connect($mailserver_url, $mailserver_port)) { echo "Ooops $pop3->ERROR
\n"; exit; } $Count = $pop3->login($mailserver_login, $mailserver_pass); if((!$Count) || ($Count == -1)) { echo "

Login Failed: $pop3->ERROR

\n"; $pop3->quit(); exit; } // ONLY USE THIS IF YOUR PHP VERSION SUPPORTS IT! //register_shutdown_function($pop3->quit()); for ($iCount=1; $iCount<=$Count; $iCount++) { $MsgOne = $pop3->get($iCount); if((!$MsgOne) || (gettype($MsgOne) != 'array')) { echo "oops, $pop3->ERROR
\n"; $pop3->quit(); exit; } $content = ''; $content_type = ''; $boundary = ''; $bodysignal = 0; $dmonths = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); while ( list ( $lineNum,$line ) = each ($MsgOne) ) { if (strlen($line) < 3) { $bodysignal = 1; } if ($bodysignal) { $content .= $line; } else { if (preg_match('/Content-Type: /', $line)) { $content_type = trim($line); $content_type = substr($content_type, 14, strlen($content_type)-14); $content_type = explode(';', $content_type); $content_type = $content_type[0]; } if (($content_type == 'multipart/alternative') && (preg_match('/boundary="/', $line)) && ($boundary == '')) { $boundary = trim($line); $boundary = explode('"', $boundary); $boundary = $boundary[1]; } if (preg_match('/Subject: /', $line)) { $subject = trim($line); $subject = substr($subject, 9, strlen($subject)-9); if ($use_phoneemail) { $subject = explode($phoneemail_separator, $subject); $subject = trim($subject[0]); } if (!ereg($subjectprefix, $subject)) { continue; } } if (preg_match('/Date: /', $line)) { // of the form '20 Mar 2002 20:32:37' $ddate = trim($line); $ddate = str_replace('Date: ', '', $ddate); if (strpos($ddate, ',')) { $ddate = trim(substr($ddate, strpos($ddate, ',')+1, strlen($ddate))); } $date_arr = explode(' ', $ddate); $date_time = explode(':', $date_arr[3]); $ddate_H = $date_time[0]; $ddate_i = $date_time[1]; $ddate_s = $date_time[2]; $ddate_m = $date_arr[1]; $ddate_d = $date_arr[0]; $ddate_Y = $date_arr[2]; for ($i=0; $i<12; $i++) { if ($ddate_m == $dmonths[$i]) { $ddate_m = $i+1; } } $ddate_U = mktime($ddate_H, $ddate_i, $ddate_s, $ddate_m, $ddate_d, $ddate_Y); $ddate_U = $ddate_U + ($time_difference * 3600); $post_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ddate_U); } } } $ddate_today = time() + ($time_difference * 3600); $ddate_difference_days = ($ddate_today - $ddate_U) / 86400; # starts buffering the output ob_start(); if ($ddate_difference_days > 14) { echo 'Too old
'; continue; } if (preg_match('/'.$subjectprefix.'/', $subject)) { $userpassstring = ''; echo '
'; echo "


Subject: $subject

\n"; $subject = trim(str_replace($subjectprefix, '', $subject)); if ($content_type == 'multipart/alternative') { $content = explode('--'.$boundary, $content); $content = $content[2]; $content = explode('Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable', $content); $content = strip_tags($content[1], '

'); } $content = trim($content); echo "

Content-type: $content_type, boundary: $boundary

\n"; echo "

Raw content:


'; $btpos = strpos($content, $bodyterminator); if ($btpos) { $content = substr($content, 0, $btpos); } $content = trim($content); $blah = explode("\n", $content); $firstline = $blah[0]; $secondline = $blah[1]; if ($use_phoneemail) { $btpos = strpos($firstline, $phoneemail_separator); if ($btpos) { $userpassstring = trim(substr($firstline, 0, $btpos)); $content = trim(substr($content, $btpos+strlen($phoneemail_separator), strlen($content))); $btpos = strpos($content, $phoneemail_separator); if ($btpos) { $userpassstring = trim(substr($content, 0, $btpos)); $content = trim(substr($content, $btpos+strlen($phoneemail_separator), strlen($content))); } } $contentfirstline = $blah[1]; } else { $userpassstring = $firstline; $contentfirstline = ''; } $flat = 999.0; $flon = 999.0; $secondlineParts = explode(':',$secondline); if(strncmp($secondlineParts[0],"POS",3)==0) { echo "Found POS:
\n"; //echo "Second parts is:".$secondlineParts[1]; // the second line is the postion listing line $secLineParts = explode(',',$secondlineParts[1]); $flatStr = $secLineParts[0]; $flonStr = $secLineParts[1]; //echo "String are ".$flatStr.$flonStr; $flat = floatval($secLineParts[0]); $flon = floatval($secLineParts[1]); //echo "values are ".$flat." and ".$flon; // ok remove that position... we should not have it in the final output $content = str_replace($secondline,'',$content); } $blah = explode(':', $userpassstring); $user_login = $blah[0]; $user_pass = $blah[1]; $content = $contentfirstline.str_replace($firstline, '', $content); $content = trim($content); echo "

Login: $user_login, Pass: $user_pass

"; $sql = "SELECT ID, user_level FROM $tableusers WHERE user_login='$user_login' AND user_pass='$user_pass' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql); ++$querycount; if (!$result) { echo '

Wrong login or password.

'; continue; } $user_level = $result->user_level; $post_author = $result->ID; if ($user_level > 0) { $post_title = xmlrpc_getposttitle($content); $post_category = xmlrpc_getpostcategory($content); if ($post_title == '') { $post_title = $subject; } if ($post_category == '') { $post_category = $default_category; } if (!$thisisforfunonly) { $post_title = addslashes(trim($post_title)); $content = addslashes(trim($content)); if($flat > 500) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $tableposts (post_author, post_date, post_content, post_title, post_category) VALUES ($post_author, '$post_date', '$content', '$post_title', $post_category)"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO $tableposts (post_author, post_date, post_content, post_title, post_category, post_lat, post_lon) VALUES ($post_author, '$post_date', '$content', '$post_title', $post_category, $flat, $flon)"; } $result = $wpdb->query($sql); $post_ID = $wpdb->insert_id; if (isset($sleep_after_edit) && $sleep_after_edit > 0) { sleep($sleep_after_edit); } $blog_ID = 1; if($flat < 500) { pingGeoUrl($post_ID); } // HACK HACK HACK this next line is commented out because I don't know what the word-press replacement // is. right now it's undefined and does not work //rss_update($blog_ID); pingWeblogs($blog_ID); pingCafelog($cafelogID, $post_title, $post_ID); pingBlogs($blog_ID); pingback($content, $post_ID); } echo "\n

Posted title: $post_title
"; echo "\nPosted content:


'; if(!$pop3->delete($iCount)) { echo '

Oops '.$pop3->ERROR.'

'; $pop3->reset(); exit; } else { echo "

Mission complete, message $iCount deleted.

"; } } else { echo '

Level 0 users can\'t post.

'; } echo ''; if ($output_debugging_info) { ob_end_flush(); } else { ob_end_clean(); } } } $pop3->quit(); timer_stop($output_debugging_info); exit; ?>