Follow-up to [52165] where the `version_compare()` fails for 11.8.x versions. This commit changes the version comparison to < 11.9 for deactivating the Gutenberg plugin.
The `_upgrade_580_force_deactivate_incompatible_plugins()` function is no longer needed in 5.9. It's redundant and unnecessary as `_upgrade_590_force_deactivate_incompatible_plugins()` deactivates those versions as well.
Removing `_upgrade_580_force_deactivate_incompatible_plugins()` and moving the deactivation logic back into the `_deactivate_gutenberg_when_incompatible_with_wp()`, thus removing the new private function `_deactivate_gutenberg_when_incompatible_with_wp()` introduced in [52165].
Follow-up [51180], [51266], [52165].
Props hellofromTonya, tobiasbg, clorith, sergeybiryukov, costdev.
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* Make sure the `wp_delete_temp_updater_backups` event has an action associated with it when it runs.
* Check if the cron event already exists before scheduling it, to avoid scheduling duplicate events.
* Move the code for clearing the `temp-backup` directory to a standalone function.
Follow-up to [51815], [51898], [51899].
Props pbiron, johnbillion.
See #51857.
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`get_term()` accepts a term ID, instance of `WP_Term`, or an object (i.e. `stdClass` as a result of a db query). Functions that use `get_term()` also now allow for the same data types.
Why? For consistency, removing extra processing code in consuming functions, and performance.
Functions changed in this commit are:
* `get_category_feed_link()`
* `get_term_feed_link()`
* `get_tag_feed_link()`
* `get_edit_tag_link()`
* `get_edit_term_link()`
* `edit_term_link()`
For each of consumer of these functions, changes to pass the object instead of the term ID.
Includes unit/integration tests for test coverage of these changes.
Follow-up to [6365], [9136], [9340], [14711], [15792], [15800], [18827], [32606], [36646], [37252].
Props davidbinda, johnbillion, peterwilsoncc, hellofromTonya, sergeybiryukov, mista-flo, hareesh-pillai, audrasjb, jeffpaul, chaion07.
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Based on follow-up research, this change was never necessary in order to use e2e tests in the media library uploader. Additionally, it created several complicated side effects. Without significant benefit, it's not valuable to pursue the change further.
Follow up to [52059].
See #54168, #54411.
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Fix bug introduced in [50829] that caused media modal to only load the selected image. Executes `.more()` when loading the modal to ensure that the media collection is available.
Props manishamakhija, birgire, dilipbheda, afercia, hellofromTonya.
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Avoid a fatal error due to `WP_Theme_JSON_Schema` and potentially other classes and/or functions redeclarations when updating to WordPress 5.9 with an incompatible version of the Gutenberg plugin.
This commit uses the same strategy from 5.8. Moves the plugin deactivation code (introduced in [51266]) to a private function for reuse in 5.8, 5.9, and future major releases.
Follow-up to [51180], [51266].
Props hellofromTonya, johnbillion, jorbin.
See #54405.
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Copies Navigation Area infrastrucutre from lib/navigation.php in Gutenberg. This
allows a Navigation block to be associated with a particular area which persists
when switching theme.
Props antonvlasenko, mamaduka, spacedmonkey.
See #54337.
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When posts are edited in bulk, the `_edit_last` meta was not updated for each post. This change adds a call to update the `_edit_last` meta to the current user ID for each post the is updated.
Props calebwoodbridge, peterwilsoncc, guillaumeturpin, audrasjb.
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Disable auto-correct for the slug field on the quick/bulk edit interface. As slugs may consist of a number of words combined in to a single string, they are unlikely to pass spell checkers.
Props swb1192, SergeyBiryukov, afragen, Clorith, desrosj, JeffPaul, sabernhardt, Boniu91, costdev, hellofromTonya.
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Previous messaging of this link was confusing given it went to an external source. This change describes more accurately that it will perform the action of taking you to the resource.
Props karmatosed, joedolson, melchoyce, hellofromTonya, afercia, sabernhardt, antpb.
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Previously, when uploading a media item type that is not supported, the default error message claims that the reason it cannot upload is due to security reasons. This is not always true. Now the warning says that the type is not allowed, which is always true.
Props antpb, Presskopp, peterwilsoncc, desrosj, iluy, circlecube, mikeschroder.
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As a legacy from the old Health Check plugin, the constant `WP_LOCAL_DEV` was included in the debug data under the "WordPress Constants" section. This was incorrect, and has never been a constant used by core.
Instead, that field is now replaced by `WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE`, which was introduced with WordPress 5.5, and is a much more appropriate value to provide in a debug scenario.
Props johnbillion, bgoewert, sabbirshouvo.
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The `get_core_checksums()` and `wp_version_check()` functions call the PHP native `http_build_query()` function, the second parameter of which is the ''optional'' `$numeric_prefix` parameter which expects a non-nullable `string`.
A parameter being optional, however, does not automatically make it nullable.
As of PHP 8.1, passing `null` to a non-nullable PHP native function will generate a deprecation notice.
In this case, this function call yielded a `http_build_query(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($numeric_prefix) of type string is deprecated` notice.
Changing the `null` to an empty string fixes this without a backward compatibility break.
* [ PHP Manual: http_build_query()]
* [ PHP RFC: Deprecate passing null to non-nullable arguments of internal functions]
Follow-up to [18697], [25540].
Props bjorsch, kraftbj, hellofromTonya, jrf.
See #54229.
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Changes the submit button text from "Submit" to "Save Changes".
Why? The text is more semantic and clear of what happens when activating that button.
Follow-up to [9103].
Props zodiac1978, knutsp, hilayt24, audrasjb.
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When viewing the listing of all comments, author links previously passed referrer information to untrusted URLs. This change adds `noreferrer` to each author link, as well as `noopener` to prevent the passing of information about the parent window.
Props cybr, adam3128, erayalakese, andraganescu, audrasjb, joedolson, sabernhardt.
