'WordPress Dashboard', 'id' => 'wp_dashboard', 'before_widget' => "\t
\n\n", 'after_widget' => "\t\t
\n\n", 'before_title' => "\t\t\t

", 'after_title' => "

\n\n" ) ); /* Register Widgets and Controls */ // Recent Comments Widget if ( current_user_can( 'moderate_comments' ) && $mod_comments = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '0'") ) { $notice = sprintf( __ngettext( '%d comment awaiting moderation', '%d comments awaiting moderation', $mod_comments ), $mod_comments ); $notice = "$notice"; } else { $notice = ''; } wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'dashboard_recent_comments', __( 'Recent Comments' ), 'wp_dashboard_recent_comments', array( 'all_link' => 'edit-comments.php', 'notice' => $notice, 'width' => 'half' ) ); // Incoming Links Widget if ( !isset( $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links'] ) ) { $update = true; $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links'] = array( 'link' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_incoming_links_link', 'http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?hl=en&scoring=d&partner=wordpress&q=link:' . trailingslashit( get_option('home') ) ), 'url' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_incoming_links_feed', 'http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch_feeds?hl=en&scoring=d&ie=utf-8&num=10&output=rss&partner=wordpress&q=link:' . trailingslashit( get_option('home') ) ), 'items' => 5, 'show_date' => 0 ); } wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'dashboard_incoming_links', __( 'Incoming Links' ), 'wp_dashboard_empty', array( 'all_link' => $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links']['link'], 'feed_link' => $widget_options['dashboard_incoming_links']['url'], 'width' => 'half' ), 'wp_dashboard_cached_rss_widget', 'wp_dashboard_incoming_links_output' ); wp_register_widget_control( 'dashboard_incoming_links', __( 'Incoming Links' ), 'wp_dashboard_rss_control', array(), array( 'widget_id' => 'dashboard_incoming_links', 'form_inputs' => array( 'title' => false, 'show_summary' => false, 'show_author' => false ) ) ); // WP Plugins Widget wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'dashboard_plugins', __( 'Plugins' ), 'wp_dashboard_empty', array( 'all_link' => 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/', 'feed_link' => 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rss/topics/', 'width' => 'half' ), 'wp_dashboard_cached_rss_widget', 'wp_dashboard_plugins_output', array( 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rss/browse/popular/', 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rss/browse/new/', 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rss/browse/updated/' ) ); // Primary feed (Dev Blog) Widget if ( !isset( $widget_options['dashboard_primary'] ) ) { $update = true; $widget_options['dashboard_primary'] = array( 'link' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_primary_link', __( 'http://wordpress.org/development/' ) ), 'url' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_primary_feed', __( 'http://wordpress.org/development/feed/' ) ), 'title' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_primary_title', __( 'WordPress Development Blog' ) ), 'items' => 2, 'show_summary' => 1, 'show_author' => 0, 'show_date' => 1 ); } wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'dashboard_primary', $widget_options['dashboard_primary']['title'], 'wp_dashboard_empty', array( 'all_link' => $widget_options['dashboard_primary']['link'], 'feed_link' => $widget_options['dashboard_primary']['url'], 'width' => 'half', 'class' => 'widget_rss' ), 'wp_dashboard_cached_rss_widget', 'wp_dashboard_rss_output' ); wp_register_widget_control( 'dashboard_primary', __( 'Primary Feed' ), 'wp_dashboard_rss_control', array(), array( 'widget_id' => 'dashboard_primary' ) ); // Secondary Feed (Planet) Widget if ( !isset( $widget_options['dashboard_secondary'] ) ) { $update = true; $widget_options['dashboard_secondary'] = array( 'link' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_secondary_link', __( 'http://planet.wordpress.org/' ) ), 'url' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_secondary_feed', __( 'http://planet.wordpress.org/feed/' ) ), 'title' => apply_filters( 'dashboard_secondary_title', __( 'Other WordPress News' ) ), 'items' => 15 ); } wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'dashboard_secondary', $widget_options['dashboard_secondary']['title'], 'wp_dashboard_empty', array( 'all_link' => $widget_options['dashboard_secondary']['link'], 'feed_link' => $widget_options['dashboard_secondary']['url'], 'width' => 'full' ), 'wp_dashboard_cached_rss_widget', 'wp_dashboard_secondary_output' ); wp_register_widget_control( 'dashboard_secondary', __( 'Secondary Feed' ), 'wp_dashboard_rss_control', array(), array( 'widget_id' => 'dashboard_secondary', 'form_inputs' => array( 'show_summary' => false, 'show_author' => false, 'show_date' => false ) ) ); /* Dashboard Widget Template wp_register_sidebar_widget( $widget_id (unique slug) , $widget_title, $output_callback, array( 'all_link' => full url for "See All" link, 'feed_link' => full url for "RSS" link, 'width' => 'fourth', 'third', 'half', 'full' (defaults to 'half'), 'height' => 'single', 'double' (defaults to 'single'), ), $wp_dashboard_empty_callback (only needed if using 'wp_dashboard_empty' as your $output_callback), $arg, $arg, $arg... (further args passed to callbacks) ); // optional: if you want users to be able to edit the settings of your widget, you need to register a widget_control wp_register_widget_control( $widget_id, $widget_control_title, $control_output_callback, array(), // leave an empty array here: oddity in widget code array( 'widget_id' => $widget_id, // Yes - again. This is required: oddity in widget code 'arg' => an arg to pass to the $control_output_callback, 'another' => another arg to pass to the $control_output_callback, ... ) ); */ // Hook to register new widgets do_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup' ); // Hard code the sidebar's widgets and order $dashboard_widgets = array(); $dashboard_widgets[] = 'dashboard_recent_comments'; $dashboard_widgets[] = 'dashboard_incoming_links'; $dashboard_widgets[] = 'dashboard_primary'; if ( current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) $dashboard_widgets[] = 'dashboard_plugins'; $dashboard_widgets[] = 'dashboard_secondary'; // Filter widget order $dashboard_widgets = apply_filters( 'wp_dashboard_widgets', $dashboard_widgets ); $wp_dashboard_sidebars = array( 'wp_dashboard' => $dashboard_widgets, 'array_version' => 3.5 ); add_filter( 'dynamic_sidebar_params', 'wp_dashboard_dynamic_sidebar_params' ); if ( 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && isset($_POST['widget_id']) ) { ob_start(); // hack - but the same hack wp-admin/widgets.php uses wp_dashbaord_trigger_widget_control( $_POST['widget_id'] ); ob_end_clean(); wp_redirect( remove_query_arg( 'edit' ) ); exit; } if ( $update ) update_option( 'dashboard_widget_options', $widget_options ); } // Echoes out the dashboard function wp_dashboard() { echo "
\n\n"; // We're already filtering dynamic_sidebar_params obove add_filter( 'option_sidebars_widgets', 'wp_dashboard_sidebars_widgets' ); // here there be hackery dynamic_sidebar( 'wp_dashboard' ); remove_filter( 'option_sidebars_widgets', 'wp_dashboard_sidebars_widgets' ); echo "
\n\n\n"; } // Makes sidebar_widgets option reflect the dashboard settings function wp_dashboard_sidebars_widgets() { // hackery return $GLOBALS['wp_dashboard_sidebars']; } // Modifies sidbar params on the fly to set up ids, class names, titles for each widget (called once per widget) // Switches widget to edit mode if $_GET['edit'] function wp_dashboard_dynamic_sidebar_params( $params ) { global $wp_registered_widgets, $wp_registered_widget_controls; $sidebar_defaults = array('widget_id' => 0, 'before_widget' => '', 'after_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '', 'after_title' => ''); extract( $sidebar_defaults, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'sidebar' ); extract( $params[0], EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'sidebar' ); if ( !isset($wp_registered_widgets[$sidebar_widget_id]) || !is_array($wp_registered_widgets[$sidebar_widget_id]) ) { return $params; } $widget_defaults = array('id' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'class' => '', 'feed_link' => '', 'all_link' => '', 'notice' => false, 'error' => false); extract( $widget_defaults, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'widget' ); extract( $wp_registered_widgets[$sidebar_widget_id], EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'widget' ); $the_classes = array(); if ( in_array($widget_width, array( 'third', 'fourth', 'full' ) ) ) $the_classes[] = $widget_width; if ( 'double' == $widget_height ) $the_classes[] = 'double'; if ( $widget_class ) $the_classes[] = $widget_class; // Add classes to the widget holder if ( $the_classes ) $sidebar_before_widget = str_replace( "
' . __( 'See All' ) . ''; $content_class = 'dashboard-widget-content'; if ( current_user_can( 'edit_dashboard' ) && isset($wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget_id]) && is_callable($wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget_id]['callback']) ) { // Switch this widget to edit mode if ( isset($_GET['edit']) && $_GET['edit'] == $widget_id ) { $content_class .= ' dashboard-widget-control'; $wp_registered_widgets[$widget_id]['callback'] = 'wp_dashboard_empty'; $sidebar_widget_name = $wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget_id]['name']; $params[1] = 'wp_dashbaord_trigger_widget_control'; $sidebar_before_widget .= '
'; $sidebar_after_widget = "
$sidebar_after_widget"; $links[] = '' . __( 'Cancel' ) . ''; } else { $links[] = '' . __( 'Edit' ) . ''; } } if ( $widget_feed_link ) $links[] = '' . __( 'rss icon' ) . ' ' . __( 'RSS' ) . ''; $links = apply_filters( "wp_dashboard_widget_links_$widget_id", $links ); // Add links to widget's title bar if ( $links ) { $sidebar_before_title .= ''; $sidebar_after_title = '' . join( ' | ', $links ) . "
$sidebar_after_title"; } // Could have put this in widget-content. Doesn't really matter if ( $widget_notice ) $sidebar_after_title .= "\t\t\t
\n\n"; if ( $widget_error ) $sidebar_after_title .= "\t\t\t
\n\n"; $sidebar_after_title .= "\t\t\t
\n\n"; $sidebar_after_widget .= "\t\t\t
\n\n"; foreach( array_keys( $params[0] ) as $key ) $$key = ${'sidebar_' . $key}; $params[0] = compact( array_keys( $params[0] ) ); return $params; } /* Dashboard Widgets */ function wp_dashboard_recent_comments( $sidebar_args ) { global $comment; extract( $sidebar_args, EXTR_SKIP ); echo $before_widget; echo $before_title; echo $widget_name; echo $after_title; $lambda = create_function( '', 'return 5;' ); add_filter( 'option_posts_per_rss', $lambda ); // hack - comments query doesn't accept per_page parameter $comments_query = new WP_Query('feed=rss2&withcomments=1'); remove_filter( 'option_posts_per_rss', $lambda ); $is_first = true; if ( $comments_query->have_comments() ) { while ( $comments_query->have_comments() ) { $comments_query->the_comment(); $comment_post_url = get_permalink( $comment->comment_post_ID ); $comment_post_title = get_the_title( $comment->comment_post_ID ); $comment_post_link = "$comment_post_title"; $comment_link = '#'; $comment_meta = sprintf( __( 'From %1$s on %2$s %3$s' ), get_comment_author(), $comment_post_link, $comment_link ); if ( $is_first ) : $is_first = false; ?>

