled() {
return this.XPB != null;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String format(double amount) {
return String.format("%d %s", (int) amount, XPBank.currencyName);
public String currencyNamePlural() {
return XPBank.currencyName;
public String currencyNameSingular() {
return XPBank.currencyName;
public double getBalance(String playerName) {
return XPB.getBalance(playerName);
public boolean has(String playerName, double amount) {
if (XPB.getBalance(playerName) >= (int) amount) { return true; }
return false;
public EconomyResponse withdrawPlayer(String playerName, double amount) {
if (!XPB.playerExists(playerName)) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, "Player doesn't exist");
int value = (int) amount;
int balance = XPB.getBalance(playerName);
if (value < 1) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, "Amount must be greater than zero");
if (value > balance) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, String.format("Insufficient %s", XPBank.currencyName));
XPB.addToBalance(playerName, -value);
return new EconomyResponse(value, balance - value, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse depositPlayer(String playerName, double amount) {
if (!XPB.playerExists(playerName)) {
// Stupid plugins that use fake players without creating them first...
// return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, "Player doesn't exist");
int value = (int) amount;
int balance = XPB.getBalance(playerName);
if (value < 1) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, "Amount must be greater than zero");
XPB.addToBalance(playerName, value);
return new EconomyResponse(value, balance + value, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse createBank(String name, String player) {
if (XPB.bankExists(name)) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, XPB.getBankBalance(name), ResponseType.FAILURE, "That account already exists");
Boolean created = XPB.addBank(name);
if (!created) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, "There was an error creating the account");
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse deleteBank(String name) {
if (!XPB.bankExists(name)) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, "There is no account with that name");
Boolean deleted = XPB.deleteBank(name);
if (!deleted) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, "There was an error deleting the account");
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse bankHas(String name, double amount) {
if (!XPB.bankExists(name)) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, "There is no account with that name");
int balance = XPB.getBankBalance(name);
if (balance >= (int) amount) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, String.format("The account does not have that much %s", XPBank.currencyName));
public EconomyResponse bankWithdraw(String name, double amount) {
if (!XPB.bankExists(name)) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, "There is no account with that name");
int value = (int) amount;
int balance = XPB.getBankBalance(name);
if (value < 1) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, "Amount must be greater than zero");
if (value > balance) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, String.format("Insufficient %s", XPBank.currencyName));
XPB.addToBankBalance(name, -value);
return new EconomyResponse(value, balance - value, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse bankDeposit(String name, double amount) {
if (!XPB.bankExists(name)) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, "There is no account with that name");
int value = (int) amount;
int balance = XPB.getBankBalance(name);
if (value < 1) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, "Amount must be greater than zero");
XPB.addToBankBalance(name, value);
return new EconomyResponse(value, balance + value, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse isBankOwner(String name, String playerName) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "XPBank does not support assigning bank owners");
public EconomyResponse isBankMember(String name, String playerName) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "XPBank does not support assigning bank members");
public EconomyResponse bankBalance(String name) {
if (!XPB.bankExists(name)) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, "There is no account with that name");
return new EconomyResponse(0, XPB.getBankBalance(name), ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public List<String> getBanks() {
return XPB.getBanks();
public boolean hasBankSupport() {
return true;
public boolean hasAccount(String playerName) {
return XPB.playerExists(playerName);
public boolean createPlayerAccount(String playerName) {
return XPB.addPlayer(playerName);
@EventHandler (priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onPluginDisable (PluginDisableEvent event) {
if (economy.XPB != null) {
if (event.getPlugin().getDescription().getName().equals("XPBank")) {
economy.XPB = null;
log.info(String.format("[%s][Economy] %s unhooked.", plugin.getDescription().getName(), economy.name));
public int fractionalDigits() {
public boolean isEnabled () {
return this.XPB != null;
public String getName () {
return name;
public boolean hasBankSupport () {
return true;
public int fractionalDigits () {
return 0;
public String format (double amount) {
return String.format("%d %s", (int) amount, api.currencyName((int) amount));
public String currencyNamePlural () {
return api.getMsg("CurrencyNamePlural");
public String currencyNameSingular () {
return api.getMsg("currencyName");
public boolean hasAccount (String playerName) {
Account account = api.getAccount(playerName);
if (account != null) {
return true;
return false;
public double getBalance (String playerName) {
Account account = api.getAccount(playerName);
return account.getBalance();
public boolean has (String playerName, double amount) {
Account account = api.getAccount(playerName);
if (account.getBalance() >= (int) amount) {
return true;
return false;
public EconomyResponse withdrawPlayer (String playerName, double amount) {
Account account = api.getAccount(playerName);
if (account == null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("Player doesn't exist."));
int value = (int) amount;
int balance = account.getBalance();
if (value < 1) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("LessThanZero"));
if (value > balance) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, String.format(api.getMsg("InsufficientXP"), api.currencyName(value)));
return new EconomyResponse(value, balance - value, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse depositPlayer (String playerName, double amount) {
Account account = api.getAccount(playerName);
if (account == null) {
// Stupid plugins that use fake players without creating them first...
