<?php /** * BackPress Scripts enqueue. * * These classes were refactored from the WordPress WP_Scripts and WordPress * script enqueue API. * * @package BackPress * @since r74 */ /** * BackPress enqueued dependiences class. * * @package BackPress * @uses _WP_Dependency * @since r74 */ class WP_Dependencies { var $registered = array(); var $queue = array(); var $to_do = array(); var $done = array(); var $args = array(); var $groups = array(); var $group = 0; /** * Do the dependencies * * Process the items passed to it or the queue. Processes all dependencies. * * @param mixed $handles (optional) items to be processed. (void) processes queue, (string) process that item, (array of strings) process those items * @return array Items that have been processed */ function do_items( $handles = false, $group = false ) { // Print the queue if nothing is passed. If a string is passed, print that script. If an array is passed, print those scripts. $handles = false === $handles ? $this->queue : (array) $handles; $this->all_deps( $handles ); foreach( $this->to_do as $key => $handle ) { if ( !in_array($handle, $this->done) && isset($this->registered[$handle]) ) { if ( ! $this->registered[$handle]->src ) { // Defines a group. $this->done[] = $handle; continue; } if ( $this->do_item( $handle, $group ) ) $this->done[] = $handle; unset( $this->to_do[$key] ); } } return $this->done; } function do_item( $handle ) { return isset($this->registered[$handle]); } /** * Determines dependencies * * Recursively builds array of items to process taking dependencies into account. Does NOT catch infinite loops. * * * @param mixed $handles Accepts (string) dep name or (array of strings) dep names * @param bool $recursion Used internally when function calls itself */ function all_deps( $handles, $recursion = false, $group = false ) { if ( !$handles = (array) $handles ) return false; foreach ( $handles as $handle ) { $handle_parts = explode('?', $handle); $handle = $handle_parts[0]; $queued = in_array($handle, $this->to_do, true); if ( in_array($handle, $this->done, true) ) // Already done continue; $moved = $this->set_group( $handle, $recursion, $group ); if ( $queued && !$moved ) // already queued and in the right group continue; $keep_going = true; if ( !isset($this->registered[$handle]) ) $keep_going = false; // Script doesn't exist elseif ( $this->registered[$handle]->deps && array_diff($this->registered[$handle]->deps, array_keys($this->registered)) ) $keep_going = false; // Script requires deps which don't exist (not a necessary check. efficiency?) elseif ( $this->registered[$handle]->deps && !$this->all_deps( $this->registered[$handle]->deps, true, $group ) ) $keep_going = false; // Script requires deps which don't exist if ( !$keep_going ) { // Either script or its deps don't exist. if ( $recursion ) return false; // Abort this branch. else continue; // We're at the top level. Move on to the next one. } if ( $queued ) // Already grobbed it and its deps continue; if ( isset($handle_parts[1]) ) $this->args[$handle] = $handle_parts[1]; $this->to_do[] = $handle; } return true; } /** * Adds item * * Adds the item only if no item of that name already exists * * @param string $handle Script name * @param string $src Script url * @param array $deps (optional) Array of script names on which this script depends * @param string $ver (optional) Script version (used for cache busting) * @return array Hierarchical array of dependencies */ function add( $handle, $src, $deps = array(), $ver = false, $args = null ) { if ( isset($this->registered[$handle]) ) return false; $this->registered[$handle] = new _WP_Dependency( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $args ); return true; } /** * Adds extra data * * Adds data only if script has already been added * * @param string $handle Script name * @param string $data_name Name of object in which to store extra data * @param array $data Array of extra data * @return bool success */ function add_data( $handle, $data_name, $data ) { if ( !isset($this->registered[$handle]) ) return false; return $this->registered[$handle]->add_data( $data_name, $data ); } function remove( $handles ) { foreach ( (array) $handles as $handle ) unset($this->registered[$handle]); } function enqueue( $handles ) { foreach ( (array) $handles as $handle ) { $handle = explode('?', $handle); if ( !in_array($handle[0], $this->queue) && isset($this->registered[$handle[0]]) ) { $this->queue[] = $handle[0]; if ( isset($handle[1]) ) $this->args[$handle[0]] = $handle[1]; } } } function dequeue( $handles ) { foreach ( (array) $handles as $handle ) { $handle = explode('?', $handle); $key = array_search($handle[0], $this->queue); if ( false !== $key ) { unset($this->queue[$key]); unset($this->args[$handle[0]]); } } } function query( $handle, $list = 'registered' ) { // registered, queue, done, to_do switch ( $list ) : case 'registered': case 'scripts': // back compat if ( isset($this->registered[$handle]) ) return $this->registered[$handle]; break; case 'to_print': // back compat case 'printed': // back compat if ( 'to_print' == $list ) $list = 'to_do'; else $list = 'printed'; default: if ( in_array($handle, $this->$list) ) return true; break; endswitch; return false; } function set_group( $handle, $recursion, $group ) { $group = (int) $group; if ( $recursion ) $group = min($this->group, $group); else $this->group = $group; if ( isset($this->groups[$handle]) && $this->groups[$handle] <= $group ) return false; $this->groups[$handle] = $group; return true; } } class _WP_Dependency { var $handle; var $src; var $deps = array(); var $ver = false; var $args = null; var $extra = array(); function _WP_Dependency() { @list($this->handle, $this->src, $this->deps, $this->ver, $this->args) = func_get_args(); if ( !is_array($this->deps) ) $this->deps = array(); } function add_data( $name, $data ) { if ( !is_scalar($name) ) return false; $this->extra[$name] = $data; return true; } }