--FLORIAN MICHAEL PRIVATE LICENCE v1.2-- This file / project is protected and is the intellectual property of Florian Michael (aka. EnZaXD), any use (be it private or public, be it copying or using for own use, be it publishing or modifying) of this file / project is prohibited. It requires in that use a written permission with official signature of the owner "Florian Michael". "Florian Michael" receives the right to control and manage this file / project. This right is not cancelled by copying or removing the license and in case of violation a criminal consequence is to be expected. The owner "Florian Michael" is free to change this license. The creator assumes no responsibility for any infringements that have arisen, are arising or will arise from this project / file. Changelog: v1.0: Added License v1.1: Ownership withdrawn v1.2: Version-independent validity and automatic renewal