var ThemeViewer; (function($){ ThemeViewer = function( args ) { function filter_count() { var count = $( '#filters :checked' ).length; var text = $( '#filter-click' ).text(); if ( text.indexOf( '(' ) != -1 ) text = text.substr( 0, text.indexOf( '(' ) ); if ( count == 0 ) $( '#filter-click' ).text( text ); else $( '#filter-click' ).text( text + ' (' + count + ')' ); } function init() { $( '#filter-click, #mini-filter-click' ).unbind( 'click' ).click( function() { $( '#filter-click' ).toggleClass( 'current' ); $( '#filters' ).slideToggle(); $( '#current-theme' ).slideToggle( 300 ); return false; }); $( '#filters :checkbox' ).unbind( 'click' ).click( function() { filter_count(); }); $( 'p.tags a' ).unbind( 'click' ).click(function() { $( 'p.tags a' ).unbind( 'click' ).click(function() { slow_down(); return false }); // Stop further clicks until we've done $( '.loading' ).fadeIn(); $( '.random-info' ).fadeOut(); var item = this.href.replace( /.*?s=(.*?)#.*/, '$1' ); // Is this in the features list? if ( $( 'input[value="' + item + '"]' ).length > 0 ) { $( 'input[value="' + item + '"]' ).attr( 'checked', $( 'input[value="' + item + '"]' ).attr( 'checked' ) ? false : true ); filter_count(); } else $( 'input[name=s]' ).val( item ); // Can't find it, just use a search // Set the options = $( 'input[name=s]' ).val(); opts.order = document.location.href.match( /order=(\w*)/ ) ? document.location.href.match( /order=(\w*)/ )[1] : 'random'; $( '#availablethemes td' ).fadeTo( 500, 0.1, function() { $( '#availablethemes td img' ).hide(); } ); return false; }); } // These are the functions we expose var api = { init: init }; return api; } })(jQuery); jQuery( document ).ready( function($) { theme_viewer = new ThemeViewer(); theme_viewer.init(); });