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synced 2025-03-28 22:45:48 +01:00
Block Editor: Update the bundled block patterns.
This updates the block patterns included by default on WordPress to give them more personality and to make use of the design tools that has been added to the editor. Props onemaggie, melchoyce, kjellr, beafialho, gziolo. Fixes #52846. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@50794 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@50403 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This commit is contained in:
version.php@ -19,16 +19,21 @@ function _register_core_block_patterns_and_categories() {
if ( $should_register_core_patterns ) {
$core_block_patterns = array(
foreach ( $core_block_patterns as $core_block_pattern ) {
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* Heading and paragraph block pattern.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => __( 'Heading and paragraph' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:group -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-group\"><div class=\"wp-block-group__inner-container\"><!-- wp:heading {\"fontSize\":\"large\"} -->\n<h2 class=\"has-large-font-size\"><span style=\"color:#ba0c49\" class=\"has-inline-color\"><strong>2</strong>.</span><br>" . __( 'Which treats of the first sally the ingenious Don Quixote made from home' ) . "</h2>\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\n\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>" . __( 'These preliminaries settled, he did not care to put off any longer the execution of his design, urged on to it by the thought of all the world was losing by his delay, seeing what wrongs he intended to right, grievances to redress, injustices to repair, abuses to remove, and duties to discharge.' ) . "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div></div>\n<!-- /wp:group -->",
'viewportWidth' => 1000,
'categories' => array( 'text' ),
'description' => _x( 'A heading preceded by a chapter number, and followed by a paragraph.', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* Heading.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Heading', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'text' ),
'blockTypes' => array( 'core/heading' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:heading {"align":"wide","style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"48px","lineHeight":"1.1"}}} -->
<h2 class="alignwide" style="font-size:48px;line-height:1.1">' . esc_html__( "We're a studio in Berlin with an international practice in architecture, urban planning and interior design. We believe in sharing knowledge and promoting dialogue to increase the creative potential of collaboration." ) . '</h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->',
'description' => _x( 'Heading text', 'Block pattern description' ),
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* Large header and a button block pattern.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => __( 'Large header with a heading and a button ' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:cover {\"minHeight\":575,\"minHeightUnit\":\"px\",\"customGradient\":\"linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(249,72,72) 1%,rgb(179,22,22) 100%)\",\"contentPosition\":\"center center\",\"align\":\"wide\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-cover alignwide has-background-dim has-background-gradient is-position-center-center\" style=\"background:linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(249,72,72) 1%,rgb(179,22,22) 100%);min-height:575px\"><div class=\"wp-block-cover__inner-container\"><!-- wp:columns {\"align\":\"wide\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-columns alignwide\"><!-- wp:column {\"width\":12} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\" style=\"flex-basis:12%\"><!-- wp:spacer -->\n<div style=\"height:100px\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"wp-block-spacer\"></div>\n<!-- /wp:spacer --></div>\n<!-- /wp:column -->\n\n<!-- wp:column -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\"><!-- wp:spacer -->\n<div style=\"height:100px\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"wp-block-spacer\"></div>\n<!-- /wp:spacer -->\n\n<!-- wp:paragraph {\"align\":\"left\",\"placeholder\":\"" . __( 'Write title…' ) . "\",\"style\":{\"typography\":{\"fontSize\":68,\"lineHeight\":\"1.2\"},\"color\":{\"text\":\"#fffffa\"}}} -->\n<p class=\"has-text-align-left has-text-color\" style=\"line-height:1.2;font-size:68px;color:#fffffa\"><strong>" . __( 'Thou hast seen<br>nothing yet' ) . "</strong></p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n<!-- wp:buttons -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-buttons\"><!-- wp:button {\"borderRadius\":3,\"style\":{\"color\":{\"background\":\"#fffffa\",\"text\":\"#00000a\"}}} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background\" style=\"border-radius:3px;background-color:#fffffa;color:#00000a\">" . __( 'Read now' ) . "</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button --></div>\n<!-- /wp:buttons -->\n\n<!-- wp:spacer -->\n<div style=\"height:100px\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"wp-block-spacer\"></div>\n<!-- /wp:spacer --></div>\n<!-- /wp:column -->\n\n<!-- wp:column {\"width\":12} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\" style=\"flex-basis:12%\"><!-- wp:spacer -->\n<div style=\"height:100px\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"wp-block-spacer\"></div>\n<!-- /wp:spacer --></div>\n<!-- /wp:column --></div>\n<!-- /wp:columns --></div></div>\n<!-- /wp:cover -->",
