2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
* Create HTML list of nav menu input items.
* @package WordPress
* @since 3.0.0
* @uses Walker_Nav_Menu
class Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
2010-05-02 21:09:10 +02:00
* @see Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl()
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $output Passed by reference.
* @param int $depth Depth of page.
2010-05-04 21:40:04 +02:00
function start_lvl(&$output) {}
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-05-02 21:09:10 +02:00
* @see Walker_Nav_Menu::end_lvl()
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $output Passed by reference.
* @param int $depth Depth of page.
2010-05-04 21:40:04 +02:00
function end_lvl(&$output) {
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
* @see Walker::start_el()
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content.
* @param object $item Menu item data object.
* @param int $depth Depth of menu item. Used for padding.
* @param int $current_page Menu item ID.
* @param object $args
function start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) {
$indent = ( $depth ) ? str_repeat( "\t", $depth ) : '';
$item_id = esc_attr( $item->ID );
$removed_args = array(
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
$original_title = '';
if ( 'taxonomy' == $item->type ) {
$original_title = get_term_field( 'name', $item->object_id, $item->object, 'raw' );
} elseif ( 'post_type' == $item->type ) {
$original_object = get_post( $item->object_id );
$original_title = $original_object->post_title;
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-05-02 21:09:10 +02:00
<li id="menu-item-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" class="menu-item menu-item-depth-<?php echo $depth; ?> menu-item-<?php echo strtolower(esc_attr( $item->append )); ?>">
2010-05-04 09:24:49 +02:00
<dl class="menu-item-bar <?php
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
if ( isset($_GET['edit-menu-item']) && $item_id == $_GET['edit-menu-item'] )
echo 'menu-item-edit-active';
echo 'menu-item-edit-inactive';
2010-05-04 09:24:49 +02:00
<dt class="menu-item-handle">
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<span class="item-title"><?php echo esc_html( $item->title ); ?></span>
<span class="item-controls">
<span class="item-type"><?php echo esc_html( $item->append ); ?></span>
<span class="item-order">
<a href="<?php
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
echo wp_nonce_url(
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'action' => 'move-up-menu-item',
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
'menu-item' => $item_id,
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
remove_query_arg($removed_args, admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ) )
2010-05-04 21:40:04 +02:00
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
?>" class="item-move-up"><abbr title="<?php esc_attr_e('Move up'); ?>">↑</abbr></a>
<a href="<?php
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
echo wp_nonce_url(
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'action' => 'move-down-menu-item',
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
'menu-item' => $item_id,
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
remove_query_arg($removed_args, admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ) )
2010-05-04 21:40:04 +02:00
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
?>" class="item-move-down"><abbr title="<?php esc_attr_e('Move down'); ?>">↓</abbr></a>
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
<a class="item-edit" id="edit-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" title="<?php _e('Edit Menu Item'); ?>" href="<?php
echo add_query_arg('edit-menu-item', $item_id, remove_query_arg($removed_args, admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ) ) );
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
?>#menu-item-settings-<?php echo $item_id; ?>">Edit Menu Item</a>
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
<div class="menu-item-settings <?php
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
if ( isset($_GET['edit-menu-item']) && $item_id == $_GET['edit-menu-item'] )
echo 'menu-item-edit-active';
echo 'menu-item-edit-inactive';
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
?>" id="menu-item-settings-<?php echo $item_id; ?>">
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<?php if( 'custom' == $item->type ) : ?>
<p class="field-url description description-wide">
<label for="edit-menu-item-url-<?php echo $item_id; ?>">
<?php _e( 'URL' ); ?><br />
<input type="text" id="edit-menu-item-url-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" class="widefat code edit-menu-item-url" name="menu-item-url[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->url ); ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
<p class="description description-thin">
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<label for="edit-menu-item-title-<?php echo $item_id; ?>">
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<?php _e( 'Navigation Label' ); ?><br />
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<input type="text" id="edit-menu-item-title-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" class="widefat edit-menu-item-title" name="menu-item-title[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->title ); ?>" />
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<p class="description description-thin">
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<label for="edit-menu-item-attr-title-<?php echo $item_id; ?>">
<?php _e( 'Title Attribute' ); ?><br />
<input type="text" id="edit-menu-item-attr-title-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" class="widefat edit-menu-item-attr-title" name="menu-item-attr-title[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->post_excerpt ); ?>" />
