package; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.*; import org.bukkit.block.BlockState; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Utility class for translating NBTApi calls to reflections into NMS code All * methods are allowed to throw {@link NbtApiException} * * @author tr7zw * */ public class NBTReflectionUtil { private static Field field_unhandledTags = null; static { try { field_unhandledTags = ClassWrapper.CRAFT_METAITEM.getClazz().getDeclaredField("unhandledTags"); field_unhandledTags.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { } } /** * Hidden constructor */ private NBTReflectionUtil() { } /** * Gets the NMS Entity for a given Bukkit Entity * * @param entity Bukkit Entity * @return NMS Entity */ public static Object getNMSEntity(Entity entity) { try { return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while getting the NMS Entity from a Bukkit Entity!", e); } } /** * Reads in a InputStream as NMS Compound * * @param stream InputStream of any NBT file * @return NMS Compound */ public static Object readNBT(InputStream stream) { try { return, stream); } catch (Exception e) { try { stream.close(); }catch(IOException ignore) {} throw new NbtApiException("Exception while reading a NBT File!", e); } } /** * Writes a NMS Compound to an OutputStream * * @param nbt NMS Compound * @param stream Stream to write to * @return ??? */ public static Object writeNBT(Object nbt, OutputStream stream) { try { return, nbt, stream); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while writing NBT!", e); } } /** * Writes a Compound to an OutputStream * * @param comp Compound * @param stream Stream to write to */ public static void writeApiNBT(NBTCompound comp, OutputStream stream) { try { Object nbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (nbttag == null) { nbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) return; Object workingtag = gettoCompount(nbttag, comp);, workingtag, stream); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while writing NBT!", e); } } /** * Simulates getOrCreateTag. If an Item doesn't yet have a Tag, it will return a * new empty tag. * * @param nmsitem * @return NMS Compound */ public static Object getItemRootNBTTagCompound(Object nmsitem) { try { Object answer =; return answer != null ? answer : ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while getting an Itemstack's NBTCompound!", e); } } /** * Converts {@link NBTCompound} to NMS ItemStacks * * @param nbtcompound Any valid {@link NBTCompound} * @return NMS ItemStack */ public static Object convertNBTCompoundtoNMSItem(NBTCompound nbtcompound) { try { Object nmsComp = gettoCompount(nbtcompound.getCompound(), nbtcompound); if (MinecraftVersion.getVersion().getVersionId() >= MinecraftVersion.MC1_11_R1.getVersionId()) { return ObjectCreator.NMS_COMPOUNDFROMITEM.getInstance(nmsComp); } else { return, nmsComp); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while converting NBTCompound to NMS ItemStack!", e); } } /** * Converts NMS ItemStacks to {@link NBTContainer} * * @param nmsitem NMS ItemStack * @return {@link NBTContainer} with all the data */ public static NBTContainer convertNMSItemtoNBTCompound(Object nmsitem) { try { Object answer =, ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance()); return new NBTContainer(answer); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while converting NMS ItemStack to NBTCompound!", e); } } /** * Gets a live copy of non-vanilla NBT tags. * * @param meta ItemMeta from which tags should be retrieved * @return Map containing unhandled (custom) NBT tags */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Map getUnhandledNBTTags(ItemMeta meta) { try { return (Map) field_unhandledTags.get(meta); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while getting unhandled tags from ItemMeta!", e); } } /** * Gets the Vanilla NBT Compound from a given NMS Entity * * @param nmsEntity * @return NMS NBT Compound */ public static Object getEntityNBTTagCompound(Object nmsEntity) { try { Object nbt = ClassWrapper.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getClazz().newInstance(); Object answer =, nbt); if (answer == null) answer = nbt; return answer; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while getting NBTCompound from NMS Entity!", e); } } /** * Loads all Vanilla tags from a NMS Compound into a NMS Entity * * @param nbtTag * @param nmsEntity * @return The NMS Entity */ public static Object setEntityNBTTag(Object nbtTag, Object nmsEntity) { try {, nbtTag); return nmsEntity; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while setting the NBTCompound of an Entity", ex); } } /** * Gets the NMS Compound from a given TileEntity * * @param tile * @return NMS Compound with the Vanilla data */ public static Object getTileEntityNBTTagCompound(BlockState tile) { try { Object cworld = ClassWrapper.CRAFT_WORLD.getClazz().cast(tile.getWorld()); Object nmsworld =; Object o = null; if(MinecraftVersion.getVersion() == MinecraftVersion.MC1_7_R4) { o =, tile.getX(), tile.getY(), tile.getZ()); }else { Object pos = ObjectCreator.NMS_BLOCKPOSITION.getInstance(tile.getX(), tile.getY(), tile.getZ()); o =, pos); } Object answer = null; if(MinecraftVersion.isAtLeastVersion(MinecraftVersion.MC1_18_R1)) { answer =; } else { answer = ClassWrapper.