
7 lines
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/*! This file is auto-generated */
Update @wordpress packages Update packages to include these bug fixes from Gutenberg: - Image block: Set image display to grid when no alignment sent to properly align caption on resize - Update and align template descriptions - Site Editor - prevent loading state from showing the admin menu. - Add client side routing for Site Editor - Navigation: Add clearance for appender in submenus. - Fix CSS Custom Properties for presets in the site editor - Add/navigation blocks post processing after migration from menu items - Allow selector ordering to ensure theme.json root selector margin takes precedence - Do not remove theme presets if defaults are hidden - Format library: fix unsetting highlight color - FSE: Fix template resolution to give precedence to child theme PHP templates over parent theme block templates with equal specificity - ColorPalette: Improving accessibility and visibility - Update: Make the color popover on the gradient picker appear as expected - Site Editor: Display a notice if export fails - Fix docs and function naming for gallery block registration in PHP - Switch to addEventListener for load event in the navigation block view script - Fix mistake in _remove_theme_attribute_in_block_template_content - Better synchronisation between Gutenberg and Core code - Move the block page templates hook into compat/5.9 folder - Moves to the template loader hooks and functions into lib/compat folder - Refactor the gutenberg_is_fse_theme function to use wp_is_block_theme - Site Editor: Update support doc URL in Welcome Guide - Global Styles: Add Welcome Guide toggle - Hide remove control point when removing would break gradient control - Don't request the deprecated navigation areas endpoint outside of the Gutenberg plugin - Image: Fix resizer controls being hidden in Safari when switching between alignments - Remove Navigation Menus from WP Admin sidebar - Site Editor: Hide the block appender in the Template Part editor - Site Editor: Use server definition for the Template Areas - Synchronize wp_is_block_theme and block-templates block support with Core - E2E: Retry login again after a bad nonce request to prevent intermittent test failures - Fix theme requirement validation with WP 5.8 - Fix WP 5.9 check for conditionally running code - Fix post comment form input width - Border Style Control: Update styling for consistency with border width control - Fix form-submit styles by adding button classes to the submit-button in post-comments block - Site Editor: Fix edit template part link in header dropdown - Move duotone palette to the bottom of global styles gradients - Fix how appearanceTools works - Move WP 5.9 wp-admin menus compatibility code to lib/compat folder - Revert "Site Editor: Set the <title> on the list page to be same as the CPT name" - Site Editor: Document Actions: add SR text to heading 1 - Do not register global styles CPT in WordPress 5.9 - Global Styles: Move the 'Edit colors' button to a standard menu item - Fix styles for previews and patterns - Site Editor: Fix failing E2E test - Templates: Search for old template names in the parent theme too - Remove 4 instances of 'gutenberg' text domain from WordPress core - Fix content loss when ungrouping template parts or reusable blocks - Simplify the RESET_BLOCK action to fix template part focus mode content loss - [Global Styles]: Make Blocks section more distinguishable - Only use block markup for comment form button when using a block theme - Navigation: Fix vertical alignment of page list in modal. - Fix: ToggleGroupControl active state - Remove gutenberg_ prefix from @wordpress/block-library Props ocean90, oandregal, hellofromtonya, youknowriad. See #54487. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@52364 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@51956 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2021-12-14 02:57:26 +01:00
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Copyright (c) 2018 Jed Watson.
Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see
Update @wordpress packages Update packages to include these bug fixes from Gutenberg: - Image block: Set image display to grid when no alignment sent to properly align caption on resize - Update and align template descriptions - Site Editor - prevent loading state from showing the admin menu. - Add client side routing for Site Editor - Navigation: Add clearance for appender in submenus. - Fix CSS Custom Properties for presets in the site editor - Add/navigation blocks post processing after migration from menu items - Allow selector ordering to ensure theme.json root selector margin takes precedence - Do not remove theme presets if defaults are hidden - Format library: fix unsetting highlight color - FSE: Fix template resolution to give precedence to child theme PHP templates over parent theme block templates with equal specificity - ColorPalette: Improving accessibility and visibility - Update: Make the color popover on the gradient picker appear as expected - Site Editor: Display a notice if export fails - Fix docs and function naming for gallery block registration in PHP - Switch to addEventListener for load event in the navigation block view script - Fix mistake in _remove_theme_attribute_in_block_template_content - Better synchronisation between Gutenberg and Core code - Move the block page templates hook into compat/5.9 folder - Moves to the template loader hooks and functions into lib/compat folder - Refactor the gutenberg_is_fse_theme function to use wp_is_block_theme - Site Editor: Update support doc URL in Welcome Guide - Global Styles: Add Welcome Guide toggle - Hide remove control point when removing would break gradient control - Don't request the deprecated navigation areas endpoint outside of the Gutenberg plugin - Image: Fix resizer controls being hidden in Safari when switching between alignments - Remove Navigation Menus from WP Admin sidebar - Site Editor: Hide the block appender in the Template Part editor - Site Editor: Use server definition for the Template Areas - Synchronize wp_is_block_theme and block-templates block support with Core - E2E: Retry login again after a bad nonce request to prevent intermittent test failures - Fix theme requirement validation with WP 5.8 - Fix WP 5.9 check for conditionally running code - Fix post comment form input width - Border Style Control: Update styling for consistency with border width control - Fix form-submit styles by adding button classes to the submit-button in post-comments block - Site Editor: Fix edit template part link in header dropdown - Move duotone palette to the bottom of global styles gradients - Fix how appearanceTools works - Move WP 5.9 wp-admin menus compatibility code to lib/compat folder - Revert "Site Editor: Set the <title> on the list page to be same as the CPT name" - Site Editor: Document Actions: add SR text to heading 1 - Do not register global styles CPT in WordPress 5.9 - Global Styles: Move the 'Edit colors' button to a standard menu item - Fix styles for previews and patterns - Site Editor: Fix failing E2E test - Templates: Search for old template names in the parent theme too - Remove 4 instances of 'gutenberg' text domain from WordPress core - Fix content loss when ungrouping template parts or reusable blocks - Simplify the RESET_BLOCK action to fix template part focus mode content loss - [Global Styles]: Make Blocks section more distinguishable - Only use block markup for comment form button when using a block theme - Navigation: Fix vertical alignment of page list in modal. - Fix: ToggleGroupControl active state - Remove gutenberg_ prefix from @wordpress/block-library Props ocean90, oandregal, hellofromtonya, youknowriad. See #54487. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@52364 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@51956 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2021-12-14 02:57:26 +01:00
