2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
this [ "wp" ] = this [ "wp" ] || { } ; this [ "wp" ] [ "notices" ] =
/******/ ( function ( modules ) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = { } ;
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function _ _webpack _require _ _ ( moduleId ) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if ( installedModules [ moduleId ] ) {
/******/ return installedModules [ moduleId ] . exports ;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules [ moduleId ] = {
/******/ i : moduleId ,
/******/ l : false ,
/******/ exports : { }
/******/ } ;
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules [ moduleId ] . call ( module . exports , module , module . exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) ;
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module . l = true ;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module . exports ;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . m = modules ;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . c = installedModules ;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d = function ( exports , name , getter ) {
/******/ if ( ! _ _webpack _require _ _ . o ( exports , name ) ) {
/******/ Object . defineProperty ( exports , name , { enumerable : true , get : getter } ) ;
/******/ }
/******/ } ;
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . r = function ( exports ) {
/******/ if ( typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol . toStringTag ) {
/******/ Object . defineProperty ( exports , Symbol . toStringTag , { value : 'Module' } ) ;
/******/ }
/******/ Object . defineProperty ( exports , '__esModule' , { value : true } ) ;
/******/ } ;
/******/ // create a fake namespace object
/******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
/******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
/******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object
/******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . t = function ( value , mode ) {
/******/ if ( mode & 1 ) value = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( value ) ;
/******/ if ( mode & 8 ) return value ;
/******/ if ( ( mode & 4 ) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value . _ _esModule ) return value ;
/******/ var ns = Object . create ( null ) ;
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . r ( ns ) ;
/******/ Object . defineProperty ( ns , 'default' , { enumerable : true , value : value } ) ;
/******/ if ( mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string' ) for ( var key in value ) _ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( ns , key , function ( key ) { return value [ key ] ; } . bind ( null , key ) ) ;
/******/ return ns ;
/******/ } ;
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n = function ( module ) {
/******/ var getter = module && module . _ _esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault ( ) { return module [ 'default' ] ; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports ( ) { return module ; } ;
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( getter , 'a' , getter ) ;
/******/ return getter ;
/******/ } ;
/******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . o = function ( object , property ) { return Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( object , property ) ; } ;
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . p = "" ;
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/******/ return _ _webpack _require _ _ ( _ _webpack _require _ _ . s = 280 ) ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/******/ } )
/******/ ( {
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 122 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
function _interopRequireDefault ( obj ) {
return obj && obj . _ _esModule ? obj : {
default : obj
} ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
module . exports = _interopRequireDefault ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 175 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
function _defineProperty ( obj , key , value ) {
if ( key in obj ) {
Object . defineProperty ( obj , key , {
value : value ,
enumerable : true ,
configurable : true ,
writable : true
} ) ;
} else {
obj [ key ] = value ;
return obj ;
module . exports = _defineProperty ;
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 176 :
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
exports . DEFAULT _STATUS = exports . DEFAULT _CONTEXT = void 0 ;
/ * *
* Default context to use for notice grouping when not otherwise specified . Its
* specific value doesn ' t hold much meaning , but it must be reasonably unique
* and , more importantly , referenced consistently in the store implementation .
* @ type { string }
* /
var DEFAULT _CONTEXT = 'global' ;
/ * *
* Default notice status .
* @ type { string }
* /
var DEFAULT _STATUS = 'info' ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 2 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
( function ( ) { module . exports = this [ "lodash" ] ; } ( ) ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 280 :
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
_ _webpack _require _ _ ( 281 ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 281 :
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
var _interopRequireWildcard = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 282 ) ;
var _interopRequireDefault = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 122 ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
exports . default = void 0 ;
var _data = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 5 ) ;
var _reducer = _interopRequireDefault ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 283 ) ) ;
var actions = _interopRequireWildcard ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 290 ) ) ;
var selectors = _interopRequireWildcard ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 291 ) ) ;
var _controls = _interopRequireDefault ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 292 ) ) ;
/ * *
* WordPress dependencies
* /
/ * *
* Internal dependencies
* /
var _default = ( 0 , _data . registerStore ) ( 'core/notices' , {
reducer : _reducer . default ,
actions : actions ,
selectors : selectors ,
controls : _controls . default
} ) ;
exports . default = _default ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 282 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
function _interopRequireWildcard ( obj ) {
if ( obj && obj . _ _esModule ) {
return obj ;
} else {
var newObj = { } ;
if ( obj != null ) {
for ( var key in obj ) {
if ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( obj , key ) ) {
var desc = Object . defineProperty && Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( obj , key ) : { } ;
if ( desc . get || desc . set ) {
Object . defineProperty ( newObj , key , desc ) ;
} else {
newObj [ key ] = obj [ key ] ;
newObj . default = obj ;
return newObj ;
module . exports = _interopRequireWildcard ;
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 283 :
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
var _interopRequireDefault = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 122 ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
exports . default = void 0 ;
var _toConsumableArray2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 284 ) ) ;
var _lodash = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 2 ) ;
var _onSubKey = _interopRequireDefault ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 288 ) ) ;
/ * *
* External dependencies
* /
/ * *
* Internal dependencies
* /
/ * *
* Reducer returning the next notices state . The notices state is an object
* where each key is a context , its value an array of notice objects .
