2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
< ? php
2015-10-15 00:49:24 +02:00
* Administration API : Core Ajax handlers
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
* @ package WordPress
* @ subpackage Administration
2015-10-15 00:49:24 +02:00
* @ since 2.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:02:13 +02:00
// No-privilege Ajax handlers.
2013-07-28 22:54:48 +02:00
2014-06-28 04:06:14 +02:00
* Ajax handler for the Heartbeat API in
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* the no - privilege context .
2013-07-28 22:54:48 +02:00
* Runs when the user is not logged in .
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* @ since 3.6 . 0
2013-07-28 22:54:48 +02:00
2013-03-14 00:54:12 +01:00
function wp_ajax_nopriv_heartbeat () {
$response = array ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// screen_id is the same as $current_screen->id and the JS global 'pagenow'.
2013-06-05 02:13:40 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'screen_id' ]) )
$screen_id = sanitize_key ( $_POST [ 'screen_id' ]);
2013-03-14 00:54:12 +01:00
2013-06-05 02:13:40 +02:00
$screen_id = 'front' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-03-14 00:54:12 +01:00
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'data' ]) ) {
$data = wp_unslash ( ( array ) $_POST [ 'data' ] );
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Filters Heartbeat Ajax response in no - privilege environments .
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
* @ since 3.6 . 0
* @ param array | object $response The no - priv Heartbeat response object or array .
* @ param array $data An array of data passed via $_POST .
* @ param string $screen_id The screen id .
2013-03-14 00:54:12 +01:00
$response = apply_filters ( 'heartbeat_nopriv_received' , $response , $data , $screen_id );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Filters Heartbeat Ajax response when no data is passed .
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
* @ since 3.6 . 0
* @ param array | object $response The Heartbeat response object or array .
* @ param string $screen_id The screen id .
2013-03-14 00:54:12 +01:00
$response = apply_filters ( 'heartbeat_nopriv_send' , $response , $screen_id );
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
* Fires when Heartbeat ticks in no - privilege environments .
* Allows the transport to be easily replaced with long - polling .
* @ since 3.6 . 0
* @ param array | object $response The no - priv Heartbeat response .
* @ param string $screen_id The screen id .
2013-03-14 00:54:12 +01:00
do_action ( 'heartbeat_nopriv_tick' , $response , $screen_id );
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Send the current time according to the server.
2013-06-05 02:13:40 +02:00
$response [ 'server_time' ] = time ();
2013-03-14 00:54:12 +01:00
wp_send_json ( $response );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
// GET-based Ajax handlers.
* Ajax handler for fetching a list table .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_fetch_list () {
$list_class = $_GET [ 'list_args' ][ 'class' ];
check_ajax_referer ( " fetch-list- $list_class " , '_ajax_fetch_list_nonce' );
2012-09-19 14:43:31 +02:00
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( $list_class , array ( 'screen' => $_GET [ 'list_args' ][ 'screen' ][ 'id' ] ) );
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
if ( ! $wp_list_table ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
if ( ! $wp_list_table -> ajax_user_can () ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$wp_list_table -> ajax_response ();
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for tag search .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_ajax_tag_search () {
2014-11-01 23:48:22 +01:00
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'tax' ] ) ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-11-01 23:48:22 +01:00
$taxonomy = sanitize_key ( $_GET [ 'tax' ] );
$tax = get_taxonomy ( $taxonomy );
if ( ! $tax ) {
wp_die ( 0 );
if ( ! current_user_can ( $tax -> cap -> assign_terms ) ) {
wp_die ( - 1 );
2013-03-01 18:00:25 +01:00
$s = wp_unslash ( $_GET [ 'q' ] );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-02-07 19:06:12 +01:00
$comma = _x ( ',' , 'tag delimiter' );
if ( ',' !== $comma )
$s = str_replace ( $comma , ',' , $s );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( false !== strpos ( $s , ',' ) ) {
$s = explode ( ',' , $s );
$s = $s [ count ( $s ) - 1 ];
$s = trim ( $s );
2014-06-29 12:05:16 +02:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Filters the minimum number of characters required to fire a tag search via Ajax .
2014-06-29 12:05:16 +02:00
* @ since 4.0 . 0
2016-10-07 19:12:29 +02:00
* @ param int $characters The minimum number of characters required . Default 2.
* @ param WP_Taxonomy $tax The taxonomy object .
* @ param string $s The search term .
2014-06-29 12:05:16 +02:00
$term_search_min_chars = ( int ) apply_filters ( 'term_search_min_chars' , 2 , $tax , $s );
* Require $term_search_min_chars chars for matching ( default : 2 )
* ensure it ' s a non - negative , non - zero integer .
if ( ( $term_search_min_chars == 0 ) || ( strlen ( $s ) < $term_search_min_chars ) ){
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-09-16 19:51:08 +02:00
$results = get_terms ( $taxonomy , array ( 'name__like' => $s , 'fields' => 'names' , 'hide_empty' => false ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
echo join ( $results , " \n " );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for compression testing .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_wp_compression_test () {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'manage_options' ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ini_get ( 'zlib.output_compression' ) || 'ob_gzhandler' == ini_get ( 'output_handler' ) ) {
2015-10-07 19:11:25 +02:00
update_site_option ( 'can_compress_scripts' , 0 );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'test' ]) ) {
header ( 'Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT' );
header ( 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate ( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT' );
header ( 'Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0' );
2015-01-03 03:57:21 +01:00
header ( 'Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=UTF-8' );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$force_gzip = ( defined ( 'ENFORCE_GZIP' ) && ENFORCE_GZIP );
$test_str = '"wpCompressionTest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer mollis sapien urna ut a. Eu nonummy condimentum fringilla tempor pretium platea vel nibh netus Maecenas. Hac molestie amet justo quis pellentesque est ultrices interdum nibh Morbi. Cras mattis pretium Phasellus ante ipsum ipsum ut sociis Suspendisse Lorem. Ante et non molestie. Porta urna Vestibulum egestas id congue nibh eu risus gravida sit. Ac augue auctor Ut et non a elit massa id sodales. Elit eu Nulla at nibh adipiscing mattis lacus mauris at tempus. Netus nibh quis suscipit nec feugiat eget sed lorem et urna. Pellentesque lacus at ut massa consectetuer ligula ut auctor semper Pellentesque. Ut metus massa nibh quam Curabitur molestie nec mauris congue. Volutpat molestie elit justo facilisis neque ac risus Ut nascetur tristique. Vitae sit lorem tellus et quis Phasellus lacus tincidunt nunc Fusce. Pharetra wisi Suspendisse mus sagittis libero lacinia Integer consequat ac Phasellus. Et urna ac cursus tortor aliquam Aliquam amet tellus volutpat Vestibulum. Justo interdum condimentum In augue congue tellus sollicitudin Quisque quis nibh."' ;
if ( 1 == $_GET [ 'test' ] ) {
echo $test_str ;
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} elseif ( 2 == $_GET [ 'test' ] ) {
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' ]) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( false !== stripos ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' ], 'deflate' ) && function_exists ( 'gzdeflate' ) && ! $force_gzip ) {
header ( 'Content-Encoding: deflate' );
$out = gzdeflate ( $test_str , 1 );
} elseif ( false !== stripos ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' ], 'gzip' ) && function_exists ( 'gzencode' ) ) {
header ( 'Content-Encoding: gzip' );
$out = gzencode ( $test_str , 1 );
} else {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
echo $out ;
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} elseif ( 'no' == $_GET [ 'test' ] ) {
2016-03-30 20:21:25 +02:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'update_can_compress_scripts' );
2015-10-07 19:11:25 +02:00
update_site_option ( 'can_compress_scripts' , 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} elseif ( 'yes' == $_GET [ 'test' ] ) {
2016-03-30 20:21:25 +02:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'update_can_compress_scripts' );
2015-10-07 19:11:25 +02:00
update_site_option ( 'can_compress_scripts' , 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for image editor previews .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_imgedit_preview () {
$post_id = intval ( $_GET [ 'postid' ]);
if ( empty ( $post_id ) || ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( " image_editor- $post_id " );
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php' );
if ( ! stream_preview_image ( $post_id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for oEmbed caching .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2015-05-28 23:41:30 +02:00
* @ global WP_Embed $wp_embed
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_oembed_cache () {
Improve oEmbed caching. Introduces the concept of a TTL for oEmbed caches and a filter for `oembed_ttl`.
We will no longer replace previously valid oEmbed responses with an `{{unknown}}` cache value. When this happens due to reaching a rate limit or a service going down, it is data loss, and is not acceptable. This means that oEmbed caches for a post are no longer deleted indiscriminately every time that post is saved.
oEmbed continues to be cached in post meta, with the addition of a separate meta key containing the timestamp of the last retrieval, which is used to avoid re-requesting a recently cached oEmbed response. By default, we consider a valued cached in the past day to be fresh. This can greatly reduce the number of outbound requests, especially in cases where a post containing multiple embeds is saved frequently.
The TTL used to determine whether or not to request a response can be filtered using `oembed_ttl`, thus allowing for the possibility of respecting the optional oEmbed response parameter `cache_age` or altering the period of time a cached value is considered to be fresh.
Now that oEmbeds are previewed in the visual editor as well as the media modal, oEmbed caches are often populated before a post is saved or published. By pre-populating and avoiding having to re-request that response, we also greatly reduce the chances of a stampede happening when a published post is visible before oEmbed caching is complete.
As it previously stood, a stampede was extremely likely to happen, as the AJAX caching was only triggered when `$_GET['message']` was 1. The published message is 6. We now trigger the caching every time `$_GET['message']` is present on the edit screen, as we are able to avoid triggering so many HTTP requests overall.
props markjaquith. fixes #14759. see #17210.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@28972
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@28761 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2014-07-03 18:45:14 +02:00
$GLOBALS [ 'wp_embed' ] -> cache_oembed ( $_GET [ 'post' ] );
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for user autocomplete .
* @ since 3.4 . 0
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
function wp_ajax_autocomplete_user () {
2012-03-30 23:04:48 +02:00
if ( ! is_multisite () || ! current_user_can ( 'promote_users' ) || wp_is_large_network ( 'users' ) )
wp_die ( - 1 );
2013-10-25 00:59:20 +02:00
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/user-new.php */
2017-01-20 18:43:42 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'manage_network_users' ) && ! apply_filters ( 'autocomplete_users_for_site_admins' , false ) )
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-03-02 18:50:01 +01:00
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
$return = array ();
2012-03-24 05:54:58 +01:00
// Check the type of request
2014-01-28 00:10:12 +01:00
// Current allowed values are `add` and `search`
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'autocomplete_type' ] ) && 'search' === $_REQUEST [ 'autocomplete_type' ] ) {
2012-03-24 05:54:58 +01:00
$type = $_REQUEST [ 'autocomplete_type' ];
2014-01-28 00:10:12 +01:00
} else {
2012-03-24 05:54:58 +01:00
$type = 'add' ;
2014-01-28 00:10:12 +01:00
// Check the desired field for value
// Current allowed values are `user_email` and `user_login`
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'autocomplete_field' ] ) && 'user_email' === $_REQUEST [ 'autocomplete_field' ] ) {
$field = $_REQUEST [ 'autocomplete_field' ];
} else {
$field = 'user_login' ;
2012-03-24 05:54:58 +01:00
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
// Exclude current users of this blog
2014-01-28 00:10:12 +01:00
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'site_id' ] ) ) {
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
$id = absint ( $_REQUEST [ 'site_id' ] );
2014-01-28 00:10:12 +01:00
} else {
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
$id = get_current_blog_id ();
2014-01-28 00:10:12 +01:00
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
2012-03-24 05:54:58 +01:00
$include_blog_users = ( $type == 'search' ? get_users ( array ( 'blog_id' => $id , 'fields' => 'ID' ) ) : array () );
$exclude_blog_users = ( $type == 'add' ? get_users ( array ( 'blog_id' => $id , 'fields' => 'ID' ) ) : array () );
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
$users = get_users ( array (
'blog_id' => false ,
'search' => '*' . $_REQUEST [ 'term' ] . '*' ,
2012-03-24 05:54:58 +01:00
'include' => $include_blog_users ,
'exclude' => $exclude_blog_users ,
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
'search_columns' => array ( 'user_login' , 'user_nicename' , 'user_email' ),
2012-03-02 18:50:01 +01:00
) );
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
$return [] = array (
/* translators: 1: user_login, 2: user_email */
2015-12-06 21:57:26 +01:00
'label' => sprintf ( _x ( '%1$s (%2$s)' , 'user autocomplete result' ), $user -> user_login , $user -> user_email ),
2014-01-28 00:10:12 +01:00
'value' => $user -> $field ,
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
2014-10-28 19:35:19 +01:00
wp_die ( wp_json_encode ( $return ) );
2012-02-10 09:45:17 +01:00
Dashboard: Update the existing WordPress News dashboard widget to also include upcoming meetup events and WordCamps near the current user’s location.
Props @afercia, @andreamiddleton, @azaozz, @camikaos, @coreymckrill, @chanthaboune, @courtneypk, @dd32, @iandunn, @iseulde, @mapk, @mayukojpn, @melchoyce, @nao, @obenland, @pento, @samuelsidler, @stephdau, @tellyworth.
See #40702.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@40607
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@40477 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2017-05-10 22:04:42 +02:00
* Handles AJAX requests for community events
* @ since 4.8 . 0
function wp_ajax_get_community_events () {
require_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-community-events.php' );
check_ajax_referer ( 'community_events' );
$search = isset ( $_POST [ 'location' ] ) ? wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'location' ] ) : '' ;
$timezone = isset ( $_POST [ 'timezone' ] ) ? wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'timezone' ] ) : '' ;
$user_id = get_current_user_id ();
$saved_location = get_user_option ( 'community-events-location' , $user_id );
$events_client = new WP_Community_Events ( $user_id , $saved_location );
$events = $events_client -> get_events ( $search , $timezone );
if ( is_wp_error ( $events ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'error' => $events -> get_error_message (),
) );
} else {
if ( isset ( $events [ 'location' ] ) ) {
// Store the location network-wide, so the user doesn't have to set it on each site.
update_user_option ( $user_id , 'community-events-location' , $events [ 'location' ], true );
wp_send_json_success ( $events );
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for dashboard widgets .
* @ since 3.4 . 0
2012-03-15 14:20:00 +01:00
function wp_ajax_dashboard_widgets () {
2012-06-30 17:07:39 +02:00
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php' ;
2012-03-15 14:20:00 +01:00
2013-11-15 21:15:10 +01:00
$pagenow = $_GET [ 'pagenow' ];
if ( $pagenow === 'dashboard-user' || $pagenow === 'dashboard-network' || $pagenow === 'dashboard' ) {
set_current_screen ( $pagenow );
2012-03-15 14:20:00 +01:00
switch ( $_GET [ 'widget' ] ) {
2013-11-15 21:15:10 +01:00
case 'dashboard_primary' :
wp_dashboard_primary ();
2012-03-15 14:20:00 +01:00
break ;
wp_die ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for Customizer preview logged - in status .
* @ since 3.4 . 0
2012-06-13 00:51:55 +02:00
function wp_ajax_logged_in () {
wp_die ( 1 );
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
// Ajax helpers.
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
* Sends back current comment total and new page links if they need to be updated .
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Contrary to normal success Ajax response ( " 1 " ), die with time () on success .
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2016-02-03 21:17:26 +01:00
* @ access private
2013-12-24 19:57:12 +01:00
* @ since 2.7 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
* @ param int $comment_id
2015-05-29 18:01:27 +02:00
* @ param int $delta
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function _wp_ajax_delete_comment_response ( $comment_id , $delta = - 1 ) {
2013-08-15 18:25:12 +02:00
$total = isset ( $_POST [ '_total' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ '_total' ] : 0 ;
$per_page = isset ( $_POST [ '_per_page' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ '_per_page' ] : 0 ;
$page = isset ( $_POST [ '_page' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ '_page' ] : 0 ;
$url = isset ( $_POST [ '_url' ] ) ? esc_url_raw ( $_POST [ '_url' ] ) : '' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
// JS didn't send us everything we need to know. Just die with success message
2015-08-20 04:51:25 +02:00
if ( ! $total || ! $per_page || ! $page || ! $url ) {
2016-06-17 23:48:27 +02:00
$time = time ();
$comment = get_comment ( $comment_id );
$comment_status = '' ;
$comment_link = '' ;
if ( $comment ) {
$comment_status = $comment -> comment_approved ;
if ( 1 === ( int ) $comment_status ) {
$comment_link = get_comment_link ( $comment );
2015-08-20 04:51:25 +02:00
2015-09-24 17:53:25 +02:00
$counts = wp_count_comments ();
2015-08-20 04:51:25 +02:00
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ( array (
'what' => 'comment' ,
// Here for completeness - not used.
'id' => $comment_id ,
'supplemental' => array (
2016-06-17 23:48:27 +02:00
'status' => $comment_status ,
2015-08-20 18:36:25 +02:00
'postId' => $comment ? $comment -> comment_post_ID : '' ,
2015-09-24 17:53:25 +02:00
'time' => $time ,
'in_moderation' => $counts -> moderated ,
'i18n_comments_text' => sprintf (
_n ( '%s Comment' , '%s Comments' , $counts -> approved ),
number_format_i18n ( $counts -> approved )
'i18n_moderation_text' => sprintf (
_nx ( '%s in moderation' , '%s in moderation' , $counts -> moderated , 'comments' ),
number_format_i18n ( $counts -> moderated )
2016-06-17 23:48:27 +02:00
'comment_link' => $comment_link ,
2015-08-20 04:51:25 +02:00
) );
$x -> send ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$total += $delta ;
if ( $total < 0 )
$total = 0 ;
// Only do the expensive stuff on a page-break, and about 1 other time per page
if ( 0 == $total % $per_page || 1 == mt_rand ( 1 , $per_page ) ) {
$post_id = 0 ;
2015-09-15 03:47:25 +02:00
// What type of comment count are we looking for?
$status = 'all' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$parsed = parse_url ( $url );
if ( isset ( $parsed [ 'query' ] ) ) {
parse_str ( $parsed [ 'query' ], $query_vars );
if ( ! empty ( $query_vars [ 'comment_status' ] ) )
$status = $query_vars [ 'comment_status' ];
if ( ! empty ( $query_vars [ 'p' ] ) )
$post_id = ( int ) $query_vars [ 'p' ];
2016-06-09 04:22:27 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $query_vars [ 'comment_type' ] ) )
$type = $query_vars [ 'comment_type' ];
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2016-06-09 04:22:27 +02:00
if ( empty ( $type ) ) {
// Only use the comment count if not filtering by a comment_type.
$comment_count = wp_count_comments ( $post_id );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2016-06-09 04:22:27 +02:00
// We're looking for a known type of comment count.
if ( isset ( $comment_count -> $status ) ) {
$total = $comment_count -> $status ;
// Else use the decremented value from above.
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// The time since the last comment count.
$time = time ();
2015-08-20 04:51:25 +02:00
$comment = get_comment ( $comment_id );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ( array (
'what' => 'comment' ,
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Here for completeness - not used.
'id' => $comment_id ,
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
'supplemental' => array (
2015-08-20 04:51:25 +02:00
'status' => $comment ? $comment -> comment_approved : '' ,
2015-08-20 18:36:25 +02:00
'postId' => $comment ? $comment -> comment_post_ID : '' ,
2015-03-31 20:45:28 +02:00
'total_items_i18n' => sprintf ( _n ( '%s item' , '%s items' , $total ), number_format_i18n ( $total ) ),
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
'total_pages' => ceil ( $total / $per_page ),
'total_pages_i18n' => number_format_i18n ( ceil ( $total / $per_page ) ),
'total' => $total ,
'time' => $time
) );
$x -> send ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
// POST-based Ajax handlers.
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for adding a hierarchical term .
