$key = $args[ $key ]; } $this->manager = $manager; $this->id = $id; // Parse the ID for array keys. $this->id_data[ 'keys' ] = preg_split( '/\[/', str_replace( ']', '', $this->id ) ); $this->id_data[ 'base' ] = array_shift( $this->id_data[ 'keys' ] ); // Rebuild the ID. $this->id = $this->id_data[ 'base' ]; if ( ! empty( $this->id_data[ 'keys' ] ) ) $this->id .= '[' . implode( '][', $this->id_data[ 'keys' ] ) . ']'; if ( $this->sanitize_callback != '' ) add_filter( "customize_sanitize_{$this->id}", $this->sanitize_callback ); return $this; } /** * Enqueue setting related scripts/styles. * * @since 3.4.0 */ public function enqueue() { switch( $this->control ) { case 'color': wp_enqueue_script( 'farbtastic' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'farbtastic' ); break; case 'upload': wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-plupload' ); break; } } /** * Handle previewing the setting. * * @since 3.4.0 */ public function preview() { switch( $this->type ) { case 'theme_mod' : add_filter( 'theme_mod_' . $this->id_data[ 'base' ], array( $this, '_preview_filter' ) ); break; case 'option' : if ( empty( $this->id_data[ 'keys' ] ) ) add_filter( 'pre_option_' . $this->id_data[ 'base' ], array( $this, '_preview_filter' ) ); else add_filter( 'option_' . $this->id_data[ 'base' ], array( $this, '_preview_filter' ) ); break; default : do_action( 'customize_preview_' . $this->id ); } } /** * Callback function to filter the theme mods and options. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @param mixed Old value. * @return mixed New or old value. */ public function _preview_filter( $original ) { return $this->multidimensional_replace( $original, $this->id_data[ 'keys' ], $this->post_value() ); } /** * Set the value of the parameter for a specific theme. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @return bool False if cap check fails or value isn't set. */ public final function save() { $value = $this->post_value(); if ( ! $this->check_capabilities() || ! isset( $value ) ) return false; do_action( 'customize_save_' . $this->id_data[ 'base' ] ); $this->update( $value ); } /** * Fetches, validates, and sanitizes the $_POST value. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @param $default mixed A default value which is used as a fallback. Default is null. * @return mixed Either the default value on failure or sanitized value. */ public final function post_value( $default = null ) { if ( isset( $this->_post_value ) ) return $this->_post_value; $base = self::name_prefix . $this->id_data[ 'base' ]; if ( ! isset( $_POST[ $base ] ) ) return $default; $result = $this->multidimensional_get( $_POST[ $base ], $this->id_data[ 'keys' ] ); if ( ! isset( $result ) ) return $default; $result = $this->sanitize( $result ); if ( isset( $result ) ) return $this->_post_value = $result; else return $default; } /** * Sanitize an input. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @param $value mixed The value to sanitize. * @return mixed Null if an input isn't valid, otherwise the sanitized value. */ public function sanitize( $value ) { $value = stripslashes_deep( $value ); return apply_filters( "customize_sanitize_{$this->id}", $value ); } /** * Set the value of the parameter for a specific theme. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @param $value mixed The value to update. * @return mixed The result of saving the value. */ protected function update( $value ) { switch( $this->type ) { case 'theme_mod' : return $this->_update_theme_mod( $value ); break; case 'option' : return $this->_update_option( $value ); break; default : return do_action( 'customize_update_' . $this->type, $value ); } } /** * Update the theme mod from the value of the parameter. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @param $value mixed The value to update. * @return mixed The result of saving the value. */ protected function _update_theme_mod( $value ) { // Handle non-array theme mod. if ( empty( $this->id_data[ 'keys' ] ) ) return set_theme_mod( $this->id_data[ 'base' ], $value ); // Handle array-based theme mod. $mods = get_theme_mod( $this->id_data[ 'base' ] ); $mods = $this->multidimensional_replace( $mods, $this->id_data[ 'keys' ], $value ); if ( isset( $mods ) ) return set_theme_mod( $this->id_data[ 'base' ], $mods ); } /** * Update the theme mod from the value of the parameter. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @param $value mixed The value to update. * @return mixed The result of saving the value. */ protected function _update_option( $value ) { // Handle non-array option. if ( empty( $this->id_data[ 'keys' ] ) ) return update_option( $this->id_data[ 'base' ], $value ); // Handle array-based options. $options = get_option( $this->id_data[ 'base' ] ); $options = $this->multidimensional_replace( $options, $this->id_data[ 'keys' ], $value ); if ( isset( $options ) ) return update_option( $this->id_data[ 'base' ], $options ); } /** * Fetch the value of the parameter for a specific theme. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @return mixed The requested value. */ public function value() { switch( $this->type ) { case 'theme_mod' : $function = 'get_theme_mod'; break; case 'option' : $function = 'get_option'; break; default : return apply_filters( 'customize_value_' . $this->id_data[ 'base' ], $this->default ); } // Handle non-array value if ( empty( $this->id_data[ 'keys' ] ) ) return $function( $this->id_data[ 'base' ], $this->default ); // Handle array-based value $values = $function( $this->id_data[ 'base' ] ); return $this->multidimensional_get( $values, $this->id_data[ 'keys' ], $this->default ); } /** * Check if the theme supports the setting and check user capabilities. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @return bool False if theme doesn't support the setting or user can't change setting, otherwise true. */ public final function check_capabilities() { if ( $this->capability && ! call_user_func_array( 'current_user_can', (array) $this->capability ) ) return false; if ( $this->theme_supports && ! call_user_func_array( 'current_theme_supports', (array) $this->theme_supports ) ) return false; $section = $this->manager->get_section( $this->section ); if ( isset( $section ) && ! $section->check_capabilities() ) return false; return true; } /** * Check capabiliites and render the control. * * @since 3.4.0 */ public final function maybe_render() { if ( ! $this->check_capabilities() ) return; do_action( 'customize_render_setting', $this ); do_action( 'customize_render_setting_' . $this->id, $this ); $this->render(); } /** * Render the control. Renders the control wrapper, then calls $this->render_content(). * * @since 3.4.0 */ protected function render() { $id = 'customize-control-' . $this->id; $class = 'customize-control customize-control-' . $this->control; $style = ''; if ( $this->visibility ) { $visibility_setting = $this->manager->get_setting( $this->visibility[0] ); $visibility_value = isset( $this->visibility[1] ) ? $this->visibility[1] : true; if ( $visibility_setting && $visibility_value != $visibility_setting->value() ) $style = 'style="display:none;"'; } ?>