/* global ajaxurl, list_args, theme_list_args */ var theme_viewer; /** * Theme Browsing * * Controls visibility of theme details on manage and install themes pages. */ jQuery( function($) { $('#availablethemes').on( 'click', '.theme-detail', function (event) { var theme = $(this).closest('.available-theme'), details = theme.find('.themedetaildiv'); if ( ! details.length ) { details = theme.find('.install-theme-info .theme-details'); details = details.clone().addClass('themedetaildiv').appendTo( theme ).hide(); } details.toggle(); event.preventDefault(); }); }); /** * Theme Install * * Displays theme previews on theme install pages. */ jQuery( function($) { if ( ! window.postMessage ) { return; } var preview = $('#theme-installer'), header = preview.find('.wp-full-overlay-header'), info = preview.find('.install-theme-info'), panel = preview.find('.wp-full-overlay-main'), body = $( document.body ); preview.on( 'click', '.close-full-overlay', function( event ) { preview.fadeOut( 200, function() { panel.empty(); body.removeClass('theme-installer-active full-overlay-active'); }); event.preventDefault(); }); preview.on( 'click', '.collapse-sidebar', function( event ) { preview.toggleClass( 'collapsed' ).toggleClass( 'expanded' ); event.preventDefault(); }); $('#availablethemes').on( 'click', '.install-theme-preview', function( event ) { var src; info.html( $(this).closest('.installable-theme').find('.install-theme-info').html() ); header.find( '.theme-install' ).replaceWith( info.find( '.theme-install' ) ); src = info.find( '.theme-preview-url' ).val(); panel.html( '