* @ param { Object } state Current state .
* @ param { Object } action Dispatched action .
* @ return { Object } Updated state .
* /
var notices = ( 0 , _onSubKey . default ) ( 'context' ) ( function ( ) {
var state = arguments . length > 0 && arguments [ 0 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 0 ] : [ ] ;
var action = arguments . length > 1 ? arguments [ 1 ] : undefined ;
switch ( action . type ) {
// Avoid duplicates on ID.
return ( 0 , _toConsumableArray2 . default ) ( ( 0 , _lodash . reject ) ( state , {
id : action . notice . id
} ) ) . concat ( [ action . notice ] ) ;
return ( 0 , _lodash . reject ) ( state , {
id : action . id
} ) ;
return state ;
} ) ;
var _default = notices ;
exports . default = _default ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 284 :
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
var arrayWithoutHoles = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 285 ) ;
var iterableToArray = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 286 ) ;
var nonIterableSpread = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 287 ) ;
function _toConsumableArray ( arr ) {
return arrayWithoutHoles ( arr ) || iterableToArray ( arr ) || nonIterableSpread ( ) ;
module . exports = _toConsumableArray ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 285 :
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
function _arrayWithoutHoles ( arr ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( arr ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 , arr2 = new Array ( arr . length ) ; i < arr . length ; i ++ ) {
arr2 [ i ] = arr [ i ] ;
return arr2 ;
module . exports = _arrayWithoutHoles ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 286 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
function _iterableToArray ( iter ) {
if ( Symbol . iterator in Object ( iter ) || Object . prototype . toString . call ( iter ) === "[object Arguments]" ) return Array . from ( iter ) ;
module . exports = _iterableToArray ;
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 287 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
function _nonIterableSpread ( ) {
throw new TypeError ( "Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance" ) ;
module . exports = _nonIterableSpread ;
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 288 :
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
var _interopRequireDefault = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 122 ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
exports . default = exports . onSubKey = void 0 ;
var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 175 ) ) ;
var _objectSpread3 = _interopRequireDefault ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 289 ) ) ;
/ * *
* Higher - order reducer creator which creates a combined reducer object , keyed
* by a property on the action object .
* @ param { string } actionProperty Action property by which to key object .
* @ return { Function } Higher - order reducer .
* /
var onSubKey = function onSubKey ( actionProperty ) {
return function ( reducer ) {
return function ( ) {
var state = arguments . length > 0 && arguments [ 0 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 0 ] : { } ;
var action = arguments . length > 1 ? arguments [ 1 ] : undefined ;
// Retrieve subkey from action. Do not track if undefined; useful for cases
// where reducer is scoped by action shape.
var key = action [ actionProperty ] ;
if ( key === undefined ) {
return state ;
} // Avoid updating state if unchanged. Note that this also accounts for a
// reducer which returns undefined on a key which is not yet tracked.
