This will send nav menu locations through three levels of mapping:
1. If both themes have only one location, that gets mapped.
2. If both themes have locations with the same slug, they get mapped.
3. Locations that (even partially) match slugs from a similar kind of menu location will get mapped.
Menu locations are mapped for Live Previews in the Customizer and during theme switches.
Props westonruter, obenland, welcher, melchoyce.
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Ensures that users who copy HTML from the Text widget in legacy mode over to the Custom HTML widget will continue to get all of the same filters applied, including tag balancing and shortcodes, if a plugin added support. Plugins still have the `widget_text_content` and `widget_custom_html_content` filters they can use to target the specific widget types.
Amends [40893].
See #40951.
Fixes#40907 for trunk.
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A theme can opt-in for tailored starter content to apply to the customizer when previewing the theme on a fresh install, when `fresh_site` is at its initial `1` value. Starter content is staged in the customizer and does not go live unless the changes are published. Initial starter content is added to Twenty Seventeen.
* The `fresh_site` flag is cleared when a published post or page is saved, when widgets are modified, or when the customizer state is saved.
* Starter content is registered via `starter-content` theme support, where the argument is an array containing `widgets`, `posts`, `nav_menus`, `options`, and `theme_mods`. Posts/pages in starter content are created with the `auto-draft` status, re-using the page/post stubs feature added to nav menus and the static front page controls.
* A `get_theme_starter_content` filter allows for plugins to extend a theme's starter content.
* Starter content in themes can/should re-use existing starter content items in core by using named placeholders.
* Import theme starter content into customized state when fresh site.
* Prevent original_title differences from causing refreshes if title is present.
* Ensure nav menu item url is set according to object when previewing.
* Make sure initial saved state is false if there are dirty settings without an existing changeset.
* Ensure dirty settings are cleaned upon changeset publishing.
Props helen, westonruter, ocean90.
Fixes#38114, #38533.
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With the introduction of user-specific languages in [38705] it's necessary to be able to switch translations on the fly. For example emails should be sent in the language of the recipient and not the one of the current user.
This introduces a new `WP_Locale_Switcher` class which is used for switching locales and translations. It holds the stack of locales whenever `switch_to_locale( $locale )` is called. With `restore_previous_locale()` you can restore the previous locale. `restore_current_locale()` empties the stack and sets the locale back to the initial value.
`switch_to_locale()` is added to most of core's email functions, either with the value of `get_locale()` (site language) or `get_user_locale()` (user language with fallback to site language).
Props yoavf, tfrommen, swissspidy, pbearne, ocean90.
See #29783.
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Fixes bug where an invalid Last-Modified value would be returned in feed requests for sites that had 0 items to return. Comment or post feeds will now return the current timestamp as the Last-Modified header value. Example: a request for the comments feed for a site without any comments.
Replaced use of the local static variable `$cache_lastcommentmodified` to store the modified date in `get_lastcommentmodified()` with the Object Cache API. The `get_lastcommentmodified()` function returns early if there is a cached value and returns `false` if there where no comments found. Introduced `_clear_modified_cache_on_transition_comment_status()` to flush the `lastcommentmodified` cache key when a comment enters or leaves approval status. In `get_lastpostmodified()` return early if there is a cached value and return `false` if there are no posts found.
Props swissspidy, rachelbaker, dllh, leobaiano.
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REST API endpoints for your WordPress content. These endpoints provide machine-readable external access to your WordPress site with a clear, standards-driven interface, allowing new and innovative apps for interacting with your site. These endpoints support all of the following:
- Posts: Read and write access to all post data, for all types of post-based data, including pages and media.
- Comments: Read and write access to all comment data. This includes pingbacks and trackbacks.
- Terms: Read and write access to all term data.
- Users: Read and write access to all user data. This includes public access to some data for post authors.
- Meta: Read and write access to metadata for posts, comments, terms, and users, on an opt-in basis from plugins.
- Settings: Read and write access to settings, on an opt-in basis from plugins and core. This enables API management of key site content values that are technically stored in options, such as site title and byline.
Love your REST API, WordPress! The infrastructure says, "Let's do lunch!" but the content API endpoints say, "You're paying!"