'viewportWidth' => 1000,
'categories' => array( 'header' ),
'description' => _x( 'A large hero section with a bright gradient background, a big heading and a filled button.', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Large header with left-aligned text.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Large header with left-aligned text', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'header' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:cover {"url":"https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/forest.jpg","id":null,"dimRatio":60,"minHeight":800,"align":"full"} -->
<div class="wp-block-cover alignfull has-background-dim-60 has-background-dim" style="min-height:800px"><img class="wp-block-cover__image-background " alt="" src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/forest.jpg" data-object-fit="cover"/><div class="wp-block-cover__inner-container"><!-- wp:heading {"align":"wide","style":{"color":{"text":"#ffe074"},"typography":{"fontSize":"64px"}}} -->
<h2 class="alignwide has-text-color" style="color:#ffe074;font-size:64px">' . esc_html__( 'Forest.' ) . '</h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:columns {"align":"wide"} -->
<div class="wp-block-columns alignwide"><!-- wp:column {"width":"55%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:55%"><!-- wp:spacer {"height":330} -->
<div style="height:330px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"color":{"text":"#ffe074"},"typography":{"lineHeight":"1.3","fontSize":"12px"}}} -->
<p class="has-text-color" style="color:#ffe074;font-size:12px;line-height:1.3"><em>' . esc_html__( 'Even a child knows how valuable the forest is. The fresh, breathtaking smell of trees. Echoing birds flying above that dense magnitude. A stable climate, a sustainable diverse life and a source of culture. Yet, forests and other ecosystems hang in the balance, threatened to become croplands, pasture, and plantations.' ) . '</em></p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:cover -->',
'description' => _x( 'Cover image with quote on top', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* Large header with text and a button.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Large header with text and a button.', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'header' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:cover {"url":"https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/art-01.jpg","id":null,"hasParallax":true,"dimRatio":40,"customOverlayColor":"#000000","minHeight":100,"minHeightUnit":"vh","contentPosition":"center center","align":"full"} -->
<div class="wp-block-cover alignfull has-background-dim-40 has-background-dim has-parallax" style="background-color:#000000;background-image:url(https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/art-01.jpg);min-height:100vh"><div class="wp-block-cover__inner-container"><!-- wp:heading {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"48px","lineHeight":"1.2"}},"className":"alignwide has-white-color has-text-color"} -->
<h2 class="alignwide has-white-color has-text-color" style="font-size:48px;line-height:1.2"><strong><em>' . esc_html__( 'Overseas:' ) . '</em></strong><br><strong><em>' . esc_html__( '1500 — 1960' ) . '</em></strong></h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:columns {"align":"wide"} -->
<div class="wp-block-columns alignwide"><!-- wp:column {"width":"60%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:60%"><!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"color":{"text":"#ffffff"}}} -->
<p class="has-text-color" style="color:#ffffff">' . wp_kses_post( __( 'An exhibition about the different representations of the ocean throughout time, between the sixteenth and the twentieth century. Taking place in our Open Room in <em>Floor 2</em>.' ) ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
<!-- wp:buttons -->
<div class="wp-block-buttons"><!-- wp:button {"borderRadius":0,"style":{"color":{"text":"#ffffff","background":"#000000"}},"className":"is-style-outline"} -->
<div class="wp-block-button is-style-outline"><a class="wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background no-border-radius" style="background-color:#000000;color:#ffffff">' . esc_html__( 'Visit' ) . '</a></div>
<!-- /wp:button --></div>
<!-- /wp:buttons --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:cover -->',
'description' => _x( 'Large header with background image and text and button on top', 'Block pattern description' ),
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* Large header block pattern.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => __( 'Large header with a heading' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:cover {\"url\":\"https://s.w.org/images/core/5.5/don-quixote-06.jpg\",\"id\":165,\"dimRatio\":15,\"focalPoint\":{\"x\":\"0.40\",\"y\":\"0.26\"},\"minHeight\":375,\"minHeightUnit\":\"px\",\"contentPosition\":\"center center\",\"align\":\"wide\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-cover alignwide has-background-dim-20 has-background-dim is-position-center-center\" style=\"background-image:url(https://s.w.org/images/core/5.5/don-quixote-06.jpg);min-height:375px;background-position:40% 26%\"><div class=\"wp-block-cover__inner-container\"><!-- wp:paragraph {\"align\":\"center\",\"placeholder\":\"" . __( 'Write title…' ) . "\",\"style\":{\"typography\":{\"fontSize\":74,\"lineHeight\":\"1.1\"},\"color\":{\"text\":\"#fffffa\"}}} -->\n<p class=\"has-text-align-center has-text-color\" style=\"line-height:1.1;font-size:74px;color:#fffffa\"><strong>" . __( 'Don Quixote' ) . "</strong></p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div></div>\n<!-- /wp:cover -->",