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This changes some admin-area, user-facing text, to better match the guidelines and recommendations set forth in the make/core handbook, specifically:
> the word “we” should be avoided (...) unless its made very clear which group is speaking
(There are several more usages of "we" that will receive this same scrutiny in future commits/releases.)
Props audrasjb, johnbillion, marybaum, peterwilsoncc, sergeybiryukov, shital-patel.
Fixes #46057.
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The WordPress Events and News widget used an icon-only button to select a location. The Pencil icon alone provided insufficient context and labeling for accessibility. Add text to clearly describe button action and change icon to represent a location marker.
Props AmethystAnswers, sabernhardt.
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Similar to the existing `role`/`role__in`/`role__not_in` query arguments, this adds support for three new query arguments in `WP_User_Query`:
* `capability`
* `capability__in`
* `capability__not_in`
These can be used to fetch users with (or without) a specific set of capabilities, for example to get all users
with the capability to edit a certain post type.
Under the hood, this will check all existing roles on the site and perform a `LIKE` query against the `capabilities` user meta field to find:
* all users with a role that has this capability
* all users with the capability being assigned directly
Note: In WordPress, not all capabilities are stored in the database. Capabilities can also be modified using filters like `map_meta_cap`. These new query arguments do NOT work for such capabilities.
The prime use case for capability queries is to get all "authors", i.e. users with the capability to edit a certain post type.
Until now, `'who' => 'authors'` was used for this, which relies on user levels. However, user levels were deprecated a long time ago and thus never added to custom roles. This led to constant frustration due to users with custom roles missing from places like author dropdowns.
This updates any usage of `'who' => 'authors'` in core to use capability queries instead.
Subsequently, `'who' => 'authors'` queries are being **deprecated** in favor of these new query arguments.
Also adds a new `capabilities` parameter (mapping to `capability__in` in `WP_User_Query`) to the REST API users controller.
Also updates `twentyfourteen_list_authors()` in Twenty Fourteen to make use of this new functionality, adding a new `twentyfourteen_list_authors_query_args` filter to make it easier to override this behavior.
Props scribu, lgladdly, boonebgorges, spacedmonkey, peterwilsoncc, SergeyBiryukov, swissspidy.
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This change allows for external clients to supply a suggested filename via a `Content-Disposition` response header. This filename is processed through `sanitize_file_name()` to ensure it is allowable (on the server, MIME's, etc...) and `validate_file()` to prevent directory traversal.
If the suggested filename fails the above processing/checks, that suggestion is discarded and the standard temporary filename (generated by WordPress) is used.
If no `Content-Disposition` header is found in the response headers, the standard temporary filename continues to be used as per normal.
Included in this change are 6 additional PHPUnit tests with 9 assertions. These tests confirm that valid filename values are correctly saved, and invalid filename values are correctly rejected.
Props cklosows, costdev, dd32, johnjamesjacoby, ocean90, psrpinto.
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This commit adds the `public` visibility keyword to each method which did not have an explicit visibility keyword.
Why `public`?
With no visibility previously declared, these methods are implicitly `public` and available for use. Changing them to anything else would be a backwards-compatibility break.
Props costdev, jrf.
See #54177.
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[51916] fixed a bug where `array( `false` )` was added to the cron array when `_get_cron_array()` returned `false`.
This commit:
* Removes any `false` values from the cron array when upgrading to 5.9+.
* Bumps the database version.
Follow-up to [44917], [51916].
Props peterwilsoncc, jrf.
See #53950.
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* Audio
* Video
* Unattached
This allows for more homogeneous translations in languages where keeping a plural form is important.
Follow-up to [6910], [7397], [8901], [9556], [11749], [13100], [12110], [15491], [15578], [22743], [29426], [29625], [34256], [45651], [46437].
Props jdy68, audrasjb, SergeyBiryukov.
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This allows these actions to run ''after'' the main process, without affecting the update. Actions running on `shutdown` are immune to PHP timeouts, so in case the failure was due to a PHP timeout, we'll still be able to properly restore the previous version.
Follow-up to [51815], [51898], [51899].
Props aristath, peterwilsoncc.
See #54166.
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This replaces the `copy_dir()` usage in `WP_Upgrader::install_package()` and aims to avoid PHP timeout issues when installing or updating large plugins on slower systems like Vagrant or the WP Docker test environment.
The new function attempts a native PHP `rename()` function first and falls back to the previous `copy_dir()`.
Follow-up to [51815], [51898].
Props afragen, aristath, peterwilsoncc, galbaras, noisysocks, pbiron.
Fixes#54166. See #51857.
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This avoids a few type problems further in the code: boolean divided by a number, or passing `false` to `size_format()` which is documented to accept integers or strings only.
Follow-up to [51815].
Props TobiasBg.
See #51857.
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This allows the parent `WP_List_Table::has_items()` method to work as expected, and the override in the child class can now be removed. It also makes the class more consistent with other list table classes.
As a result of this change, the "Bulk actions" dropdown is no longer unnecessarily displayed if there are no terms.
Follow-up to [15491], [17025], [17026].
Props mattoakley, swissspidy, audrasjb, SergeyBiryukov.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Previously the first and last page pagination buttons were disabled when on their next or previous page respectively. This commit removes that unnecessary logic to keep these buttons enabled and avoid confusion in the user's navigation workflow.
New behavior:
- When on page 2, the go to first page `«` button is enabled
- When on the page before the last page, the go to last page `»` button is enabled
Follow-up to [32948], [47219].
Props wp_kc, ronakganatra, knutsp, sabernhardt, Hareesh Pillai, audrasjb, hellofromTonya.
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Adjust similar code in `_post_states()` and `_media_states()` for consistency.
Follow-up to:
* [12897], [15491], [32755], [46153], [48424] for `WP_MS_Sites_List_Table::site_states()`.
* [17793], [47775], [49223] for `_media_states()`.
* [9153], [46309] for `_post_states()`.
