
847 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

window.wp = window.wp || {};
(function($) {
var revisions;
revisions = wp.revisions = { model: {}, view: {}, controller: {}, router: {} };
// Link settings.
revisions.settings = typeof _wpRevisionsSettings === 'undefined' ? {} : _wpRevisionsSettings;
* ========================================================================
* ========================================================================
revisions.model.Slider = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
value: 0,
min: 0,
max: 1,
step: 1
revisions.model.Tooltip = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
revision: null,
position: 0
revisions.model.Revision = Backbone.Model.extend({});
revisions.model.Revisions = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: revisions.model.Revision,
comparator: function( revision ) {
return revision.id;
revisions.model.Field = Backbone.Model.extend({});
revisions.model.Fields = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: revisions.model.Field
revisions.model.Diff = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(attributes, options) {
var fields = this.get('fields');
this.fields = new revisions.model.Fields( fields );
revisions.model.Diffs = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function(models, options) {
this.revisions = options.revisions;
this.requests = {};
model: revisions.model.Diff,
ensure: function( id, context ) {
var diff = this.get( id );
var request = this.requests[ id ];
var deferred = $.Deferred();
var ids = {};
if ( diff ) {
deferred.resolveWith( context, [ diff ] );
} else {
this.trigger( 'ensure:load', ids );
_.each( ids, _.bind( function(id) {
// Remove anything that has an ongoing request
if ( this.requests[ id ] )
delete ids[ id ];
}, this ) );
if ( ! request ) {
// Always include the ID that started this ensure
ids[ id ] = true;
request = this.load( _.keys( ids ) );
request.done( _.bind( function() {
deferred.resolveWith( context, [ this.get( id ) ] );
}, this ) );
return deferred.promise();
loadNew: function( comparisons ) {
comparisons = _.object( comparisons, comparisons );
_.each( comparisons, _.bind( function( id ) {
// Exists
if ( this.get( id ) )
delete comparisons[ id ];
}, this ) );
comparisons = _.toArray( comparisons );
return this.load( comparisons );
load: function( comparisons ) {
// Our collection should only ever grow, never shrink, so remove: false
return this.fetch({ data: { compare: comparisons }, remove: false });
loadLast: function( num ) {
num = num || 1;
var ids = this.getProximalDiffIds();
ids = _.last( ids, num );
if ( ids.length ) {
return this.loadNew( ids );
loadLastUnloaded: function( num ) {
num = num || 1;
var ids = this.getUnloadedProximalDiffIds();
ids = _.last( ids, num );
if ( ids.length ) {
return this.loadNew( ids );
getProximalDiffIds: function() {
var previous = 0, ids = [];
this.revisions.each( _.bind( function(revision) {
ids.push( previous + ':' + revision.id );
previous = revision.id;
}, this ) );
return ids;
getUnloadedProximalDiffIds: function() {
var comparisons = this.getProximalDiffIds();
comparisons = _.object( comparisons, comparisons );
_.each( comparisons, _.bind( function( id ) {
// Exists
if ( this.get( id ) )
delete comparisons[ id ];
}, this ) );
return _.toArray( comparisons );
loadAllBy: function( chunkSize ) {
chunkSize = chunkSize || 20;
var unloaded = this.getUnloadedProximalDiffIds();
if ( unloaded.length ) {
return this.loadLastUnloaded( chunkSize ).always( _.bind( function() {
this.loadAllBy( chunkSize );
}, this ) );
sync: function( method, model, options ) {
if ( 'read' === method ) {
options = options || {};
options.context = this;
options.data = _.extend( options.data || {}, {
action: 'get-revision-diffs',
post_id: revisions.settings.postId
var deferred = wp.xhr.send( options );
var requests = this.requests;
// Record that we're requesting each diff.
if ( options.data.compare ) {
_.each( options.data.compare, function( id ) {
requests[ id ] = deferred;
// When the request completes, clear the stored request.
deferred.always( function() {
if ( options.data.compare ) {
_.each( options.data.compare, function( id ) {
delete requests[ id ];
return deferred;
// Otherwise, fall back to `Backbone.sync()`.
