mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 11:21:57 +01:00
Twenty Seventeen: Improve user and developer experience with the customizer integration
* Rename customizer JS files to customize-preview.js and customize-controls.js to align with the core file naming and make it clearer where each file runs. * Only show the colorscheme_hue control when there's a custom color scheme. * Update preview JS handling for revised front page section handling, see below. * Remove all references to "Theme Customizer" in code comments. It hasn't been called that since before 4.0. * Clarify the purpose of the JS files by updated the code comments in the file headers. * Improve code readability. * Make the arbitrary number of front page sections filterable, for UI registration and output. * Rename twentyseventeen_sanitize_layout to twentyseventeen_sanitize_page_layout to be clearer about what it sanitizes in case child themes or plugins consider reusing it. * Rename page_options setting/control to page_layout as that's more reflective of what that option does; and again, helps for potential extensions. * Make the page layout option contextual to pages and the sidebar being inactive, as the option only applies when there is no sidebar (per its description). * Condense options into a single section. * Add selective refresh for front page sections. * Locate active_callback functions within customizer.php so that they're easier to find when editing customizer registrations, similarly to sanitize callbacks. * Adjust the styling for placeholders for panels that aren't active. * Ensure that the new visible edit shortcuts don't have any issues. Props celloexpressions. Fixes #38426. Built from https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38986 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@38929 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* Scripts within the customizer controls window.
* Contextually shows the color hue control and informs the preview
* when users open or close the front page sections section.
( function() {
wp.customize.bind( 'ready', function() {
// Only show the color hue control when there's a custom color scheme.
wp.customize( 'colorscheme', function( setting ) {
wp.customize.control( 'colorscheme_hue', function( control ) {
var visibility = function() {
if ( 'custom' === setting.get() ) {
control.container.slideDown( 180 );
} else {
control.container.slideUp( 180 );
setting.bind( visibility );
// Detect when the front page sections section is expanded (or closed) so we can adjust the preview accordingly
wp.customize.section( 'theme_options' ).expanded.bind( function( isExpanding ) {
// Value of isExpanding will = true if you're entering the section, false if you're leaving it
wp.customize.previewer.send( 'section-highlight', { expanded: isExpanding } );
} );
} );
} )( jQuery );
@ -1,32 +1,34 @@
* File customizer.js.
* File customize-preview.js.
* Theme Customizer enhancements for a better user experience.
* Contains handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously.
* Instantly live-update customizer settings in the preview for improved user experience.
( function( $ ) {
// Collect information from panel-customizer.js about which panels are opening
// Collect information from customize-controls.js about which panels are opening
wp.customize.bind( 'preview-ready', function() {
wp.customize.preview.bind( 'section-highlight', function( data ) {
// If there's an expanded panel section, scroll down to that panel & highlight in the preview
if ( true === data.expanded ) {
$.scrollTo( $( '.' + data.section ), {
duration: 600,
offset: { 'top': -40 }
} );
$( '.' + data.section ).addClass( 'twentyseventeen-highlight' );
// Only on the front page.
if ( ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'twentyseventeen-front-page' ) ) {
// If we've left the panel, remove the highlight and scroll back to the top
// When the section is expanded, show and scroll to the content placeholders, exposing the edit links.
if ( true === data.expanded ) {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'highlight-front-sections' );
$( '.panel-placeholder' ).slideDown( 200, function() {
$.scrollTo( $( '#panel1' ), {
duration: 600,
offset: { 'top': -70 } // Account for sticky menu.
} );
// If we've left the panel, hide the placeholders and scroll back to the top
} else {
$.scrollTo( $( '#masthead' ), {
duration: 300,
offset: { 'top': 0 }
} );
$( '.' + data.section ).removeClass( 'twentyseventeen-highlight' );
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'highlight-front-sections' );
$( '.panel-placeholder' ).slideUp( 200 ); // Don't change scroll when leaving - it's likely to have unintended consequences.
} );
} );
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@
// Update color body class.
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'colors-light colors-dark colors-custom' )
.addClass( 'colors-' + to );
.addClass( 'colors-' + to );
} );
} );
@ -91,7 +93,7 @@
} );
// Page layouts.
wp.customize( 'page_options', function( value ) {
wp.customize( 'page_layout', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
if ( 'one-column' === to ) {
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'page-one-column' ).removeClass( 'page-two-column' );
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
* Theme Customizer enhancements, specific to panels, for a better user experience.