Props rmccue, rachelbaker, danielbachhuber, joehoyle, adamsilverstein, afurculita, ahmadawais, airesvsg, alisspers, antisilent, apokalyptik, artoliukkonen, attitude, boonebgorges, bradyvercher, brianhogg, caseypatrickdriscoll, chopinbach, chredd, christianesperar, chrisvanpatten, claudiolabarbera, claudiosmweb, cmmarslender, codebykat, coderkevin, codfish, codonnell822, daggerhart, danielpunkass, davidbhayes, delphinus, desrosj, dimadin, dotancohen, DrewAPicture, Dudo1985, duncanjbrown, eherman24, eivhyl, eliorivero, elyobo, en-alis, ericandrewlewis, ericpedia, evansobkowicz, fjarrett, frozzare, georgestephanis, greatislander, guavaworks, hideokamoto, hkdobrev, hubdotcom, hurtige, iandunn, ircrash, ironpaperweight, iseulde, Japh, jaredcobb, JDGrimes, jdolan, jdoubleu, jeremyfelt, jimt, jjeaton, jmusal, jnylen0, johanmynhardt, johnbillion, jonathanbardo, jorbin, joshkadis, JPry, jshreve, jtsternberg, JustinSainton, kacperszurek, kadamwhite, kalenjohnson, kellbot, kjbenk, kokarn, krogsgard, kuchenundkakao, kuldipem, kwight, lgedeon, lukepettway, mantismamita, markoheijnen, matrixik, mattheu, mauteri, maxcutler, mayukojpn, michael-arestad, miyauchi, mjbanks, modemlooper, mrbobbybryant, NateWr, nathanrice, netweb, NikV, nullvariable, oskosk, oso96_2000, oxymoron, pcfreak30, pento, peterwilsoncc, Pezzab, phh, pippinsplugins, pjgalbraith, pkevan, pollyplummer, pushred, quasel, QWp6t, schlessera, schrapel, Shelob9, shprink, simonlampen, Soean, solal, tapsboy, tfrommen, tharsheblows, thenbrent, tierra, tlovett1, tnegri, tobych, Toddses, toro_unit, traversal, vanillalounge, vishalkakadiya, wanecek, web2style, webbgaraget, websupporter, westonruter, whyisjake, wonderboymusic, wpsmith, xknown, zyphonic.
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* Custom CSS is associated with a given theme and is displayed in an inline `style` element at the `wp_head` hook after the `wp_print_styles` is called so that it overrides any enqueued stylesheets.
* A `wp_get_custom_css()` function is used for accessing the CSS associated with the current theme (or another theme) and a `wp_get_custom_css` filter for manipulating it.
* CSS is managed in customizer via a new "Additional CSS" section with a single `textarea` control.
* `WP_Customize_Section::$description_hidden` is introduced for hiding extended descriptions in customizer sections behind a help toggle as done with panels.
* CSS is stored in a `custom_css` post type with the theme (stylesheet) slug as the `post_name`.
* `WP_Customize_Custom_CSS_Setting` is introduced to handle validation of CSS, previewing, and persisting the CSS to the `custom_css` post type.
* The `custom_css` setting is tied to a new `unfiltered_css` capability which maps to `unfiltered_html` by default.
* Escaping the message in the notification template is removed to allow markup (`code` tags) to be rendered.
Props johnregan3, celloexpressions, folletto, westonruter.
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Since 4.4, comment submission has been mostly abstracted into a function,
rather than being processed inline in wp-comments-post.php. This change
made it easier to write automated tests against the bulk of the comment
submission process. `wp_allow_comment()` remained untestable, however:
when a comment failed one of its checks (flooding, duplicates, etc),
`die()` or `wp_die()` would be called directly. This shortcoming posed
problems for any application attempting to use WP's comment verification
functions in an abstract way - from PHPUnit to the REST API.
The current changeset introduces a new parameter, `$avoid_die`, to the
`wp_new_comment()` stack. When set to `true`, `wp_new_comment()` and
`wp_allow_comment()` will return `WP_Error` objects when a comment check
fails. When set to `false` - the default, for backward compatibility -
a failed check will result in a `die()` or `wp_die()`, as appropriate.
Prior to this changeset, default comment flood checks took place in the
function `check_comment_flood_db()`, which was hooked to the
'check_comment_flood' action. This design allowed the default comment
flood routine to be bypassed or replaced using `remove_action()`.