// return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, "Player doesn't exist");
int value = (int) amount;
int balance = account.getBalance();
if (value < 1) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("LessThanZero"));
return new EconomyResponse(value, balance + value, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse createBank (String name, String player) {
GroupBank groupBank = api.getGroupBank(name);
if (groupBank != null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, groupBank.getBalance(), ResponseType.FAILURE, String.format(api.getMsg("GroupBankExists"), name));
Account account = api.getAccount(player);
groupBank = api.createGroupBank(name, account);
return new EconomyResponse(0, groupBank.getBalance(), ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse deleteBank (String name) {
GroupBank groupBank = api.getGroupBank(name);
if (groupBank == null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("GroupBankNotExists"));
api.deleteGroupBank(groupBank, String.format(api.getMsg("Disbanded"), groupBank.getName()));
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse bankBalance (String name) {
GroupBank groupBank = api.getGroupBank(name);
if (groupBank == null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("GroupBankNotExists"));
return new EconomyResponse(0, groupBank.getBalance(), ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse bankHas (String name, double amount) {
GroupBank groupBank = api.getGroupBank(name);
if (groupBank == null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("GroupBankNotExists"));
int value = (int) amount;
int balance = groupBank.getBalance();
if (balance >= value) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, String.format(api.getMsg("InsufficientXP"), api.currencyName(value)));
public EconomyResponse bankWithdraw (String name, double amount) {
GroupBank groupBank = api.getGroupBank(name);
if (groupBank == null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("GroupBankNotExists"));
int value = (int) amount;
int balance = groupBank.getBalance();
if (value < 1) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("LessThanZero"));
if (value > balance) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, String.format(api.getMsg("InsufficientXP"), api.currencyName(value)));
return new EconomyResponse(value, balance - value, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse bankDeposit (String name, double amount) {
GroupBank groupBank = api.getGroupBank(name);
if (groupBank == null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("GroupBankNotExists"));
int value = (int) amount;
int balance = groupBank.getBalance();
if (value < 1) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, balance, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("LessThanZero"));
return new EconomyResponse(value, balance + value, ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
public EconomyResponse isBankOwner (String name, String playerName) {
GroupBank groupBank = api.getGroupBank(name);
if (groupBank == null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("GroupBankNotExists"));
Account account = api.getAccount(name);
if (account == null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, groupBank.getBalance(), ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("PlayerNotExist"));
if (groupBank.getOwner().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, groupBank.getBalance(), ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
return new EconomyResponse(0, groupBank.getBalance(), ResponseType.FAILURE, String.format(api.getMsg("PlayerNotOwner"), account.getName(), groupBank.getName()));
public EconomyResponse isBankMember (String name, String playerName) {
GroupBank groupBank = api.getGroupBank(name);
if (groupBank == null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, 0, ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("GroupBankNotExists"));
Account account = api.getAccount(name);
if (account == null) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, groupBank.getBalance(), ResponseType.FAILURE, api.getMsg("PlayerNotExist"));
if (groupBank.groupMembers.getMembers().containsKey(playerName)) {
return new EconomyResponse(0, groupBank.getBalance(), ResponseType.SUCCESS, null);
return new EconomyResponse(0, groupBank.getBalance(), ResponseType.FAILURE, String.format(api.getMsg("NotAMemberOf"), groupBank.getName(), account.getName()));
public List<String> getBanks () {
return api.getAllGroupBanks();
public boolean createPlayerAccount (String playerName) {
return true;
Reference in New Issue
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