package; import; import; import*; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentWrapper; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.Villager; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.EnchantmentStorageMeta; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class PlayerListener implements Listener { private static final Material[] MATERIALS = new Material[] { Material.IRON_HELMET, Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, Material.IRON_BOOTS, Material.BELL, Material.CHAINMAIL_HELMET, Material.CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE, Material.CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS, Material.CHAINMAIL_BOOTS, Material.SHIELD, Material.DIAMOND_HELMET, Material.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, Material.DIAMOND_LEGGINGS, Material.DIAMOND_BOOTS, Material.FILLED_MAP, Material.FISHING_ROD, Material.LEATHER_HELMET, Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, Material.LEATHER_HORSE_ARMOR, Material.SADDLE, Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK, Material.STONE_AXE, Material.STONE_SHOVEL, Material.STONE_PICKAXE, Material.STONE_HOE, Material.IRON_AXE, Material.IRON_SHOVEL, Material.IRON_PICKAXE, Material.DIAMOND_AXE, Material.DIAMOND_SHOVEL, Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, Material.DIAMOND_HOE, Material.IRON_SWORD, Material.DIAMOND_SWORD, Material.NETHERITE_AXE, Material.NETHERITE_HOE, Material.NETHERITE_PICKAXE, Material.NETHERITE_SHOVEL, Material.NETHERITE_SWORD, Material.NETHERITE_HELMET, Material.NETHERITE_CHESTPLATE, Material.NETHERITE_LEGGINGS, Material.NETHERITE_BOOTS }; private final VillagerTradeLimiter instance; public PlayerListener(VillagerTradeLimiter instance) { this.instance = instance; } @EventHandler public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEntityEvent event) { if(!(event.getRightClicked() instanceof Villager)) return; final Villager villager = (Villager)event.getRightClicked(); if(Util.isNPC(villager)) return; //Skips NPCs if(villager.getProfession() == Villager.Profession.NONE || villager.getProfession() == Villager.Profession.NITWIT) return; //Skips non-trading villagers if(villager.getRecipeCount() == 0) return; //Skips non-trading villagers //DisableTrading feature if(instance.getCfg().isBoolean("DisableTrading")) { if(instance.getCfg().getBoolean("DisableTrading", false)) { event.setCancelled(true); return; } } else { List disabledWorlds = instance.getCfg().getStringList("DisableTrading"); for(String world : disabledWorlds) { if(event.getPlayer().getWorld().getName().equals(world)) { event.setCancelled(true); return; } } } final Player player = event.getPlayer(); if(Util.isNPC(player)) return; //Skips NPCs this.hotv(player); this.setIngredients(villager); this.setData(villager); this.maxDiscount(villager, player); this.maxDemand(villager); } private void setIngredients(final Villager villager) { final ConfigurationSection overrides = instance.getCfg().getConfigurationSection("Overrides"); final NBTEntity villagerNBT = new NBTEntity(villager); NBTCompoundList recipes = villagerNBT.getCompound("Offers").getCompoundList("Recipes"); for (NBTCompound recipe : recipes) { if(overrides != null) { for(final String override : overrides.getKeys(false)) { final ConfigurationSection item = this.getItem(recipe, override); if(item != null) { if (item.contains("item-1-material")) recipe.getCompound("buy").setString("id", "minecraft:" + item.getString("item-1-material")); if (item.contains("item-2-material")) recipe.getCompound("buyB").setString("id", "minecraft:" + item.getString("item-2-material")); if (recipe.getCompound("buy").getString("id") != "minecraft:air" && item.contains("item-1-amount")) { int cost = item.getInt("item-1-amount"); if (cost <= 0) cost = 1; else if (cost > 64) cost = 64; recipe.getCompound("buy").setInteger("Count", cost); } if (recipe.getCompound("buyB").getString("id") != "minecraft:air" && item.contains("item-2-amount")) { int cost2 = item.getInt("item-2-amount"); if (cost2 <= 0) cost2 = 1; else if (cost2 > 64) cost2 = 64; recipe.getCompound("buyB").setInteger("Count", cost2); } break; } } } } } private void setData(final Villager villager) { final ConfigurationSection overrides = instance.getCfg().getConfigurationSection("Overrides"); final NBTEntity villagerNBT = new NBTEntity(villager); NBTCompoundList recipes = villagerNBT.getCompound("Offers").getCompoundList("Recipes"); for (NBTCompound recipe : recipes) { if(overrides != null) { for(final String override : overrides.getKeys(false)) { final ConfigurationSection item = this.getItem(recipe, override); if(item != null) { if (item.contains("uses")) { int uses = item.getInt("uses"); if (uses > 0) recipe.setInteger("maxUses", uses); } break; } } } } } //Hero of the Village effect limiter feature private void hotv(final Player player) { final PotionEffectType effect = PotionEffectType.HERO_OF_THE_VILLAGE; if(!player.hasPotionEffect(effect)) return; //Skips when player doesn't have HotV final int maxHeroLevel = instance.getCfg().getInt("MaxHeroLevel", 1); if(maxHeroLevel == 0) player.removePotionEffect(effect); if(maxHeroLevel <= 0) return; //Skips when disabled in config.yml final PotionEffect pot = player.getPotionEffect(effect); if(pot.getAmplifier() > maxHeroLevel-1) { player.removePotionEffect(effect); player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(effect, pot.getDuration(), maxHeroLevel-1)); } } //MaxDiscount feature - limits the lowest discounted price to a % of the base price private void maxDiscount(final Villager villager, final Player player) { int majorPositiveValue = 0, minorPositiveValue = 0, tradingValue = 0, minorNegativeValue = 0, majorNegativeValue = 0; NBTEntity nbtEntity = new NBTEntity(villager); final NBTEntity playerNBT = new NBTEntity(player); final String playerUUID = Util.intArrayToString(playerNBT.getIntArray("UUID")); if (nbtEntity.hasKey("Gossips")) { NBTCompoundList gossips = nbtEntity.getCompoundList("Gossips"); for (NBTCompound gossip : gossips) { final String type = gossip.getString("Type"); final String targetUUID = Util.intArrayToString(gossip.getIntArray("Target")); final int value = gossip.getInteger("Value"); if (targetUUID == playerUUID) { switch (type) { case "trading": tradingValue = value; break; case "minor_positive": minorPositiveValue = value; break; case "minor_negative": minorNegativeValue = value; break; case "major_positive": majorPositiveValue = value; break; case "major_negative": majorNegativeValue = value; break; default: break; } } } } final ConfigurationSection overrides = instance.getCfg().getConfigurationSection("Overrides"); final NBTEntity villagerNBT = new NBTEntity(villager); NBTCompoundList recipes = villagerNBT.getCompound("Offers").getCompoundList("Recipes"); List remove = new ArrayList<>(); for (NBTCompound recipe : recipes) { final int ingredientAmount = recipe.getCompound("buy").getInteger("Count"); final float priceMultiplier = this.getPriceMultiplier(recipe); final int valueModifier = 5 * majorPositiveValue + minorPositiveValue + tradingValue - minorNegativeValue - 5 * majorNegativeValue; final float finalValue = ingredientAmount - priceMultiplier * valueModifier; boolean disabled = false; double maxDiscount = instance.getCfg().getDouble("MaxDiscount", 0.3); if(overrides != null) { for(final String override : overrides.getKeys(false)) { final ConfigurationSection item = this.getItem(recipe, override); if(item != null) { disabled = item.getBoolean("Disabled", false); maxDiscount = item.getDouble("MaxDiscount", maxDiscount); break; } } } if(maxDiscount >= 0.0 && maxDiscount <= 1.0) { if(finalValue < ingredientAmount * (1.0 - maxDiscount) && finalValue != ingredientAmount) { recipe.setFloat("priceMultiplier", ingredientAmount * (float)maxDiscount / valueModifier); } else { recipe.setFloat("priceMultiplier", priceMultiplier); } } else { recipe.setFloat("priceMultiplier", priceMultiplier); } if(disabled) remove.add(recipe); } remove.forEach(rem -> { recipes.remove(rem); }); } //MaxDemand feature - limits demand-based price increases private void maxDemand(final Villager villager) { final NBTEntity villagerNBT = new NBTEntity(villager); final ConfigurationSection overrides = instance.getCfg().getConfigurationSection("Overrides"); if (villagerNBT.hasKey("Offers")) { NBTCompoundList recipes = villagerNBT.getCompound("Offers").getCompoundList("Recipes"); for (NBTCompound recipe : recipes) { final int demand = recipe.getInteger("demand"); int maxDemand = instance.getCfg().getInt("MaxDemand", -1); if (overrides != null) { for (String override : overrides.getKeys(false)) { final ConfigurationSection item = this.getItem(recipe, override); if(item != null) { maxDemand = item.getInt("MaxDemand", maxDemand); break; } } } if(maxDemand >= 0 && demand > maxDemand) { recipe.setInteger("demand", maxDemand); } } } } //Returns the price multiplier for a given trade private float getPriceMultiplier(final NBTCompound recipe) { float p = 0.05f; final Material type = recipe.getItemStack("sell").getType(); for(int length = MATERIALS.length, i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if(type == MATERIALS[i]) { p = 0.2f; break; } } return p; } //Returns the configured settings for a trade private ConfigurationSection getItem(final NBTCompound recipe, final String k) { final ConfigurationSection item = instance.getCfg().getConfigurationSection("Overrides."+k); if(item == null) return null; if(!k.contains("_")) { //Return the item if the item name is valid if(this.verify(recipe, Material.matchMaterial(k))) return item; return null; } final String[] words = k.split("_"); try { //Return the enchanted book item if there's a number in the item name final int level = Integer.parseInt(words[words.length-1]); if(recipe.getItemStack("sell").getType() == Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK) { final EnchantmentStorageMeta meta = (EnchantmentStorageMeta) recipe.getItemStack("sell").getItemMeta(); final Enchantment enchantment = EnchantmentWrapper.getByKey(NamespacedKey.minecraft(k.substring(0, k.lastIndexOf("_")))); if (meta == null || enchantment == null) return null; if (meta.hasStoredEnchant(enchantment) && meta.getStoredEnchantLevel(enchantment) == level) return item; } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { //Return the item if the item name is valid if(this.verify(recipe, Material.matchMaterial(k))) return item; return null; } catch(Exception e2) { //Send an error message Util.errorMsg(e2); } return null; } //Verifies that an item exists in the villager's trade private boolean verify(final NBTCompound recipe, final Material material) { return ((recipe.getItemStack("sell").getType() == material) || (recipe.getItemStack("buy").getType() == material)); } }