%1$s. The template files are located in %2$s. The stylesheet files are located in %3$s. %4$s uses templates from %5$s. Changes made to the templates will affect both themes.'), $current_theme, $current_template_dir, $current_stylesheet_dir, $current_theme, $current_parent_theme); ?>

%1$s. The template files are located in %2$s. The stylesheet files are located in %3$s.'), $current_theme, $current_template_dir, $current_stylesheet_dir); ?>

' . __('Active Theme') . ''; $current = true; } else { $action = "" . __('Select') . ''; $current = false; } $style = ('class="alternate"' == $style|| 'class="alternate active"' == $style) ? '' : 'alternate'; if ($current) $style .= $style == 'alternate' ? ' active' : 'active'; if ($style != '') $style = 'class="' . $style . '"'; echo " "; if ( $current ) echo ""; else echo ""; echo " "; } ?>
$title $version$title $version$author $description $action

"; } ?>
$title $description

WordPress theme directory. To install a theme you generally just need to upload the theme folder into your wp-content/themes directory. Once a theme is uploaded, you may activate it here.'); ?>