'viewportWidth' => 1000,
'categories' => array( 'header' ),
'description' => _x( 'A large hero section with an example background image and a heading in the center.', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Media and text with image on the right.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Media and text with image on the right', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'header' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:media-text {"align":"full","mediaId":null,"mediaType":"image","verticalAlignment":"center"} -->
<div class="wp-block-media-text alignfull is-stacked-on-mobile is-vertically-aligned-center"><figure class="wp-block-media-text__media"><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/architecture-04.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'Close-up, abstract view of architecture.' ) . '"/></figure><div class="wp-block-media-text__content"><!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"center","level":3,"style":{"color":{"text":"#000000"}}} -->
<h3 class="has-text-align-center has-text-color" style="color:#000000"><strong>' . esc_html__( 'Open Spaces' ) . '</strong></h3>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"align":"center","fontSize":"extra-small"} -->
<p class="has-text-align-center has-extra-small-font-size"><a href="#">' . esc_html__( 'See case study ↗' ) . '</a></p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:media-text -->',
'description' => _x( 'Media and text block with image to the left and text to the right', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Media & text with image on the right.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Media & text with image on the right', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'header' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:media-text {"align":"full","mediaPosition":"right","mediaId":null,"mediaLink":"#","mediaType":"image","mediaWidth":56,"verticalAlignment":"center","className":"is-style-default"} -->
<div class="wp-block-media-text alignfull has-media-on-the-right is-stacked-on-mobile is-vertically-aligned-center is-style-default" style="grid-template-columns:auto 56%"><figure class="wp-block-media-text__media"><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/art-02.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'A green and brown rural landscape leading into a bright blue ocean and slightly cloudy sky, done in oil paints.' ) . '"/></figure><div class="wp-block-media-text__content"><!-- wp:heading {"style":{"color":{"text":"#000000"}}} -->
<h2 class="has-text-color" style="color:#000000"><strong>' . esc_html__( 'Shore with Blue Sea' ) . '</strong></h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"typography":{"lineHeight":"1.1","fontSize":"17px"},"color":{"text":"#636363"}}} -->
<p class="has-text-color" style="color:#636363;font-size:17px;line-height:1.1">' . esc_html__( 'Eleanor Harris (American, 1901-1942)' ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:media-text -->',
'description' => _x( 'Media and text block with image to the right and text to the left', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Media & text in a full height container.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Media & text in a full height container', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'header' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:cover {"customOverlayColor":"#ffffff","minHeight":100,"minHeightUnit":"vh","contentPosition":"center center","align":"full"} -->
<div class="wp-block-cover alignfull has-background-dim" style="background-color:#ffffff;min-height:100vh"><div class="wp-block-cover__inner-container"><!-- wp:media-text {"mediaId":null,"mediaLink":"https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/soil.jpg","mediaType":"image","mediaWidth":56,"verticalAlignment":"center","imageFill":true} -->
<div class="wp-block-media-text alignwide is-stacked-on-mobile is-vertically-aligned-center is-image-fill" style="grid-template-columns:56% auto"><figure class="wp-block-media-text__media" style="background-image:url(https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/soil.jpg);background-position:50% 50%"><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/soil.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'Close-up of dried, cracked earth.' ) . '"/></figure><div class="wp-block-media-text__content"><!-- wp:heading {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"32px"},"color":{"text":"#000000"}}} -->
<h2 class="has-text-color" style="color:#000000;font-size:32px"><strong>' . esc_html__( "What's the problem?" ) . '</strong></h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"17px"},"color":{"text":"#000000"}}} -->
<p class="has-text-color" style="color:#000000;font-size:17px">' . esc_html__( 'Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.' ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
<!-- wp:buttons -->
<div class="wp-block-buttons"><!-- wp:button {"className":"is-style-fill"} -->
<div class="wp-block-button is-style-fill"><a class="wp-block-button__link">' . esc_html__( 'Learn more' ) . '</a></div>
<!-- /wp:button --></div>
<!-- /wp:buttons --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:media-text --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:cover -->',
'description' => _x( 'Media and text block with image to the left and text and button to the right', 'Block pattern description' ),
@ -1,14 +1,30 @@
* Quote block pattern.