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<p class="field-link-target description description-thin">
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<label for="edit-menu-item-target-<?php echo $item_id; ?>">
<?php _e( 'Link Target' ); ?><br />
<select id="edit-menu-item-target-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" class="widefat edit-menu-item-target" name="menu-item-target[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]">
<option value="" <?php selected( $item->target, ''); ?>><?php _e('Same window or tab'); ?></option>
<option value="_blank" <?php selected( $item->target, '_blank'); ?>><?php _e('New window or tab'); ?></option>
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<p class="field-css-classes description description-thin">
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<label for="edit-menu-item-classes-<?php echo $item_id; ?>">
<?php _e( 'CSS Classes (optional)' ); ?><br />
<input type="text" id="edit-menu-item-classes-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" class="widefat code edit-menu-item-classes" name="menu-item-classes[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->classes ); ?>" />
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<p class="field-xfn description description-thin">
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<label for="edit-menu-item-xfn-<?php echo $item_id; ?>">
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<?php _e( 'Link Relationship (XFN)' ); ?><br />
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<input type="text" id="edit-menu-item-xfn-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" class="widefat code edit-menu-item-xfn" name="menu-item-xfn[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->xfn ); ?>" />
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<p class="field-description description description-wide">
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<label for="edit-menu-item-description-<?php echo $item_id; ?>">
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<?php _e( 'Description' ); ?><br />
2010-05-06 21:19:53 +02:00
<textarea id="edit-menu-item-description-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" class="widefat edit-menu-item-description" rows="3" cols="20" name="menu-item-description[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]"><?php echo esc_html( $item->description ); ?></textarea>
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<span class="description"><?php _e('The description will be displayed in the menu if the current theme supports it.'); ?></span>
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-05-06 21:19:53 +02:00
<div class="menu-item-actions description-wide submitbox">
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<?php if( 'custom' != $item->type ) : ?>
<p class="link-to-original"><?php
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
_e('Original ');
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
echo esc_html( $item->append );
echo ":"; ?>
<a href="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->url ); ?>">
<?php echo esc_html($original_title); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
<a class="item-delete submitdelete deletion" id="delete-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" href="<?php
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
echo wp_nonce_url(
'action' => 'delete-menu-item',
'menu-item' => $item_id,
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
remove_query_arg($removed_args, admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ) )
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
'delete-menu_item_' . $item_id
2010-05-04 01:08:02 +02:00
); ?>"><?php _e('Remove'); ?></a> | <a class="item-close submitclose" id="close-<?php echo $item_id; ?>" href="<?php echo admin_url( 'nav-menus.php' ); ?>"><?php _e('Close'); ?></a>
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
<input class="button-primary save-menu-item" name="save_menu_item" type="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save Menu Item'); ?>" />
2010-05-06 21:19:53 +02:00
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-05-02 21:09:10 +02:00
<input class="menu-item-data-append" type="hidden" name="menu-item-append[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo $item->append; ?>" />
<input class="menu-item-data-db-id" type="hidden" name="menu-item-db-id[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo $item_id; ?>" />
<input class="menu-item-data-object-id" type="hidden" name="menu-item-object-id[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->object_id ); ?>" />
<input class="menu-item-data-object" type="hidden" name="menu-item-object[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->object ); ?>" />
2010-05-04 21:40:04 +02:00
<input class="menu-item-data-parent-id" type="hidden" name="menu-item-parent-id[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->menu_item_parent ); ?>" />
2010-05-06 21:19:53 +02:00
<input class="menu-item-data-position" type="hidden" name="menu-item-position[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->menu_order ); ?>" />
2010-05-02 21:09:10 +02:00
<input class="menu-item-data-type" type="hidden" name="menu-item-type[<?php echo $item_id; ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $item->type ); ?>" />
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
</div><!-- .menu-item-settings-->
2010-05-02 21:09:10 +02:00
<ul class="menu-item-transport"></ul>
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$output .= ob_get_clean();
* Prints the appropriate response to a menu quick search.
* @since 3.0.0
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
* @param array $request The unsanitized request values.