*/!function(){"use strict";var n={}.hasOwnProperty;function r(){for(var e=[],t=0;t<arguments.length;t++){var c=arguments[t];if(c){var a=typeof c;if("string"===a||"number"===a)e.push(c);else if(Array.isArray(c)){if(c.length){var l=r.apply(null,c);l&&e.push(l)}}else if("object"===a)if(c.toString===Object.prototype.toString)for(var o in c)n.call(c,o)&&c[o]&&e.push(o);else e.push(c.toString())}}return e.join(" ")}e.exports?(r.default=r,e.exports=r):void 0===(c=function(){return r}.apply(t,[]))||(e.exports=c)}()},Tqx9:function(e,t){e.exports=window.wp.primitives},TvNi:function(e,t){e.exports=window.wp.plugins},U60i:function(e,t,n){"use strict";n.d(t,"b",(function(){return $})),n.d(t,"c",(function(){return z})),n.d(t,"d",(function(){return K})),n.d(t,"e",(function(){return X})),n.d(t,"h",(function(){return H})),n.d(t,"f",(function(){return Z})),n.d(t,"g",(function(){return ee})),n.d(t,"a",(function(){return G})),n.d(t,"i",(function(){return M}));var c={};n.r(c),n.d(c,"enableComplementaryArea",(function(){return y})),n.d(c,"disableComplementaryArea",(function(){return w})),n.d(c,"pinItem",(function(){return x})),n.d(c,"unpinItem",(function(){return k})),n.d(c,"toggleFeature",(function(){return T})),n.d(c,"setFeatureValue",(function(){return I})),n.d(c,"setFeatureDefaults",(function(){return C}));var r={};n.r(r),n.d(r,"getActiveComplementaryArea",(function(){return N})),n.d(r,"isItemPinned",(function(){return P})),n.d(r,"isFeatureActive",(function(){return R}));var a=n("wx14"),l=n("GRId"),o=n("TSYQ"),i=n.n(o),s=n("tI+e"),u=n("1ZqX"),m=n("l3Sj"),d=n("RMJe"),p=n("URob"),b=n("Xxwi"),O=n("KEfo"),_=n("bWcr"),j=n("YLtl");const g=Object(u.combineReducers)({features(){let e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},t=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;if("SET_FEATURE_DEFAULTS"===t.type){const{scope:n,defaults:c}=t;return{...e,[n]:{...e[n],...c}}}return e}}),E=Object(u.combineReducers)({features(){let e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},t=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;if("SET_FEATURE_VALUE"===t.type){const{scope:n,featureName:c,value:r}=t;return{...e,[n]:{...e[n],[c]:r}}}return e}}),f=Object(u.combineReducers)({singleEnableItems:function(){let e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},{type:t,itemType:n,scope:c,item:r}=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;return"SET_SINGLE_ENABLE_ITEM"===t&&n&&c?{...e,[n]:{...e[n],[c]:r||null}}:e},multipleEnableItems:function(){let e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},{type:t,itemType:n,scope:c,item:r,isEnable:a}=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;if("SET_MULTIPLE_ENABLE_ITEM"!==t||!n||!c||!r||Object(j.get)(e,[n,c,r])===a)return e;const l=e[n]||{},o=l[c]||{};return{...e,[n]:{...l,[c]:{...o,[r]:a||!1}}}}});var h=Object(u.combineReducers)({enableItems:f,preferenceDefaults:g,preferences:E});function v(e,t,n){return{type:"SET_SINGLE_ENABLE_ITEM",itemType:e,scope:t,item:n}}function y(e,t){return v("complementaryArea",e,t)}function w(e){return v("complementaryArea",e,void 0)}function S(e,t,n,c){return{type:"SET_MULTIPLE_ENABLE_ITEM",itemType:e,scope:t,item:n,isEnable:c}}function x(e,t){return S("pinnedItems",e,t,!0)}function k(e,t){return S("pinnedItems",e,t,!1)}function T(e,t){return function(n){let{select:c,dispatch:r}=n;const a=c.isFeatureActive(e,t);r.setFeatureValue(e,t,!a)}}function I(e,t,n){return{type:"SET_FEATURE_VALUE",scope:e,featureName:t,value:!!n}}function C(e,t){return{type:"SET_FEATURE_DEFAULTS",scope:e,defaults:t}}function N(e,t){return function(e,t,n){return Object(j.get)(e.enableItems.singleEnableItems,[t,n])}(e,"complementaryArea",t)}function P(e,t,n){return!1!==function(e,t,n,c){return Object(j.get)(e.enableItems.multipleEnableItems,[t,n,c])}(e,"pinnedItems",t,n)}function R(e,t,n){var c,r;const a=null===(c=e.preferences.features[t])||void 0===c?void 0:c[n];return!!(void 0!==a?a:null===(r=e.preferenceDefaults.features[t])||void 0===r?void 0:r[n])}const M=Object(u.createReduxStore)("core/interface",{reducer:h,actions:c,selectors:r,persist:["enableItems","preferences"],__experimentalUseThunks: