/*global ajaxurl, isRtl */ var wpWidgets; (function($) { var $document = $( document ); wpWidgets = { /** * A closed Sidebar that gets a Widget dragged over it. * * @var {element|null} */ hoveredSidebar: null, /** * Translations. * * Exported from PHP in wp_default_scripts(). * * @var {object} */ l10n: { save: '{save}', saved: '{saved}', saveAlert: '{saveAlert}' }, /** * Lookup of which widgets have had change events triggered. * * @var {object} */ dirtyWidgets: {}, init : function() { var rem, the_id, self = this, chooser = $('.widgets-chooser'), selectSidebar = chooser.find('.widgets-chooser-sidebars'), sidebars = $('div.widgets-sortables'), isRTL = !! ( 'undefined' !== typeof isRtl && isRtl ); $('#widgets-right .sidebar-name').click( function() { var $this = $(this), $wrap = $this.closest('.widgets-holder-wrap'); if ( $wrap.hasClass('closed') ) { $wrap.removeClass('closed'); $this.parent().sortable('refresh'); } else { $wrap.addClass('closed'); } $document.triggerHandler( 'wp-pin-menu' ); }); // Show AYS dialog when there are unsaved widget changes. $( window ).on( 'beforeunload.widgets', function( event ) { var dirtyWidgetIds = [], unsavedWidgetsElements; $.each( self.dirtyWidgets, function( widgetId, dirty ) { if ( dirty ) { dirtyWidgetIds.push( widgetId ); } }); if ( 0 !== dirtyWidgetIds.length ) { unsavedWidgetsElements = $( '#widgets-right' ).find( '.widget' ).filter( function() { return -1 !== dirtyWidgetIds.indexOf( $( this ).prop( 'id' ).replace( /^widget-\d+_/, '' ) ); }); unsavedWidgetsElements.each( function() { if ( ! $( this ).hasClass( 'open' ) ) { $( this ).find( '.widget-title-action:first' ).click(); } }); // Bring the first unsaved widget into view and focus on the first tabbable field. unsavedWidgetsElements.first().each( function() { if ( this.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded ) { this.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); } else { this.scrollIntoView(); } $( this ).find( '.widget-inside :tabbable:first' ).focus(); } ); event.returnValue = wpWidgets.l10n.saveAlert; return event.returnValue; } }); $('#widgets-left .sidebar-name').click( function() { $(this).closest('.widgets-holder-wrap').toggleClass('closed'); $document.triggerHandler( 'wp-pin-menu' ); }); $(document.body).bind('click.widgets-toggle', function(e) { var target = $(e.target), css = { 'z-index': 100 }, widget, inside, targetWidth, widgetWidth, margin, saveButton, widgetId, toggleBtn = target.closest( '.widget' ).find( '.widget-top button.widget-action' ); if ( target.parents('.widget-top').length && ! target.parents('#available-widgets').length ) { widget = target.closest('div.widget'); inside = widget.children('.widget-inside'); targetWidth = parseInt( widget.find('input.widget-width').val(), 10 ); widgetWidth = widget.parent().width(); widgetId = inside.find( '.widget-id' ).val(); // Save button is initially disabled, but is enabled when a field is changed. if ( ! widget.data( 'dirty-state-initialized' ) ) { saveButton = inside.find( '.widget-control-save' ); saveButton.prop( 'disabled', true ).val( wpWidgets.l10n.saved ); inside.on( 'input change', function() { self.dirtyWidgets[ widgetId ] = true; widget.addClass( 'widget-dirty' ); saveButton.prop( 'disabled', false ).val( wpWidgets.l10n.save ); }); widget.data( 'dirty-state-initialized', true ); } if ( inside.is(':hidden') ) { if ( targetWidth > 250 && ( targetWidth + 30 > widgetWidth ) && widget.closest('div.widgets-sortables').length ) { if ( widget.closest('div.widget-liquid-right').length ) { margin = isRTL ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-left'; } else { margin = isRTL ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right'; } css[ margin ] = widgetWidth - ( targetWidth + 30 ) + 'px'; widget.css( css ); } /* * Don't change the order of attributes changes and animation: * it's important for screen readers, see ticket #31476. */ toggleBtn.