(function(d, w) { var addEvent = function( obj, type, fn ) { if (obj.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false); else if (obj.attachEvent) obj.attachEvent('on' + type, function() { return fn.call(obj, window.event);}); }, aB, hc = new RegExp('\\bhover\\b', 'g'), q = [], rselected = new RegExp('\\bselected\\b', 'g'), /** * Get the timeout ID of the given element */ getTOID = function(el) { var i = q.length; while( i-- ) if ( q[i] && el == q[i][1] ) return q[i][0]; return false; }, addHoverClass = function(t) { var i, id, inA, hovering, ul, li, ancestors = [], ancestorLength = 0; while ( t && t != aB && t != d ) { if( 'LI' == t.nodeName.toUpperCase() ) { ancestors[ ancestors.length ] = t; id = getTOID(t); if ( id ) clearTimeout( id ); t.className = t.className ? ( t.className.replace(hc, '') + ' hover' ) : 'hover'; hovering = t; } t = t.parentNode; } // Remove any selected classes. ul = hovering.parentNode; if ( ul && 'UL' == ul.nodeName.toUpperCase() ) { i = ul.childNodes.length; while ( i-- ) { li = ul.childNodes[i]; if ( li != hovering ) li.className = li.className ? li.className.replace( rselected, '' ) : ''; } } /* remove the hover class for any objects not in the immediate element's ancestry */ i = q.length; while ( i-- ) { inA = false; ancestorLength = ancestors.length; while( ancestorLength-- ) { if ( ancestors[ ancestorLength ] == q[i][1] ) inA = true; } if ( ! inA ) q[i][1].className = q[i][1].className ? q[i][1].className.replace(hc, '') : ''; } }, removeHoverClass = function(t) { while ( t && t != aB && t != d ) { if( 'LI' == t.nodeName.toUpperCase() ) { (function(t) { var to = setTimeout(function() { t.className = t.className ? t.className.replace(hc, '') : ''; }, 500); q[q.length] = [to, t]; })(t); } t = t.parentNode; } }, clickShortlink = function(e) { var i, l, node, className, t = e.target || e.srcElement, shortlink = t.href; // Make t the shortlink menu item, or return. while ( true ) { // Check if we've gone past the shortlink node, // or if the user is clicking on the input. if ( ! t || t == d || t == aB || -1 != t.className.indexOf('shortlink-input') ) return; // Check if we've found the shortlink node. if ( t.className && -1 != t.className.indexOf('ab-get-shortlink') ) break; t = t.parentNode; } if ( e.preventDefault ) e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = false; if ( -1 == t.className.indexOf('selected') ) t.className += ' selected'; for ( i = 0, l = t.childNodes.length; i < l; i++ ) { node = t.childNodes[i]; if ( node.className && -1 != node.className.indexOf('shortlink-input') ) { node.focus(); node.select(); node.onblur = function() { t.className = t.className ? t.className.replace( rselected, '' ) : ''; }; break; } } return false; }; addEvent(w, 'load', function() { aB = d.getElementById('wpadminbar'); if ( d.body && aB ) { d.body.appendChild( aB ); addEvent(aB, 'mouseover', function(e) { addHoverClass( e.target || e.srcElement ); }); addEvent(aB, 'mouseout', function(e) { removeHoverClass( e.target || e.srcElement ); }); addEvent(aB, 'click', clickShortlink ); } if ( w.location.hash ) w.scrollBy(0,-32); }); })(document, window);