} else {
return Backbone.Model.prototype.sync.apply( this, arguments );
revisions.model.FrameState = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function( attributes, options ) {
this.revisions = options.revisions;
this.diffs = new revisions.model.Diffs( [], { revisions: this.revisions });
this.listenTo( this, 'change:from', this.updateDiff );
this.listenTo( this, 'change:to', this.updateDiff );
this.revisionsRouter = new revisions.router.Router({ model: this });
// So long as `from` and `to` are changed at the same time, the diff
// will only be updated once. This is because Backbone updates all of
// the changed attributes in `set`, and then fires the `change` events.
updateDiff: function() {
var from = this.get('from');
this.set( 'diffId', (from ? from.id : '0' ) + ':' + this.get('to').id );
* ========================================================================
* ========================================================================
// The frame view. This contains the entire page.
revisions.view.Frame = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'revisions',
template: wp.template('revisions-frame'),
initialize: function() {
this.model = new revisions.model.FrameState({}, {
revisions: this.collection
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:diffId', this.updateDiff );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:compareTwoMode', this.updateCompareTwoMode );
this.views.set( '.revisions-control-frame', new revisions.view.Controls({
model: this.model
}) );
if ( this.model.revisions.length ) {
var last = this.model.revisions.last(2);
var attributes = { to: last.pop() };
if ( last.length )
attributes.from = last.pop();
this.model.set( attributes );
// Load the rest: first 10, then the rest by 50
this.model.diffs.loadLastUnloaded( 10 ).always( _.bind( function() {
this.model.diffs.loadAllBy( 50 );
}, this ) );
render: function() {
wp.Backbone.View.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );
$('#wpbody-content .wrap').append( this.el );
return this;
updateDiff: function() {
this.model.diffs.ensure( this.model.get('diffId'), this ).done( function( diff ) {
if ( this.model.get('diffId') !== diff.id )
this.views.set( '.revisions-diff-frame', new revisions.view.Diff({
model: diff
this.model.trigger( 'renderDiff' );
updateCompareTwoMode: function() {
this.$el.toggleClass( 'comparing-two-revisions', this.model.get('compareTwoMode') );
// The control view.
// This contains the revision slider, previous/next buttons, the meta info and the compare checkbox.
revisions.view.Controls = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'revisions-controls',
initialize: function() {
// Add the button view
this.views.add( new revisions.view.Buttons({
model: this.model
// Add the checkbox view
this.views.add( new revisions.view.Checkbox({
model: this.model
// Add the tooltip view
var tooltip = new revisions.view.Tooltip({
model: new revisions.model.Tooltip()
this.views.add( tooltip );
// Add the Tickmarks view
this.views.add( new revisions.view.Tickmarks({
model: this.model
// Add the Slider view with a reference to the tooltip view
this.views.add( new revisions.view.Slider({
model: this.model,
tooltip: tooltip
}) );
// Add the Meta view
this.views.add( new revisions.view.Meta({
model: this.model
}) );
// The tickmarks view
// This contains the slider tickmarks.
revisions.view.Tickmarks = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'revisions-tickmarks',
template: wp.template('revisions-tickmarks'),
numberOfTickmarksSet: function() {
var tickCount = this.model.revisions.length - 1, // One tickmark per model
sliderWidth = $( '.wp-slider' ).parent().width() * 0.7, // Width of slider is 70% of container (reset on resize)
tickWidth = Math.floor( sliderWidth / tickCount ), // Divide width by # of tickmarks, round down
newSiderWidth = ( ( tickWidth + 1 ) * tickCount ) + 1, // Calculate the actual width
$( '.wp-slider' ).css( 'width', newSiderWidth ); // Reset the slider width to match the calculated tick size
this.$el.css( 'width', newSiderWidth ); // Match the tickmark div width
for ( tickNumber = 0; tickNumber <= tickCount; tickNumber++ ){
this.$el.append( '<div style="left:' + ( tickWidth * tickNumber ) + 'px;"></div>' );
ready: function() {
var self = this;
$( window ).on( 'resize', _.debounce( function() {
self.$el.html( '' );
}, 50 ) );
// The meta view.
// This contains the revision meta, and the restore button.
revisions.view.Meta = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'revisions-meta',
template: wp.template('revisions-meta'),
events: {
'click #restore-revision': 'restoreRevision'
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:diffId', this.updateMeta );
restoreRevision: function() {
var restoreUrl = this.model.get('to').attributes.restoreUrl.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
document.location = restoreUrl;
updateMeta: function() {
this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) );
$( '#restore-revision' ).prop( 'disabled', this.model.get( 'to' ).attributes.current );
// The checkbox view.