* Quote.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => __( 'Quote' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:group -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-group\"><div class=\"wp-block-group__inner-container\"><!-- wp:image {\"align\":\"center\",\"width\":164,\"height\":164,\"sizeSlug\":\"large\",\"className\":\"is-style-rounded\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-image is-style-rounded\"><figure class=\"aligncenter size-large is-resized\"><img src=\"https://s.w.org/images/core/5.5/don-quixote-03.jpg\" alt=\"" . __( 'Pencil drawing of Don Quixote' ) . "\" width=\"164\" height=\"164\"/></figure></div>\n<!-- /wp:image -->\n\n<!-- wp:quote {\"align\":\"center\",\"className\":\"is-style-large\"} -->\n<blockquote class=\"wp-block-quote has-text-align-center is-style-large\"><p>" . __( '"Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants? I intend to do battle with them and slay them."' ) . '</p><cite>' . __( '— Don Quixote' ) . "</cite></blockquote>\n<!-- /wp:quote -->\n\n<!-- wp:separator {\"className\":\"is-style-dots\"} -->\n<hr class=\"wp-block-separator is-style-dots\"/>\n<!-- /wp:separator --></div></div>\n<!-- /wp:group -->",
'viewportWidth' => 800,
'categories' => array( 'text' ),
'description' => _x( 'A quote and citation with an image above, and a separator at the bottom.', 'Block pattern description' ),
'title' => _x( 'Quote', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'text' ),
'blockTypes' => array( 'core/quote' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:group -->
<div class="wp-block-group"><div class="wp-block-group__inner-container"><!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-default"} -->
<hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-default"/>
<!-- /wp:separator -->
<!-- wp:image {"align":"center","id":null,"width":150,"height":150,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none","className":"is-style-rounded"} -->
<div class="wp-block-image is-style-rounded"><figure class="aligncenter size-large is-resized"><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/portrait.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'A side profile of a woman in a russet-colored turtleneck and white bag. She looks up with her eyes closed.' ) . '" width="150" height="150"/></figure></div>
<!-- /wp:image -->
<!-- wp:quote {"align":"center","className":"is-style-large"} -->
<blockquote class="wp-block-quote has-text-align-center is-style-large"><p>' . esc_html__( "\"Contributing makes me feel like I'm being useful to the planet.\"" ) . '</p><cite>' . wp_kses_post( __( '— Anna Wong, <em>Volunteer</em>' ) ) . '</cite></blockquote>
<!-- /wp:quote -->
<!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-default"} -->
<hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-default"/>
<!-- /wp:separator --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->',
'description' => _x( 'Testimonial quote with portrait', 'Block pattern description' ),
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* Three columns of text, each a button at the bottom block pattern.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => __( 'Three columns of text with buttons' ),
'categories' => array( 'columns' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:group {\"align\":\"wide\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-group alignwide\"><div class=\"wp-block-group__inner-container\"><!-- wp:columns {\"align\":\"wide\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-columns alignwide\"><!-- wp:column -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\"><!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>" . __( 'Which treats of the character and pursuits of the famous Don Quixote of La Mancha.' ) . "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n<!-- wp:buttons -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-buttons\"><!-- wp:button {\"borderRadius\":50,\"style\":{\"color\":{\"text\":\"#ba0c49\"}},\"className\":\"is-style-outline\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button is-style-outline\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-text-color\" style=\"border-radius:50px;color:#ba0c49\">" . __( 'Chapter One' ) . "</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button --></div>\n<!-- /wp:buttons --></div>\n<!-- /wp:column -->\n\n<!-- wp:column -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\"><!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>" . __( 'Which treats of the first sally the ingenious Don Quixote made from home.' ) . "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n<!-- wp:buttons -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-buttons\"><!-- wp:button {\"borderRadius\":50,\"style\":{\"color\":{\"text\":\"#ba0c49\"}},\"className\":\"is-style-outline\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button is-style-outline\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-text-color\" style=\"border-radius:50px;color:#ba0c49\">" . __( 'Chapter Two' ) . "</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button --></div>\n<!-- /wp:buttons --></div>\n<!-- /wp:column -->\n\n<!-- wp:column -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\"><!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>" . __( 'Wherein is related the droll way in which Don Quixote had himself dubbed a knight.' ) . "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n<!-- wp:buttons -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-buttons\"><!-- wp:button {\"borderRadius\":50,\"style\":{\"color\":{\"text\":\"#ba0c49\"}},\"className\":\"is-style-outline\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button is-style-outline\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-text-color\" style=\"border-radius:50px;color:#ba0c49\">" . __( 'Chapter Three' ) . "</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button --></div>\n<!-- /wp:buttons --></div>\n<!-- /wp:column --></div>\n<!-- /wp:columns --></div></div>\n<!-- /wp:group -->",
'viewportWidth' => 1000,
'description' => _x( 'Three small columns of text, each with an outlined button with rounded corners at the bottom.', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Two columns of text with offset heading.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Two columns of text with offset heading', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'columns', 'text' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:group {"align":"full","style":{"color":{"background":"#f2f0e9"}}} -->
<div class="wp-block-group alignfull has-background" style="background-color:#f2f0e9"><!-- wp:spacer {"height":70} -->
<div style="height:70px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer -->
<!-- wp:columns {"verticalAlignment":"center","align":"wide"} -->
<div class="wp-block-columns alignwide are-vertically-aligned-center"><!-- wp:column {"width":"50%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:50%"><!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"typography":{"lineHeight":"1.1","fontSize":"30px"},"color":{"text":"#000000"}}} -->