* This allows us to detect when the user has opened specific sections within the Customizer,
* and adjust our preview pane accordingly.
( function() {
wp.customize.bind( 'ready', function() {
// Detect when the section for each panel is expanded (or closed) so we can adjust preview accordingly
wp.customize.section( 'panel_1' ).expanded.bind( function( isExpanding ) {
// Value of isExpanding will = true if you're entering the section, false if you're leaving it
wp.customize.previewer.send( 'section-highlight', { section: 'twentyseventeen-panel1', expanded: isExpanding } );
} );
// Detect when the section for each panel is expanded (or closed) so we can adjust preview accordingly
wp.customize.section( 'panel_2' ).expanded.bind( function( isExpanding ) {
// Value of isExpanding = true if you're entering the section, false if you're leaving it
wp.customize.previewer.send( 'section-highlight', { section: 'twentyseventeen-panel2', expanded: isExpanding } );
} );
// Detect when the section for each panel is expanded (or closed) so we can adjust preview accordingly
wp.customize.section( 'panel_3' ).expanded.bind( function( isExpanding ) {
// Value of isExpanding will = true if you're entering the section, false if you're leaving it
wp.customize.previewer.send( 'section-highlight', { section: 'twentyseventeen-panel3', expanded: isExpanding } );
} );
// Detect when the section for each panel is expanded (or closed) so we can adjust preview accordingly
wp.customize.section( 'panel_4' ).expanded.bind( function( isExpanding ) {
// Value of isExpanding will = true if you're entering the section, false if you're leaving it
wp.customize.previewer.send( 'section-highlight', { section: 'twentyseventeen-panel4', expanded: isExpanding } );
} );
} );
} )( jQuery );
@ -28,36 +28,25 @@ get_header(); ?>
// Get each of our panels and show the post data.
$panels = array( '1', '2', '3', '4' );
$titles = array();
global $twentyseventeencounter; // Used in template-parts/page/content-front-page-panels.php file.
if ( 0 !== twentyseventeen_panel_count() || is_customize_preview() ) : // If we have pages to show.
$twentyseventeencounter = 1;
* Filter number of front page sections in Twenty Seventeen.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param $num_sections integer
$num_sections = apply_filters( 'twentyseventeen_front_page_sections', 4 );
global $twentyseventeencounter;
foreach ( $panels as $panel ) :
if ( get_theme_mod( 'panel_' . $panel ) ) :
$post = get_post( get_theme_mod( 'panel_' . $panel ) );
setup_postdata( $post );
set_query_var( 'panel', $panel );
// Create a setting and control for each of the sections available in the theme.
for ( $i = 1; $i < ( 1 + $num_sections ); $i++ ) {
$twentyseventeencounter = $i;
twentyseventeen_front_page_section( null, $i );
$titles[] = get_the_title(); // Put page titles in an array for use in navigation.
get_template_part( 'template-parts/page/content', 'front-page-panels' );
else :
// The output placeholder anchor.
echo '<article class="panel-placeholder panel twentyseventeen-panel twentyseventeen-panel' . esc_attr( $twentyseventeencounter ) . '" id="panel' . esc_attr( $twentyseventeencounter ) . '"><span class="twentyseventeen-panel-title">' . sprintf( __( 'Panel %1$s Placeholder', 'twentyseventeen' ), esc_attr( $twentyseventeencounter ) ) . '</span></article>';
<?php endif; // The if ( 0 !== twentyseventeen_panel_count() ) ends here.
endif; // The if ( 0 !== twentyseventeen_panel_count() ) ends here. ?>
</main><!-- #main -->
</div><!-- #primary -->
@ -312,7 +312,8 @@ body.colors-custom,
.colors-custom .next.page-numbers:focus,
.colors-custom .next.page-numbers:hover,
.colors-custom .site-content .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-item:hover,
.colors-custom .site-content .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-item:focus {
.colors-custom .site-content .wp-playlist-light .wp-playlist-item:focus,
.colors-custom .customize-partial-edit-shortcut:before {
background: hsl( ' . esc_attr( $hue ) . ', ' . esc_attr( $saturation ) . ', 46% ); /* base: #767676; */
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Twenty Seventeen: Theme Customizer
* Twenty Seventeen: Customizer
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Twenty_Seventeen
@ -62,119 +62,71 @@ function twentyseventeen_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
) ) );
* Add the Theme Options section.
* Theme options.
