
693 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* global _wpMediaViewsL10n, MediaElementPlayer, _wpMediaGridSettings, confirm */
(function($, _, Backbone, wp) {
// Local reference to the WordPress media namespace.
var media = wp.media, l10n;
// Link localized strings and settings.
if ( media.view.l10n ) {
l10n = media.view.l10n;
} else {
l10n = media.view.l10n = typeof _wpMediaViewsL10n === 'undefined' ? {} : _wpMediaViewsL10n;
delete l10n.settings;
* wp.media.controller.EditAttachmentMetadata
* A state for editing an attachment's metadata.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.media.controller.State
* @augments Backbone.Model
media.controller.EditAttachmentMetadata = media.controller.State.extend({
defaults: {
id: 'edit-attachment',
// Title string passed to the frame's title region view.
title: l10n.attachmentDetails,
// Region mode defaults.
content: 'edit-metadata',
menu: false,
toolbar: false,
router: false
* wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Manage
* A generic management frame workflow.
* Used in the media grid view.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.media.view.MediaFrame
* @augments wp.media.view.Frame
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine
media.view.MediaFrame.Manage = media.view.MediaFrame.extend({
* @global wp.Uploader
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
_.defaults( this.options, {
title: '',
modal: false,
selection: [],
library: {}, // Options hash for the query to the media library.
multiple: 'add',
state: 'library',
uploader: true,
mode: [ 'grid' ]
$(document).on( 'click', '.add-new-h2', _.bind( this.addNewClickHandler, this ) );
// Ensure core and media grid view UI is enabled.
// Force the uploader off if the upload limit has been exceeded or
// if the browser isn't supported.
if ( wp.Uploader.limitExceeded || ! wp.Uploader.browser.supported ) {
this.options.uploader = false;
// Initialize a window-wide uploader.
if ( this.options.uploader ) {
this.uploader = new media.view.UploaderWindow({
controller: this,
uploader: {
dropzone: $('body'),
container: $('body')
$('body').append( this.uploader.el );
this.options.uploader = false;
// Call 'initialize' directly on the parent class.
media.view.MediaFrame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
// Append the frame view directly the supplied container.
this.$el.appendTo( this.options.container );
// Update the URL when entering search string (at most once per second)
$( '#media-search-input' ).on( 'input', _.debounce( function(e) {
var val = $( e.currentTarget ).val(), url = '';
if ( val ) {
url += '?search=' + val;
self.gridRouter.navigate( self.gridRouter.baseUrl( url ) );
}, 1000 ) );
// This is problematic.
_.delay( _.bind( this.createRouter, this ), 1000 );
createRouter: function() {
this.gridRouter = new media.view.MediaFrame.Manage.Router();
// Verify pushState support and activate
if ( window.history && window.history.pushState ) {
root: _wpMediaGridSettings.adminUrl,
pushState: true
* Create the default states for the frame.
createStates: function() {
var options = this.options;
if ( this.options.states ) {
// Add the default states.
new media.controller.Library({
library: media.query( options.library ),
multiple: options.multiple,
title: options.title,
content: 'browse',
contentUserSetting: false,
filterable: 'mime-types'
* Bind region mode activation events to proper handlers.
bindRegionModeHandlers: function() {
this.on( 'content:create:browse', this.browseContent, this );
// Handle a frame-level event for editing an attachment.
this.on( 'edit:attachment', this.openEditAttachmentModal, this );
* Click handler for the `Add New` button.
addNewClickHandler: function( event ) {
this.trigger( 'toggle:upload:attachment' );
* Open the Edit Attachment modal.
openEditAttachmentModal: function( model, currentTarget ) {
// Create a new EditAttachment frame, passing along the library and the attachment model.
wp.media( {
frame: 'edit-attachments',
gridRouter: this.gridRouter,
library: this.state().get('library'),
model: model
} );
* Create an attachments browser view within the content region.
* @param {Object} contentRegion Basic object with a `view` property, which
* should be set with the proper region view.
* @this wp.media.controller.Region
browseContent: function( contentRegion ) {
var state = this.state();
// Browse our library of attachments.
contentRegion.view = new media.view.AttachmentsBrowser({
controller: this,
collection: state.get('library'),
selection: state.get('selection'),
model: state,
sortable: state.get('sortable'),
search: state.get('searchable'),
filters: state.get('filterable'),
display: state.get('displaySettings'),
dragInfo: state.get('dragInfo'),
sidebar: false,
suggestedWidth: state.get('suggestedWidth'),
suggestedHeight: state.get('suggestedHeight'),
AttachmentView: state.get('AttachmentView')
* A similar view to media.view.Attachment.Details
* for use in the Edit Attachment modal.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.media.view.Attachment.Details
* @augments wp.media.view.Attachment
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
media.view.Attachment.Details.TwoColumn = media.view.Attachment.Details.extend({
template: media.template( 'attachment-details-two-column' ),
preDestroy: function( event ) {
this.lastIndex = this.controller.getCurrentIndex();
this.hasNext = this.controller.hasNext();
trashAttachment: function( event ) {
this.preDestroy( event );
media.view.Attachment.Details.prototype.trashAttachment.apply( this, arguments );
deleteAttachment: function( event ) {
this.preDestroy( event );
media.view.Attachment.Details.prototype.deleteAttachment.apply( this, arguments );
editAttachment: function( event ) {
this.controller.setState( 'edit-image' );
* Noop this from parent class, doesn't apply here.