function _wp_ajax_menu_quick_search( $request = array() ) {
$args = array();
$type = isset( $request['type'] ) ? $request['type'] : '';
$object_type = isset( $request['object_type'] ) ? $request['object_type'] : '';
$query = isset( $request['q'] ) ? $request['q'] : '';
$response_format = isset( $request['response-format'] ) && in_array( $request['response-format'], array( 'json', 'markup' ) ) ? $request['response-format'] : 'json';
if ( 'markup' == $response_format ) {
$args['walker'] = new Walker_Nav_Menu_Checklist;
if ( 'get-post-item' == $type ) {
if ( get_post_type_object( $object_type ) ) {
if ( isset( $request['ID'] ) ) {
$object_id = (int) $request['ID'];
if ( 'markup' == $response_format ) {
echo walk_nav_menu_tree( array_map('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', array( get_post( $object_id ) ) ), 0, (object) $args );
} elseif ( 'json' == $response_format ) {
$post_obj = get_post( $object_id );
echo json_encode(
'ID' => $object_id,
'post_title' => get_the_title( $object_id ),
'post_type' => get_post_type( $object_id ),
echo "\n";
} elseif ( is_taxonomy( $object_type ) ) {
if ( isset( $request['ID'] ) ) {
$object_id = (int) $request['ID'];
if ( 'markup' == $response_format ) {
echo walk_nav_menu_tree( array_map('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', array( get_term( $object_id, $object_type ) ) ), 0, (object) $args );
} elseif ( 'json' == $response_format ) {
$post_obj = get_term( $object_id, $object_type );
echo json_encode(
'ID' => $object_id,
'post_title' => $post_obj->name,
'post_type' => $object_type,
echo "\n";
} elseif ( preg_match('/quick-search-(posttype|taxonomy)-([a-zA-Z_-]*\b)/', $type, $matches) ) {
if ( 'posttype' == $matches[1] && get_post_type_object( $matches[2] ) ) {
'posts_per_page' => 10,
'post_type' => $matches[2],
's' => $query,
2010-04-28 22:44:08 +02:00
if ( ! have_posts() )
2010-05-03 22:31:34 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
while ( have_posts() ) {
if ( 'markup' == $response_format ) {
echo walk_nav_menu_tree( array_map('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', array( get_post( get_the_ID() ) ) ), 0, (object) $args );
} elseif ( 'json' == $response_format ) {
echo json_encode(
'ID' => get_the_ID(),
'post_title' => get_the_title(),
'post_type' => get_post_type(),
echo "\n";
} elseif ( 'taxonomy' == $matches[1] ) {
$terms = get_terms( $matches[2], array(
'name__like' => $query,
'number' => 10,
2010-04-28 22:44:08 +02:00
if ( empty( $terms ) || is_wp_error( $terms ) )
2010-05-03 22:31:34 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
foreach( (array) $terms as $term ) {
if ( 'markup' == $response_format ) {
echo walk_nav_menu_tree( array_map('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', array( $term ) ), 0, (object) $args );
} elseif ( 'json' == $response_format ) {
echo json_encode(
'ID' => $term->term_id,
'post_title' => $term->name,
'post_type' => $matches[2],
echo "\n";
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
* Register nav menu metaboxes and advanced menu items
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
* @since 3.0.0
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
function wp_nav_menu_setup() {
// Register meta boxes
2010-04-28 06:09:00 +02:00
add_meta_box( 'add-custom-links', __('Custom Links'), 'wp_nav_menu_item_link_meta_box', 'nav-menus', 'side', 'default' );
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
// Register advanced menu items (columns)
add_filter( 'manage_nav-menus_columns', 'wp_nav_menu_manage_columns');
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
add_filter( 'columns_prefs_header', create_function( '', "return __('Show advanced menu properties');" ));
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
// If first time editing, disable advanced items by default.
if( false === get_user_option( 'managenav-menuscolumnshidden' ) ) {
$user = wp_get_current_user();
2010-05-04 12:01:15 +02:00
update_user_option($user->ID, 'managenav-menuscolumnshidden',
array( 0 => 'link-target', 1 => 'css-classes', 2 => 'xfn', 3 => 'description', ),
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
* Limit the amount of meta boxes to just links, pages and cats for first time users.
* @since 3.0.0
function wp_initial_nav_menu_meta_boxes() {
global $wp_meta_boxes;
2010-03-26 20:36:49 +01:00
2010-04-29 20:27:46 +02:00
if ( get_user_option( 'metaboxhidden_nav-menus' ) || ! is_array($wp_meta_boxes) )
2010-04-29 21:16:21 +02:00
2010-04-29 20:27:46 +02:00
$initial_meta_boxes = array( 'manage-menu', 'create-menu', 'add-custom-links', 'add-page', 'add-category' );
$hidden_meta_boxes = array();
2010-03-26 20:36:49 +01:00
2010-04-29 20:27:46 +02:00
foreach ( array_keys($wp_meta_boxes['nav-menus']) as $context ) {
foreach ( array_keys($wp_meta_boxes['nav-menus'][$context]) as $priority ) {
foreach ( $wp_meta_boxes['nav-menus'][$context][$priority] as $box ) {
if ( in_array( $box['id'], $initial_meta_boxes ) ) {
unset( $box['id'] );
} else {
$hidden_meta_boxes[] = $box['id'];
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
2010-04-29 21:16:21 +02:00
2010-04-29 20:27:46 +02:00
$user = wp_get_current_user();
update_user_option( $user->ID, 'metaboxhidden_nav-menus', $hidden_meta_boxes, true );
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-02-28 21:00:49 +01:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
* Creates metaboxes for any post type menu item.