$wp_customize->add_panel( 'options_panel', array(
'title' => __( 'Theme Options', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'description' => __( 'Configure your theme settings', 'twentyseventeen' ),
$wp_customize->add_section( 'theme_options', array(
'title' => __( 'Theme Options', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'priority' => 130, // Before Additional CSS.
) );
// Page Options.
$wp_customize->add_section( 'page_options', array(
'title' => __( 'Single Page Layout', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'active_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_is_page',
'panel' => 'options_panel',
) );
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'page_options', array(
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'page_layout', array(
'default' => 'two-column',
'sanitize_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_sanitize_layout',
'sanitize_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_sanitize_page_layout',
'transport' => 'postMessage',
) );
$wp_customize->add_control( 'page_options', array(
$wp_customize->add_control( 'page_layout', array(
'label' => __( 'Page Layout', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'section' => 'page_options',
'section' => 'theme_options',
'type' => 'radio',
'description' => __( 'When no sidebar widgets are assigned, you can opt to display all pages with a one column or two column layout. When the two column layout is assigned, the page title is in one column and content is in the other.', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'choices' => array(
'one-column' => __( 'One Column', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'two-column' => __( 'Two Column', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'active_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_is_page_without_sidebar',
) );
// Panel 1.
$wp_customize->add_section( 'panel_1', array(
'title' => __( 'Panel 1', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'active_callback' => 'is_front_page',
'panel' => 'options_panel',
'description' => __( 'Add an image to your panel by setting a featured image in the page editor. If you don’t select a page, this panel will not be displayed.', 'twentyseventeen' ),
) );
* Filter number of front page sections in Twenty Seventeen.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param $num_sections integer
$num_sections = apply_filters( 'twentyseventeen_front_page_sections', 4 );
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'panel_1', array(
'default' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
) );
// Create a setting and control for each of the sections available in the theme.
for ( $i = 1; $i < ( 1 + $num_sections ); $i++ ) {
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'panel_' . $i, array(
'default' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
'transport' => 'postMessage',
) );
$wp_customize->add_control( 'panel_1', array(
'label' => __( 'Panel Content', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'section' => 'panel_1',
'type' => 'dropdown-pages',
) );
$wp_customize->add_control( 'panel_' . $i, array(
/* translators: %d is the front page section number */
'label' => sprintf( __( 'Front Page Section %d Content', 'twentyseventeen' ), $i ),
'description' => ( 1 !== $i ? '' : __( 'Select pages to feature in each area from the dropdowns. Add an image to a section by setting a featured image in the page editor. Empty sections will not be displayed.', 'twentyseventeen' ) ),
'section' => 'theme_options',
'type' => 'dropdown-pages',
'allow_addition' => true,
'active_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_is_static_front_page',
) );
// Panel 2.
$wp_customize->add_section( 'panel_2', array(
'title' => __( 'Panel 2', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'active_callback' => 'is_front_page',
'panel' => 'options_panel',
'description' => __( 'Add an image to your panel by setting a featured image in the page editor. If you don’t select a page, this panel will not be displayed.', 'twentyseventeen' ),
) );
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'panel_2', array(
'default' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
) );
$wp_customize->add_control( 'panel_2', array(
'label' => __( 'Panel Content', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'section' => 'panel_2',
'type' => 'dropdown-pages',
) );
// Panel 3.
$wp_customize->add_section( 'panel_3', array(
'title' => __( 'Panel 3', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'active_callback' => 'is_front_page',
'panel' => 'options_panel',
'description' => __( 'Add an image to your panel by setting a featured image in the page editor. If you don’t select a page, this panel will not be displayed.', 'twentyseventeen' ),
) );
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'panel_3', array(
'default' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
) );
$wp_customize->add_control( 'panel_3', array(
'label' => __( 'Panel Content', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'section' => 'panel_3',
'type' => 'dropdown-pages',
) );
// Panel 4.
$wp_customize->add_section( 'panel_4', array(
'title' => __( 'Panel 4', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'active_callback' => 'is_front_page',
'panel' => 'options_panel',
'description' => __( 'Add an image to your panel by setting a featured image in the page editor. If you don’t select a page, this panel will not be displayed.', 'twentyseventeen' ),
) );
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'panel_4', array(
'default' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint',
) );
$wp_customize->add_control( 'panel_4', array(
'label' => __( 'Panel Content', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'section' => 'panel_4',
'type' => 'dropdown-pages',
) );
$wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'panel_' . $i, array(
'selector' => '#panel' . $i,
'render_callback' => 'twentyseventeen_front_page_section',
'container_inclusive' => true,
) );
add_action( 'customize_register', 'twentyseventeen_customize_register' );
* Sanitize a radio button.