toggleSelectionHandler: function() {},
afterDelete: function( model ) {
if ( ! model.destroyed ) {
var frame = this.controller, index = this.lastIndex;
if ( ! frame.library.length ) {
if ( this.hasNext ) {
index -= 1;
frame.model = frame.library.at( index );
render: function() {
media.view.Attachment.Details.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );
this.$( 'audio, video' ).each( function (i, elem) {
var el = media.view.MediaDetails.prepareSrc( elem );
new MediaElementPlayer( el, media.mixin.mejsSettings );
} );
* A router for handling the browser history and application state.
* @constructor
* @augments Backbone.Router
media.view.MediaFrame.Manage.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'upload.php?item=:slug': 'showItem',
'upload.php?search=:query': 'search',
':default': 'defaultRoute'
// Map routes against the page URL
baseUrl: function( url ) {
return 'upload.php' + url;
// Respond to the search route by filling the search field and trigggering the input event
search: function( query ) {
// Ensure modal closed, see back button
$( '#media-search-input' ).val( query ).trigger( 'input' );
// Show the modal with a specific item
showItem: function( query ) {
var library = media.frame.state().get('library');
// Remove existing modal if present
// Trigger the media frame to open the correct item
media.frame.trigger( 'edit:attachment', library.findWhere( { id: parseInt( query, 10 ) } ) );
// Close the modal if set up
closeModal: function() {
if ( media.frame.modal ) {
// Default route: make sure the modal and search are reset
defaultRoute: function() {
$( '#media-search-input' ).val( '' ).trigger( 'input' );
* A frame for editing the details of a specific media item.
* Opens in a modal by default.
* Requires an attachment model to be passed in the options hash under `model`.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.media.view.Frame
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
* @mixes wp.media.controller.StateMachine
media.view.MediaFrame.EditAttachments = media.view.MediaFrame.extend({
className: 'edit-attachment-frame',
template: media.template( 'edit-attachment-frame' ),
regions: [ 'title', 'content' ],
events: {
'click': 'collapse',
'click .delete-media-item': 'deleteMediaItem',
'click .left': 'previousMediaItem',
'click .right': 'nextMediaItem'
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
media.view.Frame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
_.defaults( this.options, {
modal: true,
state: 'edit-attachment'
this.gridRouter = this.options.gridRouter;
this.library = this.options.library;
if ( this.options.model ) {
this.model = this.options.model;
} else {
this.model = this.library.at( 0 );
this.on( 'content:create:edit-metadata', this.editMetadataMode, this );
this.on( 'content:create:edit-image', this.editImageMode, this );
this.on( 'close', this.detach );
// Bind default title creation.
this.on( 'title:create:default', this.createTitle, this );
this.options.hasPrevious = this.hasPrevious();
this.options.hasNext = this.hasNext();
// Initialize modal container view.
if ( this.options.modal ) {
this.modal = new media.view.Modal({
controller: this,
title: this.options.title
this.modal.on( 'open', function () {
$( 'body' ).on( 'keydown.media-modal', _.bind( self.keyEvent, self ) );
} );
// Completely destroy the modal DOM element when closing it.
this.modal.on( 'close', function() {
$( 'body' ).off( 'keydown.media-modal' ); /* remove the keydown event */
// Restore the original focus item if possible
$( 'li.attachment[data-id="' + self.model.get( 'id' ) +'"]' ).focus();
} );
// Set this frame as the modal's content.
this.modal.content( this );
* Add the default states to the frame.
createStates: function() {
var editImageState = new media.controller.EditImage( { model: this.model } );
// Noop some methods.
editImageState._toolbar = function() {};
editImageState._router = function() {};
editImageState._menu = function() {};
new media.controller.EditAttachmentMetadata( { model: this.model } ),
* Content region rendering callback for the `edit-metadata` mode.
* @param {Object} contentRegion Basic object with a `view` property, which
* should be set with the proper region view.
editMetadataMode: function( contentRegion ) {
contentRegion.view = new media.view.Attachment.Details.TwoColumn({
controller: this,
model: this.model
* Attach a subview to display fields added via the
* `attachment_fields_to_edit` filter.
contentRegion.view.views.set( '.attachment-compat', new media.view.AttachmentCompat({
controller: this,
model: this.model
}) );
// Update browser url when navigating media details
if ( this.model ) {
this.gridRouter.navigate( this.gridRouter.baseUrl( '?item=' + this.model.id ) );
* Render the EditImage view into the frame's content region.