2010-02-28 21:00:49 +01:00
* @since 3.0.0
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
function wp_nav_menu_post_type_meta_boxes() {
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
$post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'object' );
2010-03-17 17:27:25 +01:00
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
if ( ! $post_types )
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
2010-03-16 18:22:24 +01:00
foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) {
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
$post_type = apply_filters( 'nav_menu_meta_box_object', $post_type );
if ( $post_type ) {
$id = $post_type->name;
add_meta_box( "add-{$id}", $post_type->label, 'wp_nav_menu_item_post_type_meta_box', 'nav-menus', 'side', 'default', $post_type );
2010-02-28 21:00:49 +01:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
* Creates metaboxes for any taxonomy menu item.
* @since 3.0.0
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
function wp_nav_menu_taxonomy_meta_boxes() {
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
$taxonomies = get_taxonomies( array( 'show_ui' => true ), 'object' );
2010-03-16 23:01:49 +01:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
if ( !$taxonomies )
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
2010-03-16 18:22:24 +01:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
foreach ( $taxonomies as $tax ) {
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
$tax = apply_filters( 'nav_menu_meta_box_object', $tax );
if ( $tax ) {
$id = $tax->name;
add_meta_box( "add-{$id}", $tax->label, 'wp_nav_menu_item_taxonomy_meta_box', 'nav-menus', 'side', 'default', $tax );
2010-02-28 21:00:49 +01:00
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
* Displays a metabox for the custom links menu item.
* @since 3.0.0
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
function wp_nav_menu_item_link_meta_box() {
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
global $_nav_menu_placeholder;
$_nav_menu_placeholder = 0 > $_nav_menu_placeholder ? $_nav_menu_placeholder - 1 : -1;
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
// @note: hacky query, see #12660
$args = array( 'post_type' => 'nav_menu_item', 'post_status' => 'any', 'meta_key' => '_menu_item_type', 'numberposts' => -1, 'orderby' => 'title', );
2010-03-17 17:27:25 +01:00
2010-03-17 07:10:47 +01:00
// @todo transient caching of these results with proper invalidation on updating links
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
$links = get_posts( $args );
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$current_tab = 'create';
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['customlink-tab'] ) && in_array( $_REQUEST['customlink-tab'], array('create', 'all') ) ) {
$current_tab = $_REQUEST['customlink-tab'];
$removed_args = array(
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<div class="customlinkdiv">
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
<input type="hidden" value="custom" name="menu-item[<?php echo $_nav_menu_placeholder; ?>][menu-item-type]" />
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<p id="menu-item-url-wrap">
<label class="howto" for="custom-menu-item-url">
<span><?php _e('URL'); ?></span>
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
<input id="custom-menu-item-url" name="menu-item[<?php echo $_nav_menu_placeholder; ?>][menu-item-url]" type="text" class="code menu-item-textbox" value="http://" />
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<p id="menu-item-name-wrap">
<label class="howto" for="custom-menu-item-name">
2010-05-03 01:40:34 +02:00
<span><?php _e('Label'); ?></span>
2010-05-02 21:09:10 +02:00
<input id="custom-menu-item-name" name="menu-item[<?php echo $_nav_menu_placeholder; ?>][menu-item-title]" type="text" class="regular-text menu-item-textbox input-with-default-title" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Menu Item'); ?>" />
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<p class="button-controls">
2010-05-04 12:01:15 +02:00
<span class="list-controls">
<a href="#" class="select-all add-home-link"><?php _e('Add Home Link'); ?></a>
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<span class="add-to-menu">
2010-05-03 20:16:22 +02:00
<img class="waiting" src="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'images/wpspin_light.gif' ) ); ?>" alt="" />
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Add to Menu'); ?>" name="add-custom-menu-item" />
<div class="clear"></div>
</div><!-- /.customlinkdiv -->
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
* Displays a metabox for a post type menu item.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $object Not used.
* @param string $post_type The post type object.
