This changeset deactivates the download authenticity message by disabling package signature verification, at least until software signing is fully implemented on The provided message had no actionability and only led to more support.
Props jipmoors, afercia, bridgetwillard, s0what, rajinsharwar, audrasjb, johnbillion, peterwilsoncc.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
[58139] introduced debugging flags to ensure debugging output would only be shown when both the `WP_DEBUG` and `WP_DEBUG_LOG` constants are defined as true. However, some of the flags incorrectly use `WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY` rather than `WP_DEBUG_LOG`.
This fixes the flags to consistently use `WP_DEBUG` and `WP_DEBUG_LOG` as intended.
Follow-up to [58128], [58139].
Props rogermedia, afragen, swissspidy, costdev.
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The Rollback Auto-Update feature introduced additional maintenance mode toggling.
After installing WordPress in a non-English (US) language, translation updates are performed automatically. As there may be a large number of updates for Core and bundled themes, users will be presented with a maintenance notice upon visiting the newly installed website.
To avoid concerning users that the website has failed to install correctly, this excludes translation updates from triggering the additional maintenance mode toggling.
Follow-up to [58128].
Props benniledl, afragen, rajinsharwar, costdev.
Fixes#61260. See #58281.
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Change the edit menu item toggle to communicate more context about the item to be edited. Make edit text consistent between Customizer menu editor and admin menu editor.
The menu position is conveyed only visually, using indentation, because there are no organizational semantics in either editor. This change helps provide screen reader users with consistent contextual information about the order, position, and parent of the current item.
Props joedolson, rcreators, afercia, mohonchandra.
Fixes#60673, See #60672.
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Just like Site Health lists the paths to the plugins/themes/uploads directories, this changeset adds the path to the fonts directory (and its size).
Props swissspidy, andr3ribeiro, krupajnanda, ironprogrammer, iamfarhan09, naeemhaque, imasikur22, tofajjal02, sarkarripon, prottoysarkar, zunaid321, imranhasanraaz, rajinsharwar, nazmul111, audrasjb, peterwilsoncc.
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In #50824 support was added for a package to include a disable_autoupdate flag to indicate that the plugin/theme should not be auto-updated even if a user had opted-in via the WP-Admin UI. However, the logic implementing the flag was inverted.
This commit repairs the logic. If a package has disable_autoupdate set, then it should not be auto-updated.
Props amisiewicz.
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On the profile edit screen in ``wp-admin, the username was previously displayed using an input field with the `disabled` attribute. This field was skipped by screen readers, which leads to a loss of information for visually impaired users. This changeset switches it to a `readonly` attribute, which is exactly the purpose of this field.
Props roytanck, audrasjb, rajinsharwar, joedolson.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The Site Editor Patterns page was exposed internally for the Classic theme as of WP6.5. As we aim to officially expose the new Patterns page as of WP6.6, this changeset makes the following changes available when a classic themes is activated:
- Link Appearance > Patterns submenu to the Site Editor Patterns page located at `wp-admin/site-editor.php?path=/patterns
- Remove Template Parts submenu
Props wildworks, audrasjb, ironprogrammer, azaozz, youknowriad.
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With a new direction in the 6.5.4 to restore the Activate button's href (see [58250]), the changesets committed for 6.5.3 (see #60992) are now dead code and will not render the admin notice on successful plugin activation.
This commit is a clean revert of r58081.
Follow-up to [58250].
Props swissspidy, azaozz, costdev, jorbin, hellofromTonya, afragen.
See #60992, #61319.
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Make the panels for selecting menu items to add to a panel resizable using the CSS `resize` property. This minor change makes it easier to select items to add on desktop devices, and has nominal impact on other interfaces.
Props namith.jawahar, NekoJonez, jorbin, joen, joedolson.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Restores the Activate button's `href` native behavior by changing the AJAX activation handler introduced in 6.5.0. It restores the pre-6.5 behavior of clicking the "Activate" button, i.e. navigates the user to the button's `href` (i.e. to the `plugins.php` UI).
Feedback was given after shipping [57545] in 6.5.0 (but was unknown during the development and testing cycles) revealed significant impacts for plugins who's users valued the onboarding / configuration experiences.
6.5.3's [58081] and [58083] added a new user action / step to the workflow. Though helpful, it did not fully resolve the impacts.