// Encapsulates all of the configuration for the compare checkbox.
revisions.view.Checkbox = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'revisions-checkbox',
template: wp.template( 'revisions-checkbox' ),
events: {
'click .compare-two-revisions': 'compareTwoToggle'
initialize: function() {
this.$el.html( this.template() );
updateCompareTwoMode: function() {
if ( this.model.get( 'compareTwoMode' ) ) {
$( '.compare-two-revisions' ).prop( 'checked', true );
// in RTL mode the 'left handle' is the second in the slider, 'right' is first
$( '.wp-slider a.ui-slider-handle' ).first().addClass( isRtl ? 'right-handle' : 'left-handle' );
$( '.wp-slider a.ui-slider-handle' ).last().addClass( isRtl ? 'left-handle' : 'right-handle' );
} else {
$( '.compare-two-revisions' ).prop( 'checked', false );
$( '.wp-slider a.ui-slider-handle' ).removeClass( 'left-handle' ).removeClass( 'right-handle' );
// Toggle the compare two mode feature when the compare two checkbox is checked.
compareTwoToggle: function( event ) {
// Activate compare two mode?
this.model.set( { compareTwoMode: $( '.compare-two-revisions' ).prop( 'checked' ) } );
// Update route
this.model.revisionsRouter.navigateRoute( this.model.get( 'to').id, this.model.get( 'from' ).id );
ready: function() {
// Hide compare two mode toggle when fewer than three revisions.
if ( this.model.revisions.length < 3 )
$( '.revision-toggle-compare-mode' ).hide();
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:compareTwoMode', this.updateCompareTwoMode );
// Update the mode in case route has set it
// The tooltip view.
// Encapsulates the tooltip.
revisions.view.Tooltip = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'revisions-tooltip',
template: wp.template( 'revisions-tooltip' ),
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', this.render );
ready: function() {
// Hide tooltip on start.
this.$el.addClass( 'hidden' );
show: function() {
this.$el.removeClass( 'hidden' );
hide: function() {
this.$el.addClass( 'hidden' );
render: function() {
// Check if a revision exists.
if ( null === this.model.get( 'revision' ) )
// Insert revision data.
this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.get( 'revision' ).toJSON() ) );
// Set the position.
var offset = $( '.revisions-buttons' ).offset().left;
this.$el.css( 'left', this.model.get( 'position' ) - offset );
// The buttons view.
// Encapsulates all of the configuration for the previous/next buttons.
revisions.view.Buttons = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'revisions-buttons',
template: wp.template( 'revisions-buttons' ),
events: {
'click #next': 'nextRevision',
'click #previous': 'previousRevision'
initialize: function() {
this.$el.html( this.template() );
ready: function() {
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:diffId', this.disabledButtonCheck );
// Go to a specific modelindex, taking into account RTL mode.
gotoModel: function( toIndex ) {
var attributes = {
to: this.model.revisions.at( isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - toIndex - 1 : toIndex ) // Reverse directions for RTL.
// If we're at the first revision, unset 'from'.
if ( isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - toIndex - 1 : toIndex ) // Reverse directions for RTL
attributes.from = this.model.revisions.at( isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - toIndex - 2 : toIndex - 1 );
this.model.unset('from', { silent: true });
this.model.set( attributes );
// Update route
this.model.revisionsRouter.navigateRoute( attributes.to.id, attributes.from ? attributes.from.id : 0 );
// Go to the 'next' revision, direction takes into account RTL mode.
nextRevision: function() {
var toIndex = isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) ) - 1 : this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) );
toIndex = isRtl ? toIndex - 1 : toIndex + 1;
this.gotoModel( toIndex );
// Go to the 'previous' revision, direction takes into account RTL mode.
previousRevision: function() {
var toIndex = isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) ) - 1 : this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) );
toIndex = isRtl ? toIndex + 1 : toIndex - 1;
this.gotoModel( toIndex );
// Check to see if the Previous or Next buttons need to be disabled or enabled.
disabledButtonCheck: function() {
var maxVal = this.model.revisions.length - 1,
minVal = 0,
next = $( '.revisions-next .button' ),
previous = $( '.revisions-previous .button' ),
val = this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) );
// Disable "Next" button if you're on the last node.
next.prop( 'disabled', ( maxVal === val ) );
// Disable "Previous" button if you're on the first node.
previous.prop( 'disabled', ( minVal === val ) );
// The slider view.