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); inside.slideDown( 'fast', function() { widget.addClass( 'open' ); }); } else { /* * Don't change the order of attributes changes and animation: * it's important for screen readers, see ticket #31476. */ toggleBtn.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); inside.slideUp( 'fast', function() { widget.attr( 'style', '' ); widget.removeClass( 'open' ); }); } e.preventDefault(); } else if ( target.hasClass('widget-control-save') ) { wpWidgets.save( target.closest('div.widget'), 0, 1, 0 ); e.preventDefault(); } else if ( target.hasClass('widget-control-remove') ) { wpWidgets.save( target.closest('div.widget'), 1, 1, 0 ); e.preventDefault(); } else if ( target.hasClass('widget-control-close') ) { widget = target.closest('div.widget'); widget.removeClass( 'open' ); toggleBtn.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); wpWidgets.close( widget ); e.preventDefault(); } else if ( target.attr( 'id' ) === 'inactive-widgets-control-remove' ) { wpWidgets.removeInactiveWidgets(); e.preventDefault(); } }); sidebars.children('.widget').each( function() { var $this = $(this); wpWidgets.appendTitle( this ); if ( $this.find( 'p.widget-error' ).length ) { $this.find( '.widget-action' ).trigger( 'click' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); } }); $('#widget-list').children('.widget').draggable({ connectToSortable: 'div.widgets-sortables', handle: '> .widget-top > .widget-title', distance: 2, helper: 'clone', zIndex: 100, containment: '#wpwrap', refreshPositions: true, start: function( event, ui ) { var chooser = $(this).find('.widgets-chooser'); ui.helper.find('div.widget-description').hide(); the_id = this.id; if ( chooser.length ) { // Hide the chooser and move it out of the widget $( '#wpbody-content' ).append( chooser.hide() ); // Delete the cloned chooser from the drag helper ui.helper.find('.widgets-chooser').remove(); self.clearWidgetSelection(); } }, stop: function() { if ( rem ) { $(rem).hide(); } rem = ''; } }); /** * Opens and closes previously closed Sidebars when Widgets are dragged over/out of them. */ sidebars.droppable( { tolerance: 'intersect', /** * Open Sidebar when a Widget gets dragged over it. * * @param event */ over: function( event ) { var $wrap = $( event.target ).parent(); if ( wpWidgets.hoveredSidebar && ! $wrap.is( wpWidgets.hoveredSidebar ) ) { // Close the previous Sidebar as the Widget has been dragged onto another Sidebar. wpWidgets.closeSidebar( event ); } if ( $wrap.hasClass( 'closed' ) ) { wpWidgets.hoveredSidebar = $wrap; $wrap.removeClass( 'closed' ); } $( this ).sortable( 'refresh' ); }, /** * Close Sidebar when the Widget gets dragged out of it. * * @param event */ out: function( event ) { if ( wpWidgets.hoveredSidebar ) { wpWidgets.closeSidebar( event ); } } } ); sidebars.sortable({ placeholder: 'widget-placeholder', items: '> .widget', handle: '> .widget-top > .widget-title', cursor: 'move', distance: 2, containment: '#wpwrap', tolerance: 'pointer', refreshPositions: true, start: function( event, ui ) { var height, $this = $(this), $wrap = $this.parent(), inside = ui.item.children('.widget-inside'); if ( inside.css('display') === 'block' ) { ui.item.removeClass('open'); ui.item.find( '.widget-top