2016-02-03 21:17:26 +01:00
* @ access private
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-05-24 23:38:01 +02:00
function _wp_ajax_add_hierarchical_term () {
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$action = $_POST [ 'action' ];
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$taxonomy = get_taxonomy ( substr ( $action , 4 ));
check_ajax_referer ( $action , '_ajax_nonce-add-' . $taxonomy -> name );
if ( ! current_user_can ( $taxonomy -> cap -> edit_terms ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$names = explode ( ',' , $_POST [ 'new' . $taxonomy -> name ]);
$parent = isset ( $_POST [ 'new' . $taxonomy -> name . '_parent' ]) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'new' . $taxonomy -> name . '_parent' ] : 0 ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( 0 > $parent )
$parent = 0 ;
if ( $taxonomy -> name == 'category' )
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$post_category = isset ( $_POST [ 'post_category' ]) ? ( array ) $_POST [ 'post_category' ] : array ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$post_category = ( isset ( $_POST [ 'tax_input' ]) && isset ( $_POST [ 'tax_input' ][ $taxonomy -> name ]) ) ? ( array ) $_POST [ 'tax_input' ][ $taxonomy -> name ] : array ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$checked_categories = array_map ( 'absint' , ( array ) $post_category );
$popular_ids = wp_popular_terms_checklist ( $taxonomy -> name , 0 , 10 , false );
foreach ( $names as $cat_name ) {
$cat_name = trim ( $cat_name );
$category_nicename = sanitize_title ( $cat_name );
if ( '' === $category_nicename )
continue ;
2016-12-23 04:11:40 +01:00
$cat_id = wp_insert_term ( $cat_name , $taxonomy -> name , array ( 'parent' => $parent ) );
if ( ! $cat_id || is_wp_error ( $cat_id ) ) {
2012-01-30 19:19:27 +01:00
continue ;
2016-12-23 04:11:40 +01:00
} else {
2012-01-30 19:19:27 +01:00
$cat_id = $cat_id [ 'term_id' ];
2015-01-08 08:05:25 +01:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$checked_categories [] = $cat_id ;
if ( $parent ) // Do these all at once in a second
continue ;
2015-06-27 03:12:24 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
ob_start ();
2015-06-27 03:12:24 +02:00
wp_terms_checklist ( 0 , array ( 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy -> name , 'descendants_and_self' => $cat_id , 'selected_cats' => $checked_categories , 'popular_cats' => $popular_ids ));
$data = ob_get_clean ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$add = array (
'what' => $taxonomy -> name ,
'id' => $cat_id ,
'data' => str_replace ( array ( " \n " , " \t " ), '' , $data ),
'position' => - 1
if ( $parent ) { // Foncy - replace the parent and all its children
$parent = get_term ( $parent , $taxonomy -> name );
$term_id = $parent -> term_id ;
while ( $parent -> parent ) { // get the top parent
2012-10-04 20:37:43 +02:00
$parent = get_term ( $parent -> parent , $taxonomy -> name );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( is_wp_error ( $parent ) )
break ;
$term_id = $parent -> term_id ;
ob_start ();
2015-06-27 03:12:24 +02:00
wp_terms_checklist ( 0 , array ( 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy -> name , 'descendants_and_self' => $term_id , 'selected_cats' => $checked_categories , 'popular_cats' => $popular_ids ));
$data = ob_get_clean ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$add = array (
'what' => $taxonomy -> name ,
'id' => $term_id ,
'data' => str_replace ( array ( " \n " , " \t " ), '' , $data ),
'position' => - 1
ob_start ();
2015-06-27 03:12:24 +02:00
wp_dropdown_categories ( array (
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy -> name , 'hide_empty' => 0 , 'name' => 'new' . $taxonomy -> name . '_parent' , 'orderby' => 'name' ,
'hierarchical' => 1 , 'show_option_none' => '— ' . $taxonomy -> labels -> parent_item . ' —'
) );
$sup = ob_get_clean ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$add [ 'supplemental' ] = array ( 'newcat_parent' => $sup );
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ( $add );
$x -> send ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for deleting a comment .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_delete_comment () {
$id = isset ( $_POST [ 'id' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'id' ] : 0 ;
if ( ! $comment = get_comment ( $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( time () );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_comment' , $comment -> comment_ID ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( " delete-comment_ $id " );
2015-09-14 23:40:24 +02:00
$status = wp_get_comment_status ( $comment );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$delta = - 1 ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'trash' ]) && 1 == $_POST [ 'trash' ] ) {
if ( 'trash' == $status )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( time () );
2015-09-14 23:47:25 +02:00
$r = wp_trash_comment ( $comment );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} elseif ( isset ( $_POST [ 'untrash' ]) && 1 == $_POST [ 'untrash' ] ) {
if ( 'trash' != $status )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( time () );
2015-09-14 23:47:25 +02:00
$r = wp_untrash_comment ( $comment );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'comment_status' ] ) || $_POST [ 'comment_status' ] != 'trash' ) // undo trash, not in trash
$delta = 1 ;
} elseif ( isset ( $_POST [ 'spam' ]) && 1 == $_POST [ 'spam' ] ) {
if ( 'spam' == $status )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( time () );
2015-09-14 23:47:25 +02:00
$r = wp_spam_comment ( $comment );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} elseif ( isset ( $_POST [ 'unspam' ]) && 1 == $_POST [ 'unspam' ] ) {
if ( 'spam' != $status )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( time () );
2015-09-14 23:47:25 +02:00
$r = wp_unspam_comment ( $comment );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'comment_status' ] ) || $_POST [ 'comment_status' ] != 'spam' ) // undo spam, not in spam
$delta = 1 ;
} elseif ( isset ( $_POST [ 'delete' ]) && 1 == $_POST [ 'delete' ] ) {
2015-09-14 23:47:25 +02:00
$r = wp_delete_comment ( $comment );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} else {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( $r ) // Decide if we need to send back '1' or a more complicated response including page links and comment counts
_wp_ajax_delete_comment_response ( $comment -> comment_ID , $delta );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for deleting a tag .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_delete_tag () {
$tag_id = ( int ) $_POST [ 'tag_ID' ];
check_ajax_referer ( " delete-tag_ $tag_id " );
Taxonomy: Introduce more fine grained capabilities for managing taxonomy terms.
This introduces the singular `edit_term`, `delete_term`, and `assign_term` meta capabilities for terms, and switches the base capability name for tags from `manage_categories` to `manage_post_tags` and the corresponding `edit_post_tags`, `delete_post_tags`, and `assign_post_tags`.
All of these capabilities ultimately map to `manage_categories` so by default there is no change in the behaviour of the capabilities for categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. The `map_meta_cap` filter and the `capabilities` argument when registering a taxonomy now allow for control over editing, deleting, and assigning individual terms, as well as a separation of capabilities for tags from those of categories.
Fixes #35614
Props johnjamesjacoby for feedback
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38698
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38641 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-01 00:40:28 +02:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'delete_term' , $tag_id ) ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
Taxonomy: Introduce more fine grained capabilities for managing taxonomy terms.
This introduces the singular `edit_term`, `delete_term`, and `assign_term` meta capabilities for terms, and switches the base capability name for tags from `manage_categories` to `manage_post_tags` and the corresponding `edit_post_tags`, `delete_post_tags`, and `assign_post_tags`.
All of these capabilities ultimately map to `manage_categories` so by default there is no change in the behaviour of the capabilities for categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. The `map_meta_cap` filter and the `capabilities` argument when registering a taxonomy now allow for control over editing, deleting, and assigning individual terms, as well as a separation of capabilities for tags from those of categories.
Fixes #35614
Props johnjamesjacoby for feedback
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38698
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38641 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-01 00:40:28 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
Taxonomy: Introduce more fine grained capabilities for managing taxonomy terms.
This introduces the singular `edit_term`, `delete_term`, and `assign_term` meta capabilities for terms, and switches the base capability name for tags from `manage_categories` to `manage_post_tags` and the corresponding `edit_post_tags`, `delete_post_tags`, and `assign_post_tags`.
All of these capabilities ultimately map to `manage_categories` so by default there is no change in the behaviour of the capabilities for categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. The `map_meta_cap` filter and the `capabilities` argument when registering a taxonomy now allow for control over editing, deleting, and assigning individual terms, as well as a separation of capabilities for tags from those of categories.
Fixes #35614
Props johnjamesjacoby for feedback
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38698
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38641 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-01 00:40:28 +02:00
$taxonomy = ! empty ( $_POST [ 'taxonomy' ]) ? $_POST [ 'taxonomy' ] : 'post_tag' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$tag = get_term ( $tag_id , $taxonomy );
if ( ! $tag || is_wp_error ( $tag ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( wp_delete_term ( $tag_id , $taxonomy ))
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for deleting a link .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_delete_link () {
$id = isset ( $_POST [ 'id' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'id' ] : 0 ;
check_ajax_referer ( " delete-bookmark_ $id " );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'manage_links' ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$link = get_bookmark ( $id );
if ( ! $link || is_wp_error ( $link ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( wp_delete_link ( $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for deleting meta .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_delete_meta () {
$id = isset ( $_POST [ 'id' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'id' ] : 0 ;
check_ajax_referer ( " delete-meta_ $id " );
if ( ! $meta = get_metadata_by_mid ( 'post' , $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( is_protected_meta ( $meta -> meta_key , 'post' ) || ! current_user_can ( 'delete_post_meta' , $meta -> post_id , $meta -> meta_key ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( delete_meta ( $meta -> meta_id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for deleting a post .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
* @ param string $action Action to perform .
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_delete_post ( $action ) {
2012-05-24 08:40:53 +02:00
if ( empty ( $action ) )
$action = 'delete-post' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$id = isset ( $_POST [ 'id' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'id' ] : 0 ;
check_ajax_referer ( " { $action } _ $id " );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'delete_post' , $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! get_post ( $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( wp_delete_post ( $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for sending a post to the trash .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
* @ param string $action Action to perform .
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_trash_post ( $action ) {
2012-05-24 08:40:53 +02:00
if ( empty ( $action ) )
$action = 'trash-post' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$id = isset ( $_POST [ 'id' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'id' ] : 0 ;
check_ajax_referer ( " { $action } _ $id " );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'delete_post' , $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! get_post ( $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( 'trash-post' == $action )
$done = wp_trash_post ( $id );
$done = wp_untrash_post ( $id );
if ( $done )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler to restore a post from the trash .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
* @ param string $action Action to perform .
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_untrash_post ( $action ) {
2012-05-24 08:40:53 +02:00
if ( empty ( $action ) )
$action = 'untrash-post' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
wp_ajax_trash_post ( $action );
2015-05-29 18:01:27 +02:00
* @ since 3.1 . 0
* @ param string $action
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_delete_page ( $action ) {
2012-05-24 08:40:53 +02:00
if ( empty ( $action ) )
$action = 'delete-page' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$id = isset ( $_POST [ 'id' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'id' ] : 0 ;
check_ajax_referer ( " { $action } _ $id " );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'delete_page' , $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-08-23 22:01:10 +02:00
if ( ! get_post ( $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( wp_delete_post ( $id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler to dim a comment .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_dim_comment () {
$id = isset ( $_POST [ 'id' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'id' ] : 0 ;
if ( ! $comment = get_comment ( $id ) ) {
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ( array (
'what' => 'comment' ,
'id' => new WP_Error ( 'invalid_comment' , sprintf ( __ ( 'Comment %d does not exist' ), $id ))
) );
$x -> send ();
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_comment' , $comment -> comment_ID ) && ! current_user_can ( 'moderate_comments' ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2015-09-14 23:40:24 +02:00
$current = wp_get_comment_status ( $comment );
2013-09-14 00:18:08 +02:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'new' ] ) && $_POST [ 'new' ] == $current )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( time () );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( " approve-comment_ $id " );
2015-09-14 23:40:24 +02:00
if ( in_array ( $current , array ( 'unapproved' , 'spam' ) ) ) {
$result = wp_set_comment_status ( $comment , 'approve' , true );
} else {
$result = wp_set_comment_status ( $comment , 'hold' , true );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( is_wp_error ( $result ) ) {
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ( array (
'what' => 'comment' ,
'id' => $result
) );
$x -> send ();
// Decide if we need to send back '1' or a more complicated response including page links and comment counts
_wp_ajax_delete_comment_response ( $comment -> comment_ID );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
2016-09-01 02:49:29 +02:00
* Ajax handler for adding a link category .
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* @ since 3.1 . 0
* @ param string $action Action to perform .
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_add_link_category ( $action ) {
2012-05-24 08:40:53 +02:00
if ( empty ( $action ) )
$action = 'add-link-category' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( $action );
Taxonomy: Introduce more fine grained capabilities for managing taxonomy terms.
This introduces the singular `edit_term`, `delete_term`, and `assign_term` meta capabilities for terms, and switches the base capability name for tags from `manage_categories` to `manage_post_tags` and the corresponding `edit_post_tags`, `delete_post_tags`, and `assign_post_tags`.
All of these capabilities ultimately map to `manage_categories` so by default there is no change in the behaviour of the capabilities for categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. The `map_meta_cap` filter and the `capabilities` argument when registering a taxonomy now allow for control over editing, deleting, and assigning individual terms, as well as a separation of capabilities for tags from those of categories.
Fixes #35614
Props johnjamesjacoby for feedback
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38698
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38641 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-01 00:40:28 +02:00
$tax = get_taxonomy ( 'link_category' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( $tax -> cap -> manage_terms ) ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
Taxonomy: Introduce more fine grained capabilities for managing taxonomy terms.
This introduces the singular `edit_term`, `delete_term`, and `assign_term` meta capabilities for terms, and switches the base capability name for tags from `manage_categories` to `manage_post_tags` and the corresponding `edit_post_tags`, `delete_post_tags`, and `assign_post_tags`.
All of these capabilities ultimately map to `manage_categories` so by default there is no change in the behaviour of the capabilities for categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. The `map_meta_cap` filter and the `capabilities` argument when registering a taxonomy now allow for control over editing, deleting, and assigning individual terms, as well as a separation of capabilities for tags from those of categories.
Fixes #35614
Props johnjamesjacoby for feedback
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38698
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38641 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-01 00:40:28 +02:00
2013-03-01 18:57:08 +01:00
$names = explode ( ',' , wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'newcat' ] ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ();
foreach ( $names as $cat_name ) {
$cat_name = trim ( $cat_name );
$slug = sanitize_title ( $cat_name );
if ( '' === $slug )
continue ;
2016-12-23 04:11:40 +01:00
$cat_id = wp_insert_term ( $cat_name , 'link_category' );
if ( ! $cat_id || is_wp_error ( $cat_id ) ) {
2012-01-30 19:19:27 +01:00
continue ;
2016-12-23 04:11:40 +01:00
} else {
2012-01-30 19:19:27 +01:00
$cat_id = $cat_id [ 'term_id' ];
2015-01-08 08:05:25 +01:00
2013-03-01 18:57:08 +01:00
$cat_name = esc_html ( $cat_name );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x -> add ( array (
'what' => 'link-category' ,
'id' => $cat_id ,
'data' => " <li id='link-category- $cat_id '><label for='in-link-category- $cat_id ' class='selectit'><input value=' " . esc_attr ( $cat_id ) . " ' type='checkbox' checked='checked' name='link_category[]' id='in-link-category- $cat_id '/> $cat_name </label></li> " ,
'position' => - 1
) );
$x -> send ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler to add a tag .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_add_tag () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'add-tag' , '_wpnonce_add-tag' );
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$taxonomy = ! empty ( $_POST [ 'taxonomy' ]) ? $_POST [ 'taxonomy' ] : 'post_tag' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$tax = get_taxonomy ( $taxonomy );
if ( ! current_user_can ( $tax -> cap -> edit_terms ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ();
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$tag = wp_insert_term ( $_POST [ 'tag-name' ], $taxonomy , $_POST );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! $tag || is_wp_error ( $tag ) || ( ! $tag = get_term ( $tag [ 'term_id' ], $taxonomy )) ) {
$message = __ ( 'An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.' );
if ( is_wp_error ( $tag ) && $tag -> get_error_message () )
$message = $tag -> get_error_message ();
$x -> add ( array (
'what' => 'taxonomy' ,
'data' => new WP_Error ( 'error' , $message )
) );
$x -> send ();
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( 'WP_Terms_List_Table' , array ( 'screen' => $_POST [ 'screen' ] ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$level = 0 ;
if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical ( $taxonomy ) ) {
2014-11-01 03:58:23 +01:00
$level = count ( get_ancestors ( $tag -> term_id , $taxonomy , 'taxonomy' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
ob_start ();
$wp_list_table -> single_row ( $tag , $level );
$noparents = ob_get_clean ();
ob_start ();
$wp_list_table -> single_row ( $tag );
$parents = ob_get_clean ();
$x -> add ( array (
'what' => 'taxonomy' ,
'supplemental' => compact ( 'parents' , 'noparents' )
2015-05-29 18:01:27 +02:00
) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x -> add ( array (
'what' => 'term' ,
'position' => $level ,
'supplemental' => ( array ) $tag
2015-05-29 18:01:27 +02:00
) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x -> send ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for getting a tagcloud .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_get_tagcloud () {
2014-11-01 23:54:22 +01:00
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'tax' ] ) ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-11-01 23:54:22 +01:00
$taxonomy = sanitize_key ( $_POST [ 'tax' ] );
$tax = get_taxonomy ( $taxonomy );
if ( ! $tax ) {
wp_die ( 0 );
2014-12-31 21:41:24 +01:00
2014-11-01 23:54:22 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( $tax -> cap -> assign_terms ) ) {
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$tags = get_terms ( $taxonomy , array ( 'number' => 45 , 'orderby' => 'count' , 'order' => 'DESC' ) );
if ( empty ( $tags ) )
2013-02-25 20:39:38 +01:00
wp_die ( $tax -> labels -> not_found );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( is_wp_error ( $tags ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( $tags -> get_error_message () );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
foreach ( $tags as $key => $tag ) {
$tags [ $key ] -> link = '#' ;
$tags [ $key ] -> id = $tag -> term_id ;
// We need raw tag names here, so don't filter the output
$return = wp_generate_tag_cloud ( $tags , array ( 'filter' => 0 ) );
if ( empty ( $return ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
echo $return ;
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for getting comments .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2015-05-28 23:41:30 +02:00
* @ global int $post_id
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* @ param string $action Action to perform .
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_get_comments ( $action ) {
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
global $post_id ;
if ( empty ( $action ) ) {
2012-05-24 08:40:53 +02:00
$action = 'get-comments' ;
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( $action );
2013-09-14 20:36:09 +02:00
if ( empty ( $post_id ) && ! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'p' ] ) ) {
$id = absint ( $_REQUEST [ 'p' ] );
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $id ) ) {
2013-09-14 20:36:09 +02:00
$post_id = $id ;
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
2013-09-14 20:36:09 +02:00
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
if ( empty ( $post_id ) ) {
2013-09-14 20:36:09 +02:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
2013-09-14 20:36:09 +02:00
2012-09-19 14:43:31 +02:00
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( 'WP_Post_Comments_List_Table' , array ( 'screen' => 'edit-comments' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_id ) ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$wp_list_table -> prepare_items ();
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
if ( ! $wp_list_table -> has_items () ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ();
ob_start ();
foreach ( $wp_list_table -> items as $comment ) {
2016-05-27 16:10:28 +02:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_comment' , $comment -> comment_ID ) && 0 === $comment -> comment_approved )
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
continue ;
get_comment ( $comment );
$wp_list_table -> single_row ( $comment );
2015-06-27 03:12:24 +02:00
$comment_list_item = ob_get_clean ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x -> add ( array (
'what' => 'comments' ,
'data' => $comment_list_item
) );
$x -> send ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for replying to a comment .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
* @ param string $action Action to perform .
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_replyto_comment ( $action ) {
2012-05-24 08:40:53 +02:00
if ( empty ( $action ) )
$action = 'replyto-comment' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( $action , '_ajax_nonce-replyto-comment' );
$comment_post_ID = ( int ) $_POST [ 'comment_post_ID' ];
2013-04-04 20:44:38 +02:00
$post = get_post ( $comment_post_ID );
if ( ! $post )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-04-04 20:44:38 +02:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $comment_post_ID ) )
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-04-04 20:44:38 +02:00
if ( empty ( $post -> post_status ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2013-04-04 20:44:38 +02:00
elseif ( in_array ( $post -> post_status , array ( 'draft' , 'pending' , 'trash' ) ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( __ ( 'ERROR: you are replying to a comment on a draft post.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$user = wp_get_current_user ();
2012-04-06 21:18:45 +02:00
if ( $user -> exists () ) {
2012-02-03 21:13:22 +01:00
$user_ID = $user -> ID ;
2013-07-16 16:19:03 +02:00
$comment_author = wp_slash ( $user -> display_name );
$comment_author_email = wp_slash ( $user -> user_email );
$comment_author_url = wp_slash ( $user -> user_url );
2014-09-23 05:29:16 +02:00
$comment_content = trim ( $_POST [ 'content' ] );
$comment_type = isset ( $_POST [ 'comment_type' ] ) ? trim ( $_POST [ 'comment_type' ] ) : '' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( current_user_can ( 'unfiltered_html' ) ) {
2013-09-14 00:18:08 +02:00
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ '_wp_unfiltered_html_comment' ] ) )
$_POST [ '_wp_unfiltered_html_comment' ] = '' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( wp_create_nonce ( 'unfiltered-html-comment' ) != $_POST [ '_wp_unfiltered_html_comment' ] ) {
kses_remove_filters (); // start with a clean slate
kses_init_filters (); // set up the filters
} else {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( __ ( 'Sorry, you must be logged in to reply to a comment.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( '' == $comment_content )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( __ ( 'ERROR: please type a comment.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-09-14 00:18:08 +02:00
$comment_parent = 0 ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'comment_ID' ] ) )
$comment_parent = absint ( $_POST [ 'comment_ID' ] );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$comment_auto_approved = false ;
$commentdata = compact ( 'comment_post_ID' , 'comment_author' , 'comment_author_email' , 'comment_author_url' , 'comment_content' , 'comment_type' , 'comment_parent' , 'user_ID' );
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Automatically approve parent comment.
