function uploadLoaded() { jQuery("#html-upload-ui").remove(); jQuery("#flash-upload-ui").show(); } function fileDialogStart() { jQuery("#media-upload-error").empty(); } // progress and success handlers for media multi uploads function fileQueued(fileObj) { // Get rid of unused form jQuery('.media-blank').remove(); // Collapse a single item if ( jQuery('.type-form #media-items>*').length == 1 && jQuery('#media-items .hidden').length > 0 ) { jQuery('.toggle').toggle(); jQuery('.slidetoggle').slideUp(200).siblings().removeClass('hidden'); } // Create a progress bar containing the filename jQuery('#media-items').append('
' + + '
'); // Disable the submit button jQuery('#insert-media').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } function uploadStart(fileObj) { return true; } function uploadProgress(fileObj, bytesDone, bytesTotal) { // Lengthen the progress bar jQuery('#media-item-' + + ' .bar').width(620*bytesDone/bytesTotal); } function prepareMediaItem(fileObj, serverData) { // Move the progress bar to 100% jQuery('#media-item-' + + ' .bar').remove(); // Append the HTML returned by the server -- thumbnail and form inputs jQuery('#media-item-' +; // Clone the thumbnail as a "pinkynail" -- a tiny image to the left of the filename jQuery('#media-item-' + + ' .thumbnail').clone().attr('className', 'pinkynail toggle').prependTo('#media-item-' +; // Replace the original filename with the new (unique) one assigned during upload jQuery('#media-item-' + + ' .filename.original').replaceWith(jQuery('#media-item-' + + '')); // Bind toggle function to a new mask over the progress bar area jQuery('#media-item-' + + ' .progress').clone().empty().addClass('clickmask').bind('click', function(){jQuery(this).siblings('.slidetoggle').slideToggle(150);jQuery(this).siblings('.toggle').toggle();}).appendTo('#media-item-' +; // Also bind toggle to the links jQuery('#media-item-' + + ' a.toggle').bind('click', function(){jQuery(this).siblings('.slidetoggle').slideToggle(150);jQuery(this).parent().eq(0).children('.toggle').toggle();jQuery(this).siblings('a.toggle').focus();return false;}); // Bind AJAX to the new Delete button jQuery('#media-item-' + + ' a.delete').bind('click',function(){ // Tell the server to delete it. TODO: handle exceptions jQuery.ajax({url:'admin-ajax.php',type:'post',data:{ id :[^0-9]/g,''), action : 'delete-post', _ajax_nonce : this.href.replace(/^.*wpnonce=/,'')} }); // Decrement the counters. if ( type = jQuery('#type-of-' +[^0-9]/g,'')).val() ) jQuery('#' + type + '-counter').text(jQuery('#' + type + '-counter').text()-1); if ( jQuery(this).parents('.media-item').eq(0).hasClass('child-of-'+post_id) ) jQuery('#attachments-count').text(jQuery('#attachments-count').text()-1); // Vanish it. jQuery(this).parents(".media-item").eq(0).slideToggle(300,function(){jQuery(this).remove();if(jQuery('.media-item').length==0)jQuery('.insert-gallery').hide();updateMediaForm();}); return false; }); // Open this item if it says to start open (e.g. to display an error) jQuery('#media-item-' + + '.startopen') .removeClass('startopen') .slideToggle(500) .parent().eq(0).children('.toggle').toggle(); } function updateMediaForm() { // Just one file, no need for collapsible part if ( jQuery('.type-form #media-items>*').length == 1 ) { jQuery('#media-items .slidetoggle').slideDown(500).parent().eq(0).children('.toggle').toggle(); jQuery('.type-form .slidetoggle').siblings().addClass('hidden'); } // Only show Gallery button when there are at least two files. if ( jQuery('#media-items>*').length > 1 ) jQuery('.insert-gallery').show(); else jQuery('.insert-gallery').hide(); } function uploadSuccess(fileObj, serverData) { // if async-upload returned an error message, place it in the media item div and return if ( serverData.match('media-upload-error') ) { jQuery('#media-item-' +; return; } prepareMediaItem(fileObj, serverData); updateMediaForm(); // Increment the counter. if ( jQuery('#media-item-' +'child-of-' + post_id) ) jQuery('#attachments-count').text(1 * jQuery('#attachments-count').text() + 1); } function uploadComplete(fileObj) { // If no more uploads queued, enable the submit button if ( swfu.getStats().files_queued == 0 ) jQuery('#insert-media').attr('disabled', ''); } // wp-specific error handlers // generic message function wpQueueError(message) { jQuery('#media-upload-error').show().text(message); } // file-specific message function wpFileError(fileObj, message) { jQuery('#media-item-' + + ' .filename').after('
').siblings('.progress').remove(); jQuery('.dismiss').click(function(){jQuery(this).parents('.media-item').slideUp(200, function(){jQuery(this).remove();})}); } function fileQueueError(fileObj, error_code, message) { // Handle this error separately because we don't want to create a FileProgress element for it. if ( error_code == SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ) { wpQueueError(swfuploadL10n.queue_limit_exceeded); } else if ( error_code == SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.FILE_EXCEEDS_SIZE_LIMIT ) { fileQueued(fileObj); wpFileError(fileObj, swfuploadL10n.file_exceeds_size_limit); } else if ( error_code == SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.ZERO_BYTE_FILE ) { fileQueued(fileObj); wpFileError(fileObj, swfuploadL10n.zero_byte_file); } else if ( error_code == SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.INVALID_FILETYPE ) { fileQueued(fileObj); wpFileError(fileObj, swfuploadL10n.invalid_filetype); } else { wpQueueError(swfuploadL10n.default_error); } } function fileDialogComplete(num_files_queued) { try { if (num_files_queued > 0) { this.startUpload(); } } catch (ex) { this.debug(ex); } } function uploadError(fileObj, error_code, message) { // first the file specific error if ( error_code == SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.MISSING_UPLOAD_URL ) { wpFileError(fileObj, swfuploadL10n.missing_upload_url); } else if ( error_code == SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.UPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ) { wpFileError(fileObj, swfuploadL10n.upload_limit_exceeded); } else { wpFileError(fileObj, swfuploadL10n.default_error); } // now the general upload status if ( error_code == SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.HTTP_ERROR ) { wpQueueError(swfuploadL10n.http_error); } else if ( error_code == SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.UPLOAD_FAILED ) { wpQueueError(swfuploadL10n.upload_failed); } else if ( error_code == SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.IO_ERROR ) { wpQueueError(swfuploadL10n.io_error); } else if ( error_code == SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.SECURITY_ERROR ) { wpQueueError(swfuploadL10n.security_error); } else if ( error_code == SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR.FILE_CANCELLED ) { wpQueueError(swfuploadL10n.security_error); } }