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
function wp_nav_menu_item_post_type_meta_box( $object, $post_type ) {
$post_type_name = $post_type['args']->name;
// paginate browsing for large numbers of post objects
$per_page = 50;
$pagenum = isset( $_REQUEST[$post_type_name . '-tab'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['paged'] ) ? absint( $_REQUEST['paged'] ) : 1;
$offset = 0 < $pagenum ? $per_page * ( $pagenum - 1 ) : 0;
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
$args = array(
'offset' => $offset,
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
'order' => 'ASC',
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'orderby' => 'title',
'posts_per_page' => $per_page,
'post_type' => $post_type_name,
'suppress_filters' => true,
2010-05-11 20:43:12 +02:00
'update_post_term_cache' => false,
'update_post_meta_cache' => false
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-03-17 17:27:25 +01:00
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
if ( isset( $post_type['args']->_default_query ) )
$args = array_merge($args, (array) $post_type['args']->_default_query );
2010-03-17 07:10:47 +01:00
// @todo transient caching of these results with proper invalidation on updating of a post of this type
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$get_posts = new WP_Query;
$posts = $get_posts->query( $args );
2010-05-11 20:38:51 +02:00
if ( ! $get_posts->post_count ) {
2010-04-29 08:01:44 +02:00
echo '<p>' . __( 'No items.' ) . '</p>';
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post_type_name);
2010-03-17 17:27:25 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$num_pages = $get_posts->max_num_pages;
2010-05-11 20:38:51 +02:00
if ( isset( $get_posts->found_posts ) && ( $get_posts->found_posts > $get_posts->post_count ) ) {
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
// somewhat like display_page_row(), let's make sure ancestors show up on paged display
$parent_ids = array();
$child_ids = array();
foreach( (array) $posts as $post ) {
$parent_ids[] = (int) $post->post_parent;
$child_ids[] = (int) $post->ID;
$parent_ids = array_unique($parent_ids);
$child_ids = array_unique($child_ids);
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$missing_parents = array();
do {
foreach( (array) $missing_parents as $missing_parent_id ) {
$missing_parent = get_post($missing_parent_id);
$posts[] = $missing_parent;
$child_ids[] = $missing_parent_id;
$parent_ids[] = $missing_parent->post_parent;
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$missing_parents = array_filter( array_diff( array_unique( $parent_ids ), array_unique( $child_ids ) ) );
} while( 0 < count( $missing_parents ) );
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$page_links = paginate_links( array(
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'base' => add_query_arg(
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$post_type_name . '-tab' => 'all',
'paged' => '%#%',
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'format' => '',
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
'prev_text' => __('«'),
'next_text' => __('»'),
'total' => $num_pages,
'current' => $pagenum
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-03-22 20:56:16 +01:00
if ( !$posts )
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
$error = '<li id="error">'. sprintf( __( 'No %s exists' ), $post_type['args']->label ) .'</li>';
2010-03-17 17:27:25 +01:00
2010-04-28 06:09:00 +02:00
$current_tab = 'all';
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
if ( isset( $_REQUEST[$post_type_name . '-tab'] ) && in_array( $_REQUEST[$post_type_name . '-tab'], array('all', 'search') ) ) {
$current_tab = $_REQUEST[$post_type_name . '-tab'];
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-03-17 17:27:25 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['quick-search-posttype-' . $post_type_name] ) ) {
$current_tab = 'search';
$removed_args = array(
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<div id="posttype-<?php echo $post_type_name; ?>" class="posttypediv">
<ul id="posttype-<?php echo $post_type_name; ?>-tabs" class="posttype-tabs add-menu-item-tabs">
2010-05-06 21:19:53 +02:00
<li <?php echo ( 'all' == $current_tab ? ' class="tabs"' : '' ); ?>><a class="nav-tab-link" href="<?php echo esc_url(add_query_arg($post_type_name . '-tab', 'all', remove_query_arg($removed_args))); ?>#<?php echo $post_type_name; ?>-all"><?php _e('View All'); ?></a></li>
<li <?php echo ( 'search' == $current_tab ? ' class="tabs"' : '' ); ?>><a class="nav-tab-link" href="<?php echo esc_url(add_query_arg($post_type_name . '-tab', 'search', remove_query_arg($removed_args))); ?>#tabs-panel-posttype-<?php echo $post_type_name; ?>-search"><?php _e('Search'); ?></a></li>
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
<div class="tabs-panel <?php
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
echo ( 'search' == $current_tab ? 'tabs-panel-active' : 'tabs-panel-inactive' );
?>" id="tabs-panel-posttype-<?php echo $post_type_name; ?>-search">
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['quick-search-posttype-' . $post_type_name] ) ) {
$searched = esc_attr( $_REQUEST['quick-search-posttype-' . $post_type_name] );
$search_results = get_posts( array( 's' => $searched, 'post_type' => $post_type_name, 'fields' => 'all', 'order' => 'DESC', ) );
} else {
$searched = '';
$search_results = array();
<p class="quick-search-wrap">
<input type="text" class="quick-search regular-text" value="<?php echo $searched; ?>" name="quick-search-posttype-<?php echo $post_type_name; ?>" />
<input type="submit" class="quick-search-submit button-secondary" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Search'); ?>" />
<ul id="<?php echo $post_type_name; ?>-search-checklist" class="list:<?php echo $post_type_name?> categorychecklist form-no-clear">
