' . __('Until WordPress 3.0, running multiple sites required using WordPress MU instead of regular WordPress. In version 3.0, these applications have merged. If you are a former MU user, you should be aware of the following changes:') . '

' . '' . '

' . __('This screen provides the network administrator with links to the screens for Sites and Users to either create a new site or user, or to search existing users and sites. Those screens are also accessible through the left-hand navigation in the Super Admin section.') . '

' . '

' . __('For more information:') . '

' . '

' . __('Network Admin Documentation') . '

' . '

' . __('Support Forums') . '

' ); require_once( './admin-header.php' ); $c_users = get_user_count(); $c_blogs = get_blog_count(); $user_text = sprintf( _n( '%s user', '%s users', $c_users ), number_format_i18n( $c_users ) ); $blog_text = sprintf( _n( '%s site', '%s sites', $c_blogs ), number_format_i18n( $c_blogs ) ); $sentence = sprintf( __( 'You have %1$s and %2$s.' ), $blog_text, $user_text ); ?>