* @param {Object} contentRegion Basic object with a `view` property, which
* should be set with the proper region view.
editImageMode: function( contentRegion ) {
contentRegion.view = new media.view.EditImage( { model: this.model, controller: this } );
// Defer a call to load the editor, which
// requires DOM elements to exist.
_.defer( _.bind( contentRegion.view.loadEditor, contentRegion.view ) );
* Close this modal and immediately open another one.
* Allows for quickly swapping out the attachment being edited.
resetContent: function() {
wp.media( {
frame: 'edit-attachments',
gridRouter: this.gridRouter,
library: this.library,
model: this.model
} );
* Click handler to switch to the previous media item.
previousMediaItem: function() {
if ( ! this.hasPrevious() ) {
this.model = this.library.at( this.getCurrentIndex() - 1 );
* Click handler to switch to the next media item.
nextMediaItem: function() {
if ( ! this.hasNext() ) {
this.model = this.library.at( this.getCurrentIndex() + 1 );
getCurrentIndex: function() {
return this.library.indexOf( this.model );
hasNext: function() {
return ( this.getCurrentIndex() + 1 ) < this.library.length;
hasPrevious: function() {
return ( this.getCurrentIndex() - 1 ) > -1;
* Respond to the keyboard events: right arrow, left arrow, escape.
keyEvent: function( event ) {
var $target = $( event.target );
// Pressing the escape key routes back to main url
if ( event.keyCode === 27 ) {
return event;
//Don't go left/right if we are in a textarea or input field
if ( $target.is( 'input' ) || $target.is( 'textarea' ) ) {
return event;
// The right arrow key
if ( event.keyCode === 39 ) {
// The left arrow key
if ( event.keyCode === 37 ) {
resetRoute: function() {
this.gridRouter.navigate( this.gridRouter.baseUrl( '' ) );
* Controller for bulk selection.
media.view.BulkSelection = media.View.extend({
className: 'bulk-select',
initialize: function() {
this.model = new Backbone.Model({
currentAction: ''
new media.view.BulkSelectionActionDropdown({
controller: this
new media.view.BulkSelectionActionButton({
disabled: true,
text: l10n.apply,
controller: this
* Bulk Selection dropdown view.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
media.view.BulkSelectionActionDropdown = media.View.extend({
tagName: 'select',
initialize: function() {
media.view.Button.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
this.listenTo( this.controller.controller.state().get( 'selection' ), 'add remove reset', _.bind( this.enabled, this ) );
this.$el.append( $('<option></option>').val( '' ).html( l10n.bulkActions ) )
.append( $('<option></option>').val( 'delete' ).html( l10n.deletePermanently ) );
this.$el.prop( 'disabled', true );
this.$el.on( 'change', _.bind( this.changeHandler, this ) );
* Change handler for the dropdown.
* Sets the bulk selection controller's currentAction.
changeHandler: function() {
this.controller.model.set( { 'currentAction': this.$el.val() } );
* Enable or disable the dropdown if attachments have been selected.
enabled: function() {
var disabled = ! this.controller.controller.state().get('selection').length;
this.$el.prop( 'disabled', disabled );
* Bulk Selection dropdown view.
* @constructor
* @augments wp.media.view.Button
* @augments wp.media.View
* @augments wp.Backbone.View
* @augments Backbone.View
media.view.BulkSelectionActionButton = media.view.Button.extend({
tagName: 'button',
initialize: function() {
media.view.Button.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
this.listenTo( this.controller.model, 'change', this.enabled, this );
this.listenTo( this.controller.controller.state().get( 'selection' ), 'add remove reset', _.bind( this.enabled, this ) );
* Button click handler.
click: function() {
var selection = this.controller.controller.state().get('selection');
media.view.Button.prototype.click.apply( this, arguments );
// Currently assumes delete is the only action
if ( confirm( l10n.warnBulkDelete ) ) {
while ( selection.length > 0) {
* Enable or disable the button depending if a bulk action is selected
* in the bulk select dropdown, and if attachments have been selected.
enabled: function() {
var currentAction = this.controller.model.get( 'currentAction' ),
selection = this.controller.controller.state().get('selection'),
disabled = ! currentAction || ! selection.length;
this.$el.prop( 'disabled', disabled );
* A filter dropdown for month/dates.
media.view.DateFilter = media.view.AttachmentFilters.extend({
id: 'media-attachment-date-filters',
createFilters: function() {
var filters = {};
_.each( media.view.settings.months || {}, function( value, index ) {
filters[ index ] = {
text: value.text,
props: {
year: value.year,
monthnum: value.month
filters.all = {
text: l10n.allDates,
props: {
monthnum: false,
year: false
priority: 10
this.filters = filters;
}(jQuery, _, Backbone, wp));