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'approve_parent' ]) ) {
$parent = get_comment ( $comment_parent );
if ( $parent && $parent -> comment_approved === '0' && $parent -> comment_post_ID == $comment_post_ID ) {
2015-09-12 09:19:25 +02:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_comment' , $parent -> comment_ID ) ) {
wp_die ( - 1 );
2015-09-14 23:40:24 +02:00
if ( wp_set_comment_status ( $parent , 'approve' ) )
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$comment_auto_approved = true ;
2012-11-05 17:49:10 +01:00
$comment_id = wp_new_comment ( $commentdata );
$comment = get_comment ( $comment_id );
if ( ! $comment ) wp_die ( 1 );
$position = ( isset ( $_POST [ 'position' ]) && ( int ) $_POST [ 'position' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'position' ] : '-1' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
ob_start ();
2013-09-14 00:18:08 +02:00
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'mode' ] ) && 'dashboard' == $_REQUEST [ 'mode' ] ) {
require_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php' );
_wp_dashboard_recent_comments_row ( $comment );
} else {
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'mode' ] ) && 'single' == $_REQUEST [ 'mode' ] ) {
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( 'WP_Post_Comments_List_Table' , array ( 'screen' => 'edit-comments' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} else {
2013-09-14 00:18:08 +02:00
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( 'WP_Comments_List_Table' , array ( 'screen' => 'edit-comments' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-09-14 00:18:08 +02:00
$wp_list_table -> single_row ( $comment );
$comment_list_item = ob_get_clean ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$response = array (
'what' => 'comment' ,
'id' => $comment -> comment_ID ,
'data' => $comment_list_item ,
'position' => $position
2015-09-24 17:53:25 +02:00
$counts = wp_count_comments ();
$response [ 'supplemental' ] = array (
'in_moderation' => $counts -> moderated ,
'i18n_comments_text' => sprintf (
_n ( '%s Comment' , '%s Comments' , $counts -> approved ),
number_format_i18n ( $counts -> approved )
'i18n_moderation_text' => sprintf (
_nx ( '%s in moderation' , '%s in moderation' , $counts -> moderated , 'comments' ),
number_format_i18n ( $counts -> moderated )
if ( $comment_auto_approved ) {
$response [ 'supplemental' ][ 'parent_approved' ] = $parent -> comment_ID ;
$response [ 'supplemental' ][ 'parent_post_id' ] = $parent -> comment_post_ID ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ();
$x -> add ( $response );
$x -> send ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for editing a comment .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_edit_comment () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'replyto-comment' , '_ajax_nonce-replyto-comment' );
$comment_id = ( int ) $_POST [ 'comment_ID' ];
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_comment' , $comment_id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( '' == $_POST [ 'content' ] )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( __ ( 'ERROR: please type a comment.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-09-14 00:18:08 +02:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'status' ] ) )
$_POST [ 'comment_status' ] = $_POST [ 'status' ];
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
edit_comment ();
$position = ( isset ( $_POST [ 'position' ]) && ( int ) $_POST [ 'position' ]) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'position' ] : '-1' ;
$checkbox = ( isset ( $_POST [ 'checkbox' ]) && true == $_POST [ 'checkbox' ] ) ? 1 : 0 ;
2012-09-19 14:43:31 +02:00
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( $checkbox ? 'WP_Comments_List_Table' : 'WP_Post_Comments_List_Table' , array ( 'screen' => 'edit-comments' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$comment = get_comment ( $comment_id );
2013-09-14 20:36:09 +02:00
if ( empty ( $comment -> comment_ID ) )
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
ob_start ();
2013-09-14 00:18:08 +02:00
$wp_list_table -> single_row ( $comment );
$comment_list_item = ob_get_clean ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ();
$x -> add ( array (
'what' => 'edit_comment' ,
'id' => $comment -> comment_ID ,
'data' => $comment_list_item ,
'position' => $position
$x -> send ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for adding a menu item .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_add_menu_item () {
2012-03-02 18:50:01 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'add-menu_item' , 'menu-settings-column-nonce' );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_theme_options' ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php' ;
// For performance reasons, we omit some object properties from the checklist.
// The following is a hacky way to restore them when adding non-custom items.
$menu_items_data = array ();
foreach ( ( array ) $_POST [ 'menu-item' ] as $menu_item_data ) {
if (
! empty ( $menu_item_data [ 'menu-item-type' ] ) &&
'custom' != $menu_item_data [ 'menu-item-type' ] &&
! empty ( $menu_item_data [ 'menu-item-object-id' ] )
) {
switch ( $menu_item_data [ 'menu-item-type' ] ) {
case 'post_type' :
$_object = get_post ( $menu_item_data [ 'menu-item-object-id' ] );
break ;
2015-10-24 19:46:25 +02:00
case 'post_type_archive' :
$_object = get_post_type_object ( $menu_item_data [ 'menu-item-object' ] );
break ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
case 'taxonomy' :
$_object = get_term ( $menu_item_data [ 'menu-item-object-id' ], $menu_item_data [ 'menu-item-object' ] );
break ;
$_menu_items = array_map ( 'wp_setup_nav_menu_item' , array ( $_object ) );
2015-03-19 04:56:27 +01:00
$_menu_item = reset ( $_menu_items );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
// Restore the missing menu item properties
$menu_item_data [ 'menu-item-description' ] = $_menu_item -> description ;
$menu_items_data [] = $menu_item_data ;
$item_ids = wp_save_nav_menu_items ( 0 , $menu_items_data );
if ( is_wp_error ( $item_ids ) )
2012-03-02 18:50:01 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$menu_items = array ();
foreach ( ( array ) $item_ids as $menu_item_id ) {
$menu_obj = get_post ( $menu_item_id );
if ( ! empty ( $menu_obj -> ID ) ) {
$menu_obj = wp_setup_nav_menu_item ( $menu_obj );
$menu_obj -> label = $menu_obj -> title ; // don't show "(pending)" in ajax-added items
$menu_items [] = $menu_obj ;
2014-04-25 08:50:15 +02:00
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php */
2012-03-02 18:50:01 +01:00
$walker_class_name = apply_filters ( 'wp_edit_nav_menu_walker' , 'Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit' , $_POST [ 'menu' ] );
2015-11-30 05:15:27 +01:00
if ( ! class_exists ( $walker_class_name ) )
2012-03-02 18:50:01 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! empty ( $menu_items ) ) {
$args = array (
'after' => '' ,
'before' => '' ,
'link_after' => '' ,
'link_before' => '' ,
2012-03-02 18:50:01 +01:00
'walker' => new $walker_class_name ,
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
echo walk_nav_menu_tree ( $menu_items , 0 , ( object ) $args );
2013-01-07 04:59:44 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for adding meta .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_add_meta () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'add-meta' , '_ajax_nonce-add-meta' );
$c = 0 ;
$pid = ( int ) $_POST [ 'post_id' ];
$post = get_post ( $pid );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'metakeyselect' ]) || isset ( $_POST [ 'metakeyinput' ]) ) {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $pid ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'metakeyselect' ]) && '#NONE#' == $_POST [ 'metakeyselect' ] && empty ( $_POST [ 'metakeyinput' ]) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2014-11-01 23:48:22 +01:00
2014-11-08 21:56:22 +01:00
// If the post is an autodraft, save the post as a draft and then attempt to save the meta.
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( $post -> post_status == 'auto-draft' ) {
2015-08-21 20:13:24 +02:00
$post_data = array ();
$post_data [ 'action' ] = 'draft' ; // Warning fix
$post_data [ 'post_ID' ] = $pid ;
$post_data [ 'post_type' ] = $post -> post_type ;
$post_data [ 'post_status' ] = 'draft' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$now = current_time ( 'timestamp' , 1 );
2016-11-21 03:46:30 +01:00
/* translators: 1: Post creation date, 2: Post creation time */
2015-12-07 05:26:27 +01:00
$post_data [ 'post_title' ] = sprintf ( __ ( 'Draft created on %1$s at %2$s' ), date ( __ ( 'F j, Y' ), $now ), date ( __ ( 'g:i a' ), $now ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2015-08-21 20:13:24 +02:00
$pid = edit_post ( $post_data );
if ( $pid ) {
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( is_wp_error ( $pid ) ) {
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ( array (
'what' => 'meta' ,
'data' => $pid
) );
$x -> send ();
2015-08-21 20:13:24 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! $mid = add_meta ( $pid ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( __ ( 'Please provide a custom field value.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} else {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2015-01-08 08:05:25 +01:00
} elseif ( ! $mid = add_meta ( $pid ) ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( __ ( 'Please provide a custom field value.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$meta = get_metadata_by_mid ( 'post' , $mid );
$pid = ( int ) $meta -> post_id ;
$meta = get_object_vars ( $meta );
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ( array (
'what' => 'meta' ,
'id' => $mid ,
'data' => _list_meta_row ( $meta , $c ),
'position' => 1 ,
'supplemental' => array ( 'postid' => $pid )
) );
} else { // Update?
$mid = ( int ) key ( $_POST [ 'meta' ] );
2013-03-01 18:00:25 +01:00
$key = wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'meta' ][ $mid ][ 'key' ] );
$value = wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'meta' ][ $mid ][ 'value' ] );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( '' == trim ( $key ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( __ ( 'Please provide a custom field name.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( '' == trim ( $value ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( __ ( 'Please provide a custom field value.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! $meta = get_metadata_by_mid ( 'post' , $mid ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 ); // if meta doesn't exist
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( is_protected_meta ( $meta -> meta_key , 'post' ) || is_protected_meta ( $key , 'post' ) ||
! current_user_can ( 'edit_post_meta' , $meta -> post_id , $meta -> meta_key ) ||
! current_user_can ( 'edit_post_meta' , $meta -> post_id , $key ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( $meta -> meta_value != $value || $meta -> meta_key != $key ) {
if ( ! $u = update_metadata_by_mid ( 'post' , $mid , $value , $key ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 ); // We know meta exists; we also know it's unchanged (or DB error, in which case there are bigger problems).
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ( array (
'what' => 'meta' ,
'id' => $mid , 'old_id' => $mid ,
'data' => _list_meta_row ( array (
'meta_key' => $key ,
'meta_value' => $value ,
'meta_id' => $mid
), $c ),
'position' => 0 ,
'supplemental' => array ( 'postid' => $meta -> post_id )
) );
$x -> send ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for adding a user .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
* @ param string $action Action to perform .
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_add_user ( $action ) {
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
if ( empty ( $action ) ) {
2012-05-24 08:40:53 +02:00
$action = 'add-user' ;
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( $action );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'create_users' ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! $user_id = edit_user () ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} elseif ( is_wp_error ( $user_id ) ) {
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ( array (
'what' => 'user' ,
'id' => $user_id
) );
$x -> send ();
2012-08-03 03:06:05 +02:00
$user_object = get_userdata ( $user_id );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( 'WP_Users_List_Table' );
2012-09-16 18:24:33 +02:00
$role = current ( $user_object -> roles );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$x = new WP_Ajax_Response ( array (
'what' => 'user' ,
'id' => $user_id ,
2012-09-16 18:24:33 +02:00
'data' => $wp_list_table -> single_row ( $user_object , '' , $role ),
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
'supplemental' => array (
2015-09-18 20:51:26 +02:00
'show-link' => sprintf (
2015-09-18 21:01:24 +02:00
/* translators: %s: the new user */
2015-09-18 20:51:26 +02:00
__ ( 'User %s added' ),
'<a href="#user-' . $user_id . '">' . $user_object -> user_login . '</a>'
2012-09-16 18:24:33 +02:00
'role' => $role ,
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
) );
$x -> send ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for closed post boxes .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_closed_postboxes () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'closedpostboxes' , 'closedpostboxesnonce' );
$closed = isset ( $_POST [ 'closed' ] ) ? explode ( ',' , $_POST [ 'closed' ]) : array ();
$closed = array_filter ( $closed );
$hidden = isset ( $_POST [ 'hidden' ] ) ? explode ( ',' , $_POST [ 'hidden' ]) : array ();
$hidden = array_filter ( $hidden );
$page = isset ( $_POST [ 'page' ] ) ? $_POST [ 'page' ] : '' ;
if ( $page != sanitize_key ( $page ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! $user = wp_get_current_user () )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( is_array ( $closed ) )
update_user_option ( $user -> ID , " closedpostboxes_ $page " , $closed , true );
if ( is_array ( $hidden ) ) {
$hidden = array_diff ( $hidden , array ( 'submitdiv' , 'linksubmitdiv' , 'manage-menu' , 'create-menu' ) ); // postboxes that are always shown
update_user_option ( $user -> ID , " metaboxhidden_ $page " , $hidden , true );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for hidden columns .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_hidden_columns () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'screen-options-nonce' , 'screenoptionnonce' );
$page = isset ( $_POST [ 'page' ] ) ? $_POST [ 'page' ] : '' ;
if ( $page != sanitize_key ( $page ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! $user = wp_get_current_user () )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2015-06-13 17:00:25 +02:00
$hidden = ! empty ( $_POST [ 'hidden' ] ) ? explode ( ',' , $_POST [ 'hidden' ] ) : array ();
update_user_option ( $user -> ID , " manage { $page } columnshidden " , $hidden , true );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for updating whether to display the welcome panel .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_update_welcome_panel () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'welcome-panel-nonce' , 'welcomepanelnonce' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_theme_options' ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
update_user_meta ( get_current_user_id (), 'show_welcome_panel' , empty ( $_POST [ 'visible' ] ) ? 0 : 1 );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for retrieving menu meta boxes .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_menu_get_metabox () {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_theme_options' ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php' ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'item-type' ] ) && 'post_type' == $_POST [ 'item-type' ] ) {
$type = 'posttype' ;
$callback = 'wp_nav_menu_item_post_type_meta_box' ;
$items = ( array ) get_post_types ( array ( 'show_in_nav_menus' => true ), 'object' );
} elseif ( isset ( $_POST [ 'item-type' ] ) && 'taxonomy' == $_POST [ 'item-type' ] ) {
$type = 'taxonomy' ;
$callback = 'wp_nav_menu_item_taxonomy_meta_box' ;
$items = ( array ) get_taxonomies ( array ( 'show_ui' => true ), 'object' );
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'item-object' ] ) && isset ( $items [ $_POST [ 'item-object' ]] ) ) {
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
$menus_meta_box_object = $items [ $_POST [ 'item-object' ] ];
2014-04-25 08:14:15 +02:00
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php */
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
$item = apply_filters ( 'nav_menu_meta_box_object' , $menus_meta_box_object );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
ob_start ();
call_user_func_array ( $callback , array (
null ,
array (
'id' => 'add-' . $item -> name ,
'title' => $item -> labels -> name ,
'callback' => $callback ,
'args' => $item ,
$markup = ob_get_clean ();
2014-10-28 19:35:19 +01:00
echo wp_json_encode ( array (
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
'replace-id' => $type . '-' . $item -> name ,
'markup' => $markup ,
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for internal linking .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_wp_link_ajax () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'internal-linking' , '_ajax_linking_nonce' );
$args = array ();
2016-01-23 01:08:26 +01:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'search' ] ) ) {
2013-03-01 18:00:25 +01:00
$args [ 's' ] = wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'search' ] );
2016-01-23 01:08:26 +01:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'term' ] ) ) {
$args [ 's' ] = wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'term' ] );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$args [ 'pagenum' ] = ! empty ( $_POST [ 'page' ] ) ? absint ( $_POST [ 'page' ] ) : 1 ;
2017-04-19 04:38:44 +02:00
if ( ! class_exists ( '_WP_Editors' , false ) ) {
require ( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-editor.php' );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$results = _WP_Editors :: wp_link_query ( $args );
if ( ! isset ( $results ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-10-28 19:35:19 +01:00
echo wp_json_encode ( $results );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
echo " \n " ;
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for menu locations save .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_menu_locations_save () {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_theme_options' ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'add-menu_item' , 'menu-settings-column-nonce' );
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'menu-locations' ] ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
set_theme_mod ( 'nav_menu_locations' , array_map ( 'absint' , $_POST [ 'menu-locations' ] ) );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for saving the meta box order .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_meta_box_order () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'meta-box-order' );
$order = isset ( $_POST [ 'order' ] ) ? ( array ) $_POST [ 'order' ] : false ;
$page_columns = isset ( $_POST [ 'page_columns' ] ) ? $_POST [ 'page_columns' ] : 'auto' ;
if ( $page_columns != 'auto' )
$page_columns = ( int ) $page_columns ;
$page = isset ( $_POST [ 'page' ] ) ? $_POST [ 'page' ] : '' ;
if ( $page != sanitize_key ( $page ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! $user = wp_get_current_user () )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( $order )
update_user_option ( $user -> ID , " meta-box-order_ $page " , $order , true );
if ( $page_columns )
update_user_option ( $user -> ID , " screen_layout_ $page " , $page_columns , true );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for menu quick searching .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_menu_quick_search () {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_theme_options' ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php' ;
_wp_ajax_menu_quick_search ( $_POST );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler to retrieve a permalink .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_get_permalink () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'getpermalink' , 'getpermalinknonce' );
$post_id = isset ( $_POST [ 'post_id' ]) ? intval ( $_POST [ 'post_id' ]) : 0 ;
2015-09-15 06:15:25 +02:00
wp_die ( get_preview_post_link ( $post_id ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler to retrieve a sample permalink .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_sample_permalink () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'samplepermalink' , 'samplepermalinknonce' );
$post_id = isset ( $_POST [ 'post_id' ]) ? intval ( $_POST [ 'post_id' ]) : 0 ;
$title = isset ( $_POST [ 'new_title' ]) ? $_POST [ 'new_title' ] : '' ;
$slug = isset ( $_POST [ 'new_slug' ]) ? $_POST [ 'new_slug' ] : null ;
2012-11-19 02:28:32 +01:00
wp_die ( get_sample_permalink_html ( $post_id , $title , $slug ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
2014-11-01 21:20:23 +01:00
* Ajax handler for Quick Edit saving a post from a list table .
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2017-03-22 04:45:45 +01:00
* @ global string $mode List table view mode .
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_inline_save () {
2016-08-30 22:07:29 +02:00
global $mode ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'inlineeditnonce' , '_inline_edit' );
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'post_ID' ]) || ! ( $post_ID = ( int ) $_POST [ 'post_ID' ] ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( 'page' == $_POST [ 'post_type' ] ) {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_page' , $post_ID ) )
2016-06-29 17:16:29 +02:00
wp_die ( __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this page.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} else {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_ID ) )
2016-06-29 17:16:29 +02:00
wp_die ( __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this post.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( $last = wp_check_post_lock ( $post_ID ) ) {
$last_user = get_userdata ( $last );
$last_user_name = $last_user ? $last_user -> display_name : __ ( 'Someone' );
printf ( $_POST [ 'post_type' ] == 'page' ? __ ( 'Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this page.' ) : __ ( 'Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this post.' ), esc_html ( $last_user_name ) );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$data = & $_POST ;
$post = get_post ( $post_ID , ARRAY_A );
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Since it's coming from the database.
$post = wp_slash ( $post );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$data [ 'content' ] = $post [ 'post_content' ];
$data [ 'excerpt' ] = $post [ 'post_excerpt' ];
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Rename.
2013-10-02 23:10:09 +02:00
$data [ 'user_ID' ] = get_current_user_id ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( isset ( $data [ 'post_parent' ]) )
$data [ 'parent_id' ] = $data [ 'post_parent' ];
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Status.
