This renames the file containing the Custom_Background class to conform to the coding standards.
This commit also includes:
- A new custom-background.php that includes the new file, for anyone that may've been including the file directly.
- Replaces a reference to the old filename with the new filename.
See #47632.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This renames the file containing the `Custom_Image_Header` class to conform to the coding standards.
This commit also includes:
- A new `custom-header.php` that includes the new file, for anyone that may've been including the file directly.
- Replaces references to the old filename with the new filename.
See #47632.
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PHP 7.4 addes a warning when trying access a null/bool/int/float/resource (everything but array, string and object) as if it were an array.
This change fixes all of these warnings visible in unit tests.
Props jrf.
See #47704.
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With this change, fatal errors recorded before a plugin was deactivated or a theme was switched away from do not persist. This ensures that re-enabling it re-checks for fatal errors correctly.
Props aandrewdixon, dhanukanuwan, henrywright.
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Responsive embeds is a way for a theme to opt in to WordPress dynamically scaling the width/height of an embed. When a theme supports responsive embeds, a `wp-embed-responsive` class is added to the `<body>` tag. This information is also presented through the REST API for clients to respect.
Merges [43790] and [43791] from the 5.0 branch to trunk.
Props desrosj, danielbachhuber, ocean90.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
WPCS 1.0.0 includes a bunch of new auto-fixers, which drops the number of coding standards issues across WordPress significantly. Prior to running the auto-fixers, there were 15,312 issues detected. With this commit, we now drop to 4,769 issues.
This change includes three notable additions:
- Multiline function calls must now put each parameter on a new line.
- Auto-formatting files is now part of the `grunt precommit` script.
- Auto-fixable coding standards issues will now cause Travis failures.
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Fixes a bug where menu assignements couldn't be changed when previewing a theme.
Also removes an unnecessary call to menu mapping after a theme switch from the customizer and makes sure the locations option is always written, for good measure.
Props westonruter.
See #39692.
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This is a follow up on r41732, implementing the following improvements:
* Attachment parent info is now stored in attachment meta rather than a
separate post meta key.
* Attachments created from contextual crops (e.g. header, logos, etc.) are
filtered out of the media library using a new `_filterContext` method in
Props joemcgill, westonruter.
See #21819.
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* Update stubs to have draft status when changeset is saved as draft, instead of preventing auto-draft garbage collection by giving them a far-future `post_date`.
* Show notice in publish metabox when editing a customization draft indicating that it will be published automatically with its changeset; a link to Customizer is included.
* Include a new "Customization Draft" display post state in the post list table.
* Disconnect stubs from their changesets when they are updated with a status other than "Draft".
* Trash customization drafts when their related changeset is trashed or deleted.
* Add a `_customize_changeset_uuid` postmeta to stubs to link them with their associated changeset.
* Include `customize_changeset_uuid` as context when requesting to insert a new auto-draft.
Props westonruter, melchoyce.
See #39896, #39752, #34923.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This adds `Custom_Image_Header::get_previous_crop()`, which finds any
previously cropped headers created from the same base image and replaces
that attachment rather than creating a new attachment.
After updating a crop, the replaced images is also removed from the list
of previous header images in the Customizer.
See #21819.
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* Autosaved changes made on top of `auto-draft` changesets get written on top of the `auto-draft` itself, similar to how autosaves for posts will overwrite post drafts.
* Autosaved changes made to saved changesets (e.g. `draft`, `future`) will be placed into an autosave revision for that changeset and that user.
* Opening the Customizer will now prompt the user to restore their most recent auto-draft changeset; if notification is dismissed or ignored then the auto-draft will be marked as dismissed and will not be prompted to user in a notification again.
* Customizer will no longer automatically supply the `changeset_uuid` param in the `customize.php` URL when branching changesets are not active.
* If user closes Customizer explicitly via clicking on X link, then autosave auto-draft/autosave will be dismissed so as to not be prompted again.
* If there is a changeset already saved as a `draft` or `future` (UI is forthcoming) then this changeset will now be autoloaded for the user to keep making additional changes. This is the linear model for changesets.
* To restore the previous behavior of the Customizer where each session started a new changeset, regardless of whether or not there was an existing changeset saved, there is now a `customize_changeset_branching` hook which can be filtered to return `true`.
