FlameCord is Waterfall with additional protocols. Waterfall is a fork of the well-known [BungeeCord](https://github.com/SpigotMC/BungeeCord) server teleportation suite.
* **Stability**: Waterfall aims to be stable. We will achieve this through making the code base testable and discouraging practices that lead to proxy lag.
* **Features**: Waterfall aims to include more features than canonical BungeeCord.
* **Scalability**: Waterfall should be able to handle a large number of concurrent players, given a reasonably modern CPU, memory, and good network connection.
* **Additional Client Version Support**: FlameCord aims to support client versions older then what is supported in upstream. This includes 1.7 support. Additionally FlameCord may release Snapshot and PRE Client support patches as time permits.
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