2015-07-19 20:09:25 +02:00
if ( isset ( $data [ 'keep_private' ] ) && 'private' == $data [ 'keep_private' ] ) {
$data [ 'visibility' ] = 'private' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$data [ 'post_status' ] = 'private' ;
2015-07-19 20:09:25 +02:00
} else {
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$data [ 'post_status' ] = $data [ '_status' ];
2015-07-19 20:09:25 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( empty ( $data [ 'comment_status' ]) )
$data [ 'comment_status' ] = 'closed' ;
if ( empty ( $data [ 'ping_status' ]) )
$data [ 'ping_status' ] = 'closed' ;
2015-01-31 20:38:24 +01:00
// Exclude terms from taxonomies that are not supposed to appear in Quick Edit.
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'tax_input' ] ) ) {
foreach ( $data [ 'tax_input' ] as $taxonomy => $terms ) {
$tax_object = get_taxonomy ( $taxonomy );
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php */
if ( ! apply_filters ( 'quick_edit_show_taxonomy' , $tax_object -> show_in_quick_edit , $taxonomy , $post [ 'post_type' ] ) ) {
unset ( $data [ 'tax_input' ][ $taxonomy ] );
2013-05-08 23:26:17 +02:00
// Hack: wp_unique_post_slug() doesn't work for drafts, so we will fake that our post is published.
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'post_name' ] ) && in_array ( $post [ 'post_status' ], array ( 'draft' , 'pending' ) ) ) {
$post [ 'post_status' ] = 'publish' ;
$data [ 'post_name' ] = wp_unique_post_slug ( $data [ 'post_name' ], $post [ 'ID' ], $post [ 'post_status' ], $post [ 'post_type' ], $post [ 'post_parent' ] );
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Update the post.
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
edit_post ();
2012-09-19 14:43:31 +02:00
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( 'WP_Posts_List_Table' , array ( 'screen' => $_POST [ 'screen' ] ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2015-11-04 22:29:25 +01:00
$mode = $_POST [ 'post_view' ] === 'excerpt' ? 'excerpt' : 'list' ;
2012-06-30 11:28:15 +02:00
$level = 0 ;
2016-06-29 16:07:31 +02:00
if ( is_post_type_hierarchical ( $wp_list_table -> screen -> post_type ) ) {
$request_post = array ( get_post ( $_POST [ 'post_ID' ] ) );
$parent = $request_post [ 0 ] -> post_parent ;
while ( $parent > 0 ) {
$parent_post = get_post ( $parent );
$parent = $parent_post -> post_parent ;
$level ++ ;
2012-06-30 11:28:15 +02:00
$wp_list_table -> display_rows ( array ( get_post ( $_POST [ 'post_ID' ] ) ), $level );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for quick edit saving for a term .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_inline_save_tax () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'taxinlineeditnonce' , '_inline_edit' );
2013-02-28 16:14:34 +01:00
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$taxonomy = sanitize_key ( $_POST [ 'taxonomy' ] );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$tax = get_taxonomy ( $taxonomy );
if ( ! $tax )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
Taxonomy: Introduce more fine grained capabilities for managing taxonomy terms.
This introduces the singular `edit_term`, `delete_term`, and `assign_term` meta capabilities for terms, and switches the base capability name for tags from `manage_categories` to `manage_post_tags` and the corresponding `edit_post_tags`, `delete_post_tags`, and `assign_post_tags`.
All of these capabilities ultimately map to `manage_categories` so by default there is no change in the behaviour of the capabilities for categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. The `map_meta_cap` filter and the `capabilities` argument when registering a taxonomy now allow for control over editing, deleting, and assigning individual terms, as well as a separation of capabilities for tags from those of categories.
Fixes #35614
Props johnjamesjacoby for feedback
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38698
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38641 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-01 00:40:28 +02:00
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'tax_ID' ] ) || ! ( $id = ( int ) $_POST [ 'tax_ID' ] ) ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
Taxonomy: Introduce more fine grained capabilities for managing taxonomy terms.
This introduces the singular `edit_term`, `delete_term`, and `assign_term` meta capabilities for terms, and switches the base capability name for tags from `manage_categories` to `manage_post_tags` and the corresponding `edit_post_tags`, `delete_post_tags`, and `assign_post_tags`.
All of these capabilities ultimately map to `manage_categories` so by default there is no change in the behaviour of the capabilities for categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. The `map_meta_cap` filter and the `capabilities` argument when registering a taxonomy now allow for control over editing, deleting, and assigning individual terms, as well as a separation of capabilities for tags from those of categories.
Fixes #35614
Props johnjamesjacoby for feedback
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38698
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38641 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-01 00:40:28 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
Taxonomy: Introduce more fine grained capabilities for managing taxonomy terms.
This introduces the singular `edit_term`, `delete_term`, and `assign_term` meta capabilities for terms, and switches the base capability name for tags from `manage_categories` to `manage_post_tags` and the corresponding `edit_post_tags`, `delete_post_tags`, and `assign_post_tags`.
All of these capabilities ultimately map to `manage_categories` so by default there is no change in the behaviour of the capabilities for categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. The `map_meta_cap` filter and the `capabilities` argument when registering a taxonomy now allow for control over editing, deleting, and assigning individual terms, as well as a separation of capabilities for tags from those of categories.
Fixes #35614
Props johnjamesjacoby for feedback
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38698
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38641 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-01 00:40:28 +02:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_term' , $id ) ) {
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
Taxonomy: Introduce more fine grained capabilities for managing taxonomy terms.
This introduces the singular `edit_term`, `delete_term`, and `assign_term` meta capabilities for terms, and switches the base capability name for tags from `manage_categories` to `manage_post_tags` and the corresponding `edit_post_tags`, `delete_post_tags`, and `assign_post_tags`.
All of these capabilities ultimately map to `manage_categories` so by default there is no change in the behaviour of the capabilities for categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. The `map_meta_cap` filter and the `capabilities` argument when registering a taxonomy now allow for control over editing, deleting, and assigning individual terms, as well as a separation of capabilities for tags from those of categories.
Fixes #35614
Props johnjamesjacoby for feedback
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38698
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38641 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-10-01 00:40:28 +02:00
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( 'WP_Terms_List_Table' , array ( 'screen' => 'edit-' . $taxonomy ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$tag = get_term ( $id , $taxonomy );
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$_POST [ 'description' ] = $tag -> description ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$updated = wp_update_term ( $id , $taxonomy , $_POST );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( $updated && ! is_wp_error ( $updated ) ) {
$tag = get_term ( $updated [ 'term_id' ], $taxonomy );
if ( ! $tag || is_wp_error ( $tag ) ) {
if ( is_wp_error ( $tag ) && $tag -> get_error_message () )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( $tag -> get_error_message () );
wp_die ( __ ( 'Item not updated.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} else {
if ( is_wp_error ( $updated ) && $updated -> get_error_message () )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( $updated -> get_error_message () );
wp_die ( __ ( 'Item not updated.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-06-30 11:00:26 +02:00
$level = 0 ;
$parent = $tag -> parent ;
while ( $parent > 0 ) {
$parent_tag = get_term ( $parent , $taxonomy );
$parent = $parent_tag -> parent ;
2012-08-31 04:58:51 +02:00
$level ++ ;
2012-06-30 11:00:26 +02:00
2013-04-29 03:10:50 +02:00
$wp_list_table -> single_row ( $tag , $level );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
2014-11-01 21:20:23 +01:00
* Ajax handler for querying posts for the Find Posts modal .
* @ see window . findPosts
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_find_posts () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'find-posts' );
2012-11-20 19:50:15 +01:00
$post_types = get_post_types ( array ( 'public' => true ), 'objects' );
unset ( $post_types [ 'attachment' ] );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-03-01 18:00:25 +01:00
$s = wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'ps' ] );
2012-11-20 19:50:15 +01:00
$args = array (
'post_type' => array_keys ( $post_types ),
'post_status' => 'any' ,
'posts_per_page' => 50 ,
if ( '' !== $s )
$args [ 's' ] = $s ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-11-20 19:50:15 +01:00
$posts = get_posts ( $args );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-08-02 16:24:15 +02:00
if ( ! $posts ) {
wp_send_json_error ( __ ( 'No items found.' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-01-26 21:28:12 +01:00
$html = '<table class="widefat"><thead><tr><th class="found-radio"><br /></th><th>' . __ ( 'Title' ) . '</th><th class="no-break">' . __ ( 'Type' ) . '</th><th class="no-break">' . __ ( 'Date' ) . '</th><th class="no-break">' . __ ( 'Status' ) . '</th></tr></thead><tbody>' ;
2014-03-05 00:11:13 +01:00
$alt = '' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
2012-11-20 19:50:15 +01:00
$title = trim ( $post -> post_title ) ? $post -> post_title : __ ( '(no title)' );
2014-03-05 00:11:13 +01:00
$alt = ( 'alternate' == $alt ) ? '' : 'alternate' ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
switch ( $post -> post_status ) {
case 'publish' :
case 'private' :
$stat = __ ( 'Published' );
break ;
case 'future' :
$stat = __ ( 'Scheduled' );
break ;
case 'pending' :
$stat = __ ( 'Pending Review' );
break ;
case 'draft' :
$stat = __ ( 'Draft' );
break ;
if ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' == $post -> post_date ) {
$time = '' ;
} else {
2016-06-10 06:50:33 +02:00
/* translators: date format in table columns, see https://secure.php.net/date */
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$time = mysql2date ( __ ( 'Y/m/d' ), $post -> post_date );
2014-03-05 00:11:13 +01:00
$html .= '<tr class="' . trim ( 'found-posts ' . $alt ) . '"><td class="found-radio"><input type="radio" id="found-' . $post -> ID . '" name="found_post_id" value="' . esc_attr ( $post -> ID ) . '"></td>' ;
2012-11-20 19:50:15 +01:00
$html .= '<td><label for="found-' . $post -> ID . '">' . esc_html ( $title ) . '</label></td><td class="no-break">' . esc_html ( $post_types [ $post -> post_type ] -> labels -> singular_name ) . '</td><td class="no-break">' . esc_html ( $time ) . '</td><td class="no-break">' . esc_html ( $stat ) . ' </td></tr>' . " \n \n " ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-11-20 19:50:15 +01:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$html .= '</tbody></table>' ;
2014-03-05 04:54:15 +01:00
wp_send_json_success ( $html );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for saving the widgets order .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_widgets_order () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'save-sidebar-widgets' , 'savewidgets' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_theme_options' ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
unset ( $_POST [ 'savewidgets' ], $_POST [ 'action' ] );
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Save widgets order for all sidebars.
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( is_array ( $_POST [ 'sidebars' ]) ) {
$sidebars = array ();
foreach ( $_POST [ 'sidebars' ] as $key => $val ) {
$sb = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $val ) ) {
$val = explode ( ',' , $val );
foreach ( $val as $k => $v ) {
if ( strpos ( $v , 'widget-' ) === false )
continue ;
$sb [ $k ] = substr ( $v , strpos ( $v , '_' ) + 1 );
$sidebars [ $key ] = $sb ;
wp_set_sidebars_widgets ( $sidebars );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for saving a widget .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2015-05-28 23:41:30 +02:00
* @ global array $wp_registered_widgets
* @ global array $wp_registered_widget_controls
* @ global array $wp_registered_widget_updates
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_save_widget () {
global $wp_registered_widgets , $wp_registered_widget_controls , $wp_registered_widget_updates ;
check_ajax_referer ( 'save-sidebar-widgets' , 'savewidgets' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_theme_options' ) || ! isset ( $_POST [ 'id_base' ]) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
unset ( $_POST [ 'savewidgets' ], $_POST [ 'action' ] );
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
* Fires early when editing the widgets displayed in sidebars .
* @ since 2.8 . 0
do_action ( 'load-widgets.php' );
* Fires early when editing the widgets displayed in sidebars .
* @ since 2.8 . 0
do_action ( 'widgets.php' );
2014-03-28 20:47:15 +01:00
/** This action is documented in wp-admin/widgets.php */
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
do_action ( 'sidebar_admin_setup' );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$id_base = $_POST [ 'id_base' ];
$widget_id = $_POST [ 'widget-id' ];
$sidebar_id = $_POST [ 'sidebar' ];
$multi_number = ! empty ( $_POST [ 'multi_number' ]) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'multi_number' ] : 0 ;
$settings = isset ( $_POST [ 'widget-' . $id_base ]) && is_array ( $_POST [ 'widget-' . $id_base ]) ? $_POST [ 'widget-' . $id_base ] : false ;
$error = '<p>' . __ ( 'An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.' ) . '</p>' ;
$sidebars = wp_get_sidebars_widgets ();
$sidebar = isset ( $sidebars [ $sidebar_id ]) ? $sidebars [ $sidebar_id ] : array ();
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Delete.
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'delete_widget' ]) && $_POST [ 'delete_widget' ] ) {
if ( ! isset ( $wp_registered_widgets [ $widget_id ]) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( $error );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$sidebar = array_diff ( $sidebar , array ( $widget_id ) );
$_POST = array ( 'sidebar' => $sidebar_id , 'widget-' . $id_base => array (), 'the-widget-id' => $widget_id , 'delete_widget' => '1' );
2015-09-30 05:21:26 +02:00
/** This action is documented in wp-admin/widgets.php */
do_action ( 'delete_widget' , $widget_id , $sidebar_id , $id_base );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} elseif ( $settings && preg_match ( '/__i__|%i%/' , key ( $settings ) ) ) {
if ( ! $multi_number )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( $error );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2015-03-19 04:56:27 +01:00
$_POST [ 'widget-' . $id_base ] = array ( $multi_number => reset ( $settings ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$widget_id = $id_base . '-' . $multi_number ;
$sidebar [] = $widget_id ;
$_POST [ 'widget-id' ] = $sidebar ;
foreach ( ( array ) $wp_registered_widget_updates as $name => $control ) {
if ( $name == $id_base ) {
if ( ! is_callable ( $control [ 'callback' ] ) )
continue ;
ob_start ();
call_user_func_array ( $control [ 'callback' ], $control [ 'params' ] );
ob_end_clean ();
break ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'delete_widget' ]) && $_POST [ 'delete_widget' ] ) {
$sidebars [ $sidebar_id ] = $sidebar ;
wp_set_sidebars_widgets ( $sidebars );
echo " deleted: $widget_id " ;
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'add_new' ]) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( $form = $wp_registered_widget_controls [ $widget_id ] )
call_user_func_array ( $form [ 'callback' ], $form [ 'params' ] );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for saving a widget .
* @ since 3.9 . 0
2015-05-28 23:41:30 +02:00
* @ global WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
2014-03-05 21:41:14 +01:00
function wp_ajax_update_widget () {
2014-03-28 15:07:14 +01:00
global $wp_customize ;
$wp_customize -> widgets -> wp_ajax_update_widget ();
2014-03-05 21:41:14 +01:00
2015-10-21 07:23:26 +02:00
* Ajax handler for removing inactive widgets .
* @ since 4.4 . 0
function wp_ajax_delete_inactive_widgets () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'remove-inactive-widgets' , 'removeinactivewidgets' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) {
wp_die ( - 1 );
unset ( $_POST [ 'removeinactivewidgets' ], $_POST [ 'action' ] );
2017-01-04 14:20:44 +01:00
/** This action is documented in wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php */
2015-10-21 07:23:26 +02:00
do_action ( 'load-widgets.php' );
2017-01-04 14:20:44 +01:00
/** This action is documented in wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php */
2015-10-21 07:23:26 +02:00
do_action ( 'widgets.php' );
2017-01-04 14:20:44 +01:00
/** This action is documented in wp-admin/widgets.php */
2015-10-21 07:23:26 +02:00
do_action ( 'sidebar_admin_setup' );
$sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets ();
foreach ( $sidebars_widgets [ 'wp_inactive_widgets' ] as $key => $widget_id ) {
$pieces = explode ( '-' , $widget_id );
$multi_number = array_pop ( $pieces );
$id_base = implode ( '-' , $pieces );
$widget = get_option ( 'widget_' . $id_base );
unset ( $widget [ $multi_number ] );
update_option ( 'widget_' . $id_base , $widget );
unset ( $sidebars_widgets [ 'wp_inactive_widgets' ][ $key ] );
wp_set_sidebars_widgets ( $sidebars_widgets );
wp_die ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for uploading attachments
* @ since 3.3 . 0
2012-03-15 05:14:05 +01:00
function wp_ajax_upload_attachment () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'media-form' );
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
* This function does not use wp_send_json_success () / wp_send_json_error ()
* as the html4 Plupload handler requires a text / html content - type for older IE .
* See https :// core . trac . wordpress . org / ticket / 31037
2012-03-15 05:14:05 +01:00
2014-11-16 06:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'upload_files' ) ) {
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
echo wp_json_encode ( array (
'success' => false ,
'data' => array (
2016-06-29 17:16:29 +02:00
'message' => __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to upload files.' ),
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
'filename' => $_FILES [ 'async-upload' ][ 'name' ],
2014-11-16 06:47:21 +01:00
) );
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
wp_die ();
2014-11-16 06:47:21 +01:00
2012-03-15 05:14:05 +01:00
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'post_id' ] ) ) {
$post_id = $_REQUEST [ 'post_id' ];
2014-11-16 06:47:21 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_id ) ) {
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
echo wp_json_encode ( array (
'success' => false ,
'data' => array (
2016-09-28 02:17:28 +02:00
'message' => __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to attach files to this post.' ),
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
'filename' => $_FILES [ 'async-upload' ][ 'name' ],
2014-11-16 06:47:21 +01:00
) );
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
wp_die ();
2014-11-16 06:47:21 +01:00
2012-03-15 05:14:05 +01:00
} else {
$post_id = null ;
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$post_data = isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'post_data' ] ) ? $_REQUEST [ 'post_data' ] : array ();
2012-03-15 05:14:05 +01:00
2012-11-10 06:36:37 +01:00
// If the context is custom header or background, make sure the uploaded file is an image.
if ( isset ( $post_data [ 'context' ] ) && in_array ( $post_data [ 'context' ], array ( 'custom-header' , 'custom-background' ) ) ) {
2015-01-10 05:55:25 +01:00
$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype_and_ext ( $_FILES [ 'async-upload' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $_FILES [ 'async-upload' ][ 'name' ] );
2012-11-10 06:36:37 +01:00
if ( ! wp_match_mime_types ( 'image' , $wp_filetype [ 'type' ] ) ) {
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
echo wp_json_encode ( array (
'success' => false ,
'data' => array (
'message' => __ ( 'The uploaded file is not a valid image. Please try again.' ),
'filename' => $_FILES [ 'async-upload' ][ 'name' ],
2012-11-10 06:36:37 +01:00
) );
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-11-10 06:36:37 +01:00
2012-03-15 05:14:05 +01:00
$attachment_id = media_handle_upload ( 'async-upload' , $post_id , $post_data );
if ( is_wp_error ( $attachment_id ) ) {
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
echo wp_json_encode ( array (
'success' => false ,
'data' => array (
'message' => $attachment_id -> get_error_message (),
'filename' => $_FILES [ 'async-upload' ][ 'name' ],
2012-03-15 05:14:05 +01:00
) );
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-03-15 05:14:05 +01:00
2012-05-25 22:26:25 +02:00
if ( isset ( $post_data [ 'context' ] ) && isset ( $post_data [ 'theme' ] ) ) {
if ( 'custom-background' === $post_data [ 'context' ] )
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
update_post_meta ( $attachment_id , '_wp_attachment_is_custom_background' , $post_data [ 'theme' ] );
2012-05-25 22:26:25 +02:00
if ( 'custom-header' === $post_data [ 'context' ] )
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
update_post_meta ( $attachment_id , '_wp_attachment_is_custom_header' , $post_data [ 'theme' ] );
2012-05-25 22:26:25 +02:00
2012-09-11 18:55:58 +02:00
if ( ! $attachment = wp_prepare_attachment_for_js ( $attachment_id ) )
2012-11-26 21:12:50 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-09-11 18:55:58 +02:00
2015-02-12 02:15:29 +01:00
echo wp_json_encode ( array (
'success' => true ,
'data' => $attachment ,
) );
wp_die ();
2012-03-15 05:14:05 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for image editing .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_image_editor () {
$attachment_id = intval ( $_POST [ 'postid' ]);
if ( empty ( $attachment_id ) || ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $attachment_id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( " image_editor- $attachment_id " );
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php' );
$msg = false ;
switch ( $_POST [ 'do' ] ) {
case 'save' :
$msg = wp_save_image ( $attachment_id );
2014-10-28 19:35:19 +01:00
$msg = wp_json_encode ( $msg );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( $msg );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
break ;
case 'scale' :
$msg = wp_save_image ( $attachment_id );
break ;
case 'restore' :
$msg = wp_restore_image ( $attachment_id );
break ;
wp_image_editor ( $attachment_id , $msg );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for setting the featured image .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_set_post_thumbnail () {
2012-12-03 08:17:10 +01:00
$json = ! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'json' ] ); // New-style request
2012-12-03 03:38:10 +01:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$post_ID = intval ( $_POST [ 'post_id' ] );
2012-12-05 03:34:00 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_ID ) )
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$thumbnail_id = intval ( $_POST [ 'thumbnail_id' ] );
2012-12-03 08:17:10 +01:00
if ( $json )
check_ajax_referer ( " update-post_ $post_ID " );
check_ajax_referer ( " set_post_thumbnail- $post_ID " );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( $thumbnail_id == '-1' ) {
2012-12-03 03:38:10 +01:00
if ( delete_post_thumbnail ( $post_ID ) ) {
$return = _wp_post_thumbnail_html ( null , $post_ID );
$json ? wp_send_json_success ( $return ) : wp_die ( $return );
} else {
2012-12-05 03:34:00 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-12-03 03:38:10 +01:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-12-03 03:38:10 +01:00
if ( set_post_thumbnail ( $post_ID , $thumbnail_id ) ) {
$return = _wp_post_thumbnail_html ( $thumbnail_id , $post_ID );
$json ? wp_send_json_success ( $return ) : wp_die ( $return );
2012-12-05 03:34:00 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2016-07-20 18:24:28 +02:00
* Ajax handler for retrieving HTML for the featured image .