* Sanitize the page layout options.
function twentyseventeen_sanitize_layout( $input ) {
function twentyseventeen_sanitize_page_layout( $input ) {
$valid = array(
'one-column' => __( 'One Column', 'twentyseventeen' ),
'two-column' => __( 'Two Column', 'twentyseventeen' ),
@ -225,17 +177,31 @@ function twentyseventeen_customize_partial_blogdescription() {
* Binds JS handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously.
* Return whether we're previewing the front page and it's a static page.
function twentyseventeen_is_static_front_page() {
return ( is_front_page() && ! is_home() );
* Return whether we're previewing a page and there are no widgets in the sidebar.
function twentyseventeen_is_page_without_sidebar() {
return ( is_page() && ! is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) );
* Bind JS handlers to instantly live-preview changes.
function twentyseventeen_customize_preview_js() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'twentyseventeen-customizer', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/customizer.js' ), array( 'customize-preview' ), '1.0', true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'twentyseventeen-customize-preview', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/customize-preview.js' ), array( 'customize-preview' ), '1.0', true );
add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'twentyseventeen_customize_preview_js' );
* Some extra JavaScript to improve the user experience in the Customizer for this theme.
* Load dynamic logic for the customizer controls area.
function twentyseventeen_panels_js() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'twentyseventeen-panel-customizer', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/panel-customizer.js' ), array(), '1.0', true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'twentyseventeen-customize-controls', get_theme_file_uri( '/assets/js/customize-controls.js' ), array(), '1.0', true );
add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', 'twentyseventeen_panels_js' );
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function twentyseventeen_body_classes( $classes ) {
// Add class for one or two column page layouts.
if ( is_page() ) {
if ( 'one-column' === get_theme_mod( 'page_options' ) ) {
if ( 'one-column' === get_theme_mod( 'page_layout' ) ) {
$classes[] = 'page-one-column';
} else {
$classes[] = 'page-two-column';
@ -72,11 +72,21 @@ add_filter( 'body_class', 'twentyseventeen_body_classes' );
* Primarily used to see if we have any panels active, duh.
function twentyseventeen_panel_count() {
$panels = array( '1', '2', '3', '4' );
$panel_count = 0;
foreach ( $panels as $panel ) {
if ( get_theme_mod( 'panel_' . $panel ) ) {
* Filter number of front page sections in Twenty Seventeen.
* @since Twenty Seventeen 1.0
* @param $num_sections integer
$num_sections = apply_filters( 'twentyseventeen_front_page_sections', 4 );
// Create a setting and control for each of the sections available in the theme.
for ( $i = 1; $i < ( 1 + $num_sections ); $i++ ) {
if ( get_theme_mod( 'panel_' . $i ) ) {
@ -90,10 +100,3 @@ function twentyseventeen_panel_count() {
function twentyseventeen_is_frontpage() {
return ( is_front_page() && ! is_home() );
* Custom Active Callback to check for page.
function twentyseventeen_is_page() {
return ( is_page() );
@ -125,6 +125,35 @@ function twentyseventeen_edit_link() {
* Display a front page section.
* @param $partial WP_Customize_Partial Partial associated with a selective refresh request.
* @param $id integer Front page section to display.
function twentyseventeen_front_page_section( $partial = null, $id = 0 ) {
if ( is_a( $partial, 'WP_Customize_Partial' ) ) {
// Find out the id and set it up during a selective refresh.
global $twentyseventeencounter;
$id = str_replace( 'panel_', '', $partial->id );
$twentyseventeencounter = $id;
global $post; // Modify the global post object before setting up post data.
if ( get_theme_mod( 'panel_' . $id ) ) {
global $post;
$post = get_post( get_theme_mod( 'panel_' . $id ) );
setup_postdata( $post );
set_query_var( 'panel', $id );
get_template_part( 'template-parts/page/content', 'front-page-panels' );
} else {
// The output placeholder anchor.
echo '<article class="panel-placeholder panel twentyseventeen-panel twentyseventeen-panel' . $id . '" id="panel' . $id . '"><span class="twentyseventeen-panel-title">' . sprintf( __( 'Panel %1$s Placeholder', 'twentyseventeen' ), $id ) . '</span></article>';
* Returns true if a blog has more than 1 category.
