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// TODO: add_term(), edit_term(), and remove_term() work with terms within context of
// taxonomies. insert_term(), update_term(), delete_term() work with just the terms table.
// insert_term_taxonomy(), update_term_taxonomy(), and delete_term_taxonomy() work
// with just the term taxonomy table. Right now we only have add_term().
* Adds a new term to the database. Optionally marks it as an alias of an existing term.
* @param string $term The term to add.
* @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy to which to add the term
* @param int|string $alias_of The id or slug of the new term's alias.
function add_term( $term, $taxonomy, $args = array() ) {
global $wpdb;
$slug = sanitize_title($term);
$defaults = array( 'alias_of' => '', 'description' => '', 'parent' => 0);
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
$term_group = 0;
if ( $alias_of ) {
$alias = $wpdb->fetch_row("SELECT term_id, term_group FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = '$alias_of'");
if ( $alias->term_group ) {
// The alias we want is already in a group, so let's use that one.
$term_group = $alias->term_group;
} else {
// The alias isn't in a group, so let's create a new one and firstly add the alias term to it.
$term_group = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX() term_group FROM $wpdb->terms GROUP BY term_group") + 1;
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->terms SET term_group = $term_group WHERE term_id = $alias->term_id");
if ( ! $term_id = is_term($slug) ) {
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->terms (name, slug, term_group) VALUES ('$term', '$slug', '$term_group')");
$term_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
$tt_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt INNER JOIN $wpdb->terms AS t ON tt.term_id = t.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = '$taxonomy' AND t.term_id = $term_id");
if ( !empty($tt_id) )
return $term_id;
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy, description, parent, count) VALUES ('$term_id', '$taxonomy', '$description', '$parent', '0')");
$tt_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
return array('term_id' => $term_id, 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id);
* Removes a term from the database.
function remove_term() {}
* Returns the index of a defined term, or 0 (false) if the term doesn't exist.
function is_term($term, $taxonomy = '') {
global $wpdb;
if ( is_int($term) ) {
$where = "t.term_id = '$term'";
} else {
if ( ! $term = sanitize_title($term) )
return 0;
$where = "t.slug = '$term'";
$term_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT term_id FROM $wpdb->terms as t WHERE $where");
if ( empty($taxonomy) || empty($term_id) )
return $term_id;
return $wpdb->get_row("SELECT tt.term_id, tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy as tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id WHERE $where AND tt.taxonomy = '$taxonomy'", ARRAY_A);
* Given an array of terms, returns those that are defined term slugs. Ignores integers.
* @param array $terms The term slugs to check for a definition.
function get_defined_terms($terms) {
global $wpdb;
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
if ( !is_int($term) )
$searches[] = $term;
$terms = "'" . implode("', '", $searches) . "'";
return $wpdb->get_col("SELECT slug FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug IN ($terms)");
* Relates an object (post, link etc) to a term and taxonomy type. Creates the term and taxonomy
* relationship if it doesn't already exist. Creates a term if it doesn't exist (using the slug).
* @param int $object_id The object to relate to.
* @param array|int|string $term The slug or id of the term.
* @param array|string $taxonomies The context(s) in which to relate the term to the object.
function wp_set_object_terms($object_id, $terms, $taxonomies, $append = false) {
global $wpdb;
$object_id = (int) $object_id;
if ( !is_array($taxonomies) )
$taxonomies = array($taxonomies);
if ( !is_array($terms) )
$terms = array($terms);
if ( ! $append ) {
$in_taxonomies = "'" . implode("', '", $taxonomies) . "'";
$old_terms = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT tr.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships AS tr INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ($in_taxonomies) AND tr.object_id = '$object_id'");
$tt_ids = array();
foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
foreach ($terms as $term) {
if ( !$id = is_term($term, $taxonomy) )
$id = add_term($term, $taxonomy);
$id = $id['term_taxonomy_id'];
$tt_ids[] = $id;
if ( $wpdb->get_var("SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE object_id = '$object_id' AND term_taxonomy_id = '$id'") )
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id) VALUES ('$object_id', '$id')");
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->term_taxonomy SET count = count + 1 WHERE term_taxonomy_id = $id");
if ( ! $append ) {
$delete_terms = array_diff($old_terms, $tt_ids);
if ( $delete_terms ) {
$delete_terms = "'" . implode("', '", $delete_terms) . "'";
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN ($delete_terms)");
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->term_taxonomy SET count = count - 1 WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN ($delete_terms)");
return $tt_ids;
* Returns the terms associated with the given object(s), in the supplied taxonomies.