<p class="has-text-color" style="color:#000000;font-size:30px;line-height:1.1"><strong>' . esc_html__( 'Oceanic Inspiration' ) . '</strong></p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column {"width":"50%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:50%"><!-- wp:separator {"customColor":"#000000","className":"is-style-wide"} -->
<hr class="wp-block-separator has-text-color has-background is-style-wide" style="background-color:#000000;color:#000000"/>
<!-- /wp:separator --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns -->
<!-- wp:columns {"align":"wide"} -->
<div class="wp-block-columns alignwide"><!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"color":{"text":"#000000"}},"fontSize":"extra-small"} -->
<p class="has-text-color has-extra-small-font-size" style="color:#000000">' . esc_html__( 'Winding veils round their heads, the women walked on deck. They were now moving steadily down the river, passing the dark shapes of ships at anchor, and London was a swarm of lights with a pale yellow canopy drooping above it. There were the lights of the great theatres, the lights of the long streets, lights that indicated huge squares of domestic comfort, lights that hung high in air.' ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"color":{"text":"#000000"}},"fontSize":"extra-small"} -->
<p class="has-text-color has-extra-small-font-size" style="color:#000000">' . esc_html__( 'No darkness would ever settle upon those lamps, as no darkness had settled upon them for hundreds of years. It seemed dreadful that the town should blaze for ever in the same spot; dreadful at least to people going away to adventure upon the sea, and beholding it as a circumscribed mound, eternally burnt, eternally scarred. From the deck of the ship the great city appeared a crouched and cowardly figure, a sedentary miser.' ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns -->
<!-- wp:spacer {"height":40} -->
<div style="height:40px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer --></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->',
'description' => _x( 'Two columns of text with offset heading', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* Two columns text and title.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Two columns text and title', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'columns', 'text' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:group -->
<div class="wp-block-group"><div class="wp-block-group__inner-container"><!-- wp:heading {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":38,"lineHeight":"1.4"}}} -->
<h2 style="font-size:38px;line-height:1.4"><strong>' . esc_html__( 'The voyage had begun, and had begun happily with a soft blue sky, and a calm sea.' ) . '</strong></h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:columns -->
<div class="wp-block-columns"><!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":18}}} -->
<p style="font-size:18px">' . esc_html__( 'They followed her on to the deck. All the smoke and the houses had disappeared, and the ship was out in a wide space of sea very fresh and clear though pale in the early light. They had left London sitting on its mud. A very thin line of shadow tapered on the horizon, scarcely thick enough to stand the burden of Paris, which nevertheless rested upon it. They were free of roads, free of mankind, and the same exhilaration at their freedom ran through them all.' ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":18}}} -->
<p style="font-size:18px">' . esc_html__( "The ship was making her way steadily through small waves which slapped her and then fizzled like effervescing water, leaving a little border of bubbles and foam on either side. The colourless October sky above was thinly clouded as if by the trail of wood-fire smoke, and the air was wonderfully salt and brisk. Indeed it was too cold to stand still. Mrs. Ambrose drew her arm within her husband's, and as they moved off it could be seen from the way in which her sloping cheek turned up to his that she had something private to communicate." ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->',
'description' => _x( 'Two columns text and title', 'Block pattern description' ),
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
* Two columns of text, each with an image on top block pattern.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => __( 'Two columns of text with images' ),
'categories' => array( 'columns' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:group -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-group\"><div class=\"wp-block-group__inner-container\"><!-- wp:columns -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-columns\"><!-- wp:column -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\"><!-- wp:image {\"sizeSlug\":\"large\"} -->\n<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-large\"><img src=\"https://s.w.org/images/core/5.5/don-quixote-02.jpg\" alt=\"\"/></figure>\n<!-- /wp:image -->\n\n<!-- wp:paragraph {\"style\":{\"typography\":{\"fontSize\":18}}} -->\n<p style=\"font-size:18px\">" . __( 'They must know, then, that the above-named gentleman whenever he was at leisure (which was mostly all the year round) gave himself up to reading books of chivalry with such ardour and avidity that he almost entirely neglected the pursuit of his field-sports, and even the management of his property; and to such a pitch did his eagerness and infatuation go that he sold many an acre of tillageland to buy books of chivalry to read, and brought home as many of them as he could get.' ) . "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>\n<!-- /wp:column -->\n\n<!-- wp:column -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\"><!-- wp:image {\"sizeSlug\":\"large\"} -->\n<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-large\"><img src=\"https://s.w.org/images/core/5.5/don-quixote-04.jpg\" alt=\"\"/></figure>\n<!-- /wp:image -->\n\n<!-- wp:paragraph {\"style\":{\"typography\":{\"fontSize\":18}}} -->\n<p style=\"font-size:18px\">" . __( 'But of all there were none he liked so well as those of the famous Feliciano de Silva\'s composition, for their lucidity of style and complicated conceits were as pearls in his sight, particularly when in his reading he came upon courtships and cartels, where he often found passages like "the reason of the unreason with which my reason is afflicted so weakens my reason that with reason I murmur at your beauty;" or again, "the high heavens render you deserving of the desert your greatness deserves."' ) . "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>\n<!-- /wp:column --></div>\n<!-- /wp:columns --></div></div>\n<!-- /wp:group -->",
'description' => _x( 'Two columns of text, each with an image on top.', 'Block pattern description' ),
@ -1,13 +1,44 @@
* Two columns of Text block pattern.