@ -2935,17 +2935,12 @@ object {
# Customizer
/* Hide this until we're in the Customizer */
.twentyseventeen-panel-title {
/* Hide placeholders until we're in the front page sections section */
.panel-placeholder {
display: none;
.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel {
/* Colour-code all panels (add 1 to account for #twentyseventeen-hero, so 2 is actually panel 1)*/
.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:after {
.highlight-front-sections.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:after {
border: 2px dashed;
bottom: 1em;
content: "";
@ -2954,123 +2949,70 @@ object {
position: absolute;
right: 1em;
top: 1em;
z-index: -1; /* Prevent :after from preventing interactions within the section */
/* Used for placeholder text */
.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel .twentyseventeen-panel-title {
color: #fff;
display: inline-block;
display: block;
font-size: 14px;
font-size: 0.875rem;
font-weight: 700;
letter-spacing: 1px;
padding: 5px 10px;
position: absolute;
right: 3.2em;
padding: 3em;
text-transform: uppercase;
top: 3.2em;
-webkit-transform: translate(3px, -3px);
-ms-transform: translate(3px, -3px);
transform: translate(3px, -3px);
z-index: 3;
text-align: center;
.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(1):after {
/* Show borders on the custom page panels only when the front page sections are being edited */
.highlight-front-sections.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(1):after {
border: none;
.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(2) .twentyseventeen-panel-title {
background: #b569a2;
.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(2):after {
.highlight-front-sections.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(2):after {
border-color: #b569a2;
color: #b569a2;
.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(3) .twentyseventeen-panel-title {
background: #8f68bd;
.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(3):after {
.highlight-front-sections.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(3):after {
border-color: #8f68bd;
color: #8f68bd;
.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(4) .twentyseventeen-panel-title {
background: #575ebd;
.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(4):after {
.highlight-front-sections.twentyseventeen-customizer.twentyseventeen-front-page .twentyseventeen-panel:nth-of-type(4):after {
border-color: #575ebd;
color: #575ebd;
/* Add a highlight class to improve Customizer behaviour */
@-webkit-keyframes flash {
100% {
opacity: 1;
90% {
opacity: 0;
@keyframes flash {
100% {
opacity: 1;
90% {
opacity: 0;
article.panel-placeholder {
display: none;
.twentyseventeen-front-page.twentyseventeen-customizer #primary article.panel-placeholder {
border: 0;
.twentyseventeen-customizer .panel-placeholder.twentyseventeen-highlight {
display: block;
height: 112px;
/* Add some space around the visual edit shortcut buttons. */
.twentyseventeen-panel .customize-partial-edit-shortcut:before {
top: 30px;
left: 30px;
.twentyseventeen-highlight:after {
-webkit-animation-duration: 2s;
animation-duration: 2s;
-webkit-animation-name: flash;
animation-name: flash;
-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;
animation-fill-mode: both;
/* Prevent color schemes from showing 1px dots everywhere. */
.customize-partial-edit-shortcut {
background: transparent !important;
/* Ensure that placeholder icons are visible. */
.twentyseventeen-panel .customize-partial-edit-shortcut-hidden:before {
visibility: visible;
/* Prevent icon colors from clashing with color schemes. */
.colors-custom .customize-partial-edit-shortcut:before {
text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2),
1px 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2),
0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2),
-1px 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
## SVGs Fallbacks
@ -12,11 +12,7 @@ global $twentyseventeencounter;
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class( 'twentyseventeen-panel ' ); ?> >
<span class="panel twentyseventeen-panel<?php echo esc_attr( $twentyseventeencounter ); ?>" id="panel<?php echo esc_attr( $twentyseventeencounter ); ?>">
<span class="twentyseventeen-panel-title"><?php printf( __( 'Panel %1$s', 'twentyseventeen' ), esc_attr( $twentyseventeencounter ) ); ?></span>
<article id="panel<?php echo $twentyseventeencounter; ?>" <?php post_class( 'twentyseventeen-panel ' ); ?> >
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) :
$thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'twentyseventeen-featured-image' );
@ -77,7 +73,7 @@ global $twentyseventeencounter;
</div><!-- .pique-recent-posts -->
</div><!-- .recent-posts -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* @global string $wp_version
$wp_version = '4.7-alpha-38985';
$wp_version = '4.7-alpha-38986';
* Holds the WordPress DB revision, increments when changes are made to the WordPress DB schema.
Reference in New Issue
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