In order to maintain backward compatibility with this usage, while
simultaneously converting the comment flood logic into something that
returns a value rather than calling `die()` directly,
`check_comment_flood_db()` has been changed into a wrapper function for
a call to `add_filter()`; this, in turn, adds the *actual* comment flood
check to a new filter, 'wp_is_comment_flood'. Note that direct calls
to `check_comment_flood_db()` will no longer do anything in isolation.
Props websupporter, rachelbaker.
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`register_meta()` has been altered to accept an array of arguments as the third parameter in order to support its usage beyond XML-RPC, notably in the REST API and other projects that may build on top of meta, such as a potential Fields API. Arguments are whitelisted to reserve the right for core to add more later.
New functions added to complement this expansion are:
* `registered_meta_key_exists()`
* `unregister_meta_key()`
* `get_registered_meta_keys()`
* `get_registered_metadata()`
* A "private" function for the aforementioned whitelisting.
There still need to be lots of tests written for previous and new behaviors, and many things are subject to change. Maybe things will explode. #yolo
props jeremyfelt, ericlewis, sc0ttkclark, helen, rmccue, ocean90, voldemortensen.
see #35658.
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Resource hints allow browsers to prefetch specific pages or render them in the background to perform DNS lookups or to begin the connection handshake (DNS, TCP, TLS) in the background.
By default, `wp_resource_hints()` prints hints for "" (the CDN) and for all scripts and styles which are enqueued from external hosts.
Use the `wp_resource_hints` filter to add custom domains and URLs for `dns-prefetch`, `preconnect`, `prefetch` or `prerender`.
Props voldemortensen, swissspidy.
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This adds three new functions for getting/displaying attachment captions:
* `wp_get_attachment_caption` - Retrieves a caption for a specific attachment.
* `get_the_post_thumbnail_caption()` - Returns the post thumbnail caption.
* `the_post_thumbnail_caption()` - Displays the post thumbnail caption.
These are helpful for displaying a caption associated with an image directly
in a template, rather than using the caption shortcode.
This also introduces two new filters:
* `wp_get_attachment_caption` - Filters the value of `wp_get_attachment_caption()`.
* `the_post_thumbnail_caption` - Filters the display of the post thumbnail caption.
`the_post_thumbnail_caption()` is automatically filtered by `wptexturize()`,
`convert_smilies()`, and `convert_chars()` in `wp-includes/default-filters.php`.
Props flixos90, joemcgill.
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This provides some default data for the jQuery UI datepicker. The localized data is already available via `WP_Locale` and is only passed to the datepicker if the script is enqueued.
Props clubduece, swissspidy, barryceelen, ocean90.
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WordPress erroneously follows browser-style behaviour with 3xx redirects, where a POST to 302 becomes a GET. Requests instead follows the specification and keeps the same method. Requests also exposes a hook to allow changing the behaviour.
[37428] used the wrong method of adding this hook, now corrected.
See #33055.
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In particular, we want it to occur after shortcode handling. The smiley conversion routine doesn't have any concept of shortcode structure, so may inadvertantly replace a smiley with HTML inside a shortcode attribute, which will cause the shortcode to not be parsed correctly.
Props Unyson for the initial suggested fix.
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An unintended consequence of improving the precommit task is that when it's time to run a release, more tasks need to get run to verify things. This adds a prerelease task to help fix that situation. grunt prerelease should include tasks that verify the code base is ready to be released to the wild and find all the tears on the mausoleum floor and help Blood stain the Colosseum doors.
See #35557
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Introduces `wp_authenticate_email_password()` which is hooked into `authenticate` after `wp_authenticate_username_password()`.
Props Denis-de-Bernardy, ericlewis, vhomenko, MikeHansenMe, swissspidy, ocean90.
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This adds a checkbox to `wp-admin/user-new.php` to prevent sending an email with the username and a password reset link to the new user. Restores the behavior of pre-4.3.
Props tharsheblows, SergeyBiryukov, DrewAPicture, ocean90.
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Previously, `&` would be converted everywhere, which caused problems when it was converted within a `<script>`, for example.
`convert_chars()` is now removed from the `the_content` filter, as it was doing the same job as `wptexturize()`.