* Two columns of text.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => __( 'Two columns of text' ),
'categories' => array( 'columns' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:group -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-group\"><div class=\"wp-block-group__inner-container\"><!-- wp:heading {\"style\":{\"typography\":{\"fontSize\":38},\"color\":{\"text\":\"#ba0c49\"}}} -->\n<h2 class=\"has-text-color\" style=\"font-size:38px;color:#ba0c49\">" . __( 'Which treats of the character and pursuits of the famous gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha' ) . "</h2>\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\n\n<!-- wp:columns -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-columns\"><!-- wp:column -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\"><!-- wp:paragraph {\"style\":{\"typography\":{\"fontSize\":18}}} -->\n<p style=\"font-size:18px\">" . __( 'In a village of La Mancha, the name of which I have no desire to call to mind, there lived not long since one of those gentlemen that keep a lance in the lance-rack, an old buckler, a lean hack, and a greyhound for coursing. An olla of rather more beef than mutton, a salad on most nights, scraps on Saturdays, lentils on Fridays, and a pigeon or so extra on Sundays, made away with three-quarters of his income.' ) . "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>\n<!-- /wp:column -->\n\n<!-- wp:column -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-column\"><!-- wp:paragraph {\"style\":{\"typography\":{\"fontSize\":18}}} -->\n<p style=\"font-size:18px\">" . __( 'The rest of it went in a doublet of fine cloth and velvet breeches and shoes to match for holidays, while on week-days he made a brave figure in his best homespun. He had in his house a housekeeper past forty, a niece under twenty, and a lad for the field and market-place, who used to saddle the hack as well as handle the bill-hook. The age of this gentleman of ours was bordering on fifty; he was of a hardy habit, spare, gaunt-featured, a very early riser and a great sportsman.' ) . "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>\n<!-- /wp:column --></div>\n<!-- /wp:columns --></div></div>\n<!-- /wp:group -->",
'description' => _x( 'Two columns of text preceded by a long heading.', 'Block pattern description' ),
'title' => _x( 'Two columns of text', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'columns', 'text' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:columns {"align":"full"} -->
<div class="wp-block-columns"><!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:spacer -->
<div style="height:100px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"21px"}, "color":{"text":"#000000"}}} -->
<p class="has-text-color" style="font-size:21px;color:#000000;"><strong>' . esc_html__( 'We have worked with:' ) . '</strong></p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"24px","lineHeight":"1.2"}}} -->
<p style="font-size:24px;line-height:1.2"><a href="https://wordpress.org">' . wp_kses_post( __( 'EARTHFUND™<br>ARCHWEEKLY<br>FUTURE ROADS<br>BUILDING NY' ) ) . '</a></p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
<!-- wp:spacer -->
<div style="height:100px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:spacer {"height":160} -->
<div style="height:160px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"24px","lineHeight":"1.2"}}} -->
<p style="font-size:24px;line-height:1.2"><a href="https://wordpress.org">' . wp_kses_post( __( 'DUBAI ROOFS<br>MAY WATSON STUDIO<br>Y.O.L<br>RUDIMENTAR' ) ) . '</a></p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
<!-- wp:spacer -->
<div style="height:100px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns -->',
'description' => _x( 'Two columns of text', 'Block pattern description' ),
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* Three Buttons block pattern.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => __( 'Three buttons' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:buttons {\"align\":\"center\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-buttons aligncenter\"><!-- wp:button {\"borderRadius\":50,\"style\":{\"color\":{\"gradient\":\"linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(135,9,53) 0%,rgb(179,22,22) 100%)\",\"text\":\"#fffffa\"}}} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background\" style=\"border-radius:50px;background:linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(135,9,53) 0%,rgb(179,22,22) 100%);color:#fffffa\">" . __( 'About Cervantes' ) . "</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button -->\n\n<!-- wp:button {\"borderRadius\":50,\"style\":{\"color\":{\"gradient\":\"linear-gradient(317deg,rgb(135,9,53) 0%,rgb(179,22,22) 100%)\",\"text\":\"#fffffa\"}}} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background\" style=\"border-radius:50px;background:linear-gradient(317deg,rgb(135,9,53) 0%,rgb(179,22,22) 100%);color:#fffffa\">" . __( 'Contact us' ) . "</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button -->\n\n<!-- wp:button {\"borderRadius\":50,\"style\":{\"color\":{\"gradient\":\"linear-gradient(42deg,rgb(135,9,53) 0%,rgb(179,22,22) 100%)\",\"text\":\"#fffffa\"}}} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background\" style=\"border-radius:50px;background:linear-gradient(42deg,rgb(135,9,53) 0%,rgb(179,22,22) 100%);color:#fffffa\">" . __( 'Books' ) . "</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button --></div>\n<!-- /wp:buttons -->",
'viewportWidth' => 600,
'categories' => array( 'buttons' ),
'description' => _x( 'Three filled buttons with rounded corners, side by side.', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Three columns with images and text.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Three columns with images and text', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'columns' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:group {"align":"full","style":{"color":{"background":"#f8f4e4"}}} -->
<div class="wp-block-group alignfull has-background" style="background-color:#f8f4e4"><div class="wp-block-group__inner-container"><!-- wp:columns {"align":"wide"} -->
