
736 lines
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/*globals wp, _ */
* wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Post
* The frame for manipulating media on the Edit Post page.
* @class
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Select
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame
* @augments wp.media.view.Frame
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine
var Select = wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Select,
Library = wp.media.controller.Library,
l10n = wp.media.view.l10n,
Post = Select.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.counts = {
audio: {
count: wp.media.view.settings.attachmentCounts.audio,
state: 'playlist'
video: {
count: wp.media.view.settings.attachmentCounts.video,
state: 'video-playlist'
_.defaults( this.options, {
multiple: true,
editing: false,
state: 'insert',
metadata: {}
// Call 'initialize' directly on the parent class.
Select.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
* Create the default states.
createStates: function() {
var options = this.options;
// Main states.
new Library({
id: 'insert',
title: l10n.insertMediaTitle,
priority: 20,
toolbar: 'main-insert',
filterable: 'all',
library: wp.media.query( options.library ),
multiple: options.multiple ? 'reset' : false,
editable: true,
// If the user isn't allowed to edit fields,
// can they still edit it locally?
allowLocalEdits: true,
// Show the attachment display settings.
displaySettings: true,
// Update user settings when users adjust the
// attachment display settings.
displayUserSettings: true
new Library({
id: 'gallery',
title: l10n.createGalleryTitle,
priority: 40,
toolbar: 'main-gallery',
filterable: 'uploaded',
multiple: 'add',
editable: false,
library: wp.media.query( _.defaults({
type: 'image'
}, options.library ) )
// Embed states.
new wp.media.controller.Embed( { metadata: options.metadata } ),
new wp.media.controller.EditImage( { model: options.editImage } ),
// Gallery states.
new wp.media.controller.GalleryEdit({
library: options.selection,
editing: options.editing,
menu: 'gallery'
new wp.media.controller.GalleryAdd(),
new Library({
id: 'playlist',
title: l10n.createPlaylistTitle,
priority: 60,
toolbar: 'main-playlist',
filterable: 'uploaded',
multiple: 'add',
editable: false,
library: wp.media.query( _.defaults({
type: 'audio'
}, options.library ) )
// Playlist states.
new wp.media.controller.CollectionEdit({
type: 'audio',
collectionType: 'playlist',
title: l10n.editPlaylistTitle,
SettingsView: wp.media.view.Settings.Playlist,
library: options.selection,
editing: options.editing,
menu: 'playlist',
dragInfoText: l10n.playlistDragInfo,
dragInfo: false
new wp.media.controller.CollectionAdd({
type: 'audio',
collectionType: 'playlist',
title: l10n.addToPlaylistTitle
new Library({
id: 'video-playlist',
title: l10n.createVideoPlaylistTitle,
priority: 60,
toolbar: 'main-video-playlist',
filterable: 'uploaded',
multiple: 'add',
editable: false,
library: wp.media.query( _.defaults({
type: 'video'
}, options.library ) )
new wp.media.controller.CollectionEdit({
type: 'video',
collectionType: 'playlist',
title: l10n.editVideoPlaylistTitle,
SettingsView: wp.media.view.Settings.Playlist,
library: options.selection,
editing: options.editing,
menu: 'video-playlist',
dragInfoText: l10n.videoPlaylistDragInfo,
dragInfo: false
new wp.media.controller.CollectionAdd({
type: 'video',
collectionType: 'playlist',
title: l10n.addToVideoPlaylistTitle
if ( wp.media.view.settings.post.featuredImageId ) {
this.states.add( new wp.media.controller.FeaturedImage() );
bindHandlers: function() {
var handlers, checkCounts;
Select.prototype.bindHandlers.apply( this, arguments );
this.on( 'activate', this.activate, this );
// Only bother checking media type counts if one of the counts is zero
checkCounts = _.find( this.counts, function( type ) {
return type.count === 0;
} );
if ( typeof checkCounts !== 'undefined' ) {
this.listenTo( wp.media.model.Attachments.all, 'change:type', this.mediaTypeCounts );
this.on( 'menu:create:gallery', this.createMenu, this );
this.on( 'menu:create:playlist', this.createMenu, this );
this.on( 'menu:create:video-playlist', this.createMenu, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:create:main-insert', this.createToolbar, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:create:main-gallery', this.createToolbar, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:create:main-playlist', this.createToolbar, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:create:main-video-playlist', this.createToolbar, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:create:featured-image', this.featuredImageToolbar, this );