items) && 1 < count($rss->items) ) {// Technorati returns a 1-item feed when it has no results echo "\n"; } else { echo '

' . __('This dashboard widget queries Google Blog Search so that when another blog links to your site it will show up here. They have found no incoming links found… yet. It’s okay — there is no rush.') . "

\n"; } } // $sidebar_args are handled by wp_dashboard_empty() function wp_dashboard_rss_output( $widget_id ) { $widgets = get_option( 'dashboard_widget_options' ); wp_widget_rss_output( $widgets[$widget_id] ); } // $sidebar_args are handled by wp_dashboard_empty() function wp_dashboard_secondary_output() { $widgets = get_option( 'dashboard_widget_options' ); @extract( @$widgets['dashboard_secondary'], EXTR_SKIP ); $rss = @fetch_rss( $url ); if ( !isset($rss->items) || 0 == count($rss->items) ) return false; echo "\n
\n"; } // $sidebar_args are handled by wp_dashboard_empty() function wp_dashboard_plugins_output() { $popular = @fetch_rss( 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rss/browse/popular/' ); $new = @fetch_rss( 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rss/browse/new/' ); $updated = @fetch_rss( 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rss/browse/updated/' ); foreach ( array( 'popular' => __('Most Popular'), 'new' => __('Newest Plugins'), 'updated' => __('Recently Updated') ) as $feed => $label ) { if ( !isset($$feed->items) || 0 == count($$feed->items) ) continue; $$feed->items = array_slice($$feed->items, 0, 5); $item_key = array_rand($$feed->items); // Eliminate some common badly formed plugin descriptions while ( ( null !== $item_key = array_rand($$feed->items) ) && false !== strpos( $$feed->items[$item_key]['description'], 'Plugin Name:' ) ) unset($$feed->items[$item_key]); if ( !isset($$feed->items[$item_key]) ) continue; $item = $$feed->items[$item_key]; // current bbPress feed item titles are: user on "topic title" if ( preg_match( '/"(.*)"/s', $item['title'], $matches ) ) $title = $matches[1]; else // but let's make it forward compatible if things change $title = $item['title']; $title = wp_specialchars( $title ); $description = wp_specialchars( strip_tags(html_entity_decode($item['description'], ENT_QUOTES)) ); list($link, $frag) = explode( '#', $item['link'] ); $link = clean_url($link); $dlink = rtrim($link, '/') . '/download/'; echo "


