Help/About: Improve Accessibility, RTL, Internationalization, and Responsiveness of about pages.
Tweaks the 6.4 about pages in a couple of ways: - Decouples the background from the 6.4 logo so the logo can move for RTL. - Updates a color to improve color contrast. - Help prevent overlap of long text strings with 6.4 logo. - Ensure background isn't dark when no background is used on mobile. Props nudge, jorbin, afercia, sumitsingh, sabernhardt. See #59289, #59664. Built from git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
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@ -539,28 +539,30 @@
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background-image: url('../images/about-header-credits.svg?ver=6.4'), url('../images/about-header-background.svg?ver=6.4');
.freedoms-php .about__header {
background-image: url('../images/about-header-freedoms.svg?ver=6.4');
background-image: url('../images/about-header-freedoms.svg?ver=6.4'), url('../images/about-header-background.svg?ver=6.4');
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background-image: url('../images/about-header-privacy.svg?ver=6.4'), url('../images/about-header-background.svg?ver=6.4');
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background-image: url('../images/about-header-contribute.svg?ver=6.4'), url('../images/about-header-background.svg?ver=6.4');
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@ -569,8 +571,9 @@
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@ -582,6 +585,7 @@
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.about-php .about__header-title h1,
.credits-php .about__header-title h1,
.freedoms-php .about__header-title h1,
.privacy-php .about__header-title h1,
@ -646,11 +650,8 @@
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.about-php .about__header-title h1,
.credits-php .about__header-title h1,
.freedoms-php .about__header-title h1,
.privacy-php .about__header-title h1,
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
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--background: #EAE9E7;
--subtle-background: #EAE9E7;
/* Main text color */
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
--text-light: #fff;
/* Accent colors: used in header, on special classes. */
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--accent-1: #C94C26; /* Link color */
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@ -538,28 +538,30 @@
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background-size: auto 70%, cover;
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background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right 7% center, top left;
background-color: var(--background);
.credits-php .about__header {
background-image: url('../images/about-header-credits.svg?ver=6.4');
background-image: url('../images/about-header-credits.svg?ver=6.4'), url('../images/about-header-background.svg?ver=6.4');
.freedoms-php .about__header {
background-image: url('../images/about-header-freedoms.svg?ver=6.4');
background-image: url('../images/about-header-freedoms.svg?ver=6.4'), url('../images/about-header-background.svg?ver=6.4');
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background-image: url('../images/about-header-privacy.svg?ver=6.4'), url('../images/about-header-background.svg?ver=6.4');
.contribute-php .about__header {
background-image: url('../images/about-header-contribute.svg?ver=6.4');
background-image: url('../images/about-header-contribute.svg?ver=6.4'), url('../images/about-header-background.svg?ver=6.4');
.about__header-image {
@ -568,8 +570,9 @@
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margin: 0 calc(var(--gap) + 2rem);
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.about__header-title h1 {
@ -581,6 +584,7 @@
font-weight: 600;
.about-php .about__header-title h1,
.credits-php .about__header-title h1,
.freedoms-php .about__header-title h1,
.privacy-php .about__header-title h1,
@ -645,11 +649,8 @@
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.about-php .about__header-title h1,
.credits-php .about__header-title h1,
.freedoms-php .about__header-title h1,
.privacy-php .about__header-title h1,
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php';
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<?php _e( 'The Four Freedoms' ); ?>
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