| ChangeProtocolVersionCallback | Called when the user changes the target version in the screen, or if you connect to a server for which a specific version has been selected, you disconnect, the event for the actual version is also called. |
| FinishMinecraftLoadCallback | Called when Minecraft is finished with loading all its components |
| FinishViaLoadingBaseStartupCallback | Called when ViaLoadingBase and Via* is loaded and ready to use |
| InitializeSettingsCallback | Called after the default setting groups are loaded and before the setting config is loaded |
| LoadClassicProtocolExtensionCallback | Called when the classic server sends the protocol extensions (only in **c0.30 CPE**) |
| PreLoadCallback | Called before everything (Pre-pre load) |
final ProtocolRange range = ItemReleaseVersionDefinition.INSTANCE.getItemMap().get(Items.WRITABLE_BOOK); // If an item does not appear in the item map, it has always existed
// The Range class then contains all versions in which the item occurs.
// You can find out how the Range class works in the ViaLoadingBase README.