 * Database Repair and Optimization Script.
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Database
define('WP_REPAIRING', true);


header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' );
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<title><?php _e( 'WordPress &rsaquo; Database Repair' ); ?></title>
	wp_admin_css( 'install', true );
<body class="wp-core-ui">
<h1 id="logo"><a href="<?php echo esc_url( __( 'http://wordpress.org/' ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'WordPress' ); ?></a></h1>


if ( ! defined( 'WP_ALLOW_REPAIR' ) ) {
	echo '<p>' . __( 'To allow use of this page to automatically repair database problems, please add the following line to your <code>wp-config.php</code> file. Once this line is added to your config, reload this page.' ) . "</p><code>define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);</code>";
} elseif ( isset( $_GET['repair'] ) ) {
	$optimize = 2 == $_GET['repair'];
	$okay = true;
	$problems = array();

	$tables = $wpdb->tables();

	// Sitecategories may not exist if global terms are disabled.
	if ( is_multisite() && ! $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$wpdb->sitecategories'" ) )
		unset( $tables['sitecategories'] );

	$tables = array_merge( $tables, (array) apply_filters( 'tables_to_repair', array() ) ); // Return tables with table prefixes.

	// Loop over the tables, checking and repairing as needed.
	foreach ( $tables as $table ) {
		$check = $wpdb->get_row( "CHECK TABLE $table" );

		echo '<p>';
		if ( 'OK' == $check->Msg_text ) {
			/* translators: %s: table name */
			printf( __( 'The %s table is okay.' ), "<code>$table</code>" );
		} else {
			/* translators: 1: table name, 2: error message, */
			printf( __( 'The %1$s table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: %2$s. WordPress will attempt to repair this table&hellip;' ) , "<code>$table</code>", "<code>$check->Msg_text</code>" );

			$repair = $wpdb->get_row( "REPAIR TABLE $table" );

			echo '<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
			if ( 'OK' == $check->Msg_text ) {
				/* translators: %s: table name */
				printf( __( 'Successfully repaired the %s table.' ), "<code>$table</code>" );
			} else {
				/* translators: 1: table name, 2: error message, */
				echo sprintf( __( 'Failed to repair the %1$s table. Error: %2$s' ), "<code>$table</code>", "<code>$check->Msg_text</code>" ) . '<br />';
				$problems[$table] = $check->Msg_text;
				$okay = false;

		if ( $okay && $optimize ) {
			$check = $wpdb->get_row( "ANALYZE TABLE $table" );

			echo '<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
			if ( 'Table is already up to date' == $check->Msg_text )  {
				/* translators: %s: table name */
				printf( __( 'The %s table is already optimized.' ), "<code>$table</code>" );
			} else {
				$check = $wpdb->get_row( "OPTIMIZE TABLE $table" );

				echo '<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
				if ( 'OK' == $check->Msg_text || 'Table is already up to date' == $check->Msg_text ) {
					/* translators: %s: table name */
					printf( __( 'Successfully optimized the %s table.' ), "<code>$table</code>" );
				} else {
					/* translators: 1: table name, 2: error message, */
					printf( __( 'Failed to optimize the %1$s table. Error: %2$s' ), "<code>$table</code>", "<code>$check->Msg_text</code>" );
		echo '</p>';

	if ( $problems ) {
		printf( '<p>' . __('Some database problems could not be repaired. Please copy-and-paste the following list of errors to the <a href="%s">WordPress support forums</a> to get additional assistance.') . '</p>', __( 'http://wordpress.org/support/forum/how-to-and-troubleshooting' ) );
		$problem_output = '';
		foreach ( $problems as $table => $problem )
			$problem_output .= "$table: $problem\n";
		echo '<p><textarea name="errors" id="errors" rows="20" cols="60">' . esc_textarea( $problem_output ) . '</textarea></p>';
	} else {
		echo '<p>' . __( 'Repairs complete. Please remove the following line from wp-config.php to prevent this page from being used by unauthorized users.' ) . "</p><code>define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);</code>";
} else {
	if ( isset( $_GET['referrer'] ) && 'is_blog_installed' == $_GET['referrer'] )
		echo '<p>' . __( 'One or more database tables are unavailable. To allow WordPress to attempt to repair these tables, press the &#8220;Repair Database&#8221; button. Repairing can take a while, so please be patient.' ) . '</p>';
		echo '<p>' . __( 'WordPress can automatically look for some common database problems and repair them. Repairing can take a while, so please be patient.' ) . '</p>';
	<p class="step"><a class="button button-large" href="repair.php?repair=1"><?php _e( 'Repair Database' ); ?></a></p>
	<p><?php _e( 'WordPress can also attempt to optimize the database. This improves performance in some situations. Repairing and optimizing the database can take a long time and the database will be locked while optimizing.' ); ?></p>
	<p class="step"><a class="button button-large" href="repair.php?repair=2"><?php _e( 'Repair and Optimize Database' ); ?></a></p>