The best alternative for alts!

## Compiling You can compile the project using gradlew.
Run `gradlew shadowJar build` in console to build the project.
You can find already compiled jars on our [Jenkins]( hub!
You must add yourself all the private jars or purchase access to our private repository. ##### Private Jars: - EpicSpawners by Songoda [[link]]( ## API The plugin is packed with a rich API for interacting with chunk loaders and more. When hooking into the plugin, it's highly recommended to only use the API and not the compiled plugin, as the API methods are not only commented, but also will not get removed or changed unless they are marked as deprecated. This means that when using the API, you won't have to do any additional changes to your code between updates. ##### Maven ``` bg-repo com.bgsoftware WildLoadersAPI latest ``` ##### Gradle ``` repositories { maven { url '' } } dependencies { compileOnly 'com.bgsoftware:WildLoadersAPI:latest' } ``` ## Updates This plugin is provided "as is", which means no updates or new features are guaranteed. We will do our best to keep updating and pushing new updates, and you are more than welcome to contribute your time as well and make pull requests for bug fixes. ## License This plugin is licensed under GNU GPL v3.0