For the minor, this commit seeks to restore only the "Activate" button's `href` pre-6.5 native behavior to resolve the regression.
The next phase of the Add Plugins workflow can then continue in a major release to gain the benefits of a full major to move it from ideation through the development phases. (See #61040). The questions of redirect, how / should configuration be in the workflow, etc. can best be explored and experimented with in a major.
Follow-up to [57545], [58081], [58083].
Props costdev, jorbin, hellofromTonya, afragen, kevinwhoffman, azaozz, adrianduffell, beaulebens, hmbashar, illuminea, ironprogrammer, jjj, lopo, louiswol94, mikachan, nerrad, mukesh27, peterwilsoncc, pooja1210, smub, swissspidy.
See #22316, #60992.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Allow translators to replace the W3C WAI decision tree link used to provide information about writing alt text. Improves accessibility for non-English speaking content authors.
Props tmatsuur, joedolson, oglekler, SergeyBiryukov, myhro, sabernhardt.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The post editor uses the permalink_template property from the posts REST API to render the post slug input or not. For auto-drafts or newly created posts, this property was not set properly. This PR solves by fixing the get_sample_permalink function used to compute this property.
Props youknowriad, mcsf, antonvlasenko, azaozz, peterwilsoncc, andrewserong, hellofromTonya, spacedmonkey.
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Clicking on these links initiates an action, so they are more semantically a button rather than a link. Keeping them as an anchor in html allows any existing JS that is targeted to these items to continue to function. The addition of the role helps assistive technology to know that they should treat this as a button.
Props stevejonesdev, sabernhardt, vipulgupta003, rcreators, joedolson.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
There are several exist places in Core that attempt to detect if a blog charset
is UTF-8. Each place attempts to perform the same check, except the logic is
spread throughout and there's no single method provided to make this
determination in a consistent way. The `_canonical_charset()` method exists,
but is marked private for use.
In this patch the new `unicode` module provides `is_utf8_charset()` as a method
taking an optional charset slug and indicating if it represents UTF-8,
examining all of the allowable variants of that slug. Associated code is
updated to use this new function, including `_canonical_charset()`. If no slug
is provided, it will look up the current `get_option( 'blog_charset' )`.
Finally, the test functions governing `_canonical_charset()` have been
rewritten as a single test with a data provider instead of as separate test
Developed in
Discussed in
Props dmsnell, jonsurrell.
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Add visible labels to inputs that are using placeholder attributes as a substitute for visible labeling.
Labels added or made visible on the customizer theme search, customizer widget search, customizer menu item search, customizer new page UI, the search plugins screens, the media search screens, and the classic editor link inserter.
Props afercia, joedolson, rcreators, sabernhardt.
See #40331.
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The link is a part of the deprecation notice displayed when saving an unregistered setting.
Follow-up to [13646], [13785], [14070], [32116], [34315], [45674].
Props timse201, sabernhardt, amitraj2203, khokansardar, SergeyBiryukov.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Add a confirmation dialog when users navigate away from the user profile screen if they have unsaved changes to prevent data loss.
Props ashokrane, karlijnbk, diedeexterkate, jwgoedert, joedolson, swissspidy, afercia.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
If organizing uploads into month- and year-based folders, uploading an attachment to an existing post should store the file in `wp-content/uploads/<year>/<month>` based on the post's publish date. This is in line with the behavior in classic editor / the media modal.
Props swissspidy, adamsilverstein, timothyblynjacobs, skithund, sergeybiryukov, patricia70.
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This builds on the temporary backup system introduced in 6.3 to allow automatic updates to benefit from fatal error protection. A loopback request is performed to the home page of the site and the plugin is rolled back to its backed up version if a fatal error is observed.
For debugging and observability during beta, this change includes several calls to `error_log()` during the upgrade and rollback stages. These calls can be removed or placed behind a flag once we're ready for RC1.
Props costdev, johnbillion, mukesh27, afragen, audrasjb, justlevine, kirasong, peterwilsoncc
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This results in the prevention of an installation running on a port on localhost (for example `localhost:8889`) being converted to a subdomain Multisite installation, whereas previously it was incorrectly allowed.
Props spacedmonkey
See #21077
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This changeset adds a `wp-admin/user/contribute.php` file to allow the "Get Involved" link to work on User Admin.
This changeset prevents an unintended 404 that occurs when a logged-in user clicks the "Get Involved" link (located in the menu-bar) from inside of the multisite-specific User Dashboard.