// Encapsulates all of the configuration for the jQuery UI slider into a view.
revisions.view.Slider = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'wp-slider',
events: {
'mousemove' : 'mousemove',
'mouseleave' : 'mouseleave',
'mouseenter' : 'mouseenter'
initialize: function( options ) {
_.bindAll( this, 'start', 'slide', 'stop' );
this.tooltip = options.tooltip;
// Create the slider model from the provided collection data.
var latestRevisionIndex = this.model.revisions.length - 1;
// Find the initially selected revision
var initiallySelectedRevisionIndex =
this.model.revisions.findWhere( { id: Number( revisions.settings.selectedRevision ) } ) );
this.settings = new revisions.model.Slider({
max: latestRevisionIndex,
value: initiallySelectedRevisionIndex,
start: this.start,
slide: this.slide,
stop: this.stop
ready: function() {
// Refresh the currently selected revision position in case router has set it.
this.settings.attributes.value = this.model.revisions.indexOf(
this.model.revisions.findWhere( { id: Number( revisions.settings.selectedRevision ) } ) );
// And update the slider in case the route has set it.
this.slide( '', this.settings.attributes );
this.$el.slider( this.settings.toJSON() );
// Listen for changes in Compare Two Mode setting
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:compareTwoMode', this.updateSliderSettings );
this.settings.on( 'change', function() {
}, this );
// Listen for changes in the diffId
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:diffId', this.diffIdChanged );
mousemove: function( e ) {
var tickCount = this.model.revisions.length - 1, // One tickmark per model
sliderLeft = Math.ceil( this.$el.offset().left ), // Left edge of slider
sliderWidth = this.$el.width(), // Width of slider
tickWidth = Math.floor( sliderWidth / tickCount ), // Calculated width of tickmark
actualX = e.clientX - sliderLeft, // Offset of mouse position in slider
currentModelIndex = Math.floor( ( actualX + tickWidth / 2 ) / tickWidth ), // Calculate the model index
tooltipPosition = sliderLeft + 2 + currentModelIndex * tickWidth; // Stick tooltip to tickmark
// Reverse direction in RTL mode.
if ( isRtl )
currentModelIndex = this.model.revisions.length - currentModelIndex - 1;
// Ensure sane value for currentModelIndex.
if ( currentModelIndex < 0 )
currentModelIndex = 0;
else if ( currentModelIndex >= this.model.revisions.length )
currentModelIndex = this.model.revisions.length - 1;
// Update the tooltip model
this.tooltip.model.set( 'revision', this.model.revisions.at( currentModelIndex ) );
this.tooltip.model.set( 'position', tooltipPosition );
mouseleave: function( e ) {
mouseenter: function( e ) {
updateSliderSettings: function() {
if ( this.model.get( 'compareTwoMode' ) ) {
var leftValue, rightValue;
// In single handle mode, the 1st stored revision is 'blank' and the 'from' model is not set
// In this case we move the to index over one
if ( 'undefined' == typeof this.model.get( 'from' ) ) {
if ( isRtl ) {
leftValue = this.model.revisions.length - this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) ) - 2;
rightValue = leftValue + 1;
} else {
leftValue = this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) );
rightValue = leftValue + 1;
} else {
leftValue = isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) ) - 1 :
this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'from' ) ),
rightValue = isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'from' ) ) - 1 :
this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) );
// Set handles to current from / to models.
// Reverse order for RTL
this.$el.slider( {
values: [
value: null,
range: true // Range mode ensures handles can't cross
} );
} else {
this.$el.slider( { // Set handle to current to model
// Reverse order for RTL.
value: isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) ) - 1 :
this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) ),
values: null, // Clear existing two handled values
range: false
} );
if ( this.model.get( 'compareTwoMode' ) ){
// in RTL mode the 'left handle' is the second in the slider, 'right' is first
$( 'a.ui-slider-handle', this.$el )
.addClass( isRtl ? 'right-handle' : 'left-handle' )
.removeClass( isRtl ? 'left-handle' : 'right-handle' );
$( 'a.ui-slider-handle', this.$el )
.addClass( isRtl ? 'left-handle' : 'right-handle' )
.removeClass( isRtl ? 'right-handle' : 'left-handle' );
diffIdChanged: function() {
// Reset the view settings when diffId is changed
if ( this.model.get( 'compareTwoMode' ) ) {
this.settings.set( { 'values': [
this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'from' ) ),
this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) )
] } );
} else {
this.settings.set( { 'value': this.model.revisions.indexOf( this.model.get( 'to' ) ) } );
getSliderPosition: function( ui ){
return isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - ui.value - 1 : ui.value;
start: function( event, ui ) {
// Track the mouse position to enable smooth dragging,
// overrides default jQuery UI step behavior.
$( window ).on( 'mousemove', { view: this }, function( e ) {
var view = e.data.view,
leftDragBoundary = view.$el.offset().left, // Initial left boundary
sliderOffset = leftDragBoundary,
sliderRightEdge = leftDragBoundary + view.$el.width(),
rightDragBoundary = sliderRightEdge, // Initial right boundary
leftDragReset = 0, // Initial left drag reset
rightDragReset = sliderRightEdge - sliderOffset; // Initial right drag reset
// In two handle mode, ensure handles can't be dragged past each other.