\n"; echo "
 (" . __( 'Download' ) . ")\n"; echo "


\n"; } } // Checks to see if all of the feed url in $check_urls are cached. // If $check_urls is empty, look for the rss feed url found in the dashboard widget optios of $widget_id. // If cached, call $callback, a function that echoes out output for this widget. // If not cache, echo a "Loading..." stub which is later replaced by AJAX call (see top of /wp-admin/index.php) function wp_dashboard_cached_rss_widget( $widget_id, $callback, $check_urls = array() ) { $loading = '

' . __( 'Loading…' ) . '

'; if ( empty($check_urls) ) { $widgets = get_option( 'dashboard_widget_options' ); if ( empty($widgets[$widget_id]['url']) ) { echo $loading; return false; } $check_urls = array( $widgets[$widget_id]['url'] ); } require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php' ); init(); // initialize rss constants $cache = new RSSCache( MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR, MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE ); foreach ( $check_urls as $check_url ) { $status = $cache->check_cache( $check_url ); if ( 'HIT' !== $status ) { echo $loading; return false; } } if ( $callback && is_callable( $callback ) ) { $args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 2 ); array_unshift( $args, $widget_id ); call_user_func_array( $callback, $args ); } return true; } // Empty widget used for JS/AJAX created output. // Callback inserts content between before_widget and after_widget. Used when widget is in edit mode. Can also be used for custom widgets. function wp_dashboard_empty( $sidebar_args, $callback = false ) { extract( $sidebar_args, EXTR_SKIP ); echo $before_widget; echo $before_title; echo $widget_name; echo $after_title; // When in edit mode, the callback passed to this function is the widget_control callback if ( $callback && is_callable( $callback ) ) { $args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 2 ); array_unshift( $args, $widget_id ); call_user_func_array( $callback, $args ); } echo $after_widget; } /* Dashboard Widgets Controls. Ssee also wp_dashboard_empty() */ // Calls widget_control callback function wp_dashbaord_trigger_widget_control( $widget_control_id = false ) { global $wp_registered_widget_controls; if ( is_scalar($widget_control_id) && $widget_control_id && isset($wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget_control_id]) && is_callable($wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget_control_id]['callback']) ) call_user_func_array( $wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget_control_id]['callback'], $wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget_control_id]['params'] ); } // Sets up $args to be used as input to wp_widget_rss_form(), handles POST data from RSS-type widgets function wp_dashboard_rss_control( $args ) { extract( $args ); if ( !$widget_id ) return false; if ( !$widget_options = get_option( 'dashboard_widget_options' ) ) $widget_options = array(); if ( !isset($widget_options[$widget_id]) ) $widget_options[$widget_id] = array(); $number = 1; // Hack to use wp_widget_rss_form() $widget_options[$widget_id]['number'] = $number; if ( 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && isset($_POST['widget-rss'][$number]) ) { $_POST['widget-rss'][$number] = stripslashes_deep( $_POST['widget-rss'][$number] ); $widget_options[$widget_id] = wp_widget_rss_process( $_POST['widget-rss'][$number] ); // title is optional. If black, fill it if possible if ( !$widget_options[$widget_id]['title'] && isset($_POST['widget-rss'][$number]['title']) ) { require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php'); $rss = fetch_rss($widget_options[$widget_id]['url']); $widget_options[$widget_id]['title'] = htmlentities(strip_tags($rss->channel['title'])); } update_option( 'dashboard_widget_options', $widget_options ); } wp_widget_rss_form( $widget_options[$widget_id], $form_inputs ); } ?>