<div class="wp-block-columns alignwide"><!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:spacer -->
<div style="height:100px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer -->
<!-- wp:heading {"level":6,"style":{"color":{"text":"#000000"}}} -->
<h6 class="has-text-color" style="color:#000000">' . esc_html__( 'ECOLOGY' ) . '</h6>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"typography":{"lineHeight":"1.1","fontSize":"5vw"},"color":{"text":"#000000"}}} -->
<p class="has-text-color" style="color:#000000;font-size:5vw;line-height:1.1"><strong>' . esc_html__( 'Natural resources.' ) . '</strong></p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:spacer {"height":5} -->
<div style="height:5px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns -->
<!-- wp:columns {"align":"wide"} -->
<div class="wp-block-columns alignwide"><!-- wp:column {"width":"33.38%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:33.38%"><!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"color":{"text":"#000000"}},"fontSize":"extra-small"} -->
<p class="has-text-color has-extra-small-font-size" style="color:#000000">' . wp_kses_post( __( '<em>Nature</em>, in the common sense, refers to essences unchanged by man; space, the air, the river, the leaf. <em>Art</em> is applied to the mixture of his will with the same things, as in a house, a canal, a statue, a picture. But his operations taken together are so insignificant, a little chipping, baking, patching, and washing, that in an impression so grand as that of the world on the human mind, they do not vary the result.' ) ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column {"width":"33%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:33%"><!-- wp:spacer -->
<div style="height:100px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer -->
<!-- wp:image {"id":null,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none"} -->
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/outside-01.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'The sun setting through a dense forest of trees.' ) . '" /></figure>
<!-- /wp:image --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column {"width":"33.62%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:33.62%"><!-- wp:image {"id":null,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none"} -->
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/outside-02.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'Wind turbines standing on a grassy plain, against a blue sky.' ) . '" /></figure>
<!-- /wp:image --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns -->
<!-- wp:columns {"align":"wide"} -->
<div class="wp-block-columns alignwide"><!-- wp:column {"width":"67%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:67%"><!-- wp:image {"align":"right","id":null,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none"} -->
<div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignright size-large"><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/outside-03.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'The sun shining over a ridge leading down into the shore. In the distance, a car drives down a road.' ) . '" /></figure></div>
<!-- /wp:image --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column {"verticalAlignment":"center","width":"33%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column is-vertically-aligned-center" style="flex-basis:33%"><!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"color":{"text":"#000000"}},"fontSize":"extra-small"} -->
<p class="has-text-color has-extra-small-font-size" style="color:#000000">' . esc_html__( "Undoubtedly we have no questions to ask which are unanswerable. We must trust the perfection of the creation so far, as to believe that whatever curiosity the order of things has awakened in our minds, the order of things can satisfy. Every man's condition is a solution in hieroglyphic to those inquiries he would put." ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->',
'description' => _x( 'Three columns with images and text', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* Three columns of text.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Three columns of text', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'columns', 'text' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:columns {"align":"full","style":{"color":{"text":"#000000","background":"#ffffff"}}} -->
<div class="wp-block-columns alignfull has-text-color has-background" style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#000000"><!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"24px","lineHeight":"1.3"}}} -->
<h3 style="font-size:24px;line-height:1.3"><strong><a href="http://wordpress.org">' . esc_html__( 'Virtual Tour ↗' ) . '</a></strong></h3>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>' . esc_html__( 'Get a virtual tour of the museum. Ideal for schools and events.' ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"24px","lineHeight":"1.3"}}} -->
<h3 style="font-size:24px;line-height:1.3"><strong><a href="https://wordpress.org">' . esc_html__( 'Current Shows ↗' ) . '</a></strong></h3>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>' . esc_html__( 'Stay updated and see our current exhibitions here.' ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"24px","lineHeight":"1.3"}}} -->
<h3 style="font-size:24px;line-height:1.3"><strong><a href="https://wordpress.org">' . esc_html__( 'Useful Info ↗' ) . '</a></strong></h3>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>' . esc_html__( 'Get to know our opening times, ticket prices and discounts.' ) . '</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns -->',
'description' => _x( 'Three columns of text', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* Three columns with offset images.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Three columns with offset images', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'gallery' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:columns {"align":"wide"} -->