* @ since 4.6 . 0
function wp_ajax_get_post_thumbnail_html () {
$post_ID = intval ( $_POST [ 'post_id' ] );
check_ajax_referer ( " update-post_ $post_ID " );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_ID ) ) {
wp_die ( - 1 );
$thumbnail_id = intval ( $_POST [ 'thumbnail_id' ] );
// For backward compatibility, -1 refers to no featured image.
if ( - 1 === $thumbnail_id ) {
$thumbnail_id = null ;
$return = _wp_post_thumbnail_html ( $thumbnail_id , $post_ID );
wp_send_json_success ( $return );
2014-07-08 19:48:17 +02:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for setting the featured image for an attachment .
2014-07-08 19:48:17 +02:00
* @ since 4.0 . 0
2014-07-08 22:36:13 +02:00
* @ see set_post_thumbnail ()
2014-07-08 19:48:17 +02:00
function wp_ajax_set_attachment_thumbnail () {
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'urls' ] ) || ! is_array ( $_POST [ 'urls' ] ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
$thumbnail_id = ( int ) $_POST [ 'thumbnail_id' ];
if ( empty ( $thumbnail_id ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
$post_ids = array ();
// For each URL, try to find its corresponding post ID.
foreach ( $_POST [ 'urls' ] as $url ) {
$post_id = attachment_url_to_postid ( $url );
if ( ! empty ( $post_id ) ) {
$post_ids [] = $post_id ;
if ( empty ( $post_ids ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
$success = 0 ;
// For each found attachment, set its thumbnail.
foreach ( $post_ids as $post_id ) {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_id ) ) {
continue ;
if ( set_post_thumbnail ( $post_id , $thumbnail_id ) ) {
$success ++ ;
if ( 0 === $success ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
} else {
wp_send_json_success ();
wp_send_json_error ();
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for date formatting .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_date_format () {
2014-02-27 01:05:14 +01:00
wp_die ( date_i18n ( sanitize_option ( 'date_format' , wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'date' ] ) ) ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for time formatting .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_time_format () {
2014-02-27 01:05:14 +01:00
wp_die ( date_i18n ( sanitize_option ( 'time_format' , wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'date' ] ) ) ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for saving posts from the fullscreen editor .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2015-06-01 19:38:29 +02:00
* @ deprecated 4.3 . 0
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_wp_fullscreen_save_post () {
$post_id = isset ( $_POST [ 'post_ID' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'post_ID' ] : 0 ;
In `ajax-actions.php`, remove dead code:
* In `wp_ajax_add_tag()`, `$post_type` is set and never used.
* In `wp_ajax_hidden_columns()`, `$hidden` is set twice, but only checks for the existence of `$_POST['hidden']` the first time. The two lines can be combined and work together.
* In `wp_ajax_inline_save()`, `$mode` is set and never used.
* In `wp_ajax_find_posts()`, `$searchand = $search = '';` is leftover cruft, neither variable is used. `$wpdb` does not need to be imported, it is never used.
* In `wp_ajax_wp_fullscreen_save_post()`, `$post_type` is set and never used.
* In `wp_ajax_save_attachment_order()`, `$post` is set and never used.
* In `wp_ajax_send_attachment_to_editor()`, `$title` is set and never used.
See #27882.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@28292
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@28120 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2014-05-06 17:19:14 +02:00
$post = null ;
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( $post_id )
$post = get_post ( $post_id );
2012-08-14 20:39:15 +02:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'update-post_' . $post_id , '_wpnonce' );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$post_id = edit_post ();
TinyMCE 4.0.12, first run.
- Removes wp-tinymce-schema.js and mark-loaded.js, no longer needed.
- Removes the inlinepopups and most of the wpdialogs plugins; wpdialog.js is moved to wp-includes/js.
- Adds charmap, compat3x, image, link and textcolor plugins, previously contained in /themes/advanced.
- Updates the wordpress, wpeditimage, wpfullscreen, wpgallery and wplink plugins.
- Updates DFW, wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen.js.
See #24067.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26876
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26759 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-12-29 00:53:15 +01:00
if ( is_wp_error ( $post_id ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( $post ) {
2015-12-07 05:26:27 +01:00
$last_date = mysql2date ( __ ( 'F j, Y' ), $post -> post_modified );
$last_time = mysql2date ( __ ( 'g:i a' ), $post -> post_modified );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
} else {
2015-12-07 05:26:27 +01:00
$last_date = date_i18n ( __ ( 'F j, Y' ) );
$last_time = date_i18n ( __ ( 'g:i a' ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
TinyMCE 4.0.12, first run.
- Removes wp-tinymce-schema.js and mark-loaded.js, no longer needed.
- Removes the inlinepopups and most of the wpdialogs plugins; wpdialog.js is moved to wp-includes/js.
- Adds charmap, compat3x, image, link and textcolor plugins, previously contained in /themes/advanced.
- Updates the wordpress, wpeditimage, wpfullscreen, wpgallery and wplink plugins.
- Updates DFW, wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen.js.
See #24067.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26876
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26759 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-12-29 00:53:15 +01:00
if ( $last_id = get_post_meta ( $post_id , '_edit_last' , true ) ) {
$last_user = get_userdata ( $last_id );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$last_edited = sprintf ( __ ( 'Last edited by %1$s on %2$s at %3$s' ), esc_html ( $last_user -> display_name ), $last_date , $last_time );
} else {
$last_edited = sprintf ( __ ( 'Last edited on %1$s at %2$s' ), $last_date , $last_time );
TinyMCE 4.0.12, first run.
- Removes wp-tinymce-schema.js and mark-loaded.js, no longer needed.
- Removes the inlinepopups and most of the wpdialogs plugins; wpdialog.js is moved to wp-includes/js.
- Adds charmap, compat3x, image, link and textcolor plugins, previously contained in /themes/advanced.
- Updates the wordpress, wpeditimage, wpfullscreen, wpgallery and wplink plugins.
- Updates DFW, wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen.js.
See #24067.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26876
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26759 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-12-29 00:53:15 +01:00
wp_send_json_success ( array ( 'last_edited' => $last_edited ) );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for removing a post lock .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_wp_remove_post_lock () {
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'post_ID' ] ) || empty ( $_POST [ 'active_post_lock' ] ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$post_id = ( int ) $_POST [ 'post_ID' ];
if ( ! $post = get_post ( $post_id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2012-08-14 20:39:15 +02:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'update-post_' . $post_id );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_id ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( - 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$active_lock = array_map ( 'absint' , explode ( ':' , $_POST [ 'active_post_lock' ] ) );
if ( $active_lock [ 1 ] != get_current_user_id () )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
2016-05-22 20:01:30 +02:00
* Filters the post lock window duration .
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
* @ since 3.3 . 0
2014-01-18 18:06:12 +01:00
* @ param int $interval The interval in seconds the post lock duration
* should last , plus 5 seconds . Default 150.
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
TinyMCE 4.0.12, first run.
- Removes wp-tinymce-schema.js and mark-loaded.js, no longer needed.
- Removes the inlinepopups and most of the wpdialogs plugins; wpdialog.js is moved to wp-includes/js.
- Adds charmap, compat3x, image, link and textcolor plugins, previously contained in /themes/advanced.
- Updates the wordpress, wpeditimage, wpfullscreen, wpgallery and wplink plugins.
- Updates DFW, wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen.js.
See #24067.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26876
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26759 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-12-29 00:53:15 +01:00
$new_lock = ( time () - apply_filters ( 'wp_check_post_lock_window' , 150 ) + 5 ) . ':' . $active_lock [ 1 ];
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
update_post_meta ( $post_id , '_edit_lock' , $new_lock , implode ( ':' , $active_lock ) );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for dismissing a WordPress pointer .
* @ since 3.1 . 0
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
function wp_ajax_dismiss_wp_pointer () {
$pointer = $_POST [ 'pointer' ];
if ( $pointer != sanitize_key ( $pointer ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
// check_ajax_referer( 'dismiss-pointer_' . $pointer );
$dismissed = array_filter ( explode ( ',' , ( string ) get_user_meta ( get_current_user_id (), 'dismissed_wp_pointers' , true ) ) );
if ( in_array ( $pointer , $dismissed ) )
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 0 );
2012-01-23 20:12:04 +01:00
$dismissed [] = $pointer ;
$dismissed = implode ( ',' , $dismissed );
update_user_meta ( get_current_user_id (), 'dismissed_wp_pointers' , $dismissed );
2012-01-31 23:14:39 +01:00
wp_die ( 1 );
2012-02-16 18:12:10 +01:00
2012-08-31 04:58:51 +02:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for getting an attachment .
2012-08-31 04:58:51 +02:00
* @ since 3.5 . 0
function wp_ajax_get_attachment () {
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'id' ] ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( ! $id = absint ( $_REQUEST [ 'id' ] ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
2012-12-04 19:33:51 +01:00
if ( ! $post = get_post ( $id ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( 'attachment' != $post -> post_type )
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'upload_files' ) )
2012-08-31 04:58:51 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( ! $attachment = wp_prepare_attachment_for_js ( $id ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
wp_send_json_success ( $attachment );
2014-11-01 21:20:23 +01:00
* Ajax handler for querying attachments .
2012-08-31 04:58:51 +02:00
* @ since 3.5 . 0
function wp_ajax_query_attachments () {
2012-12-04 19:33:51 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'upload_files' ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
2012-08-31 06:32:25 +02:00
$query = isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'query' ] ) ? ( array ) $_REQUEST [ 'query' ] : array ();
2015-01-03 09:24:22 +01:00
$keys = array (
Use the new media modal to insert galleries into TinyMCE and the text editor.
* Gallery insertion from the new media modal (into TinyMCE, the text editor, etc).
* Gallery previews in TinyMCE now use the `wp.mce.views` API.
* Disables the TinyMCE `wpgallery` plugin.
* Gallery previews consist of the first image of the gallery and the appearance of a stack. This will later be fleshed out to include more images/functionality (including editing the gallery, gallery properties, and showing the number of images in the gallery).
* Multiple galleries can be added to a single post.
* The gallery MCE view provides a bridge between the `wp.shortcode` and `Attachments` representation of a gallery, which allows the existing collection to persist when a gallery is initially created (preventing a request to the server for the query).
* Renames `wp.shortcode.Match` to `wp.shortcode` to better expose the shortcode constructor.
* The `wp.shortcode` constructor now accepts an object of options instead of a `wp.shortcode.regexp()` match.
* A `wp.shortcode` instance can be created from a `wp.shortcode.regexp()` match by calling `wp.shortcode.fromMatch( match )`.
* Adds `wp.shortcode.string()`, which takes a set of shortcode parameters and converts them into a string.* Renames `wp.shortcode.prototype.text()` to `wp.shortcode.prototype.string()`.
* Adds an additional capture group to `wp.shortcode.regexp()` that records whether or not the shortcode has a closing tag. This allows us to improve the accuracy of the syntax used when transforming a shortcode object back into a string.
'''Media Models'''
* Prevents media `Query` models from observing the central `Attachments.all` object when query args without corresponding filters are set (otherwise, queries quickly amass false positives).
* Adds `post__in`, `post__not_in`, and `post_parent` as acceptable JS attachment `Query` args.
* `Attachments.more()` always returns a `$.promise` object.
see #21390, #21809, #21812, #21815, #21817.
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@22120 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2012-10-05 06:23:59 +02:00
's' , 'order' , 'orderby' , 'posts_per_page' , 'paged' , 'post_mime_type' ,
2014-07-22 22:47:15 +02:00
'post_parent' , 'post__in' , 'post__not_in' , 'year' , 'monthnum'
2015-01-03 09:24:22 +01:00
foreach ( get_taxonomies_for_attachments ( 'objects' ) as $t ) {
if ( $t -> query_var && isset ( $query [ $t -> query_var ] ) ) {
$keys [] = $t -> query_var ;
2012-08-31 04:58:51 +02:00
2015-01-03 09:24:22 +01:00
$query = array_intersect_key ( $query , array_flip ( $keys ) );
2012-08-31 04:58:51 +02:00
$query [ 'post_type' ] = 'attachment' ;
Media Grid, support `MEDIA_TRASH`:
* Add a setting to `_wpMediaViewsL10n.settings`: `mediaTrash`
* In the attachment edit modal, properly toggle between Trash/Untrash
* In `media.view.Attachment`, add a method for `untrashAttachment`
* When creating the grid toolbar, switch the setting order of subviews so that `media.view.DeleteSelectedButton` can listen to the instance of `media.view.AttachmentFilters.All` to update the text in its UI.
* Add a new filter to `media.view.AttachmentFilters.All`, `trash`, when `settings.mediaTrash` is true
* Allow the cached queries in `Query.get()` to be flushed when race conditions exist and collections need to be refreshed. This is currently only being used when `MEDIA_TRASH` is set, to refresh the filtered/mirrored collections related to `all`, `trash`, and any already queried filter.
* Cleanup the bootstrapping of `media.view.MediaFrame.Manage`
* Allow `wp_ajax_query_attachments()` to return items from the trash when `MEDIA_TRASH` is `true`
* Allow `wp_ajax_save_attachment()` to set `post_status` when `MEDIA_TRASH` is `true`. It allows `wp_delete_post()` to be called, which will trash the attachment instead of deleting when the flag is set.
Props koop for the knowledge sharing and thought partnership.
See #29145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@29490
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@29268 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2014-08-14 20:31:19 +02:00
&& ! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'query' ][ 'post_status' ] )
&& 'trash' === $_REQUEST [ 'query' ][ 'post_status' ] ) {
$query [ 'post_status' ] = 'trash' ;
} else {
$query [ 'post_status' ] = 'inherit' ;
2012-08-31 04:58:51 +02:00
if ( current_user_can ( get_post_type_object ( 'attachment' ) -> cap -> read_private_posts ) )
$query [ 'post_status' ] .= ',private' ;
2016-09-20 03:45:31 +02:00
// Filter query clauses to include filenames.
2016-10-05 21:51:30 +02:00
if ( isset ( $query [ 's' ] ) ) {
add_filter ( 'posts_clauses' , '_filter_query_attachment_filenames' );
2016-09-20 03:45:31 +02:00
2013-09-06 17:18:09 +02:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Filters the arguments passed to WP_Query during an Ajax
2014-01-18 18:06:12 +01:00
* call for querying attachments .
2013-09-06 17:18:09 +02:00
* @ since 3.7 . 0
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
2014-01-18 18:06:12 +01:00
* @ see WP_Query :: parse_query ()
* @ param array $query An array of query variables .
2013-09-06 17:18:09 +02:00
$query = apply_filters ( 'ajax_query_attachments_args' , $query );
2012-08-31 04:58:51 +02:00
$query = new WP_Query ( $query );
$posts = array_map ( 'wp_prepare_attachment_for_js' , $query -> posts );
$posts = array_filter ( $posts );
wp_send_json_success ( $posts );
2012-10-11 01:32:48 +02:00
2014-11-01 21:20:23 +01:00
* Ajax handler for updating attachment attributes .
2012-10-11 01:32:48 +02:00
* @ since 3.5 . 0
function wp_ajax_save_attachment () {
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'id' ] ) || ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'changes' ] ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( ! $id = absint ( $_REQUEST [ 'id' ] ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
2012-11-27 16:50:59 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'update-post_' . $id , 'nonce' );
2012-10-12 18:02:45 +02:00
2012-10-11 01:32:48 +02:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $id ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$changes = $_REQUEST [ 'changes' ];
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
$post = get_post ( $id , ARRAY_A );
2012-10-11 01:32:48 +02:00
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
if ( 'attachment' != $post [ 'post_type' ] )
wp_send_json_error ();
2012-10-11 01:32:48 +02:00
2015-03-05 06:35:28 +01:00
if ( isset ( $changes [ 'parent' ] ) )
$post [ 'post_parent' ] = $changes [ 'parent' ];
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
if ( isset ( $changes [ 'title' ] ) )
$post [ 'post_title' ] = $changes [ 'title' ];
2012-10-11 01:32:48 +02:00
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
if ( isset ( $changes [ 'caption' ] ) )
$post [ 'post_excerpt' ] = $changes [ 'caption' ];
2012-11-10 19:25:04 +01:00
Restore the Description field to the media UI in 3.5.
We tried in vain -- a noble but ultimately failed effort -- to reduce the number of fields for attachments from four (title, caption, alt, description) to one (caption for images, title otherwise). Alternative text needed to stay for accessibility reasons, of course.
Eventually title returned due to heavy plugin reliance. Description is too used by too many plugins (often times incorrectly -- the caption is more likely the proper field), hence its less-than-triumphant return today.
Version 3.5 has tried to streamline media in a number of ways. Removing fields may have been too much at once, as it forced not only a user interface change, but a paradigm change as well.
Finally, on upload we populate the description field with IPTC/EXIF captions, rather than the caption field. See #22768, this should be fixed. For now, Description stays.
This commit also restores 'Title' attribute editing to the main tab of the Edit Image dialog. The "Title" field no longer populates title attributes for <img> tags by design (for accessibility and other purposes, see #18984). So, here is a more obvious 'workaround' for the tooltip community.
Finally, this:
* Cleans up the post.php attachment editor, including by showing a prettier form of the mime type.
* Enables plugins to specifically hide attachment_fields_to_edit from either post.php (where you can create meta boxes) or the modal (which you may not want to clutter), for compatibility reasons.
* Hides the 'Describe this file...' placeholder when a field is read-only in the modal.
props nacin, helenyhou.
fixes #22759.
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@23083 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2012-12-06 01:41:06 +01:00
if ( isset ( $changes [ 'description' ] ) )
$post [ 'post_content' ] = $changes [ 'description' ];
Media Grid, support `MEDIA_TRASH`:
* Add a setting to `_wpMediaViewsL10n.settings`: `mediaTrash`
* In the attachment edit modal, properly toggle between Trash/Untrash
* In `media.view.Attachment`, add a method for `untrashAttachment`
* When creating the grid toolbar, switch the setting order of subviews so that `media.view.DeleteSelectedButton` can listen to the instance of `media.view.AttachmentFilters.All` to update the text in its UI.
* Add a new filter to `media.view.AttachmentFilters.All`, `trash`, when `settings.mediaTrash` is true
* Allow the cached queries in `Query.get()` to be flushed when race conditions exist and collections need to be refreshed. This is currently only being used when `MEDIA_TRASH` is set, to refresh the filtered/mirrored collections related to `all`, `trash`, and any already queried filter.
* Cleanup the bootstrapping of `media.view.MediaFrame.Manage`
* Allow `wp_ajax_query_attachments()` to return items from the trash when `MEDIA_TRASH` is `true`
* Allow `wp_ajax_save_attachment()` to set `post_status` when `MEDIA_TRASH` is `true`. It allows `wp_delete_post()` to be called, which will trash the attachment instead of deleting when the flag is set.
Props koop for the knowledge sharing and thought partnership.