* `wp.customize.requestChangesetUpdate()` now supports a second with options including `autosave`, `title`, and `date`.
* The window `blur` event for `customize.php` has been replaced with a `visibilitychange` event to reduce autosave requests when clicking into preview window.
* Adds `autosaved` and `branching` args to `WP_Customize_Manager`.
* The `changeset_uuid` param for `WP_Customize_Manager` is extended to recognize a `false` value which causes the Customizer to defer identifying the UUID until `after_setup_theme` in the new `WP_Customize_Manager::establish_loaded_changeset()` method.
* A new `customize_autosaved` query parameter can now be supplied which is passed into the `autosaved` arg in `WP_Customize_Manager`; this option is an opt-in to source data from the autosave revision, allowing a user to restore autosaved changes.
Props westonruter, dlh, sayedwp, JoshuaWold, melchoyce.
See #39896.
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Builds on efforts brought forward in #17979.
This will send sidebars through three levels of mapping:
1. If both themes have only one sidebar, that gets mapped.
2. If both themes have sidebars with the same slug, they get mapped.
3. Sidebars that (even partially) match slugs from a similar kind of sidebar will get mapped.
Finally, if the theme has previously been active and we have a record of its
sidebar configuration then, any unmapped sidebar will be restored to its
previous state.
Props westonruter, obenland, alexvorn2, timmydcrawford.
See #39693.
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This will send nav menu locations through three levels of mapping:
1. If both themes have only one location, that gets mapped.
2. If both themes have locations with the same slug, they get mapped.
3. Locations that (even partially) match slugs from a similar kind of menu location will get mapped.
Menu locations are mapped for Live Previews in the Customizer and during theme switches.
Props westonruter, obenland, welcher, melchoyce.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The `settings_previewed` property eliminates the need for the Customizer components from having to look at global `doing_ajax` state. This is in particular needed when saving settings, as some settings will short-circuit the update operation if they detect no changes are introduced. This is also needed for low-level integrations with the Customizer, such as in REST API endpoints under development.
Props stubgo, westonruter, utkarshpatel for testing.
See #38900.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This prevents an additional 301 redirect when clicking on the nav menu item, and it also prevents a scenario where the auth cookie may not be passed and cause an authentication error when navigating in the customizer.
Props dlh, swissspidy.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
* Moves logic from `WP_Customize_Custom_CSS_Setting::update()` into a re-usable `wp_update_custom_css_post()` function, useful for future REST API endpoint, WP-CLI command, or plugin migrations.
* Renames `customize_update_custom_css_post_content_args` filter to `update_custom_css_data` and improves the naming of the parameters. Instead of passing `post_content` and `post_content_filtered` the filtered array now contains `css` and `preprocessed` respectively.
* The second context param for the `update_custom_css_data` filter is now an array of the original args passed to `wp_update_custom_css_post()` and there is now no more `$setting` arg since it isn't necessarily being called in the customizer context.
Props westonruter, georgestephanis.
See #35395.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Featured image support means that attachments can now be imported. Media can be sideloaded from within theme or plugin directories. Like other posts, attachments are auto-drafts until customizer changes are published, and are not duplicated when they already exist in the customized state. Attachment IDs can be used for any number of purposes, much like post IDs. Twenty Seventeen now includes 3 images used as featured images to best showcase the multi-section homepage setup.
As featured image IDs are stored in post meta, it also made sense to add support for page templates. Twenty Seventeen does not include any such templates, but the functionality can be quite important for displaying themes to their best effect.
props westonruter, helen, flixos90.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
When a custom header image was set but custom CSS was not, `wp_get_custom_css_post()` was generating an UPDATE query on every frontend request.
In theme options the header image meta data is stored as an object. In `update_option()` this hits an edge case as the resource IDs of the old and new values never match.
This changes the logic of `wp_get_custom_css_post()` to ensure `set_theme_mod()` is only called when the custom CSS has changed.
Props bradyvercher, helen.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This adds play/pause controls to video headers, along with voice
assistance, using `wp.a11y.speak`, to make custom video headers more
accessible. To make styling the play/pause button easier for themes,
CSS has been omitted from the default implementation.