this.on( 'toolbar:create:main-embed', this.mainEmbedToolbar, this );
handlers = {
menu: {
'default': 'mainMenu',
'gallery': 'galleryMenu',
'playlist': 'playlistMenu',
'video-playlist': 'videoPlaylistMenu'
content: {
'embed': 'embedContent',
'edit-image': 'editImageContent',
'edit-selection': 'editSelectionContent'
toolbar: {
'main-insert': 'mainInsertToolbar',
'main-gallery': 'mainGalleryToolbar',
'gallery-edit': 'galleryEditToolbar',
'gallery-add': 'galleryAddToolbar',
'main-playlist': 'mainPlaylistToolbar',
'playlist-edit': 'playlistEditToolbar',
'playlist-add': 'playlistAddToolbar',
'main-video-playlist': 'mainVideoPlaylistToolbar',
'video-playlist-edit': 'videoPlaylistEditToolbar',
'video-playlist-add': 'videoPlaylistAddToolbar'
_.each( handlers, function( regionHandlers, region ) {
_.each( regionHandlers, function( callback, handler ) {
this.on( region + ':render:' + handler, this[ callback ], this );
}, this );
}, this );
activate: function() {
// Hide menu items for states tied to particular media types if there are no items
_.each( this.counts, function( type ) {
if ( type.count < 1 ) {
this.menuItemVisibility( type.state, 'hide' );
}, this );
mediaTypeCounts: function( model, attr ) {
if ( typeof this.counts[ attr ] !== 'undefined' && this.counts[ attr ].count < 1 ) {
this.counts[ attr ].count++;
this.menuItemVisibility( this.counts[ attr ].state, 'show' );
// Menus
* @param {wp.Backbone.View} view
mainMenu: function( view ) {
'library-separator': new wp.media.View({
className: 'separator',
priority: 100
menuItemVisibility: function( state, visibility ) {
var menu = this.menu.get();
if ( visibility === 'hide' ) {
menu.hide( state );
} else if ( visibility === 'show' ) {
menu.show( state );
* @param {wp.Backbone.View} view
galleryMenu: function( view ) {
var lastState = this.lastState(),
previous = lastState && lastState.id,
frame = this;
cancel: {
text: l10n.cancelGalleryTitle,
priority: 20,
click: function() {
if ( previous ) {
frame.setState( previous );
} else {
// Keep focus inside media modal
// after canceling a gallery
separateCancel: new wp.media.View({
className: 'separator',
priority: 40
playlistMenu: function( view ) {
var lastState = this.lastState(),
previous = lastState && lastState.id,
frame = this;
cancel: {
text: l10n.cancelPlaylistTitle,
priority: 20,
click: function() {
if ( previous ) {
frame.setState( previous );
} else {
separateCancel: new wp.media.View({
className: 'separator',
priority: 40
videoPlaylistMenu: function( view ) {
var lastState = this.lastState(),
previous = lastState && lastState.id,
frame = this;
cancel: {
text: l10n.cancelVideoPlaylistTitle,
priority: 20,
click: function() {
if ( previous ) {
frame.setState( previous );
} else {
separateCancel: new wp.media.View({
className: 'separator',
priority: 40
// Content
embedContent: function() {
var view = new wp.media.view.Embed({
controller: this,
model: this.state()
this.content.set( view );
if ( ! wp.media.isTouchDevice ) {
editSelectionContent: function() {
var state = this.state(),
selection = state.get('selection'),
view = new wp.media.view.AttachmentsBrowser({
controller: this,
collection: selection,
selection: selection,
model: state,
sortable: true,
search: false,
date: false,
dragInfo: true,
AttachmentView: wp.media.view.Attachments.EditSelection
view.toolbar.set( 'backToLibrary', {
text: l10n.returnToLibrary,
priority: -100,
click: function() {
// Browse our library of attachments.
this.content.set( view );
// Trigger the controller to set focus
this.trigger( 'edit:selection', this );
editImageContent: function() {
var image = this.state().get('image'),
view = new wp.media.view.EditImage( { model: image, controller: this } ).render();
this.content.set( view );
// after creating the wrapper view, load the actual editor via an ajax call
// Toolbars
* @param {wp.Backbone.View} view
selectionStatusToolbar: function( view ) {
var editable = this.state().get('editable');
view.set( 'selection', new wp.media.view.Selection({
controller: this,
collection: this.state().get('selection'),
priority: -40,
// If the selection is editable, pass the callback to
// switch the content mode.
