package us.myles.ViaVersion.api.protocol; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.PacketWrapper; import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.Via; import; import; import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.platform.providers.ViaProviders; import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.remapper.PacketRemapper; import us.myles.ViaVersion.exception.CancelException; import us.myles.ViaVersion.exception.InformativeException; import us.myles.ViaVersion.packets.Direction; import us.myles.ViaVersion.packets.State; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * Abstract protocol class handling packet transformation between two protocol versions. * Clientbound and serverbount packet types can be set to enforce correct usage of them. * * @param old clientbound packet types * @param new clientbound packet types * @param old serverbound packet types * @param new serverbound packet types * @see SimpleProtocol for a helper class if you do not want to define any of the types above */ public abstract class Protocol { private final Map incoming = new HashMap<>(); private final Map outgoing = new HashMap<>(); private final Map storedObjects = new HashMap<>(); // currently only used for MetadataRewriters protected final Class oldClientboundPacketEnum; protected final Class newClientboundPacketEnum; protected final Class oldServerboundPacketEnum; protected final Class newServerboundPacketEnum; protected Protocol() { this(null, null, null, null); } /** * Creates a protocol with automated id mapping if the respective enums are not null. */ protected Protocol(@Nullable Class oldClientboundPacketEnum, @Nullable Class clientboundPacketEnum, @Nullable Class oldServerboundPacketEnum, @Nullable Class serverboundPacketEnum) { this.oldClientboundPacketEnum = oldClientboundPacketEnum; this.newClientboundPacketEnum = clientboundPacketEnum; this.oldServerboundPacketEnum = oldServerboundPacketEnum; this.newServerboundPacketEnum = serverboundPacketEnum; registerPackets(); // Register the rest of the ids with no handlers if necessary if (oldClientboundPacketEnum != null && clientboundPacketEnum != null && oldClientboundPacketEnum != clientboundPacketEnum) { registerOutgoingChannelIdChanges(); } if (oldServerboundPacketEnum != null && serverboundPacketEnum != null && oldServerboundPacketEnum != serverboundPacketEnum) { registerIncomingChannelIdChanges(); } } protected void registerOutgoingChannelIdChanges() { ClientboundPacketType[] newConstants = newClientboundPacketEnum.getEnumConstants(); Map newClientboundPackets = new HashMap<>(newConstants.length); for (ClientboundPacketType newConstant : newConstants) { newClientboundPackets.put(, newConstant); } for (ClientboundPacketType packet : oldClientboundPacketEnum.getEnumConstants()) { ClientboundPacketType mappedPacket = newClientboundPackets.get(; int oldId = packet.ordinal(); if (mappedPacket == null) { // Packet doesn't exist on new client Preconditions.checkArgument(hasRegisteredOutgoing(State.PLAY, oldId), "Packet " + packet + " in " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " has no mapping - it needs to be manually cancelled or remapped!"); continue; } int newId = mappedPacket.ordinal(); if (!hasRegisteredOutgoing(State.PLAY, oldId)) { registerOutgoing(State.PLAY, oldId, newId); } } } protected void registerIncomingChannelIdChanges() { ServerboundPacketType[] oldConstants = oldServerboundPacketEnum.getEnumConstants(); Map oldServerboundConstants = new HashMap<>(oldConstants.length); for (ServerboundPacketType oldConstant : oldConstants) { oldServerboundConstants.put(, oldConstant); } for (ServerboundPacketType packet : newServerboundPacketEnum.getEnumConstants()) { ServerboundPacketType mappedPacket = oldServerboundConstants.get(; int newId = packet.ordinal(); if (mappedPacket == null) { // Packet doesn't exist on old server Preconditions.checkArgument(hasRegisteredIncoming(State.PLAY, newId), "Packet " + packet + " in " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " has no mapping - it needs to be manually cancelled or remapped!"); continue; } int oldId = mappedPacket.ordinal(); if (!hasRegisteredIncoming(State.PLAY, newId)) { registerIncoming(State.PLAY, oldId, newId); } } } /** * Should this protocol filter an object packet from this class. * Default: false * * @param packetClass The class of the current input * @return True if it should handle the filtering */ public boolean isFiltered(Class packetClass) { return false; } /** * Filter a packet into the output * * @param info The current user connection * @param packet The input packet as an object (NMS) * @param output The list to put the object into. * @throws Exception Throws exception if cancelled / error. */ protected void filterPacket(UserConnection info, Object packet, List output) throws Exception { output.add(packet); } /** * Register the packets for this protocol. To be overriden. */ protected void registerPackets() { } /** * Loads the mappingdata. */ protected final void loadMappingData() { getMappingData().load(); onMappingDataLoaded(); } /** * Called after {@link #loadMappingData()} is called; load extra mapping data for the protocol. *