This also includes a refactor of the `wp.customHeader` code to introduce
a `BaseHandler` class, which can be extended by plugins and themes to modify
or enhance the default video handlers.
Props davidakennedy, afercia, bradyvercher, joemcgill, adamsilverstein, rianrietveld.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Some widgets that require more configuration are not included, such as RSS and Custom Menu. Tag Cloud is also not included because fresh sites do not have any tags to display.
Also adds a search widget to a Twenty Seventeen footer widget area.
see #38615.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
* Ensure that starter content can apply from theme B after previewing starter content in theme A.
* Introduce new `starter_content` flag in changeset setting params which is used to capture whether a value is starter content and thus can be overridden.
* Create changeset up-front with `starter_content` flags instead of waiting for `AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL`.
* Eliminate instantiation of settings for widget instances in favor of directly calling `sanitize_widget_js_instance`. This eliminates issues with looking for widgets before they are registered.
* Ensure that non-placeholders (inline arrays instead of string references) can be supplied in starter content.
* Re-use auto-draft posts as starter content across theme switches.
* Introduce `starter_content` param for `WP_Customize_Manager::save_changeset_post()` which is `false` except when starter content is being loaded on a `fresh_site`.
See #38114.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Adds a callback for determining when video headers should be displayed in themes supporting custom headers. By default, video headers are only displayed on the front page of a site.
Theme authors may set a custom callback by passing `'video-active-callback' => 'mytheme_video_active_callback'` as an argument. The default callback is `is_front_page()`.
This introduces the new function `is_header_video_active()` - returns `true` on pages that should display video headers. The return value can be filtered using the new filter of the same name.
Props flixos90, bradyvercher, peterwilsoncc, joemcgill.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
* Use `postMessage` transport for header image settings by default when video headers are supported, and thus `the_custom_header_markup()` will necessarily be used (and thus a selective refresh partial will be available).
* Ensure that `the_custom_header_markup()` always outputs a container element in the customizer preview even if the header is empty.
* Ensure that edit shortcut appearing for custom header does not get positioned off-screen.
Props bradyvercher, westonruter.
See #38639.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
* Add `customize_value_custom_css` filter to `WP_Customize_Custom_CSS::value()` method.
* Introduce `customize_update_custom_css_post_content_args` filter in `WP_Customize_Custom_CSS::update()` method.
* Make clear that `wp_get_custom_css()` and `wp_get_custom_css` filter are specifically for obtaining the value to render/display. Eliminate use of `wp_get_custom_css()` when getting the setting value. Use the underlying `post_value` directly when `is_previewed`.
* Move anonymous functions handing JS previewing for `custom_logo`, `custom_css`, and `background` into named functions on the `wp.customize.settingPreviewHandlers` to allow plugins to override/extend preview logic.
* Update `_custom_background_cb` to always print a `style` tag wen in the customizer preview, and update background preview logic to replace existing style element instead of appending a new style to the head so that background changes don't unexpectedly override any Custom CSS in the preview's stylesheet cascade.
Props westonruter, georgestephanis.
See #22058.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Restoring the current user context when saving a setting ensures filters apply as expected, such as Kses. When a user is not associated with a given setting change, continue to override `capability` to be `exist` when saving. Skip overwriting setting values in a changeset that have not changed, facilitating concurrent editing and amending a changeset by a user with fewer privileges.
See #30937.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
`get_header_image_tag()` relies on the data returned by `get_custom_header()`
to build the attributes for the header `<img>` element. However,
`get_custom_header()` relies on data from the `header_image_data` theme
mod rather than the `header_image` theme mod that `get_header_image()` uses.
This can create inconsistencies when no header image is set, but a theme
supports a default header image.
This fixes the issue by making `get_custom_image_tag()` rely on the URL
returned by `get_header_image()` instead.
Props bradyvercher.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
A theme can opt-in for tailored starter content to apply to the customizer when previewing the theme on a fresh install, when `fresh_site` is at its initial `1` value. Starter content is staged in the customizer and does not go live unless the changes are published. Initial starter content is added to Twenty Seventeen.
* The `fresh_site` flag is cleared when a published post or page is saved, when widgets are modified, or when the customizer state is saved.