See #29145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@29490
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@29268 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2014-08-14 20:31:19 +02:00
if ( MEDIA_TRASH && isset ( $changes [ 'status' ] ) )
$post [ 'post_status' ] = $changes [ 'status' ];
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
if ( isset ( $changes [ 'alt' ] ) ) {
2013-03-01 18:57:08 +01:00
$alt = wp_unslash ( $changes [ 'alt' ] );
if ( $alt != get_post_meta ( $id , '_wp_attachment_image_alt' , true ) ) {
$alt = wp_strip_all_tags ( $alt , true );
update_post_meta ( $id , '_wp_attachment_image_alt' , wp_slash ( $alt ) );
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
2012-10-11 01:32:48 +02:00
2015-03-06 21:26:26 +01:00
if ( wp_attachment_is ( 'audio' , $post [ 'ID' ] ) ) {
2014-07-11 22:55:15 +02:00
$changed = false ;
$id3data = wp_get_attachment_metadata ( $post [ 'ID' ] );
if ( ! is_array ( $id3data ) ) {
$changed = true ;
$id3data = array ();
foreach ( wp_get_attachment_id3_keys ( ( object ) $post , 'edit' ) as $key => $label ) {
if ( isset ( $changes [ $key ] ) ) {
$changed = true ;
$id3data [ $key ] = sanitize_text_field ( wp_unslash ( $changes [ $key ] ) );
if ( $changed ) {
wp_update_attachment_metadata ( $id , $id3data );
Media Grid, support `MEDIA_TRASH`:
* Add a setting to `_wpMediaViewsL10n.settings`: `mediaTrash`
* In the attachment edit modal, properly toggle between Trash/Untrash
* In `media.view.Attachment`, add a method for `untrashAttachment`
* When creating the grid toolbar, switch the setting order of subviews so that `media.view.DeleteSelectedButton` can listen to the instance of `media.view.AttachmentFilters.All` to update the text in its UI.
* Add a new filter to `media.view.AttachmentFilters.All`, `trash`, when `settings.mediaTrash` is true
* Allow the cached queries in `Query.get()` to be flushed when race conditions exist and collections need to be refreshed. This is currently only being used when `MEDIA_TRASH` is set, to refresh the filtered/mirrored collections related to `all`, `trash`, and any already queried filter.
* Cleanup the bootstrapping of `media.view.MediaFrame.Manage`
* Allow `wp_ajax_query_attachments()` to return items from the trash when `MEDIA_TRASH` is `true`
* Allow `wp_ajax_save_attachment()` to set `post_status` when `MEDIA_TRASH` is `true`. It allows `wp_delete_post()` to be called, which will trash the attachment instead of deleting when the flag is set.
Props koop for the knowledge sharing and thought partnership.
See #29145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@29490
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@29268 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2014-08-14 20:31:19 +02:00
if ( MEDIA_TRASH && isset ( $changes [ 'status' ] ) && 'trash' === $changes [ 'status' ] ) {
wp_delete_post ( $id );
} else {
wp_update_post ( $post );
2012-10-11 01:32:48 +02:00
wp_send_json_success ();
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
2016-05-13 20:41:31 +02:00
* Ajax handler for saving backward compatible attachment attributes .
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
* @ since 3.5 . 0
function wp_ajax_save_attachment_compat () {
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'id' ] ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( ! $id = absint ( $_REQUEST [ 'id' ] ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'attachments' ] ) || empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'attachments' ][ $id ] ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$attachment_data = $_REQUEST [ 'attachments' ][ $id ];
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
2012-11-27 16:50:59 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'update-post_' . $id , 'nonce' );
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $id ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
$post = get_post ( $id , ARRAY_A );
if ( 'attachment' != $post [ 'post_type' ] )
wp_send_json_error ();
2013-10-25 00:59:20 +02:00
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */
2012-11-11 02:26:42 +01:00
$post = apply_filters ( 'attachment_fields_to_save' , $post , $attachment_data );
if ( isset ( $post [ 'errors' ] ) ) {
$errors = $post [ 'errors' ]; // @todo return me and display me!
unset ( $post [ 'errors' ] );
wp_update_post ( $post );
foreach ( get_attachment_taxonomies ( $post ) as $taxonomy ) {
if ( isset ( $attachment_data [ $taxonomy ] ) )
wp_set_object_terms ( $id , array_map ( 'trim' , preg_split ( '/,+/' , $attachment_data [ $taxonomy ] ) ), $taxonomy , false );
if ( ! $attachment = wp_prepare_attachment_for_js ( $id ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
wp_send_json_success ( $attachment );
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for saving the attachment order .
* @ since 3.5 . 0
2012-12-02 17:06:31 +01:00
function wp_ajax_save_attachment_order () {
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'post_id' ] ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( ! $post_id = absint ( $_REQUEST [ 'post_id' ] ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'attachments' ] ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
check_ajax_referer ( 'update-post_' . $post_id , 'nonce' );
2013-03-01 17:28:40 +01:00
$attachments = $_REQUEST [ 'attachments' ];
2012-12-02 17:06:31 +01:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_id ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment_id => $menu_order ) {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $attachment_id ) )
continue ;
if ( ! $attachment = get_post ( $attachment_id ) )
continue ;
if ( 'attachment' != $attachment -> post_type )
continue ;
wp_update_post ( array ( 'ID' => $attachment_id , 'menu_order' => $menu_order ) );
wp_send_json_success ();
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for sending an attachment to the editor .
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
* Generates the HTML to send an attachment to the editor .
2016-05-23 19:28:27 +02:00
* Backward compatible with the { @ see 'media_send_to_editor' } filter
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* and the chain of filters that follow .
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
* @ since 3.5 . 0
function wp_ajax_send_attachment_to_editor () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'media-send-to-editor' , 'nonce' );
2013-03-01 18:00:25 +01:00
$attachment = wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'attachment' ] );
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
$id = intval ( $attachment [ 'id' ] );
if ( ! $post = get_post ( $id ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( 'attachment' != $post -> post_type )
wp_send_json_error ();
2012-12-04 19:33:51 +01:00
if ( current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $id ) ) {
// If this attachment is unattached, attach it. Primarily a back compat thing.
if ( 0 == $post -> post_parent && $insert_into_post_id = intval ( $_POST [ 'post_id' ] ) ) {
wp_update_post ( array ( 'ID' => $id , 'post_parent' => $insert_into_post_id ) );
2012-11-26 17:34:42 +01:00
2015-09-17 07:55:25 +02:00
$url = empty ( $attachment [ 'url' ] ) ? '' : $attachment [ 'url' ];
2016-03-18 21:05:26 +01:00
$rel = ( strpos ( $url , 'attachment_id' ) || get_attachment_link ( $id ) == $url );
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
2013-05-07 17:55:31 +02:00
remove_filter ( 'media_send_to_editor' , 'image_media_send_to_editor' );
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
if ( 'image' === substr ( $post -> post_mime_type , 0 , 5 ) ) {
2012-11-26 23:08:50 +01:00
$align = isset ( $attachment [ 'align' ] ) ? $attachment [ 'align' ] : 'none' ;
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
$size = isset ( $attachment [ 'image-size' ] ) ? $attachment [ 'image-size' ] : 'medium' ;
2012-11-26 23:08:50 +01:00
$alt = isset ( $attachment [ 'image_alt' ] ) ? $attachment [ 'image_alt' ] : '' ;
2015-04-08 19:11:27 +02:00
// No whitespace-only captions.
2012-11-26 23:08:50 +01:00
$caption = isset ( $attachment [ 'post_excerpt' ] ) ? $attachment [ 'post_excerpt' ] : '' ;
2015-04-08 19:11:27 +02:00
if ( '' === trim ( $caption ) ) {
$caption = '' ;
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
$title = '' ; // We no longer insert title tags into <img> tags, as they are redundant.
2015-09-17 07:55:25 +02:00
$html = get_image_send_to_editor ( $id , $caption , $title , $align , $url , $rel , $size , $alt );
2015-03-06 21:26:26 +01:00
} elseif ( wp_attachment_is ( 'video' , $post ) || wp_attachment_is ( 'audio' , $post ) ) {
2013-03-16 06:25:44 +01:00
$html = stripslashes_deep ( $_POST [ 'html' ] );
2015-09-17 07:55:25 +02:00
} else {
$html = isset ( $attachment [ 'post_title' ] ) ? $attachment [ 'post_title' ] : '' ;
2016-03-18 21:05:26 +01:00
$rel = $rel ? ' rel="attachment wp-att-' . $id . '"' : '' ; // Hard-coded string, $id is already sanitized
2015-09-17 07:55:25 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $url ) ) {
2016-04-21 23:21:28 +02:00
$html = '<a href="' . esc_url ( $url ) . '"' . $rel . '>' . $html . '</a>' ;
2015-09-17 07:55:25 +02:00
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
2013-10-25 00:59:20 +02:00
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
$html = apply_filters ( 'media_send_to_editor' , $html , $id , $attachment );
wp_send_json_success ( $html );
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for sending a link to the editor .
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
* Generates the HTML to send a non - image embed link to the editor .
2016-05-13 20:41:31 +02:00
* Backward compatible with the following filters :
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
* - file_send_to_editor_url
* - audio_send_to_editor_url
* - video_send_to_editor_url
* @ since 3.5 . 0
2015-05-28 23:41:30 +02:00
* @ global WP_Post $post
* @ global WP_Embed $wp_embed
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
function wp_ajax_send_link_to_editor () {
2014-05-27 01:57:14 +02:00
global $post , $wp_embed ;
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'media-send-to-editor' , 'nonce' );
2013-03-01 18:00:25 +01:00
if ( ! $src = wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'src' ] ) )
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
wp_send_json_error ();
if ( ! strpos ( $src , '://' ) )
$src = 'http://' . $src ;
if ( ! $src = esc_url_raw ( $src ) )
wp_send_json_error ();
2015-04-06 20:25:27 +02:00
if ( ! $link_text = trim ( wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'link_text' ] ) ) )
$link_text = wp_basename ( $src );
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
2014-05-27 01:57:14 +02:00
$post = get_post ( isset ( $_POST [ 'post_id' ] ) ? $_POST [ 'post_id' ] : 0 );
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Ping WordPress for an embed.
2014-05-27 01:57:14 +02:00
$check_embed = $wp_embed -> run_shortcode ( '[embed]' . $src . '[/embed]' );
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// Fallback that WordPress creates when no oEmbed was found.
2014-05-27 01:57:14 +02:00
$fallback = $wp_embed -> maybe_make_link ( $src );
if ( $check_embed !== $fallback ) {
// TinyMCE view for [embed] will parse this
$html = '[embed]' . $src . '[/embed]' ;
2015-04-06 20:25:27 +02:00
} elseif ( $link_text ) {
$html = '<a href="' . esc_url ( $src ) . '">' . $link_text . '</a>' ;
2014-05-27 01:57:14 +02:00
} else {
$html = '' ;
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
// Figure out what filter to run:
$type = 'file' ;
if ( ( $ext = preg_replace ( '/^.+?\.([^.]+)$/' , '$1' , $src ) ) && ( $ext_type = wp_ext2type ( $ext ) )
&& ( 'audio' == $ext_type || 'video' == $ext_type ) )
$type = $ext_type ;
2013-10-25 00:59:20 +02:00
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */
2016-12-14 05:18:42 +01:00
$html = apply_filters ( " { $type } _send_to_editor_url " , $html , $src , $link_text );
2012-11-21 17:02:20 +01:00
wp_send_json_success ( $html );
2013-01-29 07:15:25 +01:00
2013-07-28 22:54:48 +02:00
2014-06-28 04:06:14 +02:00
* Ajax handler for the Heartbeat API .
2013-07-28 22:54:48 +02:00
* Runs when the user is logged in .
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* @ since 3.6 . 0
2013-07-28 22:54:48 +02:00
2013-01-29 07:15:25 +01:00
function wp_ajax_heartbeat () {
2015-07-29 00:07:25 +02:00
if ( empty ( $_POST [ '_nonce' ] ) ) {
2013-06-29 03:31:44 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ();
2015-07-29 00:07:25 +02:00
$response = $data = array ();
$nonce_state = wp_verify_nonce ( $_POST [ '_nonce' ], 'heartbeat-nonce' );
2014-07-17 11:14:16 +02:00
// screen_id is the same as $current_screen->id and the JS global 'pagenow'.
2015-07-29 00:07:25 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'screen_id' ] ) ) {
2013-06-05 02:13:40 +02:00
$screen_id = sanitize_key ( $_POST [ 'screen_id' ]);
2015-07-29 00:07:25 +02:00
} else {
2013-06-05 02:13:40 +02:00
$screen_id = 'front' ;
2015-07-29 00:07:25 +02:00
2013-02-25 03:32:22 +01:00
2015-07-29 00:07:25 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'data' ] ) ) {
2014-03-18 01:15:15 +01:00
$data = wp_unslash ( ( array ) $_POST [ 'data' ] );
2015-07-29 00:07:25 +02:00
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
2015-07-29 00:07:25 +02:00
if ( 1 !== $nonce_state ) {
$response = apply_filters ( 'wp_refresh_nonces' , $response , $data , $screen_id );
if ( false === $nonce_state ) {
// User is logged in but nonces have expired.
$response [ 'nonces_expired' ] = true ;
wp_send_json ( $response );
if ( ! empty ( $data ) ) {
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
2016-05-22 20:01:30 +02:00
* Filters the Heartbeat response received .
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
* @ since 3.6 . 0
2016-01-09 02:37:26 +01:00
* @ param array $response The Heartbeat response .
* @ param array $data The $_POST data sent .
* @ param string $screen_id The screen id .
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
2013-02-03 08:03:27 +01:00
$response = apply_filters ( 'heartbeat_received' , $response , $data , $screen_id );
2013-01-29 07:15:25 +01:00
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
2016-05-22 20:01:30 +02:00
* Filters the Heartbeat response sent .
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
* @ since 3.6 . 0
2016-01-09 02:37:26 +01:00
* @ param array $response The Heartbeat response .
* @ param string $screen_id The screen id .
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
2013-02-03 08:03:27 +01:00
$response = apply_filters ( 'heartbeat_send' , $response , $screen_id );
2013-01-29 07:15:25 +01:00
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
* Fires when Heartbeat ticks in logged - in environments .
* Allows the transport to be easily replaced with long - polling .
* @ since 3.6 . 0
2016-01-09 02:37:26 +01:00
* @ param array $response The Heartbeat response .
* @ param string $screen_id The screen id .
2013-09-21 22:47:09 +02:00
2013-02-03 08:03:27 +01:00
do_action ( 'heartbeat_tick' , $response , $screen_id );
2013-07-03 03:59:46 +02:00
// Send the current time according to the server
2013-06-05 02:13:40 +02:00
$response [ 'server_time' ] = time ();
2013-01-29 07:15:25 +01:00
2015-07-29 00:07:25 +02:00
wp_send_json ( $response );
2013-02-25 03:32:22 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for getting revision diffs .
* @ since 3.6 . 0
2013-06-26 23:06:50 +02:00
function wp_ajax_get_revision_diffs () {
require ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/revision.php' ;
2013-02-28 16:14:34 +01:00
2013-06-26 23:06:50 +02:00
if ( ! $post = get_post ( ( int ) $_REQUEST [ 'post_id' ] ) )
2016-03-30 20:58:26 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ();
2013-03-21 16:54:11 +01:00
2016-06-21 16:22:26 +02:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post -> ID ) )
2016-03-30 20:58:26 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ();
2013-03-21 16:54:11 +01:00
2013-06-26 23:06:50 +02:00
// Really just pre-loading the cache here.
2013-07-24 08:08:14 +02:00
if ( ! $revisions = wp_get_post_revisions ( $post -> ID , array ( 'check_enabled' => false ) ) )
2016-03-30 20:58:26 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ();
2013-03-21 16:54:11 +01:00
2013-06-26 23:06:50 +02:00
$return = array ();
2013-07-16 00:53:48 +02:00
@ set_time_limit ( 0 );
2013-03-21 16:54:11 +01:00
2013-06-26 23:06:50 +02:00
foreach ( $_REQUEST [ 'compare' ] as $compare_key ) {
list ( $compare_from , $compare_to ) = explode ( ':' , $compare_key ); // from:to
2013-03-21 16:54:11 +01:00
2013-06-26 23:06:50 +02:00
$return [] = array (
'id' => $compare_key ,
'fields' => wp_get_revision_ui_diff ( $post , $compare_from , $compare_to ),
2013-02-28 16:14:34 +01:00
2013-06-26 23:06:50 +02:00
wp_send_json_success ( $return );
2013-02-28 16:14:34 +01:00
Merge the color schemes component from MP6. Introduces Light, Blue, and Midnight.
Color scheme selection on your own profile page gives you a preview and autosaves the selection.
Also introduces the usage of a preprocessor for core files, namely Sass. For 3.8, we will not expand its implementation past the color schemes. This does require Ruby as well as Sass 3.3.0+ due to the usage of the sourcemap option.
Note that only the default color scheme is available when running out of src. Use build to test the rest as well as the color picker.
props ryelle, melchoyce, tillkruess, drw158, littlethingsstudio, helen. see #25858, #22862.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26137
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26048 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-11-13 20:38:38 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for auto - saving the selected color scheme for
* a user ' s own profile .
Merge the color schemes component from MP6. Introduces Light, Blue, and Midnight.
Color scheme selection on your own profile page gives you a preview and autosaves the selection.
Also introduces the usage of a preprocessor for core files, namely Sass. For 3.8, we will not expand its implementation past the color schemes. This does require Ruby as well as Sass 3.3.0+ due to the usage of the sourcemap option.
Note that only the default color scheme is available when running out of src. Use build to test the rest as well as the color picker.
props ryelle, melchoyce, tillkruess, drw158, littlethingsstudio, helen. see #25858, #22862.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26137
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26048 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-11-13 20:38:38 +01:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* @ since 3.8 . 0
2015-05-28 23:41:30 +02:00
* @ global array $_wp_admin_css_colors
Merge the color schemes component from MP6. Introduces Light, Blue, and Midnight.
Color scheme selection on your own profile page gives you a preview and autosaves the selection.
Also introduces the usage of a preprocessor for core files, namely Sass. For 3.8, we will not expand its implementation past the color schemes. This does require Ruby as well as Sass 3.3.0+ due to the usage of the sourcemap option.
Note that only the default color scheme is available when running out of src. Use build to test the rest as well as the color picker.
props ryelle, melchoyce, tillkruess, drw158, littlethingsstudio, helen. see #25858, #22862.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26137
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26048 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-11-13 20:38:38 +01:00
function wp_ajax_save_user_color_scheme () {
global $_wp_admin_css_colors ;
2013-12-08 08:05:10 +01:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'save-color-scheme' , 'nonce' );
Merge the color schemes component from MP6. Introduces Light, Blue, and Midnight.
Color scheme selection on your own profile page gives you a preview and autosaves the selection.
Also introduces the usage of a preprocessor for core files, namely Sass. For 3.8, we will not expand its implementation past the color schemes. This does require Ruby as well as Sass 3.3.0+ due to the usage of the sourcemap option.
Note that only the default color scheme is available when running out of src. Use build to test the rest as well as the color picker.
props ryelle, melchoyce, tillkruess, drw158, littlethingsstudio, helen. see #25858, #22862.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26137
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26048 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-11-13 20:38:38 +01:00
2013-12-02 20:45:10 +01:00
$color_scheme = sanitize_key ( $_POST [ 'color_scheme' ] );
Merge the color schemes component from MP6. Introduces Light, Blue, and Midnight.
Color scheme selection on your own profile page gives you a preview and autosaves the selection.
Also introduces the usage of a preprocessor for core files, namely Sass. For 3.8, we will not expand its implementation past the color schemes. This does require Ruby as well as Sass 3.3.0+ due to the usage of the sourcemap option.
Note that only the default color scheme is available when running out of src. Use build to test the rest as well as the color picker.
props ryelle, melchoyce, tillkruess, drw158, littlethingsstudio, helen. see #25858, #22862.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26137
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26048 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-11-13 20:38:38 +01:00
2013-12-02 20:45:10 +01:00
if ( ! isset ( $_wp_admin_css_colors [ $color_scheme ] ) ) {
Merge the color schemes component from MP6. Introduces Light, Blue, and Midnight.
Color scheme selection on your own profile page gives you a preview and autosaves the selection.
Also introduces the usage of a preprocessor for core files, namely Sass. For 3.8, we will not expand its implementation past the color schemes. This does require Ruby as well as Sass 3.3.0+ due to the usage of the sourcemap option.
Note that only the default color scheme is available when running out of src. Use build to test the rest as well as the color picker.
props ryelle, melchoyce, tillkruess, drw158, littlethingsstudio, helen. see #25858, #22862.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26137
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26048 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-11-13 20:38:38 +01:00
wp_send_json_error ();
2013-12-02 20:45:10 +01:00
Merge the color schemes component from MP6. Introduces Light, Blue, and Midnight.
