window.wp = window.wp || {}; (function ($) { var template; /** * wp.template( id ) * * Fetches a template by id. * * @param {string} id A string that corresponds to a DOM element with an id prefixed with "tmpl-". * For example, "attachment" maps to "tmpl-attachment". * @return {function} A function that lazily-compiles the template requested. */ template = wp.template = _.memoize(function ( id ) { var compiled, options = { evaluate: /<#([\s\S]+?)#>/g, interpolate: /\{\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}\}/g, escape: /\{\{([^\}]+?)\}\}(?!\})/g, variable: 'data' }; return function ( data ) { compiled = compiled || _.template( $( '#tmpl-' + id ).html(), null, options ); return compiled( data ); }; }); }(jQuery));