Related: r56220, r56309, #23348.
Props ignatiusjeroe, audrasjb, tobiasbg.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This allows a Multisite network to use an address that includes a port name, such as ``, and adds support for this to the local development environment too. You can now run a Multisite installation on the local development environment, for example at `localhost:8889`.
This also fixes some bugs with running a single site installation on a port, and updates the testing infrastructure so that the whole test suite runs both with and without a port number.
Props djzone, scribu, nacin, ipstenu, F J Kaiser, jeremyfelt, johnjamesjacoby, spacedmonkey, PerS, Clorith, Blackbam, enrico.sorcinelli, Jules Colle, obliviousharmony, desrosj, johnbillion
Fixes#21077, #52088
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Plugin activation on the Plugins > Add New screen is performed using AJAX, no longer performing redirects. This means that users will not see a newly activated plugin's menu items, admin notices, or other UI elements until the user refreshes or navigates to another screen. Without adequate messaging and direction, users may be unsure of what to do next.
This shows an admin notice when a plugin is activated from its plugin card or modal, informing the user that the plugin was activated, and that some changes may not occur until they refresh the page.
Follow-up to [57545].
Props costdev, jorbin, jeherve, flixos90, joedolson, ironprogrammer, audrasjb, alanfuller, kevinwhoffman, devsahadat, afragen, adrianduffell, azaozz, jason_the_adams, JeffPaul, webdevmattcrom, DrewAPicture, justlevine, stevejonesdev, benlk, roytanck.
Fixes#60992. See #22316.
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The way `wp_reset_vars()` sets global variables based on `$_POST` and `$_GET` values makes code hard to understand and maintain. It also makes it easy to forget to sanitize input.
This change removes the few places where `wp_reset_vars()` is used in the admin to explicitly use `$_REQUEST` and sanitize any input.
Props swissspidy, audrasjb, davideferre, killua99, weijland, voldemortensen.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Moves the translatable strings from the JS template defined in PHP to the `updates.js` script, where `_n()` can be used as recommended.
Props ideag, SergeyBiryukov, daledupreez, audrasjb, ocean90, swissspidy.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Improve support for using only PHP translation files.
This builds on top of the PHP translation file support added in WordPress 6.5, improving the behavior for projects using solely `.l10n.php` translation files and no `.mo.` and `.po` files.
Updates `wp_get_installed_translations()`, which is used when updating language packs and when uninstalling plugins/themes (to remove the translations again), to look for PHP translation files and read metadata from them. Additionally, the file lookup is now cached thanks to using `WP_Textdomain_Registry`.
Updates `Language_Pack_Upgrader::check_package()` to allow language packs that only contain PHP translation files. While continues to serve `.mo` and `.po` files, third-party services might want to only use the PHP file format.
See #60554.
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[56950] reduced the heading size of About screen headings, but that did not edit the size for smaller viewports.
This changeset fixes this issue, and also updates the larger fluid font size (960px - 1200px).
Follow-up to [56950].
Props dhruvang21, sabernhardt, khokansardar.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Remove `target="_blank"` from two links to developer resources on adding the personal data eraser to plugins in the Help info for the privacy screens. Also rectifies differences between the export and erase text for consistency and changes the order of paragraphs.
Props sabernhardt, joedolson.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
In PHP 8.4, declaring function or method parameters with a default value of `null` is deprecated if the type is not nullable.
PHP applications are recommended to ''explicitly'' declare the type as nullable. All type declarations that have a default value of `null`, but without declaring `null` in the type declaration, will emit a deprecation notice:
function test( array $value = null ) {}
`Deprecated: Implicitly marking parameter $value as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead`
**Recommended Changes**
Change the implicit nullable type declaration to a nullable type declaration, available since PHP 7.1:
- function test( string $test = null ) {}
+ function test( ?string $test = null ) {}
This commit updates the affected instances in core to use a nullable type declaration.
* [ PHP RFC: Deprecate implicitly nullable parameter types]
* [ PHP.Watch: PHP 8.4: Implicitly nullable parameter declarations deprecated]
Follow-up to [28731], [50552], [57337], [57985].
Props ayeshrajans, jrf, audrasjb, jorbin.