Props joelcj91, audrasjb, desrosj.
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WordPress tries to avoid an issue where slugs might match an existing slug of a page/post.
If we are in a hierarchical post type, there will be a level, and we can leave it the same.
Props stormrockwell, SergeyBiryukov, terriann, tubys, jeremyfelt, Daschmi, MaximeCulea, knutsp, whyisjake.
See also #44112 and #45260.
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This aims to make the update process more reliable and ensures that if a plugin or theme update fails, the previous version can be safely restored.
* When updating a plugin or theme, the old version is moved to a temporary backup directory:
* `wp-content/upgrade/temp-backup/plugins/[plugin-slug]` for plugins
* `wp-content/upgrade/temp-backup/themes/[theme-slug]` for themes.
* If the update fails, then the temporary backup kept in the `upgrade/temp-backup` directory is restored to its original location.
* If the update succeeds, the temporary backup is deleted.
To further help troubleshoot plugin and theme updates, two new checks were added to the Site Health screen:
* A check to make sure that the `temp-backup` directory is writable.
* A check that there is enough disk space available to safely perform updates.
To avoid confusion: The `temp-backup` directory will NOT be used to "roll back" a plugin to a previous version after a completed update. This directory will simply contain a transient backup of the previous version of a plugin or theme being updated, and as soon as the update process finishes, the directory will be empty.
Props aristath, afragen, pbiron, dd32, poena, TimothyBlynJacobs, audrasjb, mikeschroder, a2hosting, hellofromTonya, KZeni, galbaras, richards1052, Boniu91, mai21, francina, SergeyBiryukov.
See #51857.
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This ensures that the beginning of the label matches the visible link text.
Add a similar label for the plugin URI link on the Plugins screen when the plugin is outside of the directory.
Follow-up to [28673], [28706], [35924].
Props sabernhardt, zeo, audrasjb.
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While the new name is much better, it doesn't fully tell what will happen when invoked nor does it fully solve the root problems.
Why? The function is doing too much. And naming is hard.
Props azaozz, desrosj, andraganescu, zieladam, hellofromTonya.
See #53811.
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In each child class: renames the parameter to match the parent's method signature.
Why? PHP 8 introduces the ability to pass named arguments to function/method calls. This means the child and parent method signatures (i.e. parameter names) need to match.
Changes for readability:
- `@since` clearly specifies the original parameter name and its new name as well as why the change happened.
Follow-up to [11005], [25806], [32655], [38199].
Props jrf, hellofromTonya, sergeybiryukov, azaozz, desrosj, johnbillion.
See #51553.
Built from
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In the parent class, renames the parameter `$string` to `$feedback`.
Why? `string` is a PHP reserved keyword.
In each child class: renames the parameter to match the parent's method signature.
Why? PHP 8 introduces the ability to pass named arguments to function/method calls. This means the child and parent method signatures (i.e. parameter names) need to match.
Changes for readability:
- `@since` clearly specifies the original parameter name and its new name as well as why the change happened.
Follow-up to [11005], [25228], [30680], [32655], [38199], [49596].
Props jrf, hellofromTonya, sergeybiryukov, azaozz, desrosj, johnbillion.
See #51553.
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In the parent class, renames the parameter `$object` to `$data_object`.
Why? `object` is a PHP reserved keyword. The parameter name is selected for consistency with `Walker::start_el()`.
In each child class: renames the parameter to match the parent's method signature.
Why? PHP 8 introduces the ability to pass named arguments to function/method calls. This means the child and parent method signatures (i.e. parameter names) need to match.
Changes for readability:
- `@since` clearly specifies the original parameter name and its new name as well as why the change happened.
Follow-up to [7737], [8900], [8970], [14248], [16100], [25642], [25644], [37051], [37056].
Props jrf, hellofromTonya, sergeybiryukov, azaozz, desrosj, johnbillion.
See #51553.
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The parent class uses `$current_object_id` while most of the child classes use `$id`. As the parent class' is more descriptive, renaming the last parameter in each of child class.
Why? PHP 8 introduces the ability to pass named arguments to function/method calls. This means the child and parent method signatures (i.e. parameter names) need to match.
Changes for readability:
- `@since` clearly specifies the original parameter name and its new name as well as why the change happened.
- In methods longer than a single line, the generic parameter is reassigned to the original parameter restoring it for context for use within the method. An inline comment is added to explain why this reassignment is made.
- In cases where the original parameter name was too generic or misleading, renamed (when reassigning) to a more descriptive name for use within the method.
Follow-up to [7737], [8900], [8970], [14248], [15077], [16100], [25642], [25644], [37051], [37054], [37056], [46271], [47189], [51739].
Props jrf, hellofromTonya, sergeybiryukov, azaozz, desrosj, johnbillion.
See #51553.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
In the parent class, renames the parameter `$object` to `$data_object`.
Why? `object` is a PHP reserved keyword.
In each child class: renames the corresponding parameter to match the parent's method signature.
PHP 8 introduces the ability to pass named arguments to function/method calls. This means the child and parent method signatures (i.e. parameter names) need to match.
Changes for readability:
- `@since` clearly specifies the original parameter name and its new name as well as why the change happened.
- in methods longer than a single line, the generic parameter is reassigned to the original parameter restoring it for context for use within the method. An inline comment is added to explain why this reassignment is made.
- in cases where the original parameter name was too generic, renamed (when reassigning) to a more descriptive name for use within the method.
Follow-up to [7737], [8900], [8970], [14248], [15077], [16100], [25642], [25644], [37051], [37054], [37056], [46271], [47189].
Props jrf, hellofromTonya, sergeybiryukov, azaozz, desrosj, johnbillion.
See #51553.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Matches the method signatures of the parent class and each child class.
Why? PHP 8 introduces the ability to pass named arguments to function/method calls. This means the child and parent method signatures (i.e. parameter names) need to match.