* @param int|array $object_id The id of the object(s)) to retrieve for.
* @param string|array $taxonomies The taxonomies to retrieve terms from.
* @return array The requested term data.
function get_object_terms($object_id, $taxonomy) {
global $wpdb;
$taxonomies = ($single_taxonomy = !is_array($taxonomy)) ? array($taxonomy) : $taxonomy;
$object_ids = ($single_object = !is_array($object_id)) ? array($object_id) : $object_id;
$taxonomies = "'" . implode("', '", $taxonomies) . "'";
$object_ids = implode(', ', $object_ids);
if ( $taxonomy_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT t.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ($taxonomies) AND tr.object_id IN ($object_ids) ORDER BY t.name") ) {
if ($single_taxonomy && $single_object) {
// Just one kind of taxonomy for one object.
return $taxonomy_data;
} else {
foreach ($taxonomy_data as $data) {
if ($single_taxonomy) {
// Many objects, one taxonomy type.
$return[$data->object_id][] = $data;
} elseif ($single_object) {
// One object, many taxonomies.
$return[$data->taxonomy][] = $data;
} else {
// Many objects, many taxonomies.
$return[$data->object_id][$data->taxonomy][] = $data;
return $return;
} else {
return array();
function &get_terms($taxonomies, $args = '') {
global $wpdb;
if ( !is_array($taxonomies) )
$taxonomies = array($taxonomies);
$in_taxonomies = "'" . implode("', '", $taxonomies) . "'";
$defaults = array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC',
'hide_empty' => true, 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '',
'number' => '');
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
$args['number'] = (int) $args['number'];
if ( 'count' == $orderby )
$orderby = 'tt.count';
else if ( 'name' == $orderby )
$orderby = 't.name';
$where = '';
$inclusions = '';
if ( !empty($include) ) {
$exclude = '';
$interms = preg_split('/[\s,]+/',$include);
if ( count($interms) ) {
foreach ( $interms as $interm ) {
if (empty($inclusions))
$inclusions = ' AND ( t.term_id = ' . intval($interm) . ' ';
$inclusions .= ' OR t.term_id = ' . intval($interm) . ' ';
if ( !empty($inclusions) )
$inclusions .= ')';
$where .= $inclusions;
$exclusions = '';
if ( !empty($exclude) ) {
$exterms = preg_split('/[\s,]+/',$exclude);
if ( count($exterms) ) {
foreach ( $exterms as $exterm ) {
if (empty($exclusions))
$exclusions = ' AND ( t.term_id <> ' . intval($exterm) . ' ';
$exclusions .= ' AND t.term_id <> ' . intval($exterm) . ' ';
if ( !empty($exclusions) )
$exclusions .= ')';
$exclusions = apply_filters('list_terms_exclusions', $exclusions, $args );
$where .= $exclusions;
if ( $hide_empty )
$where .= ' AND tt.count > 0';
if ( !empty($number) )
$number = 'LIMIT ' . $number;
$number = '';
$terms = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ($in_taxonomies) $where ORDER BY $orderby $order $number");
if ( empty($terms) )
return array();
$terms = apply_filters('get_terms', $terms, $taxonomies, $args);
return $terms;
function &get_term(&$term, $taxonomy, $output = OBJECT) {
global $wpdb;
if ( empty($term) )
return null;
if ( is_object($term) ) {
wp_cache_add($term->term_id, $term, "term:$taxonomy");
$_term = $term;
} else {
$term = (int) $term;
if ( ! $_term = wp_cache_get($term, "term:$taxonomy") ) {
$_term = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT t.*, tt.* FROM $wpdb->terms AS t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = '$taxonomy' AND t.term_id = '$term' LIMIT 1");
wp_cache_add($term, $_term, "term:$taxonomy");
$_term = apply_filters('get_term', $_term, $taxonomy);
if ( $output == OBJECT ) {
return $_term;
} elseif ( $output == ARRAY_A ) {
return get_object_vars($_term);
} elseif ( $output == ARRAY_N ) {
return array_values(get_object_vars($_term));
} else {
return $_term;