KSES correctly handles converting `&` within HTML attributes, so there's no need for `wptexturize()` and `convert_chars()` to do the same job.
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This change hooks these new output functions to existing hooks in the embed template, allowing for more straightforward display control of these elements.
Leaves the embed header and footer intact pending further modularization in a future release.
Props juliobox, swissspidy, DrewAPicture.
See #34561.
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Just as with wp-signup.php, display of the Toolbar on wp-activate.php was broken in [23512] due to a hook change for the `_wp_admin_bar_init()` callback. wp-signup.php was fixed in [35423] for #34418.
See [35423] for more in-depth background and reasoning behind restoring display of the Toolbar on wp-activate.php and wp-signup.php.
Fixes#34496. See #34418.
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Sometimes, embedded sites might suffer from less than 100% uptime. Instead of leaving the embedding site with a big blank space where the embed should be, let's fall back to a link to the embedded post, so there's at least some context for the post.
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Prior to [23512], the Toolbar was still displayed on wp-signup.php while logged-in because it was hooked to the `init` action. When `_wp_admin_bar_init()` was moved to instead fire on `template_redirect` for the front-end and `admin_init` on the back-end, the visibility was lost because `template_redirect` isn't fired on wp-signup.php due to `WP_USE_THEMES` not being defined.
In order to maintain expected display results, a default filter has been added to hook `_wp_admin_bar_init()` to the `before_signup_header` action. This approach has the added benefit of allowing `_wp_admin_bar_init()` to be fired prior to the `wp_head` action where `_admin_bar_bump_cb()` is called (or the callback defined when 'admin-bar' theme support is added).
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[34561] instituted the policy of forcing pagination for comments. This strategy
was intended to avert problems when 'page_comments' is set to 0 - as it is by
default - and the number of comments on a given post rises into the hundreds or
thousands. By forcing pagination in all cases, we ensured that WordPress would
not time out by processing unwieldy numbers of comments on a given pageload.
The strategy proves problematic, however, because comment permalinks are
generated using the page of the comment. Forcing pagination for posts that
were not previously paginated would change the URL of all comments that do not
appear on the default comment page.
This changeset reintroduces the 'page_comments' setting and its corresponding
checkbox on Settings > Discussion. A number of tests, which were written after
[34561], are modified to work now that 'page_comments' will, once again, be
disabled by default.
See #8071.
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Baby API was born at 2.8KLOC on October 8th at 2:30 UTC. API has lots
of growing to do, so wish it the best of luck.
Thanks to everyone who helped along the way:
Props rmccue, rachelbaker, danielbachhuber, joehoyle, drewapicture,
adamsilverstein, netweb, tlovett1, shelob9, kadamwhite, pento,
westonruter, nikv, tobych, redsweater, alecuf, pollyplummer, hurtige,
bpetty, oso96_2000, ericlewis, wonderboymusic, joshkadis, mordauk,
jdgrimes, johnbillion, jeremyfelt, thiago-negri, jdolan, pkevan,
iseulde, thenbrent, maxcutler, kwight, markoheijnen, phh, natewr,
jjeaton, shprink, mattheu, quasel, jmusal, codebykat, hubdotcom,
tapsboy, QWp6t, pushred, jaredcobb, justinsainton, japh, matrixik,
jorbin, frozzare, codfish, michael-arestad, kellbot, ironpaperweight,
simonlampen, alisspers, eliorivero, davidbhayes, JohnDittmar, dimadin,
traversal, cmmarslender, Toddses, kokarn, welcher, and ericpedia.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
For the past 6 years, WordPress has operated as an oEmbed consumer, allowing users to easily embed content from other sites. By adding oEmbed provider support, this allows any oEmbed consumer to embed posts from WordPress sites.
In addition to creating an oEmbed provider, WordPress' oEmbed consumer code has been enhanced to work with any site that provides oEmbed data (as long as it matches some strict security rules), and provides a preview from within the post editor.
For security, embeds appear within a sandboxed iframe - the iframe content is a template that can be styled or replaced entirely by the theme on the provider site.
Props swissspidy, pento, melchoyce, netweb, pfefferle, johnbillion, extendwings, davidbinda, danielbachhuber, SergeyBiryukov, afercia
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