For readability:
- `@since` clearly specifies the original parameter name and its new name as well as why the change happened
- in methods longer than a single line, the generic parameter is reassigned to the original parameter restoring it for context for use within the method. An inline comment is added to explain why this reassignment is made.
Follow-up to [32644], [32664], [32798], [38489], [49183], [49197].
Props jrf, hellofromTonya, sergeybiryukov, azaozz, desrosj, johnbillion.
See #51553.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Matches the method signatures of the parent class and each child class.
Why? PHP 8 introduces the ability to pass named arguments to function/method calls. This means the child and parent method signatures (i.e. parameter names) need to match.
For readability:
- `@since` clearly specifies the original parameter name and its new name as well as why the change happened
- in methods longer than a single line, the generic parameter is reassigned to the original parameter restoring it for context for use within the method. An inline comment is added to explain why this reassignment is made.
Follow-up to [15632], [30679], [31210], [32740], [32753], [32754], [32755], [32756], [32757].
Props jrf, hellofromTonya, sergeybiryukov, azaozz, desrosj, johnbillion.
See #51553.
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The `$response` parameter is an object, not an array.
This is a minor inconsistency with the corresponding `in_theme_update_message-{$theme_key}` action for themes, where the `$response` parameter is an array.
For backward compatibility, it is safer not to change the parameter type at this point, but to make sure the documentation is correct.
Follow-up to [11193], [16141], [26540].
Props davidmosterd, audrasjb, SergeyBiryukov.
See #40006.
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The action fires after the Save Draft (or Save as Pending) and Preview (or Preview Changes) buttons in the Publish meta box.
The previous description stated that the action fires before the post date/time setting, which was not quite correct, as there are also post status and visibility settings between the action and the date/time setting.
Follow-up to [34895].
Props bedas, audrasjb.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Matches the method signatures of the parent class and each child class.
Why? PHP 8 introduces the ability to pass named arguments to function/method calls. This means the child and parent method signatures (i.e. parameter names) need to match.
For readability:
- `@since` clearly specifies the original parameter name and its new name as well as why the change happened
- in methods longer than a single line, the generic parameter is reassigned to the original parameter restoring it for context for use within the method. An inline comment is added to explain why this reassignment is made.
Follow-up to [15632], [30679], [31210], [32740], [32753], [32754], [32755], [32756], [32757].
Props jrf, hellofromTonya, @sergeybiryukov, @azaozz, @desrosj, @johnbillion
See #51553.
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The original name `retrieve_widgets()` was unclear as it suggested it was a getter, i.e. getting the widgets. This function does more than get: finds orphaned widgets, assigns them to the inactive sidebar, and updates the database.
The new name is `sync_registered_widgets()` which better represents what happens when this function is invoked.
The original `retrieve_widgets()` function is soft deprecated to avoid unnecessary code churn downstream for developers that support more than the latest version of WordPress.
Follow-up to [18630].
Props zieladam, timothyblynjacobs, andraganescu, hellofromTonya.
See #53811.
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This avoids a fatal error on PHP 8 caused by passing a zero value to `fread()` as the `$length` argument, which must be greater than zero.
This commit also amends the previous solution for similar issues elsewhere in the file to ensure consistent type for string values, instead of changing the type from `string` to `bool` when trying to read from an empty file.
Follow-up to [50355].
Props DavidAnderson, jrf, SergeyBiryukov.
Built from
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Installation and activation of incompatible plugins was previously disallowed in [43436] and [44978], but if such a plugin was installed manually, there was nothing on the Plugins screen that would show its compatibility status.
Showing an appropriate notice with a documentation link makes the UI more consistent and improves user experience.
Follow-up to [43436], [44937], [44939], [44978], [45043], [45165], [45546], [47573], [47816], [47819], [48172], [48636], [48637], [48638], [48640], [48652], [48653], [48654], [48660].
Props TacoVerdo, SergeyBiryukov.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The following warnings could, in very select circumstances, be shown:
// PHP 8.0 and higher:
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, bool given
// PHP 5.6 – 7.4
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
In `WP_Media_List_Table::prepare_items()`, the cron info array is retrieved via a call to `_get_cron_array()`, but as the documentation (correctly) states, the return type of that function is `array|false`, where `false` is returned for a virgin site, with no cron jobs scheduled yet.
However, no type check is done on the return value, and the method just blindly continues by using it in a `foreach`.
Fixed by adding validation for the returned value from `_get_cron_array()` and only running the `foreach` when the returned value is an array.
Reference: [ WordPress Developer Resources: _get_cron_array()]
Follow-up to [48417].
Props jrf, hellofromTonya, mukesh27.
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Hide the browser's native radio button on the custom background position selector in the Customizer and the legacy background screen. This fixes an issue causing both to display.
Props mukesh27, ravipatel, sabernhardt, walbo.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
As per the PHP manual:
> If the `component` parameter is omitted, an associative array is returned.
> If the `component` parameter is specified, `parse_url()` returns a string (or an int, in the case of `PHP_URL_PORT`) instead of an array. If the requested component doesn't exist within the given URL, `null` will be returned.
Reference: [ PHP Manual: parse_url(): Return Values]
This commit adds three unit tests for `download_url()`:
* The first test is "girl-scouting" to make sure that the code up to the point where the error is expected is tested.
* The second test exposed a PHP 8.1 `basename(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($path) of type string is deprecated` error due to the call to `parse_url()` returning `null` when the component requested does not exist in the passed URL.
* The output of the call to `parse_url()` stored in the `$url_path` variable is used in more places in the function logic. The third test exposes a second PHP 8.1 deprecation notice, this time for `substr(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated`.
This commit also removes duplicate `parse_url()` calls. Neither `$url` nor `$url_filename` are changed between when they are first received/defined and when they are re-used, so there is no need to repeat the function calls.
Follow-up to [51606], [51622].
Props jrf, hellofromTonya, SergeyBiryukov.
See #53635.
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This ensures that when multiple plugins or themes are updated and one succeeds and another fails, the error is reported accordingly.