* To be overridden if needed. */ protected void onMappingDataLoaded() { } /** * Handle protocol registration phase, use this to register providers / tasks. *

* To be overridden if needed. * * @param providers The current providers */ protected void register(ViaProviders providers) { } /** * Initialise a user for this protocol setting up objects. * /!\ WARNING - May be called more than once in a single {@link UserConnection} *

* To be overridden if needed. * * @param userConnection The user to initialise */ public void init(UserConnection userConnection) { } /** * Register an incoming packet, with simple id transformation. * * @param state The state which the packet is sent in. * @param oldPacketID The old packet ID * @param newPacketID The new packet ID */ public void registerIncoming(State state, int oldPacketID, int newPacketID) { registerIncoming(state, oldPacketID, newPacketID, null); } /** * Register an incoming packet, with id transformation and remapper. * * @param state The state which the packet is sent in. * @param oldPacketID The old packet ID * @param newPacketID The new packet ID * @param packetRemapper The remapper to use for the packet */ public void registerIncoming(State state, int oldPacketID, int newPacketID, PacketRemapper packetRemapper) { registerIncoming(state, oldPacketID, newPacketID, packetRemapper, false); } public void registerIncoming(State state, int oldPacketID, int newPacketID, PacketRemapper packetRemapper, boolean override) { ProtocolPacket protocolPacket = new ProtocolPacket(state, oldPacketID, newPacketID, packetRemapper); Packet packet = new Packet(state, newPacketID); if (!override && incoming.containsKey(packet)) { Via.getPlatform().getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, packet + " already registered!" + " If this override is intentional, set override to true. Stacktrace: ", new Exception()); } incoming.put(packet, protocolPacket); } public void cancelIncoming(State state, int oldPacketID, int newPacketID) { registerIncoming(state, oldPacketID, newPacketID, new PacketRemapper() { @Override public void registerMap() { handler(PacketWrapper::cancel); } }); } public void cancelIncoming(State state, int newPacketID) { cancelIncoming(state, -1, newPacketID); } /** * Register an outgoing packet, with simple id transformation. * * @param state The state which the packet is sent in. * @param oldPacketID The old packet ID * @param newPacketID The new packet ID */ public void registerOutgoing(State state, int oldPacketID, int newPacketID) { registerOutgoing(state, oldPacketID, newPacketID, null); } /** * Register an outgoing packet, with id transformation and remapper. * * @param state The state which the packet is sent in. * @param oldPacketID The old packet ID * @param newPacketID The new packet ID * @param packetRemapper The remapper to use for the packet */ public void registerOutgoing(State state, int oldPacketID, int newPacketID, PacketRemapper packetRemapper) { registerOutgoing(state, oldPacketID, newPacketID, packetRemapper, false); } public void cancelOutgoing(State state, int oldPacketID, int newPacketID) { registerOutgoing(state, oldPacketID, newPacketID, new PacketRemapper() { @Override public void registerMap() { handler(PacketWrapper::cancel); } }); } public void cancelOutgoing(State state, int oldPacketID) { cancelOutgoing(state, oldPacketID, -1); } public void registerOutgoing(State state, int oldPacketID, int newPacketID, PacketRemapper packetRemapper, boolean override) { ProtocolPacket protocolPacket = new ProtocolPacket(state, oldPacketID, newPacketID, packetRemapper); Packet packet = new Packet(state, oldPacketID); if (!override && outgoing.containsKey(packet)) { Via.getPlatform().getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, packet + " already registered!" + " If override is intentional, set override to