button.widget-action' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); inside.hide(); $(this).sortable('refreshPositions'); } if ( ! $wrap.hasClass('closed') ) { // Lock all open sidebars min-height when starting to drag. // Prevents jumping when dragging a widget from an open sidebar to a closed sidebar below. height = ui.item.hasClass('ui-draggable') ? $this.height() : 1 + $this.height(); $this.css( 'min-height', height + 'px' ); } }, stop: function( event, ui ) { var addNew, widgetNumber, $sidebar, $children, child, item, $widget = ui.item, id = the_id; // Reset the var to hold a previously closed sidebar. wpWidgets.hoveredSidebar = null; if ( $widget.hasClass('deleting') ) { wpWidgets.save( $widget, 1, 0, 1 ); // delete widget $widget.remove(); return; } addNew = $widget.find('input.add_new').val(); widgetNumber = $widget.find('input.multi_number').val(); $widget.attr( 'style', '' ).removeClass('ui-draggable'); the_id = ''; if ( addNew ) { if ( 'multi' === addNew ) { $widget.html( $widget.html().replace( /<[^<>]+>/g, function( tag ) { return tag.replace( /__i__|%i%/g, widgetNumber ); }) ); $widget.attr( 'id', id.replace( '__i__', widgetNumber ) ); widgetNumber++; $( 'div#' + id ).find( 'input.multi_number' ).val( widgetNumber ); } else if ( 'single' === addNew ) { $widget.attr( 'id', 'new-' + id ); rem = 'div#' + id; } wpWidgets.save( $widget, 0, 0, 1 ); $widget.find('input.add_new').val(''); $document.trigger( 'widget-added', [ $widget ] ); } $sidebar = $widget.parent(); if ( $sidebar.parent().hasClass('closed') ) { $sidebar.parent().removeClass('closed'); $children = $sidebar.children('.widget'); // Make sure the dropped widget is at the top if ( $children.length > 1 ) { child = $children.get(0); item = $widget.get(0); if ( child.id && item.id && child.id !== item.id ) { $( child ).before( $widget ); } } } if ( addNew ) { $widget.find( '.widget-action' ).trigger( 'click' ); } else { wpWidgets.saveOrder( $sidebar.attr('id') ); } }, activate: function() { $(this).parent().addClass( 'widget-hover' ); }, deactivate: function() { // Remove all min-height added on "start" $(this).css( 'min-height', '' ).parent().removeClass( 'widget-hover' ); }, receive: function( event, ui ) { var $sender = $( ui.sender ); // Don't add more widgets to orphaned sidebars if ( this.id.indexOf('orphaned_widgets') > -1 ) { $sender.sortable('cancel'); return; } // If the last widget was moved out of an orphaned sidebar, close and remove it. if ( $sender.attr('id').indexOf('orphaned_widgets') > -1 && ! $sender.children('.widget').length ) { $sender.parents('.orphan-sidebar').slideUp( 400, function(){ $(this).remove(); } ); } } }).sortable( 'option', 'connectWith', 'div.widgets-sortables' ); $('#available-widgets').droppable({ tolerance: 'pointer', accept: function(o){ return $(o).parent().attr('id') !== 'widget-list'; }, drop: function(e,ui) { ui.draggable.addClass('deleting'); $('#removing-widget').hide().children('span').empty(); }, over: function(e,ui) { ui.draggable.addClass('deleting'); $('div.widget-placeholder').hide(); if ( ui.draggable.hasClass('ui-sortable-helper') ) { $('#removing-widget').show().children('span') .html( ui.draggable.find( 'div.widget-title' ).children( 'h3' ).html() ); } }, out: function(e,ui) { ui.draggable.removeClass('deleting'); $('div.widget-placeholder').show(); $('#removing-widget').hide().children('span').empty(); } }); // Area Chooser $( '#widgets-right .widgets-holder-wrap' ).each( function( index, element ) { var $element = $( element ), name = $element.find( '.sidebar-name h2' ).text(), id = $element.find( '.widgets-sortables' ).attr( 'id' ), li = $('