Previously, both updates would end up treated as a success, due to `$this->result` containing the result of the previous operation and not the current one.
Follow-up to [12097].
Props pwtyler, afragen.
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This matches the documented type of the `$post_id` argument and is consistent with other instances of `wp_terms_checklist()` calls.
Per the function documentation, the default value is integer `0`, not `null`.
Follow-up to [13535].
Props tareiking, donmhico, jrf.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This adds a one-off notice to the dashboard in the event WordPress has automatically deactivated a plugin due to incompatibility with the new version of WordPress.
Introduces the new private function `deactivated_plugins_notice()` to display the notice in the dashboard. Introduces the new auto-loaded option `wp_force_deactivated_plugins` to store a list of automatically deactivated plugins; the option is used on both a site and network level.
Follow up to [51180].
Props desrosj, jorbin, azaozz, SergeyBiryukov, peterwilsoncc.
See #53432.
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This is the start of the WordPress 5.8 about page, introducing new content and a first pass of the new style.
Props chanthaboune, cbringmann, webcommsat, marybaum, melchoyce, shaunandrews, desrosj, ryelle, oglekler, yvettesonneveld, nalininonstopnewsuk, meher, femkreations, alanjacobmathew, courane01, annezazu, matveb, milana_cap, javiarce, ryokuhi, audrasjb.
See #52775.
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This wraps the inner-content of the Site Health dashboard widget to give a unique target for CSS selectors, restoring the ability to collapse the widget.
The initial implementation targeted the `.inside` class used by all widgets to apply styling to the widget content, but this prevented the widget from being collapsed, as it added grid-styles which other widgets do not use, overriding the usual behavior when toggling widget visibility.
Follow-up to [50833].
Props alanjacobmathew, walbo.
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This avoids a fatal error due to `WP_Block_Template` class redeclaration when updating to WordPress 5.8 with an older version of Gutenberg activated.
Follow-up to [35582] for the REST API plugin.
Props hellofromTonya, oglekler, azaozz, desrosj, pbiron, jorbin, youknowriad, TimothyBlynJacobs, Clorith, markparnell.
See #53432.
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This matches the documentation for the filter of the same name.
Previously, the function could return `false` for an audio or video attachment that does not exist in the local filesystem.
Props Chouby, SergeyBiryukov.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Restore the original shape of the AJAX response data in the media library after removing infinite scroll, and pass total number of attachments in the response headers `X-WP-Total` and `X-WP-TotalPages`.
Improve backwards compatibility for plugins intercepting the ajax response. Headers match the structure and count calculation used in REST API responses.
Fix an issue with hiding the spinner after the load is completed and ensure that the load more view is created when changing tabs in the media library modal.
Follow up to [50829].
props adamsilverstein, spacedmonkey, joedolson.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This adds the list of file formats supported by the GD library to the Media Handling section in Site Health.
This will help site owners debug any issues they encounter as support for newer, more modern image formats is added (such as WebP in [50810]).
Follow up to [50817].
Props adamsilverstein, jorbin.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The filters `user_confirmed_action_email_content`, `user_erasure_complete_email_subject`, and `user_erasure_complete_email_headers` have been deprecated.
They have been replaced with `user_erasure_fulfillment_email_content`, `user_erasure_fulfillment_email_subject`, and `user_erasure_fulfillment_email_headers`.
Props desrosj, garrett-eclipse, birgire, DrewAPicture, lifeforceinst, ocean90, pbiron, pento, coffee2code, TZ-Media, SergeyBiryukov, johnbillion, audrasjb, davidbaumwald, hellofromTonya, helen, xkon, antpb, peterwilsoncc, lukecarbis.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
If a browser matches Internet Explorer, the dashboard will display a notice recommending a more modern browser.
Props youknowriad, sabernhardt, afercia, SergeyBiryukov, davidbaumwald, netweb, johnbillion, jeherve.
See #48743.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Additionally, add a notice for when you are editing the "latest posts" page.
Props cameronjonesweb, swissspidy, hannahmalcolm, Fantasy1125, ArnaudBan, grantmkin, youknowriad, knutsp, SergeyBiryukov, audrasjb, whyisjake.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This affects:
* `validate_plugin_requirements()`
* `validate_theme_requirements()`
Historically, the `Requires PHP` header was introduced in #meta2952 for the Plugin Directory first, so at the time it made sense to have it defined in the same place as `Requires at least`, which only existed in `readme.txt`.
Since parsing of PHP and WordPress requirements was later added to WordPress core, the core should retrieve all the necessary data from the main plugin or theme file and not from `readme.txt`, which only contains the data meant for the Plugin or Theme Directory.
The recommended place for `Requires PHP` and `Requires at least` headers is as follows:
* The plugin's main PHP file
* The theme's `style.css` file
The place for the `Tested up to` header remains in `readme.txt` for the time being, as it's not used by WordPress core.
Follow-up to [44978], [45546], [47573], [47574], [meta5841], [meta9050].
Props afragen, Otto42, joyously, williampatton, audrasjb.
Fixes#48520. See #48515, #meta2952, #meta4514, #meta4621.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Fix the enter key in profile form fields moving focus to the application password input instead of submitting the profile update for. Replace the submit button type used for application passwords with `button type="button"` and ensure that the enter key's native behavior isn't overwritten.
props audrasjb, alexstine, promz, sabernhardt.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
By the time the tests run, both `wp_is_site_protected_by_basic_auth()` and `rest_url()` functions are available, so there is no need to check for their existence.
Follow-up to [44986], [51057].
Props Clorith, costdev, SergeyBiryukov.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The test to confirm if Authorization headers can be used and recognized by WordPress needs to include a username and password combination that WordPress can compare against during the testing phase. The inclusion of credentials here would unfortunately also invalidate any existing basic auth session for the site, for example if the user had added this as an extra layer of security on their back-end.