true. Stacktrace: ", new Exception()); } outgoing.put(packet, protocolPacket); } /** * Registers an outgoing protocol and automatically maps it to the new id. * * @param packetType clientbound packet type the server sends * @param packetRemapper remapper */ public void registerOutgoing(C1 packetType, @Nullable PacketRemapper packetRemapper) { checkPacketType(packetType, packetType.getClass() == oldClientboundPacketEnum); ClientboundPacketType mappedPacket = oldClientboundPacketEnum == newClientboundPacketEnum ? packetType : ->; Preconditions.checkNotNull(mappedPacket, "Packet type " + packetType + " in " + packetType.getClass().getSimpleName() + " could not be automatically mapped!"); int oldId = packetType.ordinal(); int newId = mappedPacket.ordinal(); registerOutgoing(State.PLAY, oldId, newId, packetRemapper); } /** * Registers an outgoing protocol. * * @param packetType clientbound packet type the server initially sends * @param mappedPacketType clientbound packet type after transforming for the client * @param packetRemapper remapper */ public void registerOutgoing(C1 packetType, @Nullable C2 mappedPacketType, @Nullable PacketRemapper packetRemapper) { checkPacketType(packetType, packetType.getClass() == oldClientboundPacketEnum); checkPacketType(mappedPacketType, mappedPacketType == null || mappedPacketType.getClass() == newClientboundPacketEnum); registerOutgoing(State.PLAY, packetType.ordinal(), mappedPacketType != null ? mappedPacketType.ordinal() : -1, packetRemapper); } /** * Maps a packet type to another packet type without a packet handler. * Note that this should not be called for simple channel mappings of the same packet; this is already done automatically. * * @param packetType clientbound packet type the server initially sends * @param mappedPacketType clientbound packet type after transforming for the client */ public void registerOutgoing(C1 packetType, @Nullable C2 mappedPacketType) { registerOutgoing(packetType, mappedPacketType, null); } public void cancelOutgoing(C1 packetType) { cancelOutgoing(State.PLAY, packetType.ordinal(), packetType.ordinal()); } /** * Registers an incoming protocol and automatically maps it to the server's id. * * @param packetType serverbound packet type the client sends * @param packetRemapper remapper */ public void registerIncoming(S2 packetType, @Nullable PacketRemapper packetRemapper) { checkPacketType(packetType, packetType.getClass() == newServerboundPacketEnum); ServerboundPacketType mappedPacket = oldServerboundPacketEnum == newServerboundPacketEnum ? packetType : ->; Preconditions.checkNotNull(mappedPacket, "Packet type " + packetType + " in " + packetType.getClass().getSimpleName() + " could not be automatically mapped!"); int oldId = mappedPacket.ordinal(); int newId = packetType.ordinal(); registerIncoming(State.PLAY, oldId, newId, packetRemapper); } /** * Registers an incoming protocol. * * @param packetType serverbound packet type initially sent by the client * @param mappedPacketType serverbound packet type after transforming for the server * @param packetRemapper remapper */ public void registerIncoming(S2 packetType, @Nullable S1 mappedPacketType, @Nullable PacketRemapper packetRemapper) { checkPacketType(packetType, packetType.getClass() == newServerboundPacketEnum); checkPacketType(mappedPacketType, mappedPacketType == null || mappedPacketType.getClass() == oldServerboundPacketEnum); registerIncoming(State.PLAY, mappedPacketType != null ? mappedPacketType.ordinal() : -1, packetType.ordinal(), packetRemapper); } public void cancelIncoming(S2 packetType) { Preconditions.checkArgument(packetType.getClass() == newServerboundPacketEnum); cancelIncoming(State.PLAY, -1, packetType.ordinal()); } /** * Checks if an outgoing packet has already been registered. * * @param state state which the packet is sent in * @param oldPacketID old packet ID * @return true if already registered */ public boolean hasRegisteredOutgoing(State state, int oldPacketID) { Packet packet = new Packet(state, oldPacketID); return outgoing.containsKey(packet); } /** * Checks if an incoming packet has already been registered. * * @param state state which the packet is sent in * @param newPacketId packet ID * @return true if already registered */ public boolean hasRegisteredIncoming(State state, int newPacketId) { Packet packet = new Packet(state, newPacketId); return incoming.containsKey(packet); } /** * Transform a packet using this protocol * * @param direction The direction the packet is going in * @param state The