Color scheme selection on your own profile page gives you a preview and autosaves the selection.
Also introduces the usage of a preprocessor for core files, namely Sass. For 3.8, we will not expand its implementation past the color schemes. This does require Ruby as well as Sass 3.3.0+ due to the usage of the sourcemap option.
Note that only the default color scheme is available when running out of src. Use build to test the rest as well as the color picker.
props ryelle, melchoyce, tillkruess, drw158, littlethingsstudio, helen. see #25858, #22862.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26137
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26048 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-11-13 20:38:38 +01:00
2015-02-10 03:23:28 +01:00
$previous_color_scheme = get_user_meta ( get_current_user_id (), 'admin_color' , true );
2013-12-08 08:05:10 +01:00
update_user_meta ( get_current_user_id (), 'admin_color' , $color_scheme );
2015-02-10 03:23:28 +01:00
wp_send_json_success ( array (
'previousScheme' => 'admin-color-' . $previous_color_scheme ,
'currentScheme' => 'admin-color-' . $color_scheme
) );
Merge the color schemes component from MP6. Introduces Light, Blue, and Midnight.
Color scheme selection on your own profile page gives you a preview and autosaves the selection.
Also introduces the usage of a preprocessor for core files, namely Sass. For 3.8, we will not expand its implementation past the color schemes. This does require Ruby as well as Sass 3.3.0+ due to the usage of the sourcemap option.
Note that only the default color scheme is available when running out of src. Use build to test the rest as well as the color picker.
props ryelle, melchoyce, tillkruess, drw158, littlethingsstudio, helen. see #25858, #22862.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26137
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@26048 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-11-13 20:38:38 +01:00
2014-04-15 03:16:14 +02:00
2014-05-10 07:00:19 +02:00
* Ajax handler for getting themes from themes_api () .
2014-04-15 03:16:14 +02:00
* @ since 3.9 . 0
2015-05-28 23:41:30 +02:00
* @ global array $themes_allowedtags
* @ global array $theme_field_defaults
2014-04-15 03:16:14 +02:00
function wp_ajax_query_themes () {
global $themes_allowedtags , $theme_field_defaults ;
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'install_themes' ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
$args = wp_parse_args ( wp_unslash ( $_REQUEST [ 'request' ] ), array (
'per_page' => 20 ,
'fields' => $theme_field_defaults
) );
2015-11-16 20:47:54 +01:00
if ( isset ( $args [ 'browse' ] ) && 'favorites' === $args [ 'browse' ] && ! isset ( $args [ 'user' ] ) ) {
2015-11-04 22:49:26 +01:00
$user = get_user_option ( 'wporg_favorites' );
if ( $user ) {
$args [ 'user' ] = $user ;
2014-04-15 03:16:14 +02:00
$old_filter = isset ( $args [ 'browse' ] ) ? $args [ 'browse' ] : 'search' ;
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php */
$args = apply_filters ( 'install_themes_table_api_args_' . $old_filter , $args );
$api = themes_api ( 'query_themes' , $args );
if ( is_wp_error ( $api ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
2014-04-19 20:18:16 +02:00
$update_php = network_admin_url ( 'update.php?action=install-theme' );
2014-04-15 03:16:14 +02:00
foreach ( $api -> themes as & $theme ) {
$theme -> install_url = add_query_arg ( array (
'theme' => $theme -> slug ,
'_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce ( 'install-theme_' . $theme -> slug )
), $update_php );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
if ( current_user_can ( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
if ( is_multisite () ) {
$theme -> activate_url = add_query_arg ( array (
'action' => 'enable' ,
'_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce ( 'enable-theme_' . $theme -> slug ),
'theme' => $theme -> slug ,
), network_admin_url ( 'themes.php' ) );
} else {
$theme -> activate_url = add_query_arg ( array (
'action' => 'activate' ,
'_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce ( 'switch-theme_' . $theme -> slug ),
'stylesheet' => $theme -> slug ,
), admin_url ( 'themes.php' ) );
if ( ! is_multisite () && current_user_can ( 'edit_theme_options' ) && current_user_can ( 'customize' ) ) {
$theme -> customize_url = add_query_arg ( array (
'return' => urlencode ( network_admin_url ( 'theme-install.php' , 'relative' ) ),
), wp_customize_url ( $theme -> slug ) );
2014-04-15 03:16:14 +02:00
$theme -> name = wp_kses ( $theme -> name , $themes_allowedtags );
$theme -> author = wp_kses ( $theme -> author , $themes_allowedtags );
$theme -> version = wp_kses ( $theme -> version , $themes_allowedtags );
$theme -> description = wp_kses ( $theme -> description , $themes_allowedtags );
2015-10-10 08:51:24 +02:00
$theme -> stars = wp_star_rating ( array ( 'rating' => $theme -> rating , 'type' => 'percent' , 'number' => $theme -> num_ratings , 'echo' => false ) );
$theme -> num_ratings = number_format_i18n ( $theme -> num_ratings );
2014-07-03 20:48:16 +02:00
$theme -> preview_url = set_url_scheme ( $theme -> preview_url );
2014-04-15 03:16:14 +02:00
wp_send_json_success ( $api );
2014-05-11 01:36:18 +02:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Apply [ embed ] Ajax handlers to a string .
2014-05-11 01:36:18 +02:00
* @ since 4.0 . 0
2014-07-14 02:06:15 +02:00
2015-05-28 23:41:30 +02:00
* @ global WP_Post $post Global $post .
* @ global WP_Embed $wp_embed Embed API instance .
* @ global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts
2014-05-11 01:36:18 +02:00
2014-05-27 01:43:15 +02:00
function wp_ajax_parse_embed () {
global $post , $wp_embed ;
2014-05-11 01:36:18 +02:00
2014-09-03 02:40:16 +02:00
if ( ! $post = get_post ( ( int ) $_POST [ 'post_ID' ] ) ) {
2014-05-11 01:36:18 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ();
2014-06-30 07:49:16 +02:00
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'shortcode' ] ) || ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post -> ID ) ) {
2014-05-11 01:36:18 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ();
2014-09-03 02:40:16 +02:00
$shortcode = wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'shortcode' ] );
2015-04-30 23:40:25 +02:00
preg_match ( '/' . get_shortcode_regex () . '/s' , $shortcode , $matches );
$atts = shortcode_parse_atts ( $matches [ 3 ] );
if ( ! empty ( $matches [ 5 ] ) ) {
$url = $matches [ 5 ];
} elseif ( ! empty ( $atts [ 'src' ] ) ) {
$url = $atts [ 'src' ];
} else {
$url = '' ;
2015-03-05 07:00:26 +01:00
2014-06-30 07:49:16 +02:00
$parsed = false ;
2014-05-11 01:36:18 +02:00
setup_postdata ( $post );
2014-06-30 07:49:16 +02:00
$wp_embed -> return_false_on_fail = true ;
2014-06-16 00:53:16 +02:00
2015-04-30 23:40:25 +02:00
if ( is_ssl () && 0 === strpos ( $url , 'http://' ) ) {
2014-06-30 07:49:16 +02:00
// Admin is ssl and the user pasted non-ssl URL.
// Check if the provider supports ssl embeds and use that for the preview.
2014-09-03 02:40:16 +02:00
$ssl_shortcode = preg_replace ( '%^(\\[embed[^\\]]*\\])http://%i' , '$1https://' , $shortcode );
2014-06-30 07:49:16 +02:00
$parsed = $wp_embed -> run_shortcode ( $ssl_shortcode );
if ( ! $parsed ) {
$no_ssl_support = true ;
2015-04-30 23:40:25 +02:00
if ( $url && ! $parsed ) {
2014-06-30 07:49:16 +02:00
$parsed = $wp_embed -> run_shortcode ( $shortcode );
if ( ! $parsed ) {
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'type' => 'not-embeddable' ,
2014-08-02 00:34:15 +02:00
'message' => sprintf ( __ ( '%s failed to embed.' ), '<code>' . esc_html ( $url ) . '</code>' ),
2014-06-30 07:49:16 +02:00
) );
2014-07-15 23:51:15 +02:00
if ( has_shortcode ( $parsed , 'audio' ) || has_shortcode ( $parsed , 'video' ) ) {
$styles = '' ;
2014-08-20 23:34:15 +02:00
$mce_styles = wpview_media_sandbox_styles ();
2014-07-15 23:51:15 +02:00
foreach ( $mce_styles as $style ) {
$styles .= sprintf ( '<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s"/>' , $style );
$html = do_shortcode ( $parsed );
global $wp_scripts ;
if ( ! empty ( $wp_scripts ) ) {
$wp_scripts -> done = array ();
ob_start ();
wp_print_scripts ( 'wp-mediaelement' );
$scripts = ob_get_clean ();
$parsed = $styles . $html . $scripts ;
2014-06-30 07:49:16 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $no_ssl_support ) || ( is_ssl () && ( preg_match ( '%<(iframe|script|embed) [^>]*src="http://%' , $parsed ) ||
preg_match ( '%<link [^>]*href="http://%' , $parsed ) ) ) ) {
// Admin is ssl and the embed is not. Iframes, scripts, and other "active content" will be blocked.
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'type' => 'not-ssl' ,
2014-11-27 23:37:24 +01:00
'message' => __ ( 'This preview is unavailable in the editor.' ),
2014-06-30 07:49:16 +02:00
) );
2017-01-27 05:25:44 +01:00
$return = array (
2015-04-30 23:40:25 +02:00
'body' => $parsed ,
'attr' => $wp_embed -> last_attr
2017-01-27 05:25:44 +01:00
if ( strpos ( $parsed , 'class="wp-embedded-content' ) ) {
if ( defined ( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) {
$script_src = includes_url ( 'js/wp-embed.js' );
} else {
$script_src = includes_url ( 'js/wp-embed.min.js' );
$return [ 'head' ] = '<script src="' . $script_src . '"></script>' ;
$return [ 'sandbox' ] = true ;
wp_send_json_success ( $return );
2014-05-11 01:36:18 +02:00
2014-07-16 00:08:14 +02:00
2015-05-28 23:41:30 +02:00
2015-05-29 18:01:27 +02:00
* @ since 4.0 . 0
2015-05-28 23:41:30 +02:00
* @ global WP_Post $post
* @ global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts
2014-07-16 00:08:14 +02:00
function wp_ajax_parse_media_shortcode () {
global $post , $wp_scripts ;
2015-01-16 06:19:22 +01:00
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'shortcode' ] ) ) {
2014-07-16 00:08:14 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ();
2015-01-16 06:19:22 +01:00
$shortcode = wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'shortcode' ] );
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'post_ID' ] ) ) {
$post = get_post ( ( int ) $_POST [ 'post_ID' ] );
2014-08-20 01:23:16 +02:00
2015-01-16 06:19:22 +01:00
// the embed shortcode requires a post
if ( ! $post || ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post -> ID ) ) {
if ( 'embed' === $shortcode ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
} else {
setup_postdata ( $post );
$parsed = do_shortcode ( $shortcode );
2014-08-20 01:23:16 +02:00
2015-01-16 06:19:22 +01:00
if ( empty ( $parsed ) ) {
2014-08-22 20:55:15 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'type' => 'no-items' ,
'message' => __ ( 'No items found.' ),
) );
2014-08-20 01:23:16 +02:00
2014-07-16 00:08:14 +02:00
2014-08-26 06:46:15 +02:00
$head = '' ;
2014-08-20 23:34:15 +02:00
$styles = wpview_media_sandbox_styles ();
2014-08-26 06:46:15 +02:00
2014-07-16 00:08:14 +02:00
foreach ( $styles as $style ) {
2014-08-26 06:46:15 +02:00
$head .= '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' . $style . '">' ;
2014-07-16 00:08:14 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $wp_scripts ) ) {
$wp_scripts -> done = array ();
2014-07-22 22:47:15 +02:00
2014-08-26 06:46:15 +02:00
ob_start ();
2015-01-16 06:19:22 +01:00
echo $parsed ;
2014-08-26 06:46:15 +02:00
2014-07-16 00:08:14 +02:00
if ( 'playlist' === $_REQUEST [ 'type' ] ) {
wp_underscore_playlist_templates ();
wp_print_scripts ( 'wp-playlist' );
} else {
2014-12-31 21:41:24 +01:00
wp_print_scripts ( array ( 'froogaloop' , 'wp-mediaelement' ) );
2014-07-16 00:08:14 +02:00
2014-08-26 06:46:15 +02:00
wp_send_json_success ( array (
'head' => $head ,
'body' => ob_get_clean ()
) );
2014-08-02 00:34:15 +02:00
2014-11-13 16:21:21 +01:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for destroying multiple open sessions for a user .
2014-11-13 16:21:21 +01:00
* @ since 4.1 . 0
function wp_ajax_destroy_sessions () {
2014-12-16 10:15:23 +01:00
$user = get_userdata ( ( int ) $_POST [ 'user_id' ] );
if ( $user ) {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_user' , $user -> ID ) ) {
$user = false ;
} elseif ( ! wp_verify_nonce ( $_POST [ 'nonce' ], 'update-user_' . $user -> ID ) ) {
$user = false ;
2014-11-13 16:21:21 +01:00
2014-12-16 10:15:23 +01:00
if ( ! $user ) {
2014-11-13 16:21:21 +01:00
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'message' => __ ( 'Could not log out user sessions. Please try again.' ),
) );
$sessions = WP_Session_Tokens :: get_instance ( $user -> ID );
2014-12-16 10:15:23 +01:00
if ( $user -> ID === get_current_user_id () ) {
$sessions -> destroy_others ( wp_get_session_token () );
2014-11-28 07:26:22 +01:00
$message = __ ( 'You are now logged out everywhere else.' );
2014-11-13 16:21:21 +01:00
} else {
$sessions -> destroy_all ();
2017-01-15 09:07:43 +01:00
/* translators: %s: User's display name. */
2014-11-28 07:26:22 +01:00
$message = sprintf ( __ ( '%s has been logged out.' ), $user -> display_name );
2014-11-13 16:21:21 +01:00
2014-12-16 10:15:23 +01:00
wp_send_json_success ( array ( 'message' => $message ) );
2014-11-13 16:21:21 +01:00
2015-02-05 05:19:23 +01:00
PressThis v2, first run. Props michael-arestad, stephdau, marcelomazza, DrewAPicture, iseulde, afercia, kraftbj, rachelbaker, AramZS, dd32. See #31373.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31534
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31515 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2015-02-25 02:50:26 +01:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for saving a post from Press This .
PressThis v2, first run. Props michael-arestad, stephdau, marcelomazza, DrewAPicture, iseulde, afercia, kraftbj, rachelbaker, AramZS, dd32. See #31373.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31534
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31515 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2015-02-25 02:50:26 +01:00
* @ since 4.2 . 0
function wp_ajax_press_this_save_post () {
2016-08-31 18:31:29 +02:00
include ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php' );
2016-08-31 08:25:29 +02:00
$wp_press_this = new WP_Press_This ();
$wp_press_this -> save_post ();
PressThis v2, first run. Props michael-arestad, stephdau, marcelomazza, DrewAPicture, iseulde, afercia, kraftbj, rachelbaker, AramZS, dd32. See #31373.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31534
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31515 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2015-02-25 02:50:26 +01:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for creating new category from Press This .
PressThis v2, first run. Props michael-arestad, stephdau, marcelomazza, DrewAPicture, iseulde, afercia, kraftbj, rachelbaker, AramZS, dd32. See #31373.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31534
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31515 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2015-02-25 02:50:26 +01:00
* @ since 4.2 . 0
function wp_ajax_press_this_add_category () {
2016-08-31 18:31:29 +02:00
include ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php' );
2016-08-31 08:25:29 +02:00
$wp_press_this = new WP_Press_This ();
$wp_press_this -> add_category ();
PressThis v2, first run. Props michael-arestad, stephdau, marcelomazza, DrewAPicture, iseulde, afercia, kraftbj, rachelbaker, AramZS, dd32. See #31373.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31534
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@31515 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2015-02-25 02:50:26 +01:00
2015-07-10 23:33:24 +02:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for cropping an image .
2015-07-10 23:33:24 +02:00
* @ since 4.3 . 0
function wp_ajax_crop_image () {
$attachment_id = absint ( $_POST [ 'id' ] );
check_ajax_referer ( 'image_editor-' . $attachment_id , 'nonce' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'customize' ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
$context = str_replace ( '_' , '-' , $_POST [ 'context' ] );
$data = array_map ( 'absint' , $_POST [ 'cropDetails' ] );
$cropped = wp_crop_image ( $attachment_id , $data [ 'x1' ], $data [ 'y1' ], $data [ 'width' ], $data [ 'height' ], $data [ 'dst_width' ], $data [ 'dst_height' ] );
if ( ! $cropped || is_wp_error ( $cropped ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ( array ( 'message' => __ ( 'Image could not be processed.' ) ) );
switch ( $context ) {
case 'site-icon' :
2016-08-31 18:31:29 +02:00
require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-icon.php' ;
2016-08-25 21:09:35 +02:00
$wp_site_icon = new WP_Site_Icon ();
2015-07-10 23:33:24 +02:00
2015-07-22 04:30:25 +02:00
// Skip creating a new attachment if the attachment is a Site Icon.
if ( get_post_meta ( $attachment_id , '_wp_attachment_context' , true ) == $context ) {
// Delete the temporary cropped file, we don't need it.
wp_delete_file ( $cropped );
// Additional sizes in wp_prepare_attachment_for_js().
add_filter ( 'image_size_names_choose' , array ( $wp_site_icon , 'additional_sizes' ) );
break ;
2015-07-10 23:33:24 +02:00
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/custom-header.php */
$cropped = apply_filters ( 'wp_create_file_in_uploads' , $cropped , $attachment_id ); // For replication.
$object = $wp_site_icon -> create_attachment_object ( $cropped , $attachment_id );
unset ( $object [ 'ID' ] );
// Update the attachment.
add_filter ( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced' , array ( $wp_site_icon , 'additional_sizes' ) );
$attachment_id = $wp_site_icon -> insert_attachment ( $object , $cropped );
remove_filter ( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced' , array ( $wp_site_icon , 'additional_sizes' ) );
// Additional sizes in wp_prepare_attachment_for_js().
add_filter ( 'image_size_names_choose' , array ( $wp_site_icon , 'additional_sizes' ) );
break ;
default :
2015-07-15 21:54:25 +02:00
* Fires before a cropped image is saved .
* Allows to add filters to modify the way a cropped image is saved .
2015-07-10 23:33:24 +02:00
* @ since 4.3 . 0
2015-07-15 21:54:25 +02:00
* @ param string $context The Customizer control requesting the cropped image .
* @ param int $attachment_id The attachment ID of the original image .
* @ param string $cropped Path to the cropped image file .
2015-07-10 23:33:24 +02:00
2015-07-15 21:54:25 +02:00
do_action ( 'wp_ajax_crop_image_pre_save' , $context , $attachment_id , $cropped );
2015-07-10 23:33:24 +02:00
2015-07-15 21:54:25 +02:00
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/custom-header.php */
$cropped = apply_filters ( 'wp_create_file_in_uploads' , $cropped , $attachment_id ); // For replication.
2015-09-15 04:50:25 +02:00
$parent_url = wp_get_attachment_url ( $attachment_id );
2015-07-15 21:54:25 +02:00
$url = str_replace ( basename ( $parent_url ), basename ( $cropped ), $parent_url );
$size = @ getimagesize ( $cropped );
$image_type = ( $size ) ? $size [ 'mime' ] : 'image/jpeg' ;
$object = array (
'post_title' => basename ( $cropped ),
'post_content' => $url ,
'post_mime_type' => $image_type ,
'guid' => $url ,
'context' => $context ,
$attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment ( $object , $cropped );
$metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata ( $attachment_id , $cropped );
2016-05-22 20:01:30 +02:00
* Filters the cropped image attachment metadata .
2015-07-15 21:54:25 +02:00
* @ since 4.3 . 0
* @ see wp_generate_attachment_metadata ()
* @ param array $metadata Attachment metadata .
$metadata = apply_filters ( 'wp_ajax_cropped_attachment_metadata' , $metadata );
wp_update_attachment_metadata ( $attachment_id , $metadata );
2016-05-22 20:01:30 +02:00
* Filters the attachment ID for a cropped image .
2015-07-15 21:54:25 +02:00
* @ since 4.3 . 0
* @ param int $attachment_id The attachment ID of the cropped image .
