import plugins { id("java") id("net.minecrell.licenser") version "0.4.1" id("fabric-loom") version "0.5-SNAPSHOT" id("com.palantir.git-version") version "0.12.0-rc2" id("com.matthewprenger.cursegradle") version "1.4.0" id("maven-publish") } group = "com.github.creeper123123321.viafabric" val gitVersion: groovy.lang.Closure by extra val versionDetails: groovy.lang.Closure by extra val travisBranch: String? = System.getenv("TRAVIS_BRANCH") // version details doesn't work on travis val branch = if (!travisBranch.isNullOrBlank()) travisBranch else try { versionDetails().branchName } catch (e: Exception) { "unknown" } version = "0.3.1-SNAPSHOT+" + try { gitVersion() + "-" + branch } catch (e: Exception) { "unknown" } extra.set("archivesBaseName", "ViaFabric") description = "Client-side and server-side ViaVersion implementation for Fabric" repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() jcenter() maven(url = "") maven(url = "") maven(url = "") maven(url = "") maven(url = "") maven(url = "") } tasks.named("processResources") { filesMatching("fabric.mod.json") { filter("tokens" to mapOf( "version" to"version"), "description" to"description") )) } } dependencies { // transitive = false because Guava is conflicting on runClient implementation("us.myles:viaversion:3.2.1") { isTransitive = false } include("us.myles:viaversion:3.2.1") implementation("org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.26") include("org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.26") // Use 1.14.4 release, probably intermediary will make it work on snapshots // minecraft("com.mojang:minecraft:1.14.4") mappings("net.fabricmc:yarn:1.14.4+build.16:v2") modImplementation("net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:0.8.2+build.194") modImplementation("net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.13.1+build.257-1.14") modImplementation("io.github.prospector:modmenu:") modImplementation("io.github.cottonmc:cotton-client-commands:1.0.0+1.15.2") include("io.github.cottonmc:cotton-client-commands:1.0.0+1.15.2") } if (!System.getenv()["curse_api_key"].isNullOrBlank() && branch.startsWith("mc-")) { defaultTasks("clean", "build", "curseforge") } else { defaultTasks("clean", "build") } curseforge { apiKey = System.getenv()["curse_api_key"] ?: "undefined" project(closureOf { id = "391298" changelog = "A changelog can be found at" releaseType = "alpha" addGameVersion("Java 8") if (branch != "mc-1.8") { addGameVersion("Java 9") addGameVersion("Java 10") } when (branch) { "mc-1.8" -> listOf("1.8.9") "mc-1.14" -> listOf("1.14", "1.14.1", "1.14.2", "1.14.3", "1.14.4") "mc-1.15" -> listOf("1.15", "1.15.1", "1.15.2") "mc-1.16" -> listOf("1.16", "1.16.1", "1.16.2", "1.16.3", "1.16.4", "1.16.5") "mc-1.17" -> listOf("1.17") else -> emptyList() }.forEach { addGameVersion(it) } addGameVersion("Fabric") mainArtifact(file("${project.buildDir}/libs/${project.base.archivesBaseName}-${project.version}.jar"), closureOf { relations(closureOf { if (branch == "mc-1.8") { requiredDependency("legacy-fabric-api") } else { requiredDependency("fabric-api") embeddedLibrary("cotton-client-commands") } }) displayName = "[$branch] ViaFabric ${project.version}" }) afterEvaluate { uploadTask.dependsOn("remapJar") } }) options(closureOf { forgeGradleIntegration = false }) } minecraft { accessWidener("src/main/resources/viafabric.accesswidener") } license { include("**/*.java") } tasks.jar { from("LICENSE") } tasks.withType { // ensure that the encoding is set to UTF-8, no matter what the system default is // this fixes some edge cases with special characters not displaying correctly // see // If Javadoc is generated, this must be specified in that task too. options.encoding = "UTF-8" // The Minecraft launcher currently installs Java 8 for users, so your mod probably wants to target Java 8 too // JDK 9 introduced a new way of specifying this that will make sure no newer classes or methods are used. // We'll use that if it's available, but otherwise we'll use the older option. val targetVersion = 8 if (JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible) { options.release.set(targetVersion) } else { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.toVersion(targetVersion).toString() targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.toVersion(targetVersion).toString() } } java { withSourcesJar() } // configure the maven publication publishing { publications { create("maven") { // add all the jars that should be included when publishing to maven artifact(tasks.getByName("remapJar")) { builtBy(tasks.getByName("remapJar")) } artifact(tasks.getByName("sourcesJar")) { builtBy(tasks.getByName("remapSourcesJar")) } } } // select the repositories you want to publish to repositories { // uncomment to publish to the local maven // mavenLocal() } }