* Starter content is registered via `starter-content` theme support, where the argument is an array containing `widgets`, `posts`, `nav_menus`, `options`, and `theme_mods`. Posts/pages in starter content are created with the `auto-draft` status, re-using the page/post stubs feature added to nav menus and the static front page controls.
* A `get_theme_starter_content` filter allows for plugins to extend a theme's starter content.
* Starter content in themes can/should re-use existing starter content items in core by using named placeholders.
* Import theme starter content into customized state when fresh site.
* Prevent original_title differences from causing refreshes if title is present.
* Ensure nav menu item url is set according to object when previewing.
* Make sure initial saved state is false if there are dirty settings without an existing changeset.
* Ensure dirty settings are cleaned upon changeset publishing.
Props helen, westonruter, ocean90.
Fixes#38114, #38533.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This adds the ability for themes to add support for videos in custom headers
by passing `'video' => true` as an argument when adding theme support for
custom headers.
Custom video headers are managed through the “Header Visuals” (i.e. “Header Image”)
panel in the Customizer where you can select a video from the media library or set a
URL to an external video (YouTube for now) for use in custom headers.
This introduces several new functions:
`has_header_video()` – Check whether a header video is set or not.
`get_header_video_url()` – Retrieve header video URL for custom header.
`the_header_video_url()` – Display header video URL.
`get_header_video_settings()` – Retrieve header video settings.
`has_custom_header()` – Check whether a custom header is set or not.
`get_custom_header_markup()` – Retrieve the markup for a custom header.
`the_custom_header_markup()` – Print the markup for a custom header.
And a new file, `wp-includes/js/wp-custom-header.js` that handles loading videos
in custom headers.
This also enables video headers in the Twenty Seventeen and Twenty Fourteen themes.
Props davidakennedy, celloexpressions, bradyvercher, laurelfulford, joemcgill.
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Introduces new control for managing the background position. Adds control for setting the `background-size`.
Props cdog, celloexpressions, grapplerulrich, MikeHansenMe, FolioVision, afercia, helen, melchoyce, karmatosed, westonruter, Kelderic, sebastian.pisula.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
* Custom CSS is associated with a given theme and is displayed in an inline `style` element at the `wp_head` hook after the `wp_print_styles` is called so that it overrides any enqueued stylesheets.
* A `wp_get_custom_css()` function is used for accessing the CSS associated with the current theme (or another theme) and a `wp_get_custom_css` filter for manipulating it.
* CSS is managed in customizer via a new "Additional CSS" section with a single `textarea` control.
* `WP_Customize_Section::$description_hidden` is introduced for hiding extended descriptions in customizer sections behind a help toggle as done with panels.
* CSS is stored in a `custom_css` post type with the theme (stylesheet) slug as the `post_name`.
* `WP_Customize_Custom_CSS_Setting` is introduced to handle validation of CSS, previewing, and persisting the CSS to the `custom_css` post type.
* The `custom_css` setting is tied to a new `unfiltered_css` capability which maps to `unfiltered_html` by default.
* Escaping the message in the notification template is removed to allow markup (`code` tags) to be rendered.
Props johnregan3, celloexpressions, folletto, westonruter.
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* `wp-admin` and `wp-includes` are scanned for classes to autoload
* Several 3rd-party and Ryan McCue-shaped libraries are excluded when the classmap is generated, see `composer.json`: `autoload.exclude-from-classmap`
* `wp-vendor/autoload_52.php` is included at the top of `wp-settings.php` - no changes need to be made to unit tests to include the autoloader
* An avalanche of `require()` and `require_once()` calls that loaded class files have been removed from the codebase.
The following files have been added to `svn:ignore` - they are not 5.2-compatible and fail during pre-commit:
* src/wp-vendor/autoload.php
* src/wp-vendor/composer/autoload_real.php
* src/wp-vendor/composer/autoload_static.php
* src/wp-vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php
We favor these files instead:
* src/wp-vendor/autoload_52.php
* src/wp-vendor/composer/autoload_real_52.php
* src/wp-vendor/composer/ClassLoader52.php
When new PHP classes are added to the codebase, simply run `composer install` or `composer update` from the project root to update the autoloader.
The future is now.
See #36335.
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