# Why?
ViaFabricPlus is supposed to be an alternative to [multiconnect](https://github.com/Earthcomputer/multiconnect) that offers more compactness and more clientside improvements,
as ViaFabricPlus implements all Via platforms (ViaVersion, ViaBackwards, ViaLegacy, ViaAprilFools, ViaBedrock) and adds tons of clientside fixes and QoL improvements like old rendering for all platforms.
## History
ViaFabricPlus has been around since 2019, but it was never a standalone mod, it was always part of my utility mods, most recently it was in a project with several devs, since development ended I decided to release it as a standalone mod.
# For developers and translators
Contributions in the form of pull requests are always welcome, please just stick to my code style and make sure your code is easy to update and compatible with other mods.
### Translations
Translations for other languages are always welcome, in **~/resources/assets/viafabricplus/lang** you can find all translations,