<div class="wp-block-columns alignwide"><!-- wp:column {"width":"25%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:25%"><!-- wp:image {"id":null,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none","className":"is-style-default"} -->
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large is-style-default"><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/architecture-01.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'Close-up, abstract view of geometric architecture.' ) . '" /></figure>
<!-- /wp:image --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column {"width":"25%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:25%"><!-- wp:spacer {"height":500} -->
<div style="height:500px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer -->
<!-- wp:spacer {"height":150} -->
<div style="height:150px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer -->
<!-- wp:image {"id":null,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none"} -->
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/architecture-02.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'Close-up, angled view of a window on a white building.' ) . '" /></figure>
<!-- /wp:image --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column {"width":"45%"} -->
<div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:45%"><!-- wp:image {"id":null,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none","className":"is-style-default"} -->
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large is-style-default"><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/architecture-03.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'Close-up of the corner of a white, geometric building with both sharp points and round corners.' ) . '" /></figure>
<!-- /wp:image -->
<!-- wp:spacer {"height":285} -->
<div style="height:285px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns -->',
'description' => _x( 'Three columns with offset images', 'Block pattern description' ),
@ -6,8 +6,16 @@
return array(
'title' => __( 'Two buttons' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:buttons {\"align\":\"center\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-buttons aligncenter\"><!-- wp:button {\"borderRadius\":2,\"style\":{\"color\":{\"background\":\"#ba0c49\",\"text\":\"#fffffa\"}}} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background\" style=\"border-radius:2px;background-color:#ba0c49;color:#fffffa\">" . __( 'Download now' ) . "</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button -->\n\n<!-- wp:button {\"borderRadius\":2,\"style\":{\"color\":{\"text\":\"#ba0c49\"}},\"className\":\"is-style-outline\"} -->\n<div class=\"wp-block-button is-style-outline\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link has-text-color\" style=\"border-radius:2px;color:#ba0c49\">" . __( 'About Cervantes' ) . "</a></div>\n<!-- /wp:button --></div>\n<!-- /wp:buttons -->",
'title' => _x( 'Two buttons', 'Block pattern title' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:buttons {"contentJustification":"center"} -->
<div class="wp-block-buttons is-content-justification-center"><!-- wp:button {"borderRadius":0} -->
<div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-button__link no-border-radius">' . esc_html__( 'Our Work' ) . '</a></div>
<!-- /wp:button -->
<!-- wp:button {"borderRadius":1,"className":"is-style-outline"} -->
<div class="wp-block-button is-style-outline"><a class="wp-block-button__link" style="border-radius:1px">' . esc_html__( 'Where We Are' ) . '</a></div>
<!-- /wp:button --></div>
<!-- /wp:buttons -->',
'viewportWidth' => 500,
'categories' => array( 'buttons' ),
'description' => _x( 'Two buttons, one filled and one outlined, side by side.', 'Block pattern description' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* Two images side by side.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => _x( 'Two images side by side', 'Block pattern title' ),
'categories' => array( 'gallery' ),
'content' => '<!-- wp:gallery {"ids":[null,null],"linkTo":"none","align":"wide"} -->
<figure class="wp-block-gallery alignwide columns-2 is-cropped"><ul class="blocks-gallery-grid"><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/nature-above-01.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'An aerial view of waves crashing against a shore.' ) . '" data-full-url="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/nature-above-01.jpg" data-link="#" /></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/nature-above-02.jpg" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'An aerial view of a field. A road runs through the upper right corner.' ) . '" data-full-url="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.8/nature-above-02.jpg" data-link="#" /></figure></li></ul></figure>
<!-- /wp:gallery -->',
'description' => _x( 'Two images side by side', 'Block pattern description' ),
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
* Two images side by side block pattern.
* @package WordPress
return array(
'title' => __( 'Two images side by side' ),
'categories' => array( 'gallery' ),
'description' => _x( 'An image gallery with two example images.', 'Block pattern description' ),
'content' => "<!-- wp:gallery {\"ids\":[null,null],\"align\":\"wide\"} -->\n<figure class=\"wp-block-gallery alignwide columns-2 is-cropped\"><ul class=\"blocks-gallery-grid\"><li class=\"blocks-gallery-item\"><figure><img src=\"https://s.w.org/images/core/5.5/don-quixote-05.jpg\" alt=\"" . __( 'An old pencil drawing of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza sitting on their horses, by Wilhelm Marstrand.' ) . '"/></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/5.5/don-quixote-01.jpg" alt="' . __( 'An old pencil drawing of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza sitting on their horses, by Wilhelm Marstrand.' ) . "\"/></figure></li></ul></figure>\n<!-- /wp:gallery -->",
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* @global string $wp_version
$wp_version = '5.8-alpha-50793';
$wp_version = '5.8-alpha-50794';
* Holds the WordPress DB revision, increments when changes are made to the WordPress DB schema.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user