
91 lines
3.6 KiB

import de.tr7zw.changeme.nbtapi.NBTCompound;
import de.tr7zw.changeme.nbtapi.NBTCompoundList;
import de.tr7zw.changeme.nbtapi.NBTEntity;
import de.tr7zw.changeme.nbtapi.iface.ReadWriteNBT;
import org.bukkit.entity.Villager;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class VillagerWrapper {
private final Villager villager;
private final NBTEntity entity;
private final ItemStack[] contents;
/** @param villager The Villager to store in this wrapper */
public VillagerWrapper(final Villager villager) {
this.villager = villager;
this.entity = new NBTEntity(villager);
this.contents = new ItemStack[villager.getInventory().getContents().length];
for(int i = 0; i < this.contents.length; i++) {
ItemStack item = villager.getInventory().getItem(i);
this.contents[i] = (item == null ? null : item.clone());
/** @return a list of wrapped recipes for the villager */
public List<RecipeWrapper> getRecipes() {
final List<RecipeWrapper> recipes = new ArrayList<>();
//Add the recipes from the villager's NBT data into a list of wrapped recipes
final NBTCompound offers = entity.getCompound("Offers");
if(offers == null) return recipes;
final NBTCompoundList nbtRecipes = offers.getCompoundList("Recipes");
for(ReadWriteNBT nbtRecipe : nbtRecipes) {
recipes.add(new RecipeWrapper((NBTCompound)nbtRecipe));
return recipes;
/** @return A list of wrapped gossips for the villager */
private List<GossipWrapper> getGossips() {
final List<GossipWrapper> gossips = new ArrayList<>();
if(!entity.hasTag("Gossips")) return gossips;
//Add the gossips from the villager's NBT data into a list of wrapped gossips
final NBTCompoundList nbtGossips = entity.getCompoundList("Gossips");
for(ReadWriteNBT nbtGossip : nbtGossips) {
gossips.add(new GossipWrapper((NBTCompound) nbtGossip));
return gossips;
* @param villager The wrapped villager that contains the gossips
* @param player The wrapped player that the gossips are about
* @param isOld Whether the server is older than 1.16 or not. Minecraft changed how UUID's are represented in 1.16
* @return the total reputation (from gossips) for a player
public int getTotalReputation(@NonNull final VillagerWrapper villager, @NonNull final PlayerWrapper player, final boolean isOld) {
int totalReputation = 0;
final String playerUUID = player.getUUID(isOld);
final List<GossipWrapper> gossips = villager.getGossips();
for(GossipWrapper gossip : gossips) {
final GossipWrapper.GossipType type = gossip.getType();
if(type == null || type == GossipWrapper.GossipType.OTHER) continue;
final String targetUUID = gossip.getTargetUUID(isOld);
if(targetUUID.equals(playerUUID)) {
totalReputation += gossip.getValue() * type.getWeight();
return totalReputation;
/** Resets the villager's NBT data to default */
public void reset() {
//Reset the recipes back to their default ingredients, MaxUses, and discounts
for(RecipeWrapper recipe : this.getRecipes()) {