Client-side and server-side ViaVersion implementation for Fabric
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2020-08-05 07:51:27 -03:00
.github grammar, use ViaVersion 3.1.0-1.16.2-pre1, reenable travis cache 2020-08-04 08:15:51 -03:00
gradle/wrapper update gradlew and workaround building 2020-06-25 16:58:32 -03:00
src/main grammar, use ViaVersion 3.1.0-1.16.2-pre1, reenable travis cache 2020-08-04 08:15:51 -03:00
.gitattributes ViaRift first commit 2018-10-07 08:57:03 -03:00
.gitignore ViaRift first commit 2018-10-07 08:57:03 -03:00
.travis.yml grammar, use ViaVersion 3.1.0-1.16.2-pre1, reenable travis cache 2020-08-04 08:15:51 -03:00
build.gradle.kts update readme, try to use cursegradle 2020-08-05 07:51:27 -03:00 [ci skip] update gradle and use G1GC 2019-05-03 15:22:00 -03:00
gradlew update dependencies 2020-04-13 14:27:30 -03:00
gradlew.bat update gradlew and workaround building 2020-06-25 16:58:32 -03:00
LICENSE Update license 2018-10-07 08:58:30 -03:00 update readme, try to use cursegradle 2020-08-05 07:51:27 -03:00
settings.gradle Ported to fabric 2019-01-05 19:30:41 -02:00


Travis Build Status ViaVersion Discord CurseForge Downloads CurseForge Versions

Client-side and server-side ViaVersion implementation for Fabric

Allows the connection to/from different Minecraft versions on your Minecraft client/server (LAN worlds too)

This mod supports 1.8.9 (in mc-1.8 branch), 1.14.4/1.15.2 (in mc-1.14-1.15 branch) and 1.16.x/snapshots (in mc-1.16 branch) with Fabric Loader. Check the Minecraft version in file name when downloading from CurseForge/GitHub Releases.

Note: ViaVersion is designed for Vanilla Minecraft servers. It probably will not work with modded registry entries or registry synchronization (fabric-registry-sync mod).

1.14+ Dependencies:

Dependency Download
ViaVersion 3.0.2+
Fabric Textures v0
Fabric Resource Loader v0
Fabric Command API v1
(Bundled) Cotton Client Commands

1.8.9 Dependencies:

Dependency Download
ViaVersion 3.0.2+
Fabric Commands v0
Fabric Events Lifecycle v0
Fabric Resource Loader v0

With ViaVersion:

  • your server can accept newer versions
  • your client can connect to older versions

Adding ViaBackwards (and optionally ViaRewind):

  • your server can accept older versions
  • your client can connect to newer versions

What versions can ViaVersion, ViaBackwards and ViaRewind translate?:

  • Server-side: Graph with ViaVersion supported versions
  • Client-side:
Your Client 1.8.x 1.9.x 1.10-1.14.4 1.15.x 1.16.x

✓ = ViaVersion ⟲ = ViaBackwards = ViaRewind

Can ViaVersion, ViaBackwards and ViaRewind support snapshots?:


  • There're 3 server-side alias /viaversion, /vvfabric and /viaver, and a client-side command /viafabricclient for Minecraft 1.14+ (OP permission level 3 is required for these commands, received by Entity Status Packet)


  • ViaVersion configuration is available at .minecraft/config/viafabric/viaversion.yml
  • ViaFabric configuration is at .minecraft/config/viafabric/viafabric.yml

Alternatives to this mod:

  • ClientViaVersion: This discontinued client-side plugin for The 5zig Mod implemented ViaVersion, ViaBackwards and ViaRewind for 1.7.10, 1.8.9, 1.12 and 1.12.2 clients, allowing them to connect to 1.7-1.12.2 servers. It also had a protocol translation for 1.7 servers, which there's an updated version at (unsupported).
  • multiconnect: This client-side Fabric mod does also accept older protocols and fixes some differences between versions, which ViaFabric doesn't. Currently, it goes down to 1.10. (2020-06-23)
  • Protocol4: This LiteLoader client-side mod allows your 1.7.10 client to connect to 1.7.x servers.
  • ProtocolSupport: This Bukkit plugin allows clients to connect from older versions (down to 1.4.7).
  • ViaVersion: ViaVersion can run as a plugin for BungeeCord, CraftBukkit, SpongeCommon and Velocity servers.

How can I disable client-side ViaFabric?:

  • You can disable it by resetting the anti-cheat warning in config file or by setting protocol version to -1

Does it work with multiconnect at same time on client?:

  • Yes, ViaFabric can be used with multiconnect. ViaFabric will set multiconnect version auto detector to the supported version which is closest to client-side version.
  • Example of setups:
  • (1.8 server) <-> (disabled ViaFabric) <-> (auto detected 1.8 server - multiconnect on Minecraft) = doesn't work because multiconnect doesn't support it
  • (1.8 server) <-> (forced 1.8 - ViaFabric in client - suggests 1.10) <-> (detected 1.10 server - multiconnect on Minecraft) = works, with ViaVersion translating 1.8 -> 1.10 and multiconnect accepting 1.10
  • (1.8 server) <-> (forced 1.8 - ViaFabric in client - detected 1.12.2 client) <-> (forced 1.12.2 server - multiconnect on Minecraft) = works with ViaVersion translating 1.8 -> 1.12.2 and multiconnect accepting 1.12.2


I cannot guarantee that this mod is allowed on every (or even any) server. This mod may cause problems with anti cheat plugins. USE AT OWN RISK