<?php if ( ! empty( $search_results ) && ! is_wp_error( $search_results ) ) : ?>
$args['walker'] = new Walker_Nav_Menu_Checklist;
echo walk_nav_menu_tree( array_map('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', $search_results), 0, (object) $args );
2010-04-28 22:44:08 +02:00
<?php elseif ( is_wp_error( $search_results ) ) : ?>
<li><?php echo $search_results->get_error_message(); ?></li>
<?php elseif ( ! empty( $searched ) ) : ?>
<li><?php _e('No results found.'); ?></li>
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<?php endif; ?>
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
</div><!-- /.tabs-panel -->
2010-05-04 09:24:49 +02:00
<div id="<?php echo $post_type_name; ?>-all" class="tabs-panel tabs-panel-view-all <?php
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
echo ( 'all' == $current_tab ? 'tabs-panel-active' : 'tabs-panel-inactive' );
<div class="add-menu-item-pagelinks">
<?php echo $page_links; ?>
<ul id="<?php echo $post_type_name; ?>checklist" class="list:<?php echo $post_type_name?> categorychecklist form-no-clear">
$args['walker'] = new Walker_Nav_Menu_Checklist;
$checkbox_items = walk_nav_menu_tree( array_map('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', $posts), 0, (object) $args );
if ( 'all' == $current_tab && ! empty( $_REQUEST['selectall'] ) ) {
$checkbox_items = preg_replace('/(type=(.)checkbox(\2))/', '$1 checked=$2checked$2', $checkbox_items);
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
echo $checkbox_items;
<div class="add-menu-item-pagelinks">
<?php echo $page_links; ?>
</div><!-- /.tabs-panel -->
<p class="button-controls">
2010-05-03 01:40:34 +02:00
<span class="list-controls">
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
<a href="<?php
2010-05-06 21:19:53 +02:00
echo esc_url(add_query_arg(
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$post_type_name . '-tab' => 'all',
'selectall' => 1,
2010-05-06 21:19:53 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
?>#posttype-<?php echo $post_type_name; ?>" class="select-all"><?php _e('Select All'); ?></a>
<span class="add-to-menu">
2010-05-03 20:16:22 +02:00
<img class="waiting" src="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'images/wpspin_light.gif' ) ); ?>" alt="" />
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Add to Menu'); ?>" name="add-post-type-menu-item" />
<br class="clear" />
</div><!-- /.posttypediv -->
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-02-28 21:00:49 +01:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
* Displays a metabox for a taxonomy menu item.
2010-02-28 21:00:49 +01:00
* @since 3.0.0
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
* @param string $object Not used.
* @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy object.
2010-02-28 21:00:49 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
function wp_nav_menu_item_taxonomy_meta_box( $object, $taxonomy ) {
$taxonomy_name = $taxonomy['args']->name;
2010-04-29 08:01:44 +02:00
if ( ! $term_count = wp_count_terms( $taxonomy_name ) ) {
echo '<p>' . __( 'No items.' ) . '</p>';
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
// paginate browsing for large numbers of objects
2010-05-06 16:09:10 +02:00
$per_page = 50;
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$pagenum = isset( $_REQUEST[$taxonomy_name . '-tab'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['paged'] ) ? absint( $_REQUEST['paged'] ) : 1;
$offset = 0 < $pagenum ? $per_page * ( $pagenum - 1 ) : 0;
2010-04-29 08:01:44 +02:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
$args = array(
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'child_of' => 0,
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
'exclude' => '',
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'hide_empty' => false,
'hierarchical' => 1,
'include' => '',
'include_last_update_time' => false,
'number' => $per_page,
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
'offset' => $offset,
'order' => 'ASC',
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'orderby' => 'name',
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
'pad_counts' => false,
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-03-17 07:10:47 +01:00
2010-04-29 08:01:44 +02:00
$num_pages = ceil( $term_count / $per_page );
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$page_links = paginate_links( array(
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'base' => add_query_arg(
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$taxonomy_name . '-tab' => 'all',
'paged' => '%#%',
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'format' => '',
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
'prev_text' => __('«'),
'next_text' => __('»'),
'total' => $num_pages,
'current' => $pagenum
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$walker = new Walker_Nav_Menu_Checklist;
2010-03-17 07:10:47 +01:00
// @todo transient caching of these results with proper invalidation on updating of a tax of this type
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$terms = get_terms( $taxonomy_name, $args );
2010-03-17 17:27:25 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
if ( ! $terms || is_wp_error($terms) )
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
$error = '<li id="error">'. sprintf( __( 'No %s exists' ), $taxonomy['args']->label ) .'</li>';
2010-03-17 17:27:25 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$current_tab = 'most-used';
if ( isset( $_REQUEST[$taxonomy_name . '-tab'] ) && in_array( $_REQUEST[$taxonomy_name . '-tab'], array('all', 'most-used', 'search') ) ) {
$current_tab = $_REQUEST[$taxonomy_name . '-tab'];
if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['quick-search-taxonomy-' . $taxonomy_name] ) ) {
$current_tab = 'search';