* @ param string $context The Customizer control requesting the cropped image .
$attachment_id = apply_filters ( 'wp_ajax_cropped_attachment_id' , $attachment_id , $context );
2015-07-10 23:33:24 +02:00
wp_send_json_success ( wp_prepare_attachment_for_js ( $attachment_id ) );
2015-09-18 22:14:24 +02:00
2015-09-18 22:19:25 +02:00
* Ajax handler for generating a password .
2015-09-18 22:14:24 +02:00
2015-09-18 22:19:25 +02:00
* @ since 4.4 . 0
2015-09-18 22:14:24 +02:00
function wp_ajax_generate_password () {
wp_send_json_success ( wp_generate_password ( 24 ) );
2015-11-04 22:49:26 +01:00
* Ajax handler for saving the user ' s WordPress . org username .
* @ since 4.4 . 0
function wp_ajax_save_wporg_username () {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'install_themes' ) && ! current_user_can ( 'install_plugins' ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
2016-03-30 20:36:26 +02:00
check_ajax_referer ( 'save_wporg_username_' . get_current_user_id () );
2015-11-04 22:49:26 +01:00
$username = isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'username' ] ) ? wp_unslash ( $_REQUEST [ 'username' ] ) : false ;
if ( ! $username ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
wp_send_json_success ( update_user_meta ( get_current_user_id (), 'wporg_favorites' , $username ) );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for installing a theme .
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
* @ since 4.6 . 0
2016-07-09 15:23:30 +02:00
* @ see Theme_Upgrader
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
function wp_ajax_install_theme () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'updates' );
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'slug' => '' ,
'errorCode' => 'no_theme_specified' ,
'errorMessage' => __ ( 'No theme specified.' ),
) );
$slug = sanitize_key ( wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) );
$status = array (
'install' => 'theme' ,
'slug' => $slug ,
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'install_themes' ) ) {
2016-06-29 17:16:29 +02:00
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to install themes on this site.' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-08-31 18:31:29 +02:00
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/theme.php' );
$api = themes_api ( 'theme_information' , array (
'slug' => $slug ,
'fields' => array ( 'sections' => false ),
) );
if ( is_wp_error ( $api ) ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $api -> get_error_message ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
$skin = new WP_Ajax_Upgrader_Skin ();
$upgrader = new Theme_Upgrader ( $skin );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$result = $upgrader -> install ( $api -> download_link );
if ( defined ( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG ) {
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
$status [ 'debug' ] = $skin -> get_upgrade_messages ();
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
if ( is_wp_error ( $result ) ) {
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = $result -> get_error_code ();
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $result -> get_error_message ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
} elseif ( is_wp_error ( $skin -> result ) ) {
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = $skin -> result -> get_error_code ();
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $skin -> result -> get_error_message ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
} elseif ( $skin -> get_errors () -> get_error_code () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $skin -> get_error_messages ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
} elseif ( is_null ( $result ) ) {
global $wp_filesystem ;
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = 'unable_to_connect_to_filesystem' ;
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials.' );
// Pass through the error from WP_Filesystem if one was raised.
if ( $wp_filesystem instanceof WP_Filesystem_Base && is_wp_error ( $wp_filesystem -> errors ) && $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_code () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = esc_html ( $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_message () );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-07-13 19:32:29 +02:00
$status [ 'themeName' ] = wp_get_theme ( $slug ) -> get ( 'Name' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
if ( current_user_can ( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
if ( is_multisite () ) {
$status [ 'activateUrl' ] = add_query_arg ( array (
'action' => 'enable' ,
'_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce ( 'enable-theme_' . $slug ),
'theme' => $slug ,
), network_admin_url ( 'themes.php' ) );
} else {
$status [ 'activateUrl' ] = add_query_arg ( array (
'action' => 'activate' ,
'_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce ( 'switch-theme_' . $slug ),
'stylesheet' => $slug ,
), admin_url ( 'themes.php' ) );
if ( ! is_multisite () && current_user_can ( 'edit_theme_options' ) && current_user_can ( 'customize' ) ) {
$status [ 'customizeUrl' ] = add_query_arg ( array (
'return' => urlencode ( network_admin_url ( 'theme-install.php' , 'relative' ) ),
), wp_customize_url ( $slug ) );
* See WP_Theme_Install_List_Table :: _get_theme_status () if we wanted to check
* on post - install status .
wp_send_json_success ( $status );
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for updating a theme .
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
* @ since 4.6 . 0
* @ see Theme_Upgrader
function wp_ajax_update_theme () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'updates' );
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'slug' => '' ,
'errorCode' => 'no_theme_specified' ,
'errorMessage' => __ ( 'No theme specified.' ),
) );
2016-10-03 20:13:31 +02:00
$stylesheet = preg_replace ( '/[^A-z0-9_\-]/' , '' , wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$status = array (
'update' => 'theme' ,
'slug' => $stylesheet ,
'newVersion' => '' ,
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'update_themes' ) ) {
2016-07-05 00:10:28 +02:00
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to update themes for this site.' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-08-31 18:31:29 +02:00
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$current = get_site_transient ( 'update_themes' );
if ( empty ( $current ) ) {
wp_update_themes ();
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
$skin = new WP_Ajax_Upgrader_Skin ();
$upgrader = new Theme_Upgrader ( $skin );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$result = $upgrader -> bulk_upgrade ( array ( $stylesheet ) );
if ( defined ( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG ) {
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
$status [ 'debug' ] = $skin -> get_upgrade_messages ();
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
if ( is_wp_error ( $skin -> result ) ) {
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = $skin -> result -> get_error_code ();
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $skin -> result -> get_error_message ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
} elseif ( $skin -> get_errors () -> get_error_code () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $skin -> get_error_messages ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
} elseif ( is_array ( $result ) && ! empty ( $result [ $stylesheet ] ) ) {
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
// Theme is already at the latest version.
if ( true === $result [ $stylesheet ] ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $upgrader -> strings [ 'up_to_date' ];
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
$theme = wp_get_theme ( $stylesheet );
if ( $theme -> get ( 'Version' ) ) {
$status [ 'newVersion' ] = $theme -> get ( 'Version' );
wp_send_json_success ( $status );
} elseif ( false === $result ) {
global $wp_filesystem ;
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = 'unable_to_connect_to_filesystem' ;
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials.' );
// Pass through the error from WP_Filesystem if one was raised.
if ( $wp_filesystem instanceof WP_Filesystem_Base && is_wp_error ( $wp_filesystem -> errors ) && $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_code () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = esc_html ( $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_message () );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
// An unhandled error occurred.
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Update failed.' );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for deleting a theme .
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
* @ since 4.6 . 0
2016-07-09 15:23:30 +02:00
* @ see delete_theme ()
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
function wp_ajax_delete_theme () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'updates' );
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'slug' => '' ,
'errorCode' => 'no_theme_specified' ,
'errorMessage' => __ ( 'No theme specified.' ),
) );
2016-10-03 20:13:31 +02:00
$stylesheet = preg_replace ( '/[^A-z0-9_\-]/' , '' , wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$status = array (
'delete' => 'theme' ,
'slug' => $stylesheet ,
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'delete_themes' ) ) {
2016-06-29 17:16:29 +02:00
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to delete themes on this site.' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
if ( ! wp_get_theme ( $stylesheet ) -> exists () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'The requested theme does not exist.' );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-07-27 19:11:56 +02:00
// Check filesystem credentials. `delete_theme()` will bail otherwise.
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$url = wp_nonce_url ( 'themes.php?action=delete&stylesheet=' . urlencode ( $stylesheet ), 'delete-theme_' . $stylesheet );
2016-07-27 19:11:56 +02:00
ob_start ();
$credentials = request_filesystem_credentials ( $url );
ob_end_clean ();
if ( false === $credentials || ! WP_Filesystem ( $credentials ) ) {
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
global $wp_filesystem ;
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = 'unable_to_connect_to_filesystem' ;
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials.' );
// Pass through the error from WP_Filesystem if one was raised.
if ( $wp_filesystem instanceof WP_Filesystem_Base && is_wp_error ( $wp_filesystem -> errors ) && $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_code () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = esc_html ( $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_message () );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/theme.php' );
$result = delete_theme ( $stylesheet );
if ( is_wp_error ( $result ) ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $result -> get_error_message ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
} elseif ( false === $result ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Theme could not be deleted.' );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
wp_send_json_success ( $status );
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for installing a plugin .
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
* @ since 4.6 . 0
2016-07-09 15:23:30 +02:00
* @ see Plugin_Upgrader
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
function wp_ajax_install_plugin () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'updates' );
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'slug' => '' ,
'errorCode' => 'no_plugin_specified' ,
'errorMessage' => __ ( 'No plugin specified.' ),
) );
$status = array (
'install' => 'plugin' ,
'slug' => sanitize_key ( wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) ),
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'install_plugins' ) ) {
2016-06-29 17:16:29 +02:00
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to install plugins on this site.' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-08-31 18:31:29 +02:00
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php' );
$api = plugins_api ( 'plugin_information' , array (
'slug' => sanitize_key ( wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) ),
'fields' => array (
'sections' => false ,
) );
if ( is_wp_error ( $api ) ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $api -> get_error_message ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
$status [ 'pluginName' ] = $api -> name ;
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
$skin = new WP_Ajax_Upgrader_Skin ();
$upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader ( $skin );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$result = $upgrader -> install ( $api -> download_link );
if ( defined ( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG ) {
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
$status [ 'debug' ] = $skin -> get_upgrade_messages ();
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
if ( is_wp_error ( $result ) ) {
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = $result -> get_error_code ();
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $result -> get_error_message ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
} elseif ( is_wp_error ( $skin -> result ) ) {
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = $skin -> result -> get_error_code ();
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $skin -> result -> get_error_message ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
} elseif ( $skin -> get_errors () -> get_error_code () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $skin -> get_error_messages ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
} elseif ( is_null ( $result ) ) {
global $wp_filesystem ;
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = 'unable_to_connect_to_filesystem' ;
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials.' );
// Pass through the error from WP_Filesystem if one was raised.
if ( $wp_filesystem instanceof WP_Filesystem_Base && is_wp_error ( $wp_filesystem -> errors ) && $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_code () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = esc_html ( $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_message () );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
$install_status = install_plugin_install_status ( $api );
2016-10-03 08:42:29 +02:00
$pagenow = isset ( $_POST [ 'pagenow' ] ) ? sanitize_key ( $_POST [ 'pagenow' ] ) : '' ;
// If install request is coming from import page, do not return network activation link.
$plugins_url = ( 'import' === $pagenow ) ? admin_url ( 'plugins.php' ) : network_admin_url ( 'plugins.php' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
if ( current_user_can ( 'activate_plugins' ) && is_plugin_inactive ( $install_status [ 'file' ] ) ) {
$status [ 'activateUrl' ] = add_query_arg ( array (
'_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce ( 'activate-plugin_' . $install_status [ 'file' ] ),
'action' => 'activate' ,
'plugin' => $install_status [ 'file' ],
2016-10-03 08:42:29 +02:00
), $plugins_url );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
2016-10-03 08:42:29 +02:00
if ( is_multisite () && current_user_can ( 'manage_network_plugins' ) && 'import' !== $pagenow ) {
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$status [ 'activateUrl' ] = add_query_arg ( array ( 'networkwide' => 1 ), $status [ 'activateUrl' ] );
wp_send_json_success ( $status );
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for updating a plugin .
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
* @ since 4.2 . 0
* @ see Plugin_Upgrader
function wp_ajax_update_plugin () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'updates' );
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'plugin' ] ) || empty ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'slug' => '' ,
'errorCode' => 'no_plugin_specified' ,
'errorMessage' => __ ( 'No plugin specified.' ),
) );
2016-07-27 19:44:41 +02:00
$plugin = plugin_basename ( sanitize_text_field ( wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'plugin' ] ) ) );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$status = array (
'update' => 'plugin' ,
'slug' => sanitize_key ( wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) ),
'oldVersion' => '' ,
'newVersion' => '' ,
2016-07-27 19:44:41 +02:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'update_plugins' ) || 0 !== validate_file ( $plugin ) ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to update plugins for this site.' );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
$plugin_data = get_plugin_data ( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin );
$status [ 'plugin' ] = $plugin ;
$status [ 'pluginName' ] = $plugin_data [ 'Name' ];
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
if ( $plugin_data [ 'Version' ] ) {
/* translators: %s: Plugin version */
$status [ 'oldVersion' ] = sprintf ( __ ( 'Version %s' ), $plugin_data [ 'Version' ] );
2016-08-31 18:31:29 +02:00
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
wp_update_plugins ();
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
$skin = new WP_Ajax_Upgrader_Skin ();
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader ( $skin );
$result = $upgrader -> bulk_upgrade ( array ( $plugin ) );
if ( defined ( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG ) {
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
$status [ 'debug' ] = $skin -> get_upgrade_messages ();
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
2016-08-05 00:18:30 +02:00
if ( is_wp_error ( $skin -> result ) ) {
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = $skin -> result -> get_error_code ();
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $skin -> result -> get_error_message ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
} elseif ( $skin -> get_errors () -> get_error_code () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $skin -> get_error_messages ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
} elseif ( is_array ( $result ) && ! empty ( $result [ $plugin ] ) ) {
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$plugin_update_data = current ( $result );
* If the `update_plugins` site transient is empty ( e . g . when you update
* two plugins in quick succession before the transient repopulates ),
* this may be the return .
* Preferably something can be done to ensure `update_plugins` isn ' t empty .
* For now , surface some sort of error here .
if ( true === $plugin_update_data ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Plugin update failed.' );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
$plugin_data = get_plugins ( '/' . $result [ $plugin ][ 'destination_name' ] );
$plugin_data = reset ( $plugin_data );
if ( $plugin_data [ 'Version' ] ) {
/* translators: %s: Plugin version */
$status [ 'newVersion' ] = sprintf ( __ ( 'Version %s' ), $plugin_data [ 'Version' ] );
wp_send_json_success ( $status );
} elseif ( false === $result ) {
global $wp_filesystem ;
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = 'unable_to_connect_to_filesystem' ;
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials.' );
// Pass through the error from WP_Filesystem if one was raised.
if ( $wp_filesystem instanceof WP_Filesystem_Base && is_wp_error ( $wp_filesystem -> errors ) && $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_code () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = esc_html ( $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_message () );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
// An unhandled error occurred.
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Plugin update failed.' );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for deleting a plugin .
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
* @ since 4.6 . 0
2016-07-09 15:23:30 +02:00
* @ see delete_plugins ()
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
function wp_ajax_delete_plugin () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'updates' );
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) || empty ( $_POST [ 'plugin' ] ) ) {
2016-07-27 19:44:41 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ( array (
'slug' => '' ,
'errorCode' => 'no_plugin_specified' ,
'errorMessage' => __ ( 'No plugin specified.' ),
) );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
2016-07-27 19:44:41 +02:00
$plugin = plugin_basename ( sanitize_text_field ( wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'plugin' ] ) ) );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$status = array (
2016-07-27 19:44:41 +02:00
'delete' => 'plugin' ,
'slug' => sanitize_key ( wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 'slug' ] ) ),
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
2016-07-27 19:44:41 +02:00
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'delete_plugins' ) || 0 !== validate_file ( $plugin ) ) {
2016-06-29 17:16:29 +02:00
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to delete plugins for this site.' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
2016-07-27 19:44:41 +02:00
$plugin_data = get_plugin_data ( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin );
$status [ 'plugin' ] = $plugin ;
$status [ 'pluginName' ] = $plugin_data [ 'Name' ];
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
if ( is_plugin_active ( $plugin ) ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'You cannot delete a plugin while it is active on the main site.' );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
// Check filesystem credentials. `delete_plugins()` will bail otherwise.
$url = wp_nonce_url ( 'plugins.php?action=delete-selected&verify-delete=1&checked[]=' . $plugin , 'bulk-plugins' );
2016-07-27 19:11:56 +02:00
ob_start ();
$credentials = request_filesystem_credentials ( $url );
ob_end_clean ();
if ( false === $credentials || ! WP_Filesystem ( $credentials ) ) {
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
global $wp_filesystem ;
$status [ 'errorCode' ] = 'unable_to_connect_to_filesystem' ;
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials.' );
// Pass through the error from WP_Filesystem if one was raised.
if ( $wp_filesystem instanceof WP_Filesystem_Base && is_wp_error ( $wp_filesystem -> errors ) && $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_code () ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = esc_html ( $wp_filesystem -> errors -> get_error_message () );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
$result = delete_plugins ( array ( $plugin ) );
if ( is_wp_error ( $result ) ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = $result -> get_error_message ();
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
} elseif ( false === $result ) {
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Plugin could not be deleted.' );
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
wp_send_json_success ( $status );
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for searching plugins .
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
* @ since 4.6 . 0
2016-07-18 16:00:34 +02:00
* @ global string $s Search term .
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
function wp_ajax_search_plugins () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'updates' );
2016-07-18 16:00:34 +02:00
$pagenow = isset ( $_POST [ 'pagenow' ] ) ? sanitize_key ( $_POST [ 'pagenow' ] ) : '' ;
if ( 'plugins-network' === $pagenow || 'plugins' === $pagenow ) {
set_current_screen ( $pagenow );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
/** @var WP_Plugins_List_Table $wp_list_table */
2016-07-18 16:00:34 +02:00
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( 'WP_Plugins_List_Table' , array (
'screen' => get_current_screen (),
) );
$status = array ();
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
if ( ! $wp_list_table -> ajax_user_can () ) {
2016-06-29 17:16:29 +02:00
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to manage plugins for this site.' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
// Set the correct requester, so pagination works.
$_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ] = add_query_arg ( array_diff_key ( $_POST , array (
'_ajax_nonce' => null ,
'action' => null ,
) ), network_admin_url ( 'plugins.php' , 'relative' ) );
2016-07-18 16:00:34 +02:00
$GLOBALS [ 's' ] = wp_unslash ( $_POST [ 's' ] );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$wp_list_table -> prepare_items ();
ob_start ();
$wp_list_table -> display ();
2016-07-11 23:50:31 +02:00
$status [ 'count' ] = count ( $wp_list_table -> items );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$status [ 'items' ] = ob_get_clean ();
wp_send_json_success ( $status );
2016-07-10 02:51:30 +02:00
* Ajax handler for searching plugins to install .
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
* @ since 4.6 . 0
function wp_ajax_search_install_plugins () {
check_ajax_referer ( 'updates' );
2016-07-18 16:00:34 +02:00
$pagenow = isset ( $_POST [ 'pagenow' ] ) ? sanitize_key ( $_POST [ 'pagenow' ] ) : '' ;
if ( 'plugin-install-network' === $pagenow || 'plugin-install' === $pagenow ) {
set_current_screen ( $pagenow );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
/** @var WP_Plugin_Install_List_Table $wp_list_table */
2016-07-18 16:00:34 +02:00
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table ( 'WP_Plugin_Install_List_Table' , array (
'screen' => get_current_screen (),
) );
$status = array ();
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
if ( ! $wp_list_table -> ajax_user_can () ) {
2016-07-04 23:37:27 +02:00
$status [ 'errorMessage' ] = __ ( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to manage plugins for this site.' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
wp_send_json_error ( $status );
// Set the correct requester, so pagination works.
$_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ] = add_query_arg ( array_diff_key ( $_POST , array (
'_ajax_nonce' => null ,
'action' => null ,
) ), network_admin_url ( 'plugin-install.php' , 'relative' ) );
$wp_list_table -> prepare_items ();
ob_start ();
$wp_list_table -> display ();
2016-07-20 18:32:31 +02:00
$status [ 'count' ] = ( int ) $wp_list_table -> get_pagination_arg ( 'total_items' );
Update/Install: Shiny Updates v2.
Gone are the days of isolation and feelings of "meh", brought on by The Bleak Screen of Sadness. For a shiny knight has arrived to usher our plugins and themes along their arduous journey of installation, updates, and the inevitable fate of ultimate deletion.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, mapk, afragen, ocean90, ryelle, j-falk, michael-arestad, melchoyce, DrewAPicture, AdamSoucie, ethitter, pento, dd32, kraftbj, Ipstenu, jorbin, afercia, stephdau, paulwilde, jipmoors, khag7, svovaf, jipmoors, obenland.
Fixes #22029, #25828, #31002, #31529, #31530, #31773, #33637, #35032.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37714
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@37680 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2016-06-15 18:37:29 +02:00
$status [ 'items' ] = ob_get_clean ();
wp_send_json_success ( $status );