current protocol state * @param packetWrapper The packet wrapper to transform * @throws Exception Throws exception if it fails to transform */ public void transform(Direction direction, State state, PacketWrapper packetWrapper) throws Exception { Packet statePacket = new Packet(state, packetWrapper.getId()); Map packetMap = (direction == Direction.OUTGOING ? outgoing : incoming); ProtocolPacket protocolPacket = packetMap.get(statePacket); if (protocolPacket == null) { return; } // Write packet id int oldId = packetWrapper.getId(); int newId = direction == Direction.OUTGOING ? protocolPacket.getNewID() : protocolPacket.getOldID(); packetWrapper.setId(newId); PacketRemapper remapper = protocolPacket.getRemapper(); if (remapper != null) { try { remapper.remap(packetWrapper); } catch (InformativeException e) { // Catch InformativeExceptions, pass through CancelExceptions throwRemapError(direction, state, oldId, newId, e); return; } if (packetWrapper.isCancelled()) { throw CancelException.generate(); } } } private void throwRemapError(Direction direction, State state, int oldId, int newId, InformativeException e) throws InformativeException { // Don't print errors during handshake if (state == State.HANDSHAKE) { throw e; } Class packetTypeClass = state == State.PLAY ? (direction == Direction.OUTGOING ? oldClientboundPacketEnum : newServerboundPacketEnum) : null; if (packetTypeClass != null) { PacketType[] enumConstants = packetTypeClass.getEnumConstants(); PacketType packetType = oldId < enumConstants.length && oldId >= 0 ? enumConstants[oldId] : null; Via.getPlatform().getLogger().warning("ERROR IN " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " IN REMAP OF " + packetType + " (" + toNiceHex(oldId) + ")"); } else { Via.getPlatform().getLogger().warning("ERROR IN " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " IN REMAP OF " + toNiceHex(oldId) + "->" + toNiceHex(newId)); } throw e; } private String toNiceHex(int id) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(id).toUpperCase(); return (hex.length() == 1 ? "0x0" : "0x") + hex; } /** * @param packetType packet type * @param isValid expression to check the packet's validity * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given expression is not met */ private void checkPacketType(PacketType packetType, boolean isValid) { if (!isValid) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Packet type " + packetType + " in " + packetType.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is taken from the wrong enum"); } } @Nullable public T get(Class objectClass) { return (T) storedObjects.get(objectClass); } public void put(Object object) { storedObjects.put(object.getClass(), object); } /** * Returns true if this Protocol's {@link #loadMappingData()} method should be called. *

* This does *not* necessarily mean that {@link #getMappingData()} is non-null, since this may be * overriden, depending on special cases. * * @return true if this Protocol's {@link #loadMappingData()} method should be called */ public boolean hasMappingDataToLoad() { return getMappingData() != null; } @Nullable public MappingData getMappingData() { return null; // Let the protocols hold the mappings to still have easy, static singleton access there } @Override public String toString() { return "Protocol:" + getClass().getSimpleName(); } public static class Packet { private final State state; private final int packetId; public Packet(State state, int packetId) { this.state = state; this.packetId = packetId; } public State getState() { return state; } public int getPacketId() { return packetId; } @Override public String toString() { return "Packet{" + "state=" + state + ", packetId=" + packetId + '}'; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Packet that = (Packet) o; return packetId == that.packetId && state == that.state; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = state != null ? state.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + packetId; return result; } } public static class ProtocolPacket { private final State state; private final int oldID; private final int newID; private final PacketRemapper remapper; public ProtocolPacket(State state, int oldID, int newID, @Nullable PacketRemapper remapper) { this.state = state; this.oldID = oldID; this.newID = newID; this.remapper = remapper; } public State getState() { return state; } public int getOldID() { return oldID; } public int getNewID() { return newID; } @Nullable public PacketRemapper getRemapper() { return remapper; } } }