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-03-17 17:27:25 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$removed_args = array(
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<div id="taxonomy-<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>" class="taxonomydiv">
<ul id="taxonomy-<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>-tabs" class="taxonomy-tabs add-menu-item-tabs">
2010-05-06 21:19:53 +02:00
<li <?php echo ( 'most-used' == $current_tab ? ' class="tabs"' : '' ); ?>><a class="nav-tab-link" href="<?php echo esc_url(add_query_arg($taxonomy_name . '-tab', 'most-used', remove_query_arg($removed_args))); ?>#tabs-panel-<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>-pop"><?php _e('Most Used'); ?></a></li>
<li <?php echo ( 'search' == $current_tab ? ' class="tabs"' : '' ); ?>><a class="nav-tab-link" href="<?php echo esc_url(add_query_arg($taxonomy_name . '-tab', 'search', remove_query_arg($removed_args))); ?>#tabs-panel-search-taxonomy-<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>"><?php _e('Search'); ?></a></li>
<li <?php echo ( 'all' == $current_tab ? ' class="tabs"' : '' ); ?>><a class="nav-tab-link" href="<?php echo esc_url(add_query_arg($taxonomy_name . '-tab', 'all', remove_query_arg($removed_args))); ?>#tabs-panel-<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>-all"><?php _e('View All'); ?></a></li>
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<div id="tabs-panel-<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>-pop" class="tabs-panel <?php
echo ( 'most-used' == $current_tab ? 'tabs-panel-active' : 'tabs-panel-inactive' );
<ul id="<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>checklist-pop" class="categorychecklist form-no-clear" >
$popular_terms = get_terms( $taxonomy_name, array( 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'number' => 10, 'hierarchical' => false ) );
$args['walker'] = $walker;
echo walk_nav_menu_tree( array_map('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', $popular_terms), 0, (object) $args );
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
</div><!-- /.tabs-panel -->
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
<div class="tabs-panel <?php
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
echo ( 'search' == $current_tab ? 'tabs-panel-active' : 'tabs-panel-inactive' );
?>" id="tabs-panel-search-taxonomy-<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>">
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['quick-search-taxonomy-' . $taxonomy_name] ) ) {
$searched = esc_attr( $_REQUEST['quick-search-taxonomy-' . $taxonomy_name] );
$search_results = get_terms( $taxonomy_name, array( 'name__like' => $searched, 'fields' => 'all', 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'hierarchical' => false ) );
} else {
$searched = '';
$search_results = array();
<p class="quick-search-wrap">
<input type="text" class="quick-search regular-text" value="<?php echo $searched; ?>" name="quick-search-taxonomy-<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>" />
<input type="submit" class="quick-search-submit button-secondary" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Search'); ?>" />
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<ul id="<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>-search-checklist" class="list:<?php echo $taxonomy_name?> categorychecklist form-no-clear">
<?php if ( ! empty( $search_results ) && ! is_wp_error( $search_results ) ) : ?>
$args['walker'] = $walker;
echo walk_nav_menu_tree( array_map('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', $search_results), 0, (object) $args );
2010-04-28 22:44:08 +02:00
<?php elseif ( is_wp_error( $search_results ) ) : ?>
<li><?php echo $search_results->get_error_message(); ?></li>
<?php elseif ( ! empty( $searched ) ) : ?>
<li><?php _e('No results found.'); ?></li>
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<?php endif; ?>
</div><!-- /.tabs-panel -->
2010-05-04 09:24:49 +02:00
<div id="tabs-panel-<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>-all" class="tabs-panel tabs-panel-view-all <?php
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
echo ( 'all' == $current_tab ? 'tabs-panel-active' : 'tabs-panel-inactive' );
<div class="add-menu-item-pagelinks">
<?php echo $page_links; ?>
<ul id="<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>checklist" class="list:<?php echo $taxonomy_name?> categorychecklist form-no-clear">
$args['walker'] = $walker;
echo walk_nav_menu_tree( array_map('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', $terms), 0, (object) $args );
<div class="add-menu-item-pagelinks">
<?php echo $page_links; ?>
</div><!-- /.tabs-panel -->
<p class="button-controls">
2010-05-03 01:40:34 +02:00
<span class="list-controls">
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
<a href="<?php
2010-05-06 21:19:53 +02:00
echo esc_url(add_query_arg(
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$taxonomy_name . '-tab' => 'all',
'selectall' => 1,
2010-05-06 21:19:53 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
?>#taxonomy-<?php echo $taxonomy_name; ?>" class="select-all"><?php _e('Select All'); ?></a>
<span class="add-to-menu">
2010-05-03 20:16:22 +02:00
<img class="waiting" src="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'images/wpspin_light.gif' ) ); ?>" alt="" />
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Add to Menu'); ?>" name="add-taxonomy-menu-item" />
<br class="clear" />
</div><!-- /.taxonomydiv -->
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-02-28 21:00:49 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
* Save posted nav menu item data.
2010-02-28 21:00:49 +01:00
* @since 3.0.0
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
* @param int $menu_id The menu ID for which to save this item.
* @param array $menu_data The unsanitized posted menu item data.