This test is now skipped if the `wp_is_site_protected_by_basic_auth()` function detects that basic auth is being used, since the act of using basic auth to access the site confirms that this feature is working as expected in the first place.
Props WebDragon, TimothyBlynJacobs, costdev.
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Add `$status` parameter to `post_exists()` to allow developers to specify a post type, date and status to ensure they hit the `wp_posts` table's `type_status_date` index when determining if a post exists.
Props apokalyptik, boonebgorges, brettshumaker, DrewAPicture, MikeHansenMe, peterwilsoncc, whyisjake.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The styles for the Privacy settings page were based on the Site Health section. These were duplicated into `edit.css` in #49264. This change merges the selectors from Site Health into the Privacy section, to reduce that duplicate code.
Props xkon, notlaura, clorith.
See #52429.
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This provides direct links to install and activate the plugin, if the user has the capabilities to do so, instead of just linking to plugin search results.
It also matches more closely the message about installing the Classic Editor plugin for meta boxes incompatible with the block editor.
Follow-up to [22855], [44280], [45657].
Props tw2113, peterwilsoncc, SergeyBiryukov.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Adds an option to bulk delete menu items from the core Navigation Menus screen, offering a considerable usability benefit when making significant changes to navigation menus.
Uses the bulk select pattern found in post and media lists for consistency with other core management screens, rather than the rapid delete pattern found in menus in the customizer.
Props wphound, welcher, melchoyce, maxpertici, audrasjb
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The `update_user_option()` function is a way to update a user meta value after adding a blog’s prefix to the beginning of the meta key. But when the fourth parameter is `true`, the behavior is exactly the same as calling `update_user_meta()` directly.
This replaces all instances of `update_user_option()` when the fourth parameter is `true` in Core with a direct call to `update_user_meta()` to prevent an unnecessary call to `update_user_option()`.
Props johnjamesjacoby, zkancs, obenland, desrosj.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This shows the parent theme name in a child theme's metadata section in the list table, in a similar way it is displayed in the theme details modal on the single site Themes screen.
Props dpik, Mista-Flo, seanchayes, poena, johnbillion, jeremyfelt, bradt, jacklenox, helen, Travel_girl, karmatosed, Presskopp, joyously, SergeyBiryukov.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This reverts the changes to `id_base` from [50953] due to backward compatibility concerns, and instead focuses on the `id` and `class` attributes specifically.
With this change, any backslashes in the `id` or `class` attributes for a namespaced widget class are converted to underscores, making it easier to style the output or target the widget with JavaScript.
Follow-up to [50953].
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This change fixes a false positive that would appear during scheduled events, by only running the REST test when a user visits the Site Health page, meaning an active session is available.
The test checking if the REST API is available, includes a parameter for `context=edit` to make sure the block editor can function properly. This means a user session with editor capabilities is required for the test to pass, which is not the case during a scheduled event.
Props szaqal21, TimothyBlynJacobs, hermpheus.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
There are a few instances where two separate functions are used for both escaping and translating output. This change combines the two functions into the appropriate Core helper function.
Props dimadin, SergeyBiryukov.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This allows third-party plugins to avoid accidentally being overwritten with an update of a plugin of a similar name from the Plugin Directory.
Additionally, introduce the `update_plugins_{$hostname}` filter, which third-party plugins can use to offer updates for a given hostname.
If set, the `Update URI` header field should be a URI and have a unique hostname.
Some examples include:
* ``
* ``
* `my-custom-plugin-name`
`Update URI: false` also works, and unless there is code handling the `false` hostname, the plugin will never get an update notification.
If the header is present, the API will currently only return updates for the plugin if it matches the following format:
* `{$slug}/`
* `{$slug}`
If the header has any other value, the API will not return a result and will ignore the plugin for update purposes.
Props dd32, DavidAnderson, meloniq, markjaquith, DrewAPicture, mweichert, design_dolphin, filosofo, sean212, nhuja, JeroenReumkens, infolu, dingdang, joyously, earnjam, williampatton, grapplerulrich, markparnell, apedog, afragen, miqrogroove, rmccue, crazycoders, jdgrimes, damonganto, joostdevalk, jorbin, georgestephanis, khromov, GeekStreetWP, jb510, Rarst, juliobox, Ipstenu, mikejolley, Otto42, gMagicScott, TJNowell, GaryJ, knutsp, mordauk, nvartolomei, aspexi, chriscct7, benoitchantre, ryno267, lev0, gregorlove, dougwollison, SergeyBiryukov.
See #14179, #23318, #32101.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Replace infinitely autoloading behavior on scroll with a user-controlled load more button. Fix a long standing accessibility issue in the media library. Infinite scroll poses a wide range of problems for accessibility, usability, and performance.
This change modifies the library to load 40 items in the initial view, with a load more button to load the next 40 items and a button to move focus from the load more region to the first of the most recently added items.
The text for communicating the jump target was broadly discussed, agreeing that the text incorporated here would most concisely and clearly convey the purpose of the button, and any further detail is learnable from use.
Props afercia, adamsilverstein, joedolson, audrasjb, francina
Fixes#50105. See #40330.
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This change introduces the `delete_theme` and `deleted_theme` action hooks, which fire immediately before and after an attempt to delete a theme, respectively.
Props scottconnerly, ptahdunbar, pbiron, vetyst, desrosj.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This adds additional information to the Media Handling section of the Site Health Info page. When ImageMagick is used as the site’s image editor, a full list of file formats supported will now be shown. This will help site owners debug any issues they encounter as support for newer, more modern image formats is added (such as WebP in [50810]).
Additionally, the version of Imagick installed. This will help site owners debug issues with generating images on the PHP side.
Some variables have also been renamed to more accurately represent what is being stored.
Props Clorith, desrosj.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Add support for uploading, editing and saving WebP images when supported by the server.
Add 'image/webp' to supported mime types. Correctly identify WebP images and sizes even when PHP doesn't support WebP. Resize uploaded WebP files (when supported) and use for front end markup.
