<?php /** * Manage media uploaded file. * * There are many filters in here for media. Plugins can extend functionality * by hooking into the filters. * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Administration */ /** Load WordPress Administration Bootstrap */ require_once('admin.php'); if (!current_user_can('upload_files')) wp_die(__('You do not have permission to upload files.')); wp_enqueue_script('swfupload-all'); wp_enqueue_script('swfupload-handlers'); wp_enqueue_script('image-edit'); wp_enqueue_style('imgareaselect'); @header('Content-Type: ' . get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset')); // IDs should be integers $ID = isset($ID) ? (int) $ID : 0; $post_id = isset($post_id)? (int) $post_id : 0; // Require an ID for the edit screen if ( isset($action) && $action == 'edit' && !$ID ) wp_die(__("You are not allowed to be here")); if ( isset($_GET['inline']) ) { $errors = array(); if ( isset($_POST['html-upload']) && !empty($_FILES) ) { // Upload File button was clicked $id = media_handle_upload('async-upload', $_REQUEST['post_id']); unset($_FILES); if ( is_wp_error($id) ) { $errors['upload_error'] = $id; $id = false; } } if ( isset($_GET['upload-page-form']) ) { $errors = array_merge($errors, (array) media_upload_form_handler()); $location = 'upload.php'; if ( $errors ) $location .= '?message=3'; wp_redirect( admin_url($location) ); } $title = __('Upload New Media'); $parent_file = 'upload.php'; require_once('admin-header.php'); ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php screen_icon(); ?> <h2><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h2> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="media-upload.php?inline=&upload-page-form=" class="media-upload-form type-form validate" id="file-form"> <?php media_upload_form(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function($){ var preloaded = $(".media-item.preloaded"); if ( preloaded.length > 0 ) { preloaded.each(function(){prepareMediaItem({id:this.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')},'');}); } updateMediaForm(); post_id = 0; shortform = 1; }); </script> <input type="hidden" name="post_id" id="post_id" value="0" /> <?php wp_nonce_field('media-form'); ?> <div id="media-items"> </div> <p> <input type="submit" class="button savebutton" name="save" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save all changes' ); ?>" /> </p> </form> </div> <?php include('admin-footer.php'); } else { // upload type: image, video, file, ..? if ( isset($_GET['type']) ) $type = strval($_GET['type']); else $type = apply_filters('media_upload_default_type', 'file'); // tab: gallery, library, or type-specific if ( isset($_GET['tab']) ) $tab = strval($_GET['tab']); else $tab = apply_filters('media_upload_default_tab', 'type'); $body_id = 'media-upload'; // let the action code decide how to handle the request if ( $tab == 'type' || $tab == 'type_url' ) do_action("media_upload_$type"); else do_action("media_upload_$tab"); } ?>