package us.myles.ViaVersion.transformers; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import us.myles.ViaVersion.CancelException; import us.myles.ViaVersion.ConnectionInfo; import us.myles.ViaVersion.ViaVersionPlugin; import us.myles.ViaVersion.api.ViaVersion; import us.myles.ViaVersion.packets.PacketType; import us.myles.ViaVersion.packets.State; import us.myles.ViaVersion.slot.ItemSlotRewriter; import us.myles.ViaVersion.util.PacketUtil; import; public class IncomingTransformer { private final ConnectionInfo info; private boolean startedBlocking = false; public IncomingTransformer(ConnectionInfo info) { = info; } public void transform(int packetID, ByteBuf input, ByteBuf output) throws CancelException { PacketType packet = PacketType.getIncomingPacket(info.getState(), packetID); if (packet == null) { System.out.println("incoming packet not found " + packetID + " state: " + info.getState()); throw new RuntimeException("Incoming Packet not found? " + packetID + " State: " + info.getState() + " Version: " + info.getProtocol()); } int original = packetID; if (packet.getPacketID() != -1) { packetID = packet.getPacketID(); } if (ViaVersion.getInstance().isDebug()) { if (packet != PacketType.PLAY_PLAYER_POSITION_LOOK_REQUEST && packet != PacketType.PLAY_KEEP_ALIVE_REQUEST && packet != PacketType.PLAY_PLAYER_POSITION_REQUEST && packet != PacketType.PLAY_PLAYER_LOOK_REQUEST) { System.out.println("Direction " + packet.getDirection().name() + " Packet Type: " + packet + " New ID: " + packetID + " Original: " + original + " Size: " + input.readableBytes()); } } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_TP_CONFIRM || packet == PacketType.PLAY_VEHICLE_MOVE_REQUEST) { //TODO handle client-sided horse riding throw new CancelException(); } PacketUtil.writeVarInt(packetID, output); if (packet == PacketType.HANDSHAKE) { int protVer = PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); info.setProtocol(protVer); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(protVer <= 102 ? protVer : 47, output); // pretend to be older if (protVer <= 102) { // not 1.9, remove pipes info.setActive(false); } String serverAddress = PacketUtil.readString(input); PacketUtil.writeString(serverAddress, output); int serverPort = input.readUnsignedShort(); output.writeShort(serverPort); int nextState = PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(nextState, output); if (nextState == 1) { info.setState(State.STATUS); } if (nextState == 2) { info.setState(State.LOGIN); } return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_UPDATE_SIGN_REQUEST) { Long location = input.readLong(); output.writeLong(location); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { String line = PacketUtil.readString(input); line = OutgoingTransformer.fixJson(line); PacketUtil.writeString(line, output); } return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_TAB_COMPLETE_REQUEST) { String text = PacketUtil.readString(input); PacketUtil.writeString(text, output); input.readBoolean(); // assume command output.writeBytes(input); return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_PLAYER_DIGGING) { int status = input.readByte() & 0xFF; // unsign if (status == 5 && startedBlocking) { // stopped blocking startedBlocking = false; sendSecondHandItem(null); } if (status == 6) { // item swap throw new CancelException(); } output.writeByte(status); // write remaining bytes Long position = input.readLong(); output.writeLong(position); int face = input.readUnsignedByte(); output.writeByte(face); return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_HELD_ITEM_CHANGE_REQUEST) { if (startedBlocking) { // stopped blocking startedBlocking = false; sendSecondHandItem(null); } } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_CLICK_WINDOW) { // if placed in new slot, reject :) int windowID = input.readUnsignedByte(); short slot = input.readShort(); byte button = input.readByte(); short action = input.readShort(); int mode = input.readByte(); // if the action is on an elytra armour slot boolean throwItem = (slot == 45 && windowID == 0); if (info.getOpenWindow() != null && windowID > 0) { if (info.getOpenWindow().equals("minecraft:brewing_stand")) { if (slot == 4) { // throw throwItem = true; } if (slot > 4) slot = (short) (slot - 1); } } if (throwItem) { ByteBuf buf = info.getChannel().alloc().buffer(); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(PacketType.PLAY_SET_SLOT.getNewPacketID(), buf); buf.writeByte(windowID); buf.writeShort(slot); buf.writeShort(-1); // empty info.sendRawPacket(buf); // Continue the packet simulating throw mode = 0; button = 0; slot = -999; } output.writeByte(windowID); output.writeShort(slot); output.writeByte(button); output.writeShort(action); output.writeByte(mode); ItemSlotRewriter.rewrite1_9To1_8(input, output); return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_CLOSE_WINDOW_REQUEST) { info.closeWindow(); } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_CLIENT_SETTINGS) { String locale = PacketUtil.readString(input); PacketUtil.writeString(locale, output); byte view = input.readByte(); output.writeByte(view); int chatMode = PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); output.writeByte(chatMode); boolean chatColours = input.readBoolean(); output.writeBoolean(chatColours); short skinParts = input.readUnsignedByte(); output.writeByte(skinParts); PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_ANIMATION_REQUEST) { PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_ENTITY_ACTION) { int playerId = PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); int action = PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); int jump = PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); if (action == 6 || action == 8) //Ignore stop jumping / start elytra flying throw new CancelException(); if (action == 7) //Change open horse inventory to the 1.8 value action = 6; PacketUtil.writeVarInt(playerId, output); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(action, output); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(jump, output); return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_USE_ENTITY) { int target = PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(target, output); int type = PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(type, output); if (type == 2) { float targetX = input.readFloat(); output.writeFloat(targetX); float targetY = input.readFloat(); output.writeFloat(targetY); float targetZ = input.readFloat(); output.writeFloat(targetZ); } if (type == 0 || type == 2) { PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); } return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_PLUGIN_MESSAGE_REQUEST) { String name = PacketUtil.readString(input); PacketUtil.writeString(name, output); byte[] b = new byte[input.readableBytes()]; input.readBytes(b); // patch books switch (name) { case "MC|BSign": { ByteBuf in = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(b); try { ItemSlotRewriter.ItemStack stack = ItemSlotRewriter.readItemStack(in); if (stack != null) = (short) Material.WRITTEN_BOOK.getId(); // write ItemSlotRewriter.writeItemStack(stack, output); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; } case "MC|AutoCmd": { ByteBuf in = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(b); int x = in.readInt(); int y = in.readInt(); int z = in.readInt(); String command = PacketUtil.readString(in); boolean flag = in.readBoolean(); output.clear(); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(PacketType.PLAY_PLUGIN_MESSAGE_REQUEST.getPacketID(), output); PacketUtil.writeString("MC|AdvCdm", output); output.writeByte(0); output.writeInt(x); output.writeInt(y); output.writeInt(z); PacketUtil.writeString(command, output); output.writeBoolean(flag); return; } case "MC|AdvCmd": output.clear(); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(PacketType.PLAY_PLUGIN_MESSAGE_REQUEST.getPacketID(), output); PacketUtil.writeString("MC|AdvCdm", output); output.writeBytes(b); break; } output.writeBytes(b); } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_PLAYER_BLOCK_PLACEMENT) { Long position = input.readLong(); output.writeLong(position); int face = PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); output.writeByte(face); PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); ItemStack inHand = ViaVersionPlugin.getHandItem(info); try { ItemSlotRewriter.ItemStack item = ItemSlotRewriter.ItemStack.fromBukkit(inHand); ItemSlotRewriter.fixIdsFrom1_9To1_8(item); ItemSlotRewriter.writeItemStack(item, output); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } short curX = input.readUnsignedByte(); output.writeByte(curX); short curY = input.readUnsignedByte(); output.writeByte(curY); short curZ = input.readUnsignedByte(); output.writeByte(curZ); return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_USE_ITEM) { int hand = PacketUtil.readVarInt(input); output.clear(); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(PacketType.PLAY_PLAYER_BLOCK_PLACEMENT.getPacketID(), output); // Simulate using item :) output.writeLong(-1L); output.writeByte(255); // write item in hand ItemStack inHand = ViaVersionPlugin.getHandItem(info); if (inHand != null) { if (inHand.getType().name().endsWith("SWORD")) { // blocking? if (hand == 0) { if (!startedBlocking) { startedBlocking = true; ItemSlotRewriter.ItemStack shield = new ItemSlotRewriter.ItemStack(); = 442; shield.amount = 1; = 0; sendSecondHandItem(shield); } throw new CancelException(); } } } try { ItemSlotRewriter.ItemStack item = ItemSlotRewriter.ItemStack.fromBukkit(inHand); ItemSlotRewriter.fixIdsFrom1_9To1_8(item); ItemSlotRewriter.writeItemStack(item, output); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } output.writeByte(-1); output.writeByte(-1); output.writeByte(-1); return; } if (packet == PacketType.PLAY_CREATIVE_INVENTORY_ACTION) { short slot = input.readShort(); output.writeShort(slot); ItemSlotRewriter.rewrite1_9To1_8(input, output); } output.writeBytes(input); } private void sendSecondHandItem(ItemSlotRewriter.ItemStack o) { ByteBuf buf = info.getChannel().alloc().buffer(); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(PacketType.PLAY_ENTITY_EQUIPMENT.getNewPacketID(), buf); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(info.getEntityID(), buf); PacketUtil.writeVarInt(1, buf); // slot // write shield try { ItemSlotRewriter.writeItemStack(o, buf); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } info.sendRawPacket(buf); } }