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Include the asset version of JavaScript and CSS files when generating the ETag for concatenated assets in `load-scripts.php` and `load-styles.php`. This ensures the ETag is updated as script versions change (for example editor package updates) rather than only when the WordPress version changes.
The `W\` prefix is added to the generated ETag to allow for CDNs and proxy servers modifying the script to add or improve the compression algorithm.
Props azaozz, dav4, ironprogrammer, johnbillion, kkmuffme, monzuralam, peterwilsoncc, sergeybiryukov.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The value of `start` is not fully supported by Opera Mini which has 1.01% usage. There is no material change in functionality with this change.
Follow-up to [55919].
Props davidbaumwald, sabernhardt, khokansardar, devsahadat.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Since WordPress 6.5, the minimum supported version of MySQL and MariaDB is 5.5.5. This means all supported database servers now support the `utf8mb4` character set and therefore the conditional logic for this is no longer necessary.
Props l1nuxjedi, craigfrancis, OllieJones, johnbillion
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This changeset put back the context parameter of the "Patterns" string which was previously removed to fix a translation issue without introducing a string change during WP 6.5 string freeze period.
Follow-up to [57864].
Props kebbet, narenin, nestea29950.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This changeset updates a translation string to ensure the "Patterns" menu item introduced in [57543] is translatable.
This quickfix simply removes the erroneous `context` parameter so no new string is introduced during WP 6.5 string freeze period. A follow-up changeset will be needed to replace the current `__()` function with `_x()` and put back the `context` parameter.
Follow-up to [57543].
Props jdy68, audrasjb, kebbet, swissspidy.
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This changeset removes the "Pattern overrides" section from features.
Also updates the field guide link, this link should redirect correctly once the post is published.
Follow-up to [57715], [57767].
Props ryelle, benjamin_zekavica.
See #60303.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This makes several refinements to the various error messages displayed throughout the WordPress admin related to plugin dependencies. Additionally, it adds some conditions to display more appropriate messages for multisite installs with proper context to the user’s capabilities.
Props costdev, swissspidy, afragen, huzaifaalmesbah, knutsp.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This makes several refinements to the various notices displayed in the WordPress admin related to plugin dependencies. Additionally, it adds some conditions to display more appropriate messages for multisite installs with proper context to the user’s capabilities.
Props costdev, joedolson, afragen, swissspidy, peterwilsoncc, euthelup.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Previously, the spacing between media toolbar elements in grid and list view did not match. We now use the same select margin across both views.
Props desrosj, seusmaniqbal, ianbelanger, subrataemfluence, sabernhardt, pooja1210, sumitbagthariya16, shailu25, devmuhib, huzaifaalmesbah, audrasjb.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Add parity between site icon, custom header, and default image crop behaviors. [53027] fixed a bug where alt text and caption were not copied on custom headers, but did not apply that change in any other context.
Deprecate the `create_attachment_object` method in the `Wp_Site_Icon` and `Custom_Image_Header` classes and replace that functionality with the new function `wp_copy_parent_attachment_properties()` to improve consistency.
Props afercia, rcreators, jorbin, joedolson, huzaifaalmesbah, shailu25, swissspidy, mukesh27.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Fix missing subitem indicator when menu items in the Customizer are children of parent menu items & add menu item original title to button text. Adds parity with the admin menu editor and fixes a bug where the button text was 'untitled' if the menu item title had not been edited.
Props designsimply, afercia, celloexpressions, kushang78, joedolson, rcreators.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
When removing a single item from the bulk edit box or when adding more items, the “All” checkboxes at the top and bottom of the posts list table should be properly toggled.
Props hiteshtalpada, oglekler, webcommsat, ugyensupport, chaion07, Toru.
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Introducing the new content & design for the 6.5 About page & related pages. This style is simplified, with no header images, and brings back the illustrations from previous versions for Contribute, Freedoms, and Privacy.
This also includes a fix for heading hierarchy on the Get Involved page.
Props laurlittle, dansoschin, benjamin_zekavica, richtabor, joen, annezazu, swissspidy, marybaum, ryelle, huzaifaalmesbah.
See #60303.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This fixes a number of issues, chief among them:
- Updates to the site title are reflected in the preview.
- Improve alt text for preview
- Make string describing site icon more succinct.
- Add inline documentation to JavaScript
Props kebbet, jorbin, swissspidy, afercia, mukesh27, alexstine, jameskoster, andraganescu.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd