1. Blogrolling.com and sign in. Once you’ve done that, click on Get Code, and then look for the OPML code') ?>.
  2. Blo.gs and sign in. Once you’ve done that in the \'Welcome Back\' box on the right, click on share, and then look for the OPML link (favorites.opml).') ?>

  3. or you can upload an OPML file from your desktop aggregator:') ?>

links (link_url, link_name, link_target, link_category, link_description, link_owner, link_rss) VALUES('{$urls[$i]}', '".$wpdb->escape($names[$i])."', '', $cat_id, '".$wpdb->escape($descriptions[$i])."', $user_ID, '{$feeds[$i]}')\n"; $result = $wpdb->query($query); echo sprintf(__("

Inserted %s

"), $names[$i]); } ?>

manage those links.'), $link_count, $cat_id, 'link-manager.php') ?>

" . __("You need to supply your OPML url. Press back on your browser and try again") . "

\n"; } // end else ?>