Props markoheijne, blobfolio, Clorith, joemcgill, atjn, desrosj, spacedmonkey, marylauc, mikeschroder, hellofromtonya, flixos90.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This avoids accidentally overriding some variables in the scope of `activate_plugin()`, e.g. `$silent` or `$network_wide`.
Plugins expecting to have access to `$network_wide` directly on inclusion should receive it as an argument of the activation hook callback instead, on any of these actions:
* `activate_plugin`
* `activate_{$plugin}`
* `activated_plugin`
Follow-up to [28644].
Props Mike_Cowobo, dd32, DrewAPicture, mensmaximus, SergeyBiryukov.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
There are several WordPress hooks defined on the server that depend on $post object that isn’t present on the new screens like edit site, edit widgets, or edit navigation. This patch deprecates existing filters and introduces replacements that are context-aware.
Props azaozz, andraganescu, jeremyfelt, nosolosw, youknowriad.
See #52920.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Allow developers to extend the Site Health screen with their own custom navigation tabs and pages.
This implements a new filter, `site_health_navigation_tabs`, which takes an associated array of tab identifiers/slugs, and tab labels, allowing developers to add their own subpage to the Site Health interface as new tabs.
To output a custom page, or add to an existing page, the `site_health_tab_content` action is triggered whenever the `tab` query argument is present and not empty. This action includes the current tab as its argument, which a developer would match against to only output content when relevant.
Props ramiy for initial patch.
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Previously, when exporting personal data, if the JSON encoding of the data failed, the invalid JSON was still written to `export.json`. This change captures the JSON encoding failure and adds a notice to the UI.
Props hellofromTonya, jrf, SergeyBiryukov.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
After [48390], plugins and themes can be updated with an uploaded ZIP file. Strings were added for comparing the "current" and "uploaded" versions of a plugin or theme, but lacked context for each as to the object being referenced. This change adds a `plugin` or `theme` context to each of these strings for disambiguation.
Props dimadin, SergeyBiryukov.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Variables created within the scope of a function are discarded automatically when PHP leaves the scope of the function, i.e. on `return`, so doing a call to `unset()` straight before a `return` statement is redundant.
Props jrf, ravipatel, rachelbaker, mukesh27.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Reduce severity of failing HTTPS tests from critical to warning. Stop reporting failures if the site is being accessed over HTTPS but `wp_is_https_supported()` indicates a lack of support.
Props annalamprou, AnotherDave, ayeshrajans, bobbingwide, Clorith, dragongate, eatsleepcode, gab81, geoffrey1963, Ipstenu, k3nsai, mmuyskens, nicegamer7, peterwilsoncc, pwallner, SergeyBiryukov, TimothyBlynJacobs, Toru.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This avoids a fatal error on PHP 8 in `wp_privacy_generate_personal_data_export_file()` if the `_export_data_grouped` post meta exists but is not an array.
Additionally, refactor unit tests for the function to:
* Reduce redundant code
* Switch to data provider
* Test on the full HTML output instead of select pieces of the output
* Expand unhappy path coverage
Follow-up to [43012], [44786], [47146], [47278].
Props hellofromTonya, jrf, xknown.
See #51423.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This change switches out `sprintf` for `printf` on the "Copy suggested policy text from..." button screen reader text. Also, wrap the actual button text in a `<span aria-hidden="true">` to prevent both the button text and the screen reader text from being spoken.
Props mukesh27, SergeyBiryukov, sabernhardt.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Replace loopback health check URL with a `POST` request to `wp-cron.php` in the WordPress install directory. This more closely represents how WordPress uses loopback requests.
A `POST` request is used to cause `wp-cron.php` to exit prior to running any cron jobs. This allows the test to indicate success quicker and accounts for sites that set the `DISABLE_WP_CRON` constant to avoid running cron jobs on loopback requests.
Props clorith, peterwilsoncc, TimothyBlynJacobs.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This adds a more descriptive text in scenarios where `post_max_size` and `upload_max_filesize` differ, and `post_max_size` is set to a value of `0`.
In some scenarios, PHP may read `0` as a literal zero size, and not as unlimited, which it also means in other scenarios.
See for details, as PHP 5.3.4 introduced this behavior for literal zero interpretation when the content type of a request is `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` or is not registered with PHP.
Props Clorith, pixolin, helen, ratneshk.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Previously, date information was unable to be changed when using `media_handle_sideload()`.
Now you can override the date for a media item using `$post_data['post_date']` before using the function.
Props jamesgol, mukesh27, SergeyBiryukov, hellofromTonya, Mista-Flo.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Previously, we used `DIR_TESTDATA` to determine if a test should skip a newly silenced error in `wp_getimagesize()`.
We are now using `WP_RUN_CORE_TESTS` instead for consistency.
Props hellofromTonya, SergeyBiryukov.
See #49889.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
As this can cause large, long running queries on sites with many posts, this filter allows the query to be modified, bypassing entirely if needed.
Props geoffguillain, SergeyBiryukov, hareesh-pillai, hellofromTonya, TimothyBlynJacobs, whyisjake.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The Privacy settings pages now use the same design patterns as the Site Health screen. Additionally, each privacy policy guide is now contained in an accordion to make the page easier to navigate when multiple plugins are in use.
Props xkon, hedgefield, garrett-eclipse, hellofromTonya, paaljoachim, joedolson.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This adds a form option to skip the admin email alert when exporting personal data.
Props xkon, azaozz, TZ-Media, iandunn, desrosj, iprg, allendav, wesselvandenberg, karmatosed, birgire, davidbaumwald, estelaris, paaljoachim, hellofromTonya.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Previously, it was unclear that the displayed password is only being suggested and should be saved by clicking the Reset Password button.
This adds separate Generate Password and Save Password buttons, for clarity.