editable: editable && function() {
}).render() );
* @param {wp.Backbone.View} view
mainInsertToolbar: function( view ) {
var controller = this;
this.selectionStatusToolbar( view );
view.set( 'insert', {
style: 'primary',
priority: 80,
text: l10n.insertIntoPost,
requires: { selection: true },
* @fires wp.media.controller.State#insert
click: function() {
var state = controller.state(),
selection = state.get('selection');
state.trigger( 'insert', selection ).reset();
* @param {wp.Backbone.View} view
mainGalleryToolbar: function( view ) {
var controller = this;
this.selectionStatusToolbar( view );
view.set( 'gallery', {
style: 'primary',
text: l10n.createNewGallery,
priority: 60,
requires: { selection: true },
click: function() {
var selection = controller.state().get('selection'),
edit = controller.state('gallery-edit'),
models = selection.where({ type: 'image' });
edit.set( 'library', new wp.media.model.Selection( models, {
props: selection.props.toJSON(),
multiple: true
}) );
// Keep focus inside media modal
// after jumping to gallery view
mainPlaylistToolbar: function( view ) {
var controller = this;
this.selectionStatusToolbar( view );
view.set( 'playlist', {
style: 'primary',
text: l10n.createNewPlaylist,
priority: 100,
requires: { selection: true },
click: function() {
var selection = controller.state().get('selection'),
edit = controller.state('playlist-edit'),
models = selection.where({ type: 'audio' });
edit.set( 'library', new wp.media.model.Selection( models, {
props: selection.props.toJSON(),
multiple: true
}) );
// Keep focus inside media modal
// after jumping to playlist view
mainVideoPlaylistToolbar: function( view ) {
var controller = this;
this.selectionStatusToolbar( view );
view.set( 'video-playlist', {
style: 'primary',
text: l10n.createNewVideoPlaylist,
priority: 100,
requires: { selection: true },
click: function() {
var selection = controller.state().get('selection'),
edit = controller.state('video-playlist-edit'),
models = selection.where({ type: 'video' });
edit.set( 'library', new wp.media.model.Selection( models, {
props: selection.props.toJSON(),
multiple: true
}) );
// Keep focus inside media modal
// after jumping to video playlist view
featuredImageToolbar: function( toolbar ) {
this.createSelectToolbar( toolbar, {
text: l10n.setFeaturedImage,
state: this.options.state
mainEmbedToolbar: function( toolbar ) {
toolbar.view = new wp.media.view.Toolbar.Embed({
controller: this
galleryEditToolbar: function() {
var editing = this.state().get('editing');
this.toolbar.set( new wp.media.view.Toolbar({
controller: this,
items: {
insert: {
style: 'primary',
text: editing ? l10n.updateGallery : l10n.insertGallery,
priority: 80,
requires: { library: true },
* @fires wp.media.controller.State#update
click: function() {
var controller = this.controller,
state = controller.state();
state.trigger( 'update', state.get('library') );
// Restore and reset the default state.
controller.setState( controller.options.state );
}) );
galleryAddToolbar: function() {
this.toolbar.set( new wp.media.view.Toolbar({
controller: this,
items: {
insert: {
style: 'primary',
text: l10n.addToGallery,
priority: 80,
requires: { selection: true },
* @fires wp.media.controller.State#reset
click: function() {
var controller = this.controller,
state = controller.state(),
edit = controller.state('gallery-edit');
edit.get('library').add( state.get('selection').models );
}) );
playlistEditToolbar: function() {
var editing = this.state().get('editing');
this.toolbar.set( new wp.media.view.Toolbar({
controller: this,
items: {
insert: {
style: 'primary',
text: editing ? l10n.updatePlaylist : l10n.insertPlaylist,
priority: 80,
requires: { library: true },
* @fires wp.media.controller.State#update
click: function() {
var controller = this.controller,
state = controller.state();
state.trigger( 'update', state.get('library') );
// Restore and reset the default state.
controller.setState( controller.options.state );
}) );
playlistAddToolbar: function() {
this.toolbar.set( new wp.media.view.Toolbar({
controller: this,
items: {
insert: {
style: 'primary',
text: l10n.addToPlaylist,
priority: 80,
requires: { selection: true },
* @fires wp.media.controller.State#reset
click: function() {
var controller = this.controller,
state = controller.state(),
edit = controller.state('playlist-edit');
edit.get('library').add( state.get('selection').models );
}) );
videoPlaylistEditToolbar: function() {
var editing = this.state().get('editing');
this.toolbar.set( new wp.media.view.Toolbar({
controller: this,
items: {
insert: {
style: 'primary',
text: editing ? l10n.updateVideoPlaylist : l10n.insertVideoPlaylist,
priority: 140,
requires: { library: true },
click: function() {
var controller = this.controller,
state = controller.state(),
library = state.get('library');
library.type = 'video';
state.trigger( 'update', library );
// Restore and reset the default state.
controller.setState( controller.options.state );
}) );
videoPlaylistAddToolbar: function() {
this.toolbar.set( new wp.media.view.Toolbar({
controller: this,
items: {
insert: {
style: 'primary',
text: l10n.addToVideoPlaylist,
priority: 140,
requires: { selection: true },
click: function() {
var controller = this.controller,
state = controller.state(),
edit = controller.state('video-playlist-edit');
edit.get('library').add( state.get('selection').models );
}) );
module.exports = Post;