/* global imageEditL10n, ajaxurl, confirm */
(function($) {
var imageEdit = window.imageEdit = {
iasapi : {},
hold : {},
postid : '',
_view : false,
intval : function(f) {
return f | 0;
setDisabled : function(el, s) {
if ( s ) {
$('input', el).removeAttr('disabled');
} else {
$('input', el).prop('disabled', true);
init : function(postid) {
var t = this, old = $('#image-editor-' + t.postid),
x = t.intval( $('#imgedit-x-' + postid).val() ),
y = t.intval( $('#imgedit-y-' + postid).val() );
if ( t.postid !== postid && old.length ) {
t.hold.w = t.hold.ow = x;
t.hold.h = t.hold.oh = y;
t.hold.xy_ratio = x / y;
t.hold.sizer = parseFloat( $('#imgedit-sizer-' + postid).val() );
t.postid = postid;
$('#imgedit-response-' + postid).empty();
$('input[type="text"]', '#imgedit-panel-' + postid).keypress(function(e) {
var k = e.keyCode;
if ( 36 < k && k < 41 ) {
if ( 13 === k ) {
return false;
toggleEditor : function(postid, toggle) {
var wait = $('#imgedit-wait-' + postid);
if ( toggle ) {
wait.height( $('#imgedit-panel-' + postid).height() ).fadeIn('fast');
} else {
toggleHelp : function(el) {
$( el ).parents( '.imgedit-group-top' ).toggleClass( 'imgedit-help-toggled' ).find( '.imgedit-help' ).slideToggle( 'fast' );
return false;
getTarget : function(postid) {
return $('input[name="imgedit-target-' + postid + '"]:checked', '#imgedit-save-target-' + postid).val() || 'full';
scaleChanged : function(postid, x) {
var w = $('#imgedit-scale-width-' + postid), h = $('#imgedit-scale-height-' + postid),
warn = $('#imgedit-scale-warn-' + postid), w1 = '', h1 = '';
if ( x ) {
h1 = ( w.val() !== '' ) ? Math.round( w.val() / this.hold.xy_ratio ) : '';
h.val( h1 );
} else {
w1 = ( h.val() !== '' ) ? Math.round( h.val() * this.hold.xy_ratio ) : '';
w.val( w1 );
if ( ( h1 && h1 > this.hold.oh ) || ( w1 && w1 > this.hold.ow ) ) {
warn.css('visibility', 'visible');
} else {
warn.css('visibility', 'hidden');
getSelRatio : function(postid) {
var x = this.hold.w, y = this.hold.h,
X = this.intval( $('#imgedit-crop-width-' + postid).val() ),
Y = this.intval( $('#imgedit-crop-height-' + postid).val() );
if ( X && Y ) {
return X + ':' + Y;
if ( x && y ) {
return x + ':' + y;
return '1:1';
filterHistory : function(postid, setSize) {
// apply undo state to history
var history = $('#imgedit-history-' + postid).val(), pop, n, o, i, op = [];
if ( history !== '' ) {
history = JSON.parse(history);
pop = this.intval( $('#imgedit-undone-' + postid).val() );
if ( pop > 0 ) {
while ( pop > 0 ) {
if ( setSize ) {
if ( !history.length ) {
this.hold.w = this.hold.ow;
this.hold.h = this.hold.oh;
return '';
// restore
o = history[history.length - 1];
o = o.c || o.r || o.f || false;
if ( o ) {
this.hold.w = o.fw;
this.hold.h = o.fh;
// filter the values
for ( n in history ) {
i = history[n];
if ( i.hasOwnProperty('c') ) {
op[n] = { 'c': { 'x': i.c.x, 'y': i.c.y, 'w': i.c.w, 'h': i.c.h } };
} else if ( i.hasOwnProperty('r') ) {
op[n] = { 'r': i.r.r };
} else if ( i.hasOwnProperty('f') ) {
op[n] = { 'f': i.f.f };
return JSON.stringify(op);
return '';
refreshEditor : function(postid, nonce, callback) {
var t = this, data, img;
t.toggleEditor(postid, 1);
data = {
'action': 'imgedit-preview',
'_ajax_nonce': nonce,
'postid': postid,
'history': t.filterHistory(postid, 1),
'rand': t.intval(Math.random() * 1000000)
img = $('')
.on('load', function() {
var max1, max2, parent = $('#imgedit-crop-' + postid), t = imageEdit;
// w, h are the new full size dims
max1 = Math.max( t.hold.w, t.hold.h );
max2 = Math.max( $(img).width(), $(img).height() );
t.hold.sizer = max1 > max2 ? max2 / max1 : 1;
t.initCrop(postid, img, parent);
t.setCropSelection(postid, 0);
if ( (typeof callback !== 'undefined') && callback !== null ) {
if ( $('#imgedit-history-' + postid).val() && $('#imgedit-undone-' + postid).val() === '0' ) {
$('input.imgedit-submit-btn', '#imgedit-panel-' + postid).removeAttr('disabled');
} else {
$('input.imgedit-submit-btn', '#imgedit-panel-' + postid).prop('disabled', true);
t.toggleEditor(postid, 0);
.on('error', function() {
$('#imgedit-crop-' + postid).empty().append('
' + imageEditL10n.error + '
' + ret.error + '
' + ret.msg + '