Props xkon, estelaris, jaymanpandya, hedgefield, audrasjb, erichmond, magicroundabout, lukecavanagh, knutsp, tinodidriksen, nico_martin, markhowellsmead, kara.mcnair, e_baker, pixelverbieger, souri_wpaustria, megabyterose, poena, whyisjake.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Previously, all logic utilizing `getimagesize()` was supressing errors making it difficult to debug usage of the function.
A new `wp_getimagesize()` function has been added to allow the errors to no longer be suppressed when `WP_DEBUG` is enabled.
Props Howdy_McGee, SergeyBiryukov, mukesh27, davidbaumwald, noisysocks, hellofromTonya.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
This brings some consistency with other list tables and allows for adding custom column data to columns registered with `manage_export-personal-data_columns` or `manage_erase-personal-data_columns` filters.
Props xkon, garrett-eclipse, birgire, pbiron, hellofromTonya, TimothyBlynJacobs, 7studio, mukesh27, Mista-Flo.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
When no events are available in the Events Widget, people have always been shown a message encouraging them to help organize one (see `tmpl-community-events-no-upcoming-events`). Now that it's common for online WordCamps and Learn discussion groups to be pinned to the Events API, it's rare that there are no events in the widget, even if there are no _local_ events. Because of that, users are rarely encouraged to join their local community and help organize.
This commit adds an additional call-to-action message, which is shown when there are only 1 or 2 events available.
Props anyssa, sippis, AmethystAnswers.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Switching a WordPress site from HTTP to HTTPS has historically been a tedious task. While on the surface the Site Address and WordPress Address have to be updated, existing content still remains using HTTP URLs where hard-coded in the database. Furthermore, updating _two_ URLs to migrate to HTTPS is still a fairly unintuitive step which is not clearly explained.
This changeset simplifies migration from HTTP to HTTPS and, where possible, makes it a one-click interaction.
* Automatically replace insecure versions of the Site Address (`home_url()`) with its HTTPS counterpart on the fly if the site has been migrated from HTTP to HTTPS. This is accomplished by introducing a `https_migration_required` option and enabling it when the `home_url()` is accordingly changed.
* A new `wp_replace_insecure_home_url()` function is hooked into various pieces of content to replace URLs accordingly.
* The migration only kicks in when the Site Address (`home_url()`) and WordPress Address (`site_url()`) match, which is the widely common case. Configurations where these differ are often maintained by more advanced users, where this migration routine would be less essential - something to potentially iterate on in the future though.
* The migration does not actually update content in the database. More savvy users that prefer to do that can prevent the migration logic from running by either deleting the `https_migration_required` option or using the new `wp_should_replace_insecure_home_url` filter.
* For fresh sites that do not have any content yet at the point of changing the URLs to HTTPS, the migration will also be skipped since it would not be relevant.
* Expose a primary action in the Site Health recommendation, if HTTPS is already supported by the environment, built on top of the HTTPS detection mechanism from [49904]. When clicked, the default behavior is to update `home_url()` and `site_url()` in one go to their HTTPS counterpart.
* A new `wp_update_urls_to_https()` function takes care of the update routine.
* A new `update_https` meta capability is introduced to control access.
* If the site's URLs are controlled by constants, this update is not automatically possible, so in these scenarios the user is informed about that in the HTTPS status check in Site Health.
* Allow hosting providers to modify the URLs linked to in the HTTPS status check in Site Health, similar to how that is possible for the URLs around updating the PHP version.
* A `WP_UPDATE_HTTPS_URL` environment variable or `wp_update_https_url` filter can be used to provide a custom URL with guidance about updating the site to use HTTPS.
* A `WP_DIRECT_UPDATE_HTTPS_URL` environment variable or `wp_direct_update_https_url` filter can be used to provide a custom URL for the primary CTA to update the site to use HTTPS.
Props flixos90, timothyblynjacobs.
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git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Add a feature so Admins can send users a 'password reset' email. This doesn't change the password or force a password change. It only emails the user the password reset link.
The feature appears in several places:
* A "Send Reset Link" button on user profile screen.
* A "Send password reset" option in the user list bulk action dropdown.
* A "Send password reset" quick action when hovering over a username in the user list.
Props Ipstenu, DrewAPicture, eventualo, wonderboymusic, knutsp, ericlewis, afercia, JoshuaWold, johnbillion, paaljoachim, hedgefield.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Fix an issue where viewing an autosave created on a post without any previous revisions would throw a PHP notice. Also fixes the revision screen which was broken in these cases and showed a console error.
Props iseulde.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Previously, "You are using a development version" message could be displayed if the user has configured core updates to receive Beta or RC versions, but the update has not happened yet.
This brings some consistency with displaying a similar message in `core_upgrade_preamble()` on WordPress Updates screen.
Follow-up to [49708], [49736].
Props afragen, pbiron, azaozz, audrasjb, SergeyBiryukov.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
The `WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE` constant now supports `development` and `branch-development` values.
This makes it possible for sites to opt-in to updating to nightly builds without having to install a plugin.
Follow-up to [49245], [49292].
Props xkon, knutsp, afragen, audrasjb, dd32.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
Following up on [49904], this changeset focuses mainly on improving the guidance about the current state of HTTPS in Site Health.
* Correct the existing copy to indicate that both the Site Address and the WordPress Address need to be changed to fully switch to HTTPS.
* Link to the respective input fields via anchor links rather than to the overall General Settings screen.
* Show different copy if the site is using HTTPS for the WordPress Address (for example to have only the administration panel in HTTPS), but not for the Site Address.
* Inform the user about potential problems even when the site is already using HTTPS, for example if the SSL certificate was no longer valid.
* Always rely on fresh information for determining HTTPS support issues in Site Health, and therefore change the `https_status` test to become asynchronous.
* Rename the new private `wp_is_owned_html_output()` function to a more appropriate `wp_is_local_html_output()`.
Props adamsilverstein, flixos90, johnjamesjacoby, timothyblynjacobs.
See #47577.
Built from
git-svn-id: 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd