
195 lines
9.1 KiB

import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentWrapper;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.EnchantmentStorageMeta;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Settings {
private final VillagerTradeLimiter instance;
/** @param instance The instance of */
public Settings(final VillagerTradeLimiter instance) { this.instance = instance; }
* @param entity The entity to check the NPC status of
* @return True if the entity is an NPC and config is set to ignore NPCs
public boolean shouldSkipNPC(final Entity entity) {
if(entity == null) return true;
if(instance.getCfg().getBoolean("IgnoreCitizens", true) && Util.isNPC(entity)) return true;
return instance.getCfg().getBoolean("IgnoreShopkeepers", true) && Util.isShopkeeper(entity);
* @param recipe The wrapped recipe to fetch any overrides for
* @param key The key where the fetched value is stored in config.yml (e.g, DisableTrading)
* @param defaultValue The default boolean value to use if the key does not exist
* @return A boolean value that has the most specific value possible between the global setting and the overrides settings
public boolean fetchBoolean(final RecipeWrapper recipe, String key, boolean defaultValue) {
boolean global = instance.getCfg().getBoolean(key, defaultValue);
final ConfigurationSection override = getOverride(recipe.getItemStack("buy"), recipe.getItemStack("sell"));
if(override != null) return override.getBoolean(key, global);
return global;
* @param recipe The wrapped recipe to fetch any overrides for
* @param key The key where the fetched value is stored in config.yml (e.g, MaxDemand)
* @param defaultValue The default integer value to use if the key does not exist
* @return An integer value that has the most specific value possible between the global setting and the overrides settings
public int fetchInt(final RecipeWrapper recipe, String key, int defaultValue) {
int global = instance.getCfg().getInt(key, defaultValue);
final ConfigurationSection override = getOverride(recipe.getItemStack("buy"), recipe.getItemStack("sell"));
if(override != null) return override.getInt(key, global);
return global;
* @param recipe The wrapped recipe to fetch any overrides for
* @param key The key where the fetched value is stored in config.yml (e.g, MaxDiscount)
* @param defaultValue The default double value to use if the key does not exist
* @return A double value that has the most specific value possible between the global setting and the overrides settings
public double fetchDouble(final RecipeWrapper recipe, String key, double defaultValue) {
double global = instance.getCfg().getDouble(key, defaultValue);
final ConfigurationSection override = getOverride(recipe.getItemStack("buy"), recipe.getItemStack("sell"));
if(override != null) return override.getDouble(key, global);
return global;
* @param result The itemstack for the recipe's result
* @param ingredient1 The itemstack for the recipe's first ingredient
* @param ingredient2 The itemstack for the recipe's second ingredient
* @return The matched type of the item, if any
public String getType(final ItemStack result, final ItemStack ingredient1, final ItemStack ingredient2) {
final String resultType = result.getType().name().toLowerCase();
final String ingredient1Type = ingredient1.getType().name().toLowerCase();
final String ingredient2Type = ingredient2.getType().name().toLowerCase();
final String defaultType;
if(result.getType() == Material.EMERALD) {
if(ingredient1.getType() == Material.BOOK || ingredient1.getType() == Material.AIR) {
defaultType = ingredient2Type;
} else {
defaultType = ingredient1Type;
} else {
defaultType = resultType;
if(result.getType() == Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK) {
final EnchantmentStorageMeta meta = (EnchantmentStorageMeta) result.getItemMeta();
if(meta == null) return defaultType;
for(Enchantment key : meta.getStoredEnchants().keySet()) {
if (key != null) {
final String itemType = key.getKey().getKey() +"_"+meta.getStoredEnchantLevel(key);
if(getItem(ingredient1, result, itemType) != null) return itemType;
return defaultType;
final ItemStack ingredient = (ingredient1.getType() == Material.AIR ? ingredient2 : ingredient1);
if(getItem(ingredient, result, resultType) != null) return resultType;
if(getItem(ingredient, result, ingredient1Type) != null) return ingredient1Type;
if(getItem(ingredient, result, ingredient2Type) != null) return ingredient2Type;
return defaultType;
* @param buy The first ingredient of the recipe
* @param sell The result of the recipe
* @return The corresponding override config section for the recipe, if it exists, or null
public ConfigurationSection getOverride(final ItemStack buy, ItemStack sell) {
final ConfigurationSection overrides = instance.getCfg().getConfigurationSection("Overrides");
if(overrides == null) return null;
for(final String override : overrides.getKeys(false)) {
final ConfigurationSection item = this.getItem(buy, sell, override);
if(item != null) return item;
return null;
* @param buy The first ingredient of the recipe
* @param sell The result of the recipe
* @param key The key where the override settings are stored in config.yml
* @return The corresponding override config section for the recipe, if it exists, or null
public ConfigurationSection getItem(final ItemStack buy, final ItemStack sell, String key) {
final ConfigurationSection item = instance.getCfg().getConfigurationSection("Overrides."+key);
if(item == null) return null;
String match = "both";
if(!key.contains("_")) {
//Return the item if the item name is valid
if(verify(buy, sell, match, Material.matchMaterial(key))) return item;
return null;
String[] words = key.split("_");
if(words[words.length-1].equalsIgnoreCase("left")) {
match = "left";
key = key.replace("_left", "");
words = Arrays.copyOf(words, words.length-1);
} else if(words[words.length-1].equalsIgnoreCase("right")) {
match = "right";
key = key.replace("_right", "");
words = Arrays.copyOf(words, words.length-1);
try {
//Return the enchanted book item if there's a number in the item name
final int level = Integer.parseInt(words[words.length-1]);
if(sell.getType() == Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK) {
final EnchantmentStorageMeta meta = (EnchantmentStorageMeta) sell.getItemMeta();
final Enchantment enchantment = EnchantmentWrapper.getByKey(NamespacedKey.minecraft(key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("_"))));
if(meta == null || enchantment == null) return null;
if(meta.hasStoredEnchant(enchantment) && meta.getStoredEnchantLevel(enchantment) == level) return item;
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
//Return the item if the item name is valid
if(verify(buy, sell, match, Material.matchMaterial(key))) return item;
return null;
} catch(Exception e2) {
//Send an error message
return null;
* @param buy The first ingredient of the recipe
* @param sell The result of the recipe
* @param material The material to compare the recipe against
* @return True if a recipe matches an override section, false otherwise
private boolean verify(final ItemStack buy, final ItemStack sell, final String match, final Material material) {
if(match.equals("left")) {
if(buy == null) return false;
return buy.getType().equals(material);
} else if(match.equals("right")) {
if(sell == null) return false;
return sell.getType().equals(material);
if(buy == null && sell == null) return false;
if(buy == null) return sell.getType() == material;
if(sell == null) return buy.getType() == material;
return ((buy.getType() == material) || (sell.getType() == material));