var nextKeyState = reducer ( state [ key ] , action ) ;
if ( nextKeyState === state [ key ] ) {
return state ;
return ( 0 , _objectSpread3 . default ) ( { } , state , ( 0 , _defineProperty2 . default ) ( { } , key , nextKeyState ) ) ;
} ;
} ;
} ;
exports . onSubKey = onSubKey ;
var _default = onSubKey ;
exports . default = _default ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 289 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
var defineProperty = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 175 ) ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
function _objectSpread ( target ) {
for ( var i = 1 ; i < arguments . length ; i ++ ) {
var source = arguments [ i ] != null ? arguments [ i ] : { } ;
var ownKeys = Object . keys ( source ) ;
if ( typeof Object . getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function' ) {
ownKeys = ownKeys . concat ( Object . getOwnPropertySymbols ( source ) . filter ( function ( sym ) {
return Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( source , sym ) . enumerable ;
} ) ) ;
ownKeys . forEach ( function ( key ) {
defineProperty ( target , key , source [ key ] ) ;
} ) ;
return target ;
module . exports = _objectSpread ;
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 290 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
exports . createNotice = createNotice ;
exports . createSuccessNotice = createSuccessNotice ;
exports . createInfoNotice = createInfoNotice ;
exports . createErrorNotice = createErrorNotice ;
exports . createWarningNotice = createWarningNotice ;
exports . removeNotice = removeNotice ;
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
var _lodash = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 2 ) ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
var _constants = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 176 ) ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
var _marked =
regeneratorRuntime . mark ( createNotice ) ;
/ * *
* Yields action objects used in signalling that a notice is to be created .
* @ param { ? string } status Notice status .
* Defaults to ` info ` .
* @ param { string } content Notice message .
* @ param { ? Object } options Notice options .
* @ param { ? string } options . context Context under which to
* group notice .
* @ param { ? string } options . id Identifier for notice .
* Automatically assigned
* if not specified .
* @ param { ? boolean } options . isDismissible Whether the notice can
* be dismissed by user .
* Defaults to ` true ` .
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
* @ param { ? boolean } options . speak Whether the notice
* content should be
* announced to screen
* readers . Defaults to
* ` true ` .
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
* @ param { ? Array < WPNoticeAction > } options . actions User actions to be
* presented with notice .
* /
function createNotice ( ) {
var status ,
content ,
options ,
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
_options$speak ,
speak ,
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
_options$isDismissibl ,
isDismissible ,
_options$context ,
context ,
_options$id ,
id ,
_options$actions ,
actions ,
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
_ _unstableHTML ,
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
_args = arguments ;
return regeneratorRuntime . wrap ( function createNotice$ ( _context ) {
while ( 1 ) {
switch ( _context . prev = _context . next ) {
case 0 :
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
status = _args . length > 0 && _args [ 0 ] !== undefined ? _args [ 0 ] : _constants . DEFAULT _STATUS ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
content = _args . length > 1 ? _args [ 1 ] : undefined ;
options = _args . length > 2 && _args [ 2 ] !== undefined ? _args [ 2 ] : { } ;
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
_options$speak = options . speak , speak = _options$speak === void 0 ? true : _options$speak , _options$isDismissibl = options . isDismissible , isDismissible = _options$isDismissibl === void 0 ? true : _options$isDismissibl , _options$context = options . context , context = _options$context === void 0 ? _constants . DEFAULT _CONTEXT : _options$context , _options$id = options . id , id = _options$id === void 0 ? ( 0 , _lodash . uniqueId ) ( context ) : _options$id , _options$actions = options . actions , actions = _options$actions === void 0 ? [ ] : _options$actions , _ _unstableHTML = options . _ _unstableHTML ; // The supported value shape of content is currently limited to plain text
// strings. To avoid setting expectation that e.g. a WPElement could be
// supported, cast to a string.
content = String ( content ) ;
if ( ! speak ) {
_context . next = 8 ;
break ;
_context . next = 8 ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
return {
type : 'SPEAK' ,
message : content
} ;
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
case 8 :
_context . next = 10 ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
return {
type : 'CREATE_NOTICE' ,
context : context ,
notice : {
id : id ,
status : status ,
content : content ,
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
_ _unstableHTML : _ _unstableHTML ,
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
isDismissible : isDismissible ,
actions : actions
} ;
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
case 10 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
case "end" :
return _context . stop ( ) ;
} , _marked , this ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an action object used in signalling that a success notice is to be
* created . Refer to ` createNotice ` for options documentation .
* @ see createNotice
* @ param { string } content Notice message .
* @ param { ? Object } options Optional notice options .
* @ return { Object } Action object .
* /
function createSuccessNotice ( content , options ) {
return createNotice ( 'success' , content , options ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an action object used in signalling that an info notice is to be
* created . Refer to ` createNotice ` for options documentation .
* @ see createNotice
* @ param { string } content Notice message .
* @ param { ? Object } options Optional notice options .
* @ return { Object } Action object .
* /
function createInfoNotice ( content , options ) {
return createNotice ( 'info' , content , options ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an action object used in signalling that an error notice is to be
* created . Refer to ` createNotice ` for options documentation .
* @ see createNotice
* @ param { string } content Notice message .
* @ param { ? Object } options Optional notice options .
* @ return { Object } Action object .
* /
function createErrorNotice ( content , options ) {
return createNotice ( 'error' , content , options ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an action object used in signalling that a warning notice is to be
* created . Refer to ` createNotice ` for options documentation .
* @ see createNotice
* @ param { string } content Notice message .
* @ param { ? Object } options Optional notice options .
* @ return { Object } Action object .
* /
function createWarningNotice ( content , options ) {
return createNotice ( 'warning' , content , options ) ;
/ * *
* Returns an action object used in signalling that a notice is to be removed .
* @ param { string } id Notice unique identifier .
* @ param { ? string } context Optional context ( grouping ) in which the notice is
* intended to appear . Defaults to default context .
* @ return { Object } Action object .
* /
function removeNotice ( id ) {
var context = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : _constants . DEFAULT _CONTEXT ;
return {
type : 'REMOVE_NOTICE' ,
id : id ,
context : context
} ;
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 291 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
exports . getNotices = getNotices ;
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
var _constants = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 176 ) ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/ * *
* Internal dependencies
* /
/ * *
* The default empty set of notices to return when there are no notices
* assigned for a given notices context . This can occur if the getNotices
* selector is called without a notice ever having been created for the
* context . A shared value is used to ensure referential equality between
* sequential selector calls , since otherwise ` [] !== [] ` .
* @ type { Array }
* /
var DEFAULT _NOTICES = [ ] ;
/ * *
* Notice object .
* @ property { string } id Unique identifier of notice .
* @ property { string } status Status of notice , one of ` success ` ,
* ` info ` , ` error ` , or ` warning ` . Defaults
* to ` info ` .
* @ property { string } content Notice message .
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
* @ property { string } _ _unstableHTML Notice message as raw HTML . Intended to
* serve primarily for compatibility of
* server - rendered notices , and SHOULD NOT
* be used for notices . It is subject to
* removal without notice .
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
* @ property { boolean } isDismissible Whether the notice can be dismissed by
* user . Defaults to ` true ` .
* @ property { WPNoticeAction [ ] } actions User actions to present with notice .
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
* @ typedef { WPNotice }
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
* /
/ * *
* Object describing a user action option associated with a notice .
* @ property { string } label Message to use as action label .
* @ property { ? string } url Optional URL of resource if action incurs
* browser navigation .
* @ property { ? Function } callback Optional function to invoke when action is
* triggered by user .
* @ typedef { WPNoticeAction }
* /
/ * *
* Returns all notices as an array , optionally for a given context . Defaults to
* the global context .
* @ param { Object } state Notices state .
* @ param { ? string } context Optional grouping context .
Block Editor: Update `@wordpress` dependencies to match Gutenberg 4.5.1.
- Update the annotations, api-fetch, block-library, blocks, components, compose, core-data, data, date, dom, edit-post, editor, element, format-library, html-entities, i18n, jest-console, jest-preset-default, keycodes, list-reusable-blocks, notices, nux, plugins, rich-text, scripts, token-lists, url, viewport packages.
- Upgrades React from 16.5.2 to 16.6.3.
- Adds a missing `wp-date` dependency to the editor script.
- Updates changed dependencies in `script-loader.php`.
- Fixes undefined notices in some blocks.
- Removes incorrect `gutenberg` textdomain.
Merges [43891], [43903], and [43919] to trunk.
Props atimmer, aduth, youknowriad, danielbachhuber.
See #45145.
Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44262
git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@44092 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2018-12-17 16:37:00 +01:00
* @ return { WPNotice [ ] } Array of notices .
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
* /
function getNotices ( state ) {
var context = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : _constants . DEFAULT _CONTEXT ;
return state [ context ] || DEFAULT _NOTICES ;
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 292 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
exports . default = void 0 ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
var _a11y = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 44 ) ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/ * *
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
* WordPress dependencies
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
* /
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
var _default = {
SPEAK : function SPEAK ( action ) {
( 0 , _a11y . speak ) ( action . message , 'assertive' ) ;
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
} ;
exports . default = _default ;
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 44 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
( function ( ) { module . exports = this [ "wp" ] [ "a11y" ] ; } ( ) ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/***/ 5 :
2018-12-14 12:02:53 +01:00
/***/ ( function ( module , exports ) {
( function ( ) { module . exports = this [ "wp" ] [ "data" ] ; } ( ) ) ;
/***/ } )
2018-12-18 04:14:52 +01:00
/******/ } ) ;