/* eslint consistent-this: [ "error", "control" ] */ (function( component ) { 'use strict'; var VideoWidgetModel, VideoWidgetControl, VideoDetailsMediaFrame; /** * Custom video details frame that removes the replace-video state. * * @class VideoDetailsMediaFrame * @constructor */ VideoDetailsMediaFrame = wp.media.view.MediaFrame.VideoDetails.extend({ /** * Create the default states. * * @returns {void} */ createStates: function createStates() { this.states.add([ new wp.media.controller.VideoDetails({ media: this.media }), new wp.media.controller.MediaLibrary({ type: 'video', id: 'add-video-source', title: wp.media.view.l10n.videoAddSourceTitle, toolbar: 'add-video-source', media: this.media, menu: false }), new wp.media.controller.MediaLibrary({ type: 'text', id: 'add-track', title: wp.media.view.l10n.videoAddTrackTitle, toolbar: 'add-track', media: this.media, menu: 'video-details' }) ]); } }); /** * Video widget model. * * See WP_Widget_Video::enqueue_admin_scripts() for amending prototype from PHP exports. * * @class VideoWidgetModel * @constructor */ VideoWidgetModel = component.MediaWidgetModel.extend({}); /** * Video widget control. * * See WP_Widget_Video::enqueue_admin_scripts() for amending prototype from PHP exports. * * @class VideoWidgetControl * @constructor */ VideoWidgetControl = component.MediaWidgetControl.extend({ /** * Show display settings. * * @type {boolean} */ showDisplaySettings: false, /** * Cache of oembed responses. * * @type {Object} */ oembedResponses: {}, /** * Map model props to media frame props. * * @param {Object} modelProps - Model props. * @returns {Object} Media frame props. */ mapModelToMediaFrameProps: function mapModelToMediaFrameProps( modelProps ) { var control = this, mediaFrameProps; mediaFrameProps = component.MediaWidgetControl.prototype.mapModelToMediaFrameProps.call( control, modelProps ); mediaFrameProps.link = 'embed'; return mediaFrameProps; }, /** * Fetches embed data for external videos. * * @returns {void} */ fetchEmbed: function fetchEmbed() { var control = this, url; url = control.model.get( 'url' ); // If we already have a local cache of the embed response, return. if ( control.oembedResponses[ url ] ) { return; } // If there is an in-flight embed request, abort it. if ( control.fetchEmbedDfd && 'pending' === control.fetchEmbedDfd.state() ) { control.fetchEmbedDfd.abort(); } control.fetchEmbedDfd = jQuery.ajax({ url: wp.media.view.settings.oEmbedProxyUrl, data: { url: control.model.get( 'url' ), maxwidth: control.model.get( 'width' ), maxheight: control.model.get( 'height' ), _wpnonce: wp.media.view.settings.nonce.wpRestApi, discover: false }, type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', context: control }); control.fetchEmbedDfd.done( function( response ) { control.oembedResponses[ url ] = response; control.renderPreview(); }); control.fetchEmbedDfd.fail( function() { control.oembedResponses[ url ] = null; }); }, /** * Whether a url is a supported external host. * * @param {String} url - Video url. * @returns {boolean} Whether url is a supported video host. */ isHostedVideo: function isHostedVideo( url ) { var parsedUrl = document.createElement( 'a' ); parsedUrl.href = url; return /vimeo|youtu\.?be/.test( parsedUrl.host ); }, /** * Render preview. * * @returns {void} */ renderPreview: function renderPreview() { var control = this, previewContainer, previewTemplate, attachmentId, attachmentUrl, poster, isHostedEmbed = false, mime, error; attachmentId = control.model.get( 'attachment_id' ); attachmentUrl = control.model.get( 'url' ); error = control.model.get( 'error' ); if ( ! attachmentId && ! attachmentUrl ) { return; } if ( ! attachmentId && attachmentUrl ) { isHostedEmbed = control.isHostedVideo( attachmentUrl ); } if ( isHostedEmbed ) { control.fetchEmbed(); poster = control.oembedResponses[ attachmentUrl ] ? control.oembedResponses[ attachmentUrl ].thumbnail_url : null; } // Verify the selected attachment mime is supported. mime = control.selectedAttachment.get( 'mime' ); if ( mime && attachmentId ) { if ( ! _.contains( _.values( wp.media.view.settings.embedMimes ), mime ) ) { error = 'unsupported_file_type'; } } previewContainer = control.$el.find( '.media-widget-preview' ); previewTemplate = wp.template( 'wp-media-widget-video-preview' ); previewContainer.html( previewTemplate({ model: { attachment_id: control.model.get( 'attachment_id' ), src: attachmentUrl, poster: poster }, is_hosted_embed: isHostedEmbed, error: error })); wp.mediaelement.initialize(); }, /** * Open the media image-edit frame to modify the selected item. * * @returns {void} */ editMedia: function editMedia() { var control = this, mediaFrame, metadata, updateCallback; metadata = control.mapModelToMediaFrameProps( control.model.toJSON() ); // Set up the media frame. mediaFrame = new VideoDetailsMediaFrame({ frame: 'video', state: 'video-details', metadata: metadata }); wp.media.frame = mediaFrame; mediaFrame.$el.addClass( 'media-widget' ); updateCallback = function( mediaFrameProps ) { // Update cached attachment object to avoid having to re-fetch. This also triggers re-rendering of preview. control.selectedAttachment.set( mediaFrameProps ); control.model.set( _.extend( _.omit( control.model.defaults(), 'title' ), control.mapMediaToModelProps( mediaFrameProps ), { error: false } ) ); }; mediaFrame.state( 'video-details' ).on( 'update', updateCallback ); mediaFrame.state( 'replace-video' ).on( 'replace', updateCallback ); mediaFrame.on( 'close', function() { mediaFrame.detach(); }); mediaFrame.open(); } }); // Exports. component.controlConstructors.media_video = VideoWidgetControl; component.modelConstructors.media_video = VideoWidgetModel; })( wp.mediaWidgets );