// Adjust left/right boundaries and reset points.
if ( view.model.get( 'compareTwoMode' ) ) {
var rightHandle = $( ui.handle ).parent().find( '.right-handle' ),
leftHandle = $( ui.handle ).parent().find( '.left-handle' );
if ( $( ui.handle ).hasClass( 'left-handle' ) ) {
// Dragging the left handle, boundary is right handle.
// RTL mode calculations reverse directions.
if ( isRtl ) {
leftDragBoundary = rightHandle.offset().left + rightHandle.width();
leftDragReset = leftDragBoundary - sliderOffset;
} else {
rightDragBoundary = rightHandle.offset().left;
rightDragReset = rightDragBoundary - sliderOffset;
} else {
// Dragging the right handle, boundary is the left handle.
// RTL mode calculations reverse directions.
if ( isRtl ) {
rightDragBoundary = leftHandle.offset().left;
rightDragReset = rightDragBoundary - sliderOffset;
} else {
leftDragBoundary = leftHandle.offset().left + leftHandle.width() ;
leftDragReset = leftDragBoundary - sliderOffset;
// Follow mouse movements, as long as handle remains inside slider.
if ( e.clientX < leftDragBoundary ) {
$( ui.handle ).css( 'left', leftDragReset ); // Mouse to left of slider.
} else if ( e.clientX > rightDragBoundary ) {
$( ui.handle ).css( 'left', rightDragReset ); // Mouse to right of slider.
} else {
$( ui.handle ).css( 'left', e.clientX - sliderOffset ); // Mouse in slider.
} );
slide: function( event, ui ) {
var attributes;
// Compare two revisions mode
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ui.values && this.model.get( 'compareTwoMode' ) ) {
// Prevent sliders from occupying same spot
if ( ui.values[1] === ui.values[0] )
return false;
attributes = {
to: this.model.revisions.at( isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - ui.values[0] - 1 : ui.values[1] ), // Reverse directions for RTL.
from: this.model.revisions.at( isRtl ? this.model.revisions.length - ui.values[1] - 1 : ui.values[0] ) // Reverse directions for RTL.
} else {
// Compare single revision mode
var sliderPosition = this.getSliderPosition( ui );
attributes = {
to: this.model.revisions.at( sliderPosition )
// If we're at the first revision, unset 'from'.
if ( sliderPosition ) // Reverse directions for RTL.
attributes.from = this.model.revisions.at( sliderPosition - 1 );
this.model.unset('from', { silent: true });
this.model.set( attributes );
stop: function( event, ui ) {
$( window ).off( 'mousemove' );
// Reset settings props handle back to the step position.
this.settings.trigger( 'change' );
// The diff view.
// This is the view for the current active diff.
revisions.view.Diff = wp.Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'revisions-diff',
template: wp.template('revisions-diff'),
// Generate the options to be passed to the template.
prepare: function() {
return _.extend({ fields: this.model.fields.toJSON() }, this.options );
// The revisions router
// takes URLs with #hash fragments and routes them
revisions.router.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function( options ) {
this.model = options.model;
// Maintain state history when dragging
this.listenTo( this.model, 'renderDiff', this.updateURL );
routes: {
'revision/from/:from/to/:to/handles/:handles': 'gotoRevisionId'
navigateRoute: function( to, from ) {
var navigateTo = '/revision/from/' + from + '/to/' + to + '/handles/';
if ( this.model.get( 'compareTwoMode' ) ) {
navigateTo += '2';
} else {
navigateTo += '1';
this.navigate( navigateTo );
updateURL: _.debounce( function() {
var from = this.model.get('from');
this.navigateRoute( this.model.get('to').id, from ? from.id : 0 );
}, 250 ),
gotoRevisionId: function( from, to, handles ) {
this.model.set( { compareTwoMode: ( '2' === handles ) } );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof this.model ) {
var selectedToRevision =
this.model.revisions.findWhere( { 'id': Number( to ) } ),
selectedFromRevision =
this.model.revisions.findWhere( { 'id': Number( from ) } );
this.model.set( {
to: selectedToRevision,
from: selectedFromRevision } );
revisions.settings.selectedRevision = to;
// Initialize the revisions UI.
revisions.init = function() {
revisions.view.frame = new revisions.view.Frame({
collection: new revisions.model.Revisions( revisions.settings.revisionData )
$( revisions.init );