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getClazz().newInstance();, answer); } if (answer == null) { throw new NbtApiException("Unable to get NBTCompound from TileEntity! " + tile + " " + o); } return answer; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while getting NBTCompound from TileEntity!", e); } } /** * Sets Vanilla tags from a NMS Compound to a TileEntity * * @param tile * @param comp */ public static void setTileEntityNBTTagCompound(BlockState tile, Object comp) { try { Object cworld = ClassWrapper.CRAFT_WORLD.getClazz().cast(tile.getWorld()); Object nmsworld =; Object o = null; if(MinecraftVersion.getVersion() == MinecraftVersion.MC1_7_R4) { o =, tile.getX(), tile.getY(), tile.getZ()); }else { Object pos = ObjectCreator.NMS_BLOCKPOSITION.getInstance(tile.getX(), tile.getY(), tile.getZ()); o =, pos); } if(MinecraftVersion.isAtLeastVersion(MinecraftVersion.MC1_17_R1)) {, comp); }else if(MinecraftVersion.isAtLeastVersion(MinecraftVersion.MC1_16_R1)) { Object blockData =;, blockData, comp); }else {, comp); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while setting NBTData for a TileEntity!", e); } } /** * Gets the subCompound with a given name from a NMS Compound * * @param compound * @param name * @return NMS Compound or null */ public static Object getSubNBTTagCompound(Object compound, String name) { try { if ((boolean), name)) { return, name); } else { throw new NbtApiException("Tried getting invalide compound '" + name + "' from '" + compound + "'!"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while getting NBT subcompounds!", e); } } /** * Creates a subCompound with a given name in the given NMS Compound * * @param comp * @param name */ public static void addNBTTagCompound(NBTCompound comp, String name) { if (name == null) { remove(comp, name); return; } Object nbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (nbttag == null) { nbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) { return; } Object workingtag = gettoCompount(nbttag, comp); try {, name, ClassWrapper.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getClazz().newInstance()); comp.setCompound(nbttag); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while adding a Compound!", e); } } /** * Checks if the Compound is correctly linked to it's roots * * @param comp * @return true if this is a valide Compound, else false */ public static Boolean valideCompound(NBTCompound comp) { Object root = comp.getCompound(); if (root == null) { root = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } return (gettoCompount(root, comp)) != null; } protected static Object gettoCompount(Object nbttag, NBTCompound comp) { Deque structure = new ArrayDeque<>(); while (comp.getParent() != null) { structure.add(comp.getName()); comp = comp.getParent(); } while (!structure.isEmpty()) { String target = structure.pollLast(); nbttag = getSubNBTTagCompound(nbttag, target); if (nbttag == null) { throw new NbtApiException("Unable to find tag '" + target + "' in " + nbttag); } } return nbttag; } /** * Merges the second {@link NBTCompound} into the first one * * @param comp Target for the merge * @param nbtcompoundSrc Data to merge */ public static void mergeOtherNBTCompound(NBTCompound comp, NBTCompound nbtcompoundSrc) { Object rootnbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (rootnbttag == null) { rootnbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) throw new NbtApiException("The Compound wasn't able to be linked back to the root!"); Object workingtag = gettoCompount(rootnbttag, comp); Object rootnbttagSrc = nbtcompoundSrc.getCompound(); if (rootnbttagSrc == null) { rootnbttagSrc = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(nbtcompoundSrc)) throw new NbtApiException("The Compound wasn't able to be linked back to the root!"); Object workingtagSrc = gettoCompount(rootnbttagSrc, nbtcompoundSrc); try {, workingtagSrc); comp.setCompound(rootnbttag); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while merging two NBTCompounds!", e); } } /** * Returns the content for a given key inside a Compound * * @param comp * @param key * @return Content saved under this key */ public static String getContent(NBTCompound comp, String key) { Object rootnbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (rootnbttag == null) { rootnbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) throw new NbtApiException("The Compound wasn't able to be linked back to the root!"); Object workingtag = gettoCompount(rootnbttag, comp); try { return, key).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while getting the Content for key '" + key + "'!", e); } } /** * Sets a key in a {@link NBTCompound} to a given value * * @param comp * @param key * @param val */ public static void set(NBTCompound comp, String key, Object val) { if (val == null) { remove(comp, key); return; } Object rootnbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (rootnbttag == null) { rootnbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) { throw new NbtApiException("The Compound wasn't able to be linked back to the root!"); } Object workingtag = gettoCompount(rootnbttag, comp); try {, key, val); comp.setCompound(rootnbttag); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while setting key '" + key + "' to '" + val + "'!", e); } } /** * Returns the List saved with a given key. * * @param comp * @param key * @param type * @param clazz * @return The list at that key. Null if it's an invalide type */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static NBTList getList(NBTCompound comp, String key, NBTType type, Class clazz) { Object rootnbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (rootnbttag == null) { rootnbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) return null; Object workingtag = gettoCompount(rootnbttag, comp); try { Object nbt =, key, type.getId()); if (clazz == String.class) { return (NBTList) new NBTStringList(comp, key, type, nbt); } else if (clazz == NBTListCompound.class) { return (NBTList) new NBTCompoundList(comp, key, type, nbt); } else if (clazz == Integer.class) { return (NBTList) new NBTIntegerList(comp, key, type, nbt); } else if (clazz == Float.class) { return (NBTList) new NBTFloatList(comp, key, type, nbt); } else if (clazz == Double.class) { return (NBTList) new NBTDoubleList(comp, key, type, nbt); } else if (clazz == Long.class) { return (NBTList) new NBTLongList(comp, key, type, nbt); } else if (clazz == int[].class) { return (NBTList) new NBTIntArrayList(comp, key, type, nbt); } else if (clazz == UUID.class) { return (NBTList) new NBTUUIDList(comp, key, type, nbt); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while getting a list with the type '" + type + "'!", ex); } } public static NBTType getListType(NBTCompound comp, String key) { Object rootnbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (rootnbttag == null) { rootnbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) return null; Object workingtag = gettoCompount(rootnbttag, comp); try { Object nbt =, key); String fieldname = "type"; if(MinecraftVersion.isAtLeastVersion(MinecraftVersion.MC1_17_R1)) { fieldname = "w"; } Field f = nbt.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldname); f.setAccessible(true); return NBTType.valueOf(f.getByte(nbt)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while getting the list type!", ex); } } public static Object getEntry(NBTCompound comp, String key) { Object rootnbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (rootnbttag == null) { rootnbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) return null; Object workingtag = gettoCompount(rootnbttag, comp); try { Object nbt =, key); return nbt; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while getting an Entry!", ex); } } /** * Uses Gson to set a {@link Serializable} value in a Compound * * @param comp * @param key * @param value */ public static void setObject(NBTCompound comp, String key, Object value) { if (!MinecraftVersion.hasGsonSupport()) return; try { String json = GsonWrapper.getString(value); setData(comp, ReflectionMethod.COMPOUND_SET_STRING, key, json); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NbtApiException("Exception while setting the Object '" + value + "'!", e); } } /** * Uses Gson to load back a {@link Serializable} object from the Compound * * @param comp * @param key * @param type * @return The loaded Object or null, if not found */ public static T getObject(NBTCompound comp, String key, Class type) { if (!MinecraftVersion.hasGsonSupport()) return null; String json = (String) getData(comp, ReflectionMethod.COMPOUND_GET_STRING, key); if (json == null) { return null; } return GsonWrapper.deserializeJson(json, type); } /** * Deletes the given key * * @param comp * @param key */ public static void remove(NBTCompound comp, String key) { Object rootnbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (rootnbttag == null) { rootnbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) return; Object workingtag = gettoCompount(rootnbttag, comp);, key); comp.setCompound(rootnbttag); } /** * Gets the Keyset inside this Compound * * @param comp * @return Set of all keys */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Set getKeys(NBTCompound comp) { Object rootnbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (rootnbttag == null) { rootnbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) throw new NbtApiException("The Compound wasn't able to be linked back to the root!"); Object workingtag = gettoCompount(rootnbttag, comp); return (Set); } /** * Sets data inside the Compound * * @param comp * @param type * @param key * @param data */ public static void setData(NBTCompound comp, ReflectionMethod type, String key, Object data) { if (data == null) { remove(comp, key); return; } Object rootnbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (rootnbttag == null) { rootnbttag = ObjectCreator.NMS_NBTTAGCOMPOUND.getInstance(); } if (!valideCompound(comp)) throw new NbtApiException("The Compound wasn't able to be linked back to the root!"); Object workingtag = gettoCompount(rootnbttag, comp);, key, data); comp.setCompound(rootnbttag); } /** * Gets data from the Compound * * @param comp * @param type * @param key * @return The value or default fallback from NMS */ public static Object getData(NBTCompound comp, ReflectionMethod type, String key) { Object rootnbttag = comp.getCompound(); if (rootnbttag == null) { return null; } if (!valideCompound(comp)) throw new NbtApiException("The Compound wasn't able to be linked back to the root!"); Object workingtag = gettoCompount(rootnbttag, comp); return, key); } }