2010-04-29 09:33:56 +02:00
* @return array The database IDs of the items saved
2010-02-28 21:00:49 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
function wp_save_nav_menu_item( $menu_id = 0, $menu_data = array() ) {
$menu_id = (int) $menu_id;
$items_saved = array();
if ( is_nav_menu( $menu_id ) ) {
// Loop through all the menu items' POST values
foreach( (array) $menu_data as $_possible_db_id => $_item_object_data ) {
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
if (
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
empty( $_item_object_data['menu-item-object-id'] ) && // checkbox is not checked
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
! isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-type'] ) || // and item type either isn't set
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
in_array( $_item_object_data['menu-item-url'], array( 'http://', '' ) ) || // or URL is the default
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
'custom' != $_item_object_data['menu-item-type'] || // or it's not a custom menu item
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
! empty( $_item_object_data['menu-item-db-id'] ) // or it *is* a custom menu item that already exists
) {
continue; // then this potential menu item is not getting added to this menu
// if this possible menu item doesn't actually have a menu database ID yet
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
if (
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
empty( $_item_object_data['menu-item-db-id'] ) ||
( 0 > $_possible_db_id ) ||
$_possible_db_id != $_item_object_data['menu-item-db-id']
) {
$_actual_db_id = 0;
} else {
$_actual_db_id = (int) $_item_object_data['menu-item-db-id'];
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
$args = array(
'menu-item-db-id' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-db-id'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-db-id'] : '' ),
'menu-item-object-id' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-object-id'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-object-id'] : '' ),
'menu-item-object' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-object'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-object'] : '' ),
'menu-item-parent-id' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-parent-id'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-parent-id'] : '' ),
'menu-item-position' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-position'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-position'] : '' ),
'menu-item-type' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-type'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-type'] : '' ),
'menu-item-append' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-append'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-append'] : '' ),
'menu-item-title' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-title'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-title'] : '' ),
'menu-item-url' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-url'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-url'] : '' ),
'menu-item-description' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-description'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-description'] : '' ),
'menu-item-attr-title' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-attr-title'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-attr-title'] : '' ),
'menu-item-target' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-target'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-target'] : '' ),
'menu-item-classes' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-classes'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-classes'] : '' ),
'menu-item-xfn' => ( isset( $_item_object_data['menu-item-xfn'] ) ? $_item_object_data['menu-item-xfn'] : '' ),
$items_saved[] = wp_update_nav_menu_item( $menu_id, $_actual_db_id, $args );
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
return $items_saved;
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
* Adds custom arguments to some of the meta box object types.
* @since 3.0.0
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
* @access private
* @param object $object The post type or taxonomy meta-object.
* @return object The post type of taxonomy object.
function _wp_nav_menu_meta_box_object( $object = null ) {
if ( isset( $object->name ) ) {
// don't show media meta box
if ( 'attachment' == $object->name )
return false;
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
// pages should show most recent
if ( 'page' == $object->name ) {
$object->_default_query = array(
'orderby' => 'post_date',
'order' => 'DESC',
'post_status' => 'publish',
// posts should show only published items
} elseif ( 'post' == $object->name ) {
$object->_default_query = array(
'post_status' => 'publish',
// cats should be in reverse chronological order
} elseif ( 'category' == $object->name ) {
$object->_default_query = array(
'orderby' => 'id',
'order' => 'DESC',
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-28 20:30:32 +02:00
return $object;
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
* Returns the menu item formatted to edit.
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
* @since 3.0.0
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
* @param string $menu_item_id The ID of the menu item to format.
* @return string|WP_Error $output The menu formatted to edit or error object on failure.
2010-03-15 17:26:46 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
function wp_get_nav_menu_to_edit( $menu_item_id = 0 ) {
$menu = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $menu_item_id );
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
// If the menu exists, get its items.
if ( is_nav_menu( $menu ) ) {
2010-04-28 07:02:09 +02:00
$menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu->term_id, array('post_status' => 'any') );
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
$walker = new Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit;
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
return walk_nav_menu_tree( array_map('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', $menu_items), 0, (object) array('walker' => $walker ) );
} elseif ( is_wp_error( $menu ) ) {
2010-05-03 22:26:11 +02:00
return $menu;
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-03-17 17:27:25 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-02-24 09:06:36 +01:00
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00
2010-04-29 05:43:39 +02:00
* Returns the columns for the nav menus page.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $menu_item_id The ID of the menu item to format.
* @return string|WP_Error $output The menu formatted to edit or error object on failure.
function wp_nav_menu_manage_columns() {
return array(
'cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />',
'link-target' => __('Link Target'),
'css-classes' => __('CSS Classes'),
'xfn' => __('Link Relationship (XFN)'),